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ITNOG's Top 30 Pain Of Salvation Songs

Started by InTheNameOfGod, June 15, 2010, 06:50:44 AM

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ITNOG's Pain Of Salvation Top 30

I must admit. I've had an very difficult time narrowing this list down to the Top 30 songs. And with a band like this, there's bound to be a handful of songs left out that some people might feel definitely belong in this list. But please hear me out when I say, i've gone over every single song and album in PoS's discography, and i've left a certain song out because it hasn't hit me on the same level that the following list has. Some fan favourites arn't even on this list at all. So bare that in mind.  :lol

Granted, some perhaps do belong there. We could even argue some are better than the ones i'm about to list. But as this is personal choice, and not a 'greatest songs of all time' list, i'm sure you'll forgive me. Just know that music is much more than something you hear. Certain songs take us places, or hit us on an emotional level. Other songs just leave us wondering how the fuck someone can be so gifted and write such brilliant music. Music is, simply put: what you make of it.

Unlike other threads where people expect little in the way of critisism and debate, I encourage people to debate not only my list, but the band itself. Tell me i'm wrong, throw out a few insults, etc. If you hate PoS, feel free to tell us all why. It's all good fun.  :D

Before I begin. (I know you are all dying with anticipation) Here are the songs that not only missed my list, they were the very last choices that were taken out at the end.  

We'll call these the 'Unfortunate Gemstones':

Ashes - The Perfect Element, Part I (2000)

You know my list is going to be somewhat controversial when the bands most popular song and hit-single doesn't even make the Top 30. Still, Ashes deserves high praise for being 4 and half minutes of pure orgasmic progressive pleasure. From the most memorable opening melody (which continues throughout most of the song), Ashes carries itself well. For 3 and a half minutes it builds up with Daniel's trademark dark lyrics, bringing life to the song until the last 60 seconds, which is where the song truly shines and leaves its mark. We are blessed with a beautiful guitar solo that John Petrucci himself would be proud of. This fades out towards the closing lyrics; but this time Daniel opts to speak rather than sing, something you will find so frequent in a PoS song. The closing lyrics are simple, but sum up the context of the song perfectly:

Memorable Lyrics - "This pain will never end. These scars will never mend."

Disco Queen - Scarsick (2007)

Words cannot explain the look on my face when I first heard Disco Queen. This is coming from a guy who had just listened to Remedy Lane for the first time, and had fallen deeply in awe with The Perfect Element. Which, by the way, are 2 of the best albums ever made. Indeed, Scarsick had a lot to live up to. And Disco Queen, at the time, most certainly was not it. But as with all great music, sometimes it just takes a little time. I started putting Disco Queen on when I was in a funny mood. It cheered me up. It was different. But as ridiculous as it may sound, it's actually a brilliant song. A very brave effort indeed. At 8 and a half minutes long, it's a rollercoaster ride of varied vocals and silly sounds. But for the way the song is structured, it's nothing short of pure genius. The lyrics are - as to be expected - wierd. But Daniel's stunning vocals give them character, and the music starts to take itself more seriously as the song reaches its climax. The last minute and a half gets heavy and the drumming starts to pickup, until BANG. We're back to the beginning and Disco Queen carries on into infinity and beyond. It's crazy and highly enjoyable, but only if you got into it with the right frame of mind.

Memorable Lyrics - "A moment's silence and you're filled up, yet emptier than before"

Morning On Earth - The Perfect Element, Part I (2000)

This truly is a beautiful song. Much more beautiful than a handful of songs on my Top 30 list. But i've left it out for good reason. On most albums this would no doubt be one of the better songs to select, but not for The Perfect Element. This album is just too good for that. I figure rather than make my list a Remedy Lane/TPE love-fest, I would offer a bit more in the way of balance and give the other great songs a chance. And I believe keeping it outside the Top 30 is still a fair position. The songs opening melody is beautiful and is in comparison to Ashes. It is therefore used again a few minutes later in another exceptional song as the album progresses. At 4 and a half minutes long it's a nice opening to this next track that's a lot more technical, and harder to follow. The lyrics are once again golden, with both top-notch singing and pure words of wisdom:

