The Official Android Thread

Started by AcidLameLTE, June 01, 2010, 02:06:07 PM

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Sir GuitarCozmo

Word on the street is that VZW announced the OTA for 2.2 next week. Booyah!


For the original Droid, yes. The X will likely have to wait a few weeks longer.

Sir GuitarCozmo

FINALLY, I get the Flash player!!




Weird...but it sounds kind of cool.

Sir GuitarCozmo

FINALLY.  The 2.2 OTA update came today.  I went to Abode's Flash site and:

Adobe Flash Player 10.1 for Android 2.2 has been released to partners.

The upgrade path for your phone depends upon the specific device, manufacturer, operator, and the region you are in.  If your device has aready received Android 2.2, Adobe Flash Player will be coming soon.

Unreal.  I've downloaded beta 3 from Droidlife and will be installing it shortly.  Crossing my fingers.


Installed it today as well. Yay!


Sir GuitarCozmo

Looks like Flash elements are a hair slow/choppy.  Better than not having it, and maybe once they issue the formal public version, maybe it will be better.


I like the new software updates.  "Update All" rocks.

Also, I just recently finished setting up tethering on my droid for my laptop.  Playing WoW in central park the other day was pretty sweet.  :D


I'm still waiting for 2.2. What the fuck, Verizon?

Sir GuitarCozmo

I've been saying the same for weeks. According to Verizon, it is at random when it comes to who.


Girlfriend updated to 2.2 on her Droid and she hates it. Says it's slower now.

Sir GuitarCozmo

Now that I've uninstalled Advanced Task Killer, I'm noticing things are moving faster.


Quote from: antigoon on August 19, 2010, 04:42:03 PM
Girlfriend updated to 2.2 on her Droid and she hates it. Says it's slower now.
Maybe she has a lot of apps running in the background?

I don't really know, my phone won't get 2.2  :sadpanda:


Quote from: GuitarCozmo on August 19, 2010, 10:28:02 AM
FINALLY.  The 2.2 OTA update came today.  I went to Abode's Flash site and:

Adobe Flash Player 10.1 for Android 2.2 has been released to partners.

The upgrade path for your phone depends upon the specific device, manufacturer, operator, and the region you are in.  If your device has aready received Android 2.2, Adobe Flash Player will be coming soon.

Unreal.  I've downloaded beta 3 from Droidlife and will be installing it shortly.  Crossing my fingers.
You should be able to get the proper version from the market.

Sir GuitarCozmo

It isn't there.  Yet.  I just double checked.


Weird. The beta (and now the final)  version has been there for me since I updated to 2.2.

Sir GuitarCozmo

Probably the phone you're using.  A Nexus One, IIRC.


Quote from: millahh on July 22, 2010, 07:56:43 PM
The Hypnotoad app may be the crowning achievement of our society.

:omg:  There's a...  *runs to the Marketplace as fast as possible*  :caffeine:

EDIT:  Amazing!


finally got my evo today, it's so damn sexy. :metal


Finally got it. After my phone stopped freaking out it seems to have accepted the situation and succumbed itself to be 2.2's bitch.


The 2.2 leak is out there for the X, though I haven't taken the leap yet.  Interestingly, the "check for updates" feature won't work now...I wonder if that means the OTA update is going to be pushed out earlier than expected...


From what I am reading about the leak's use, it's quite snappy and attractive; overall a good release. I'm still waiting for the official push, though. After some of the things I've read and witnessed with friends, I'm not up for it. I don't feel like wiping the phone either, as one blog stated has to be done in order to load the leak.

Still very eager to get the push notification.


Quote from: Hyperplex on August 21, 2010, 09:25:45 AM
From what I am reading about the leak's use, it's quite snappy and attractive; overall a good release. I'm still waiting for the official push, though. After some of the things I've read and witnessed with friends, I'm not up for it. I don't feel like wiping the phone either, as one blog stated has to be done in order to load the leak.

Still very eager to get the push notification.

Everything I've read indicates that you don't need to wipe the phone; everything is completely preserved.  That said, I'm waiting as well...while it seems to be working great for most people, some are having intermittent issues.  I'd rather wait a little while for the official, (hopefully) bug-free build.


Got my Evo with 2.2 on friday, flash runs great, the battery life sucks but i may get an extended battery to take care of that.



Motorola delayer AGAIN the 2.1 update for the Cliq, man am I glad I flashed it.




I agree, but WOW that was a quick reply.

Sir GuitarCozmo

Hair trigger right there.  Nothing a little "MANDELAY" won't fix.




So it turns out the Desire is out of stock. T-Mobile didn't feel like telling me though.

I forgive you Royal Mail. Please deliver my Desire on Thursday