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Question for anti gay marriage people.

Started by 73109, July