Memorable Lyrics - "We talk but we do not speak. Together only in our incapability to leave this fallen playground"

Undertow - Remedy Lane (2002)

Undertow used to be one of my favourite PoS songs. Arguably it still is. I love Remedy Lane in its entirety. But after countless listens to the album, i've grown slightly more fond of the other shorter PoS songs. Still, I take nothing away from this 5 minute epic, as it's definitely one of the bands most popular songs. It begins with a catchy guitar rhythm, with softer vocals and simple lyrics. But as the song progresses, it descends into something more meaningful, and the lyrics suddenly become more important to the song. Daniel brings out his more high-pitched vocals this time, and shouts out hopeless words of despair. But the final line of lyrics creates hope and closes the song beautifully:

Memeorable Lyrics - "Let me out. Let me fade into that pitch-black velvet night"

Where It Hurts - Road Salt One (2010)

I will be honest and admit that Where It Hurts and RS1 is still growing on me. But I think i've listened to it more than enough to gauge an opinion on this fantastic song and album. It begins with a dark keyboard melody and even darker lyrics, until it kicks into 5th gear with some of the most harsh vocals you will ever hear in a PoS song. Daniel shows once again that his vocal range is even greater than we previously expected. The song stays dark and grimey with that 70's guitar style, and the drumming increases towards what you'd expect to be the end of the song. But with a minute and a half remaining, we hear the opening melody once more, and you realise the song is about to get even more mental. Daniel goes one step further this time, and starts to scream out the words of 'Touch me where it hurts' at ultra high-pitch, but even still manages to hold that raw/gritty sound in his voice. If anyone had any doubts as to this mans vocal talents, I suggest you go and listen to this song immediately. He's just too good.

Memorable Lyrics - "Everyone I know seem to be broken inside. Everybody hurting just from being alive."

As you can see, I have tried not to go into detail regarding the story each song may portray. I believe PoS songs can be interpreted in different ways and can mean different things to different people. It would also be very difficult given the fact that every album is a Concept album, and never a simple one at that. To this day, I still don't really understand what Be is all about, but that never seems to take away that feeling of raw emotuon behind their music.

The Top 30 begins tomorrow. Feel free to talk about PoS in this thread also, and perhaps give a mention to your favourite songs too. :)


Very nice honorable mention list :tup and I'm relieved to see Undertow or Ashes won't be in your Top 10. Love the songs, but they're both ridiculously overrated, in my opinion.


I agree with the post above. I hate to see Undertow or Ashes high.

I'll be following this thread. :tup


Time to get this show on the road.

30. Of Dust - Road Salt One (2000)

We kick-start Number 30 with a stunning little piece of music. Of Dust barely hits the 2 and a half minute mark, but in this short time-frame, we are blessed with a beautiful track that demonstrates the bands talents in full colour. Indeed, fans of 'Be' will most certainly appreciate this little ambient, and the song fits in perfectly with the track listing, and tells part of the story for the double album: Road Salt. The vocals begin immediately, while the keyboard is introduced in the background to create some sort of organ-effect. This works well along with voice-effects behind each line of vocals, which further adds to the already excellent atmoshphere this song manifests. Like Be, the song takes a turn and changes to spoken dialogue, discussing 'the road' which is clearly part of the overall concept. We then go back to more powerful vocals, with Daniel's talents being applied in full-force chanting the word 'dust' through every last line of lyrics. The singing here, as expected, is first-class. The high-notes are hit and the words are repeated in the background once more to close the song. Stunning.

Memorable Lyrics - "Come break my bones. Come spread my ashes."

