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Flower Kings Official Thread

Started by KevShmev, May 20, 2009, 09:30:45 PM

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The Letter M

I really liked WFM and Islands as well (love the cover art for the latter), but BRD and LAYN have barely gotten any plays from me since their respective releases. Heck, I've revisited DR and BOE more often than latter-day TFK (I'm telling you, Bodin makes a difference). I'm hoping for some epic, grandiose Roine writing on this next one, but who knows...



I lied, I've never heard Waiting for Miracles. Islands was the one that I picked back up on. I did really like Islands.


I actually thought LAYN had some of their strongest material since BoE. But I agree, their overall output recently seems stale. Too many short songs that just don't do anything really interesting. Compare those to stuff like My Cosmic Lover, Ghost of the Red Cloud, Stupid Girl, etc. and the difference in quality and memorability is staggering.


I did go through a really long TFK binge last year, and it was great to rediscover just how incredible that run from Back in the World of Adventures through The Sum of No Evil was (the last of which I have come around on, even if is still one of my two least favorites from that 1995-2007 run).  10 albums in 13 years, four of which are doubles.  Just a ridiculously prolific and high quality run of music. 

Even though the newer stuff doesn't land as well for me, I don't hold it against them.  I can't think of any band that was still hitting it out of the park regularly by the time they got to albums 15 or 16, so anything is gravy at this point.

The Letter M

Roine just shared on FB that his solo album, Hydrophonia, which is basically an instrumental TFK album, is getting a remastered vinyl release this fall.



Quote from: The Letter M on September 12, 2024, 10:22:05 AMRoine just shared on FB that his solo album, Hydrophonia, which is basically an instrumental TFK album, is getting a remastered vinyl release this fall.


Love this album. Have no use for vinyl, but cool that it is getting put out there again in some format.