29. Winning A War - Entropia (1997)

Entropia is a very unique album indeed. I see it as a compilation of sorts, showcasing the bands talents in many different ways. For a debut album, you cannot ask for much more. One of the songs that stands out for me is 'Winning A War. A six and a half minute conquest that entertains on all levels. The music and lyrics are both top-notch and this song, above almost all others, is a perfect example of Daniel's ridiculous vocal range. All instruments are in full force this time, and the song remains catchy, yet still very progressive. We're told the story about a father 'winning a war' through the eyes of his son. And some of the dialogue is spoken through his eyes - which of course sounds ridiculous, but is vintage Pain of Salvation. It's powerful, dramatic, and absolutely crazy. I love it.

Memorable Lyrics - "Once there was a pair of eyes, unbroken just like my heart. Belonging to a father and his son, now torn apart."

28. Linoleum - Linoleum EP/Road Salt One (2009/2010)

I've heard Linoleum far too many times now. Mainly due to the fact it was placed on the bands 2009 EP - Linoleum (suprising, eh?) But no matter how often I hear this song, I just never seem to be able to skip it. It's addictive and strangely satisfying. It sounds simple and catchy, but is actually quite progressive for a hit single. And although it took some time for me to truly appreciate - I just love the song now. We go back to the '70's style' guitars with harsher vocals, and we're blessed with a catchy chorus, which isn't too common for a 5 minute PoS song. But the lyrics are strong, and seem to represent a stiff-neck female who has some sort of emotional/mental breakdown. As the lyrics become more serious, so do the vocals, as Daniel grimes and shouts his way through. The 2 set of vocals at the end provide the perfect climax to the song, and they work well together as if to suggest the final 30 seconds is what this song was aiming for all along. The overall flow and gradual increase in tone is what makes this song special, but it might not be fully appreciated on first-listen. I especially like how the song ends suddenly, at the very last line. It was a grower for me, but Linoleum is most certainly up there with the best.

Memorable Lyrics - "Now she stays on the ground. So she'll never fall. See she would rather drown. Than lose control."

To be continued.


I'm not sure if any of those would be in my top 30 (maybe Of Dust, and Linoleum would certainly be in my top 50), but they're all great choices :tup


I saw Disco Queen live, it was probably the most fun song they played.


I really like the length of your song's descriptions and it is a pretty nice idea to add memorable lines from the lyrics! :tup

A bit dissapointed to see Undertow so low but hey! it's your list! I will follow this thread closely!


Quote from: SPNKr on June 16, 2010, 10:11:49 PM
I saw Disco Queen live, it was probably the most fun song they played.
I think they always play it live. And it is awesome indeed. They used it as closer every time I have seen them  :metal.


Quote from: Arcaeus on June 16, 2010, 10:05:04 PM
I'm not sure if any of those would be in my top 30 (maybe Of Dust, and Linoleum would certainly be in my top 50), but they're all great choices :tup

Trust me mate, i've gone back and forth between a number of songs ranging from 25-30.

There will be some controversial choices for sure, but i'm confident the Top 10 will satisfy most fans.  :)


It's a shame I haven't heard Road Salt yet. But all the songs in Entropia are in my Top 20.


Quote from: AwakeFromOctavarium on June 17, 2010, 05:23:18 AM
It's a shame I haven't heard Road Salt yet. But all the songs in Entropia are in my Top 20.

Make sure you get it. It's awesome.

I haven't got many songs from Entropia on my list, but it's definitely a great album as i've said. I just think most of them would fit outside the Top 30, bar a few.


Sorry for the delay folks! I've got an ear infection in my right ear and it's seriously fucking annoying. I can't hear out of it too well, so i've had to put off the list for a couple of days. I get the feeling people arn't too keen on these lists anymore - so i'll be sure to write more swiftly. Hopefully we can create some discussions regarding the songs etc

Back to business:

27. Lilium Cruentus - Be (2004)

This song is pure harmony. From the very start we fall into that beautiful melody which is instantly recognizable to the song. Indeed, Lilium is one of those songs you will come back to first- especially as BE isn't the easiest of albums to love first time round. The vocals don't kick in for atleast a minute; and when they do, they come at you in typical PoS fashion. Progressive is the word, and Daniel starts off slow, barely chanting his way though the song. But as the drumming picks up (and the drumming is fantastic on this track), so do the vocals, and this sets the pace until its climax at roughly the 5 minute mark. As mentioned earlier, one of the things I love about PoS is the repeating background vocals, which further enhance the story. BE is no exception to this, and Lilium especially; throws over 400 words at you in roughly 4 minutes. That's a lot to take in - but not once does it interrupt the flow of the song. The balance is just right. It's an instant classic on an experimental concept album. Always a nice combination. You might even find yourself humming over the tune in your head afterwards. It's top stuff. And definitely one of my favourites songs from BE.

Memorable Lyrics - "At first I don't know why your presence fills me with unease. Though I've missed you more than Life itself. I freeze."

26. Innocence - Road Salt One (2010)

Innocence is one of my new favourite songs. It has that ability to mature, given time. It's not your typical run-of-the-mill PoS album-closer, but Road Salt One is anything but typical to begin with. The band are constantly evolving and much like the song itself, and all those that fall before it; sometimes it takes time to click. Innocence clicked for me only a few days ago, and it makes number 26 on my list already. We've got that slick 70's guitar riff that plays throughout most of the song, and it carries the song through different progressive sections, although not on its own. Not without Daniel's diverse vocals, (slowly running out of words to explain Daniels vocal talents) and especially Leo's drums. The drumming is one of the highlights to this song and during the closing segments - seems to increase and decrease, as if to suggest a grand finale. And being honest, the first time I heard it I had mixed feelings. It seemed somewhat of a lackluster exit, as if the song was trying to get somewhere but inevitably failed. But I was wrong. The song throws all these instruments at you towards the end in full progressive force, and thus fades out. But in actual fact, it fits in perfectly with what the song was building towards the whole time. It fits into the lyrics and story even greater; about a man trying to find himself again. And when paired together, the progressive scale of the song soon becomes apparant. At 7 minutes, it does more than enough to end a great album. The lyrics and vocals are strong, and as a band: the music fires on all cylinders. Whether you love it the first time or not is irrelevant. Innocence is like fine wine, it will improve with time.

Memorable Lyrics - "Once there was a me who always knew the way, who somewhere on the road led me astray."

25. People Passing By - Entropia (1997)

This is my second favourite song on Entropia. At 9 minutes long, this is a progressive beast. From the slap guitar riff at the very start to the closing keys at the end, we are blessed with a highly original song with great lyrics, brilliant bass and stunning guitar work. When compared to other songs of this length, you would find it hard to think People Passing By is actually 9 minutes long. It definitely feels like a lot less. Which of course is a good thing, as it stays on the path and has a fine blend of vocal and instrumental sections which further enhance the epic scale of the song. The lyrics are once again golden, and it's almost as if Daniel takes a backseat this time which is a rare occasion for a PoS epic. The guitar solo towards the end is up there with the very best this genre has to offer, and is introduced beautifully by the preceding lyrics in an almost poetic-sense. Perhaps the best song on the album, although not my personal favourite. After the grand solo, the closing keys and lyrics finish off the song elegantly. A true gem.

Memorable Lyrics - "He would teach truth to every man. He'd see the light through every shadow, but Entropia denies he can."

To be continued.


People Passing By this low... I'm fairly disappointed. I see no Remedy Lane and TPE yet.


Quote from: InTheNameOfGod on June 19, 2010, 04:12:15 PM
27. Lilium Cruentus - Be (2004)

25. People Passing By - Entropia (1997)
This list is already full of fail. Both of these are in my top 10, maybe top 5.


The chart is going on well. If only you can post more often...




Quote from: Parama on June 19, 2010, 08:47:13 PM
Quote from: InTheNameOfGod on June 19, 2010, 04:12:15 PM
27. Lilium Cruentus - Be (2004)

25. People Passing By - Entropia (1997)
This list is already full of fail. Both of these are in my top 10, maybe top 5.

Because your list defines how good the songs are :neverusethis:

Both of them are probably where I would put them on my list. I have no complaints.


Quote from: Jakartabassplayer on June 20, 2010, 02:29:20 AM
People passing by should be higher

Ini orang bodoh karena dia taruh People Passing By terlaluh randah.


Quote from: Parama on June 19, 2010, 08:47:13 PM
Quote from: InTheNameOfGod on June 19, 2010, 04:12:15 PM
27. Lilium Cruentus - Be (2004)

25. People Passing By - Entropia (1997)
This list is already full of fail. Both of these are in my top 10, maybe top 5.

Bare in mind, I did state:

Quote from: InTheNameOfGod on June 19, 2010, 04:12:15 PMPerhaps the best song on the album, although not my personal favourite.

What people are forgetting is that Pain Of Salvation have so many great songs.

Putting one song in the Top 15 and one in the Top 25, isn't really that much of a difference considering the sheer brilliance of the band. Some people have mentioned Undertow should be on my list, but technically it still is (between 30-35) as I have already mentioned. (and even written about)

I disagree that both songs are Top 10 material, but it's entirely down to personal choice. A number of my songs could bounce in either direction.

Every song on this list deserves high praise, regardless of its chosen position. And let's not forget, no matter which order I choose, there's always going to be someone disappointed. In this case, it's you, Parama.  :smiley:


What the hell happened to this? I was enjoying it


It's coming mate, trust me. Sorry for the delay.

My PC blew up 3 weeks ago and i've just recently got a new one.

I'm working on a few things first, but the list will continue shortly  :-X


Apologies for the long delay folks, I had to re-organize my list, which was very difficult to do considering the sheer scale of great songs this band has.

We continue where we left off at number:

24. Gone - Linoleum EP/Road Salt Two (2009/2010)

Gone is without a doubt one of Pain Of Salvation's darkest songs. Perhaps even the darkest song. At 8 minutes in length, and the standout track from the Linoleum EP; we are blessed with another long and expirmental beauty that somehow fits into the Road Salt concept. It begins with a memorable, yet haunting opening melody which progresses and adapts throughout the song. As expected with Road Salt, the 70's vibe is still intact, but this time sounds different. It sounds much darker, and is due to the vocals which begin almost immediately. Indeed, the vocals are brilliant and once again show the highs and lows of Daniel's talents. The lyrics are dark as hell, and you find that they stick to you as the song advances. Whilst the chorus is catchy, you realise that it's needed to seperate itself from the grimy instrumentals of the song. But this is what I like the most about Gone; it can't seem to settle. It never feels like it's comfortable, or knows which direction it's heading. It's a rare feat that Daniel has pulled off here, and is much different to what we'd expect a PoS song to be. The song closes in full-force with the guitars and drums being played more heavily, and is the only time in the song both are heard together as such. Gone is bold, unnerving and intelligent. And breaks my Top 25.

Memorable Lyrics - "So crawl over the words I've bled. I'm not really there. Undress and crawl into my bed. I'm not really there. I'm gone."

23. Flame To The Moth - Scarsick (2007)

You want to know what's wierd? No one ever talks about this song. It currently stands at number 7 on my iTunes Top 25 Most Played songs. And before you ask, yes, this is my most frequently played Pain Of Salvation song. Ever. But that doesn't necessarily mean it's the best, nor my personal favourite. Either way, Flame To The Moth is (in my opinion) extremely underrated by its fans, and I consider it to be one of the most enjoyable songs from their entire discography. At just under 6 minutes long, it's a fast and powerful little track that follows the Scarsick theme of modern civilisation, or rather, the decline of modern civilisation. The opening segment immediately grabs your attention as the drums fade in with the guitars, and the keyboard comes into place creating a nice background effect. After a minute, the song is nailed down with Daniel's vocals and he's in full swing throughout the remainder of the song. We hear the high-pitches, the screams, the narration, and the typical moans and groans. And it all flows together elegantly. It's addictive and often unappreciated. And much like Scarsick itself, falls a bit short of fans expectations. But not for me. I fucking love Scarsick.

Memorable Lyrics - "I once had blue eyes, hungry and white. Now they are black from this dark age of lies."

22. The Big Machine - One Hour By The Concrete Lake (1999)

I've got to admit. This is the only song on OHBTCL that has clicked. Whilst I like the other songs on the album, I find that this is definitely the standout track. And what a track. The Big Machine is a 4 and a half minute quest of morality. It's told through the eyes of a man operating in the weapons industry, as he begins to question the impact this has on his life, and how he is a part of the 'big machine'. The opening guitar riff sets the tempo for the song, and is held together by the simple, yet poetic flow of the lyrics. The vocals start off slow this time, but switch along with the backing vocals, which seem to play the part of his 'conscience'; convincing himself that his work is somewhat necessary. I think this switch in vocals works particularly well, and helps to shape the songs identity. At roughly the half-way mark, the lyrics become pure questions and the song begins to build up its tempo - up until the breakthrough at the end where the man makes up his mind, and breaks free from the machine. It's a fascinating little song, and is brilliantly held together by Gildenlow, who pulls off quite possibly the highest-pitched scream in the history of progressive music. Literally. The song closes with some deeper vocals, as the guitars fade away and we hear the opening segment once more. Top stuff.

Memorable Lyrics - "All trapped in killing routine. Washed this machine."

21. Fandango - Remedy Lane (2002)

And so Remedy Lane makes its long expected debut at number 21. And i've gone with a famous little gem called Fandango. I say 'gone with', strictly because I consider Remedy Lane to be the best album ever made, and there were maybe 3 or 4 songs from this particular album that could have held this spot quite easily. But nevertheless, here we are. Fandango is a stunning rendition of poetic storytelling, sublime vocals and excellent instrumentals. As soon as the song begins, you realise you're in for a suprise. The opening guitar riff immediately increases its tempo and we're introduced with one of the bands most recognisable keyboard segments. Indeed, Fandango impresses from the start. All instruments play simultaneously, including the vocal powers of Gildenlow, which crosses between shouting and singing along the words in high-speed. This is necessary due to the sheer size of the lyrics; especially for a 6 minute song. But it all fits in together splendidly, and even throughout its every effort, and all its complexities: it remains a feasible listen. The 'watch them dance' vocals at the end will literally take your breath away. The closing keys force the song to fade away in all its beauty. Staggering.

Memorable Lyrics - "Always standing behind and from a distance. Looking at a world of love and deceit."

Brace yourselves for the Top 20.

To be continued.


Awesome, I'll be following this again.

Appreciation for FTTM, YES! Brilliant song, the chorus is uber-epic.


Fandango is a little too high IMO. But it's a fantastic song.


Nice to see Gone and Flame To The Moth get some love. Fandango is probably upper tier on Remedy Lane for me, but it's my second least favorite PoS album, so it wouldn't be on my list. And The Big Machine... I don't know, I like it, it just hasn't clicked for me like it has for others. I like Inside, Handful of Nothing and Water more.



I can confirm that Fandango did initially break the Top 20. But i've slowly become more fond of some of the other songs from the album. And being a big fan of Scarsick, it's pushed a few tracks further down my list.

There was a time when it perhaps broke my Top 15. But as i've said, I consider the album as a whole a magnificent feat. And Fandango could have switched with a couple of other great songs from RL.

Any song from this Top 30 deserves high praise, IMO. Regardless of its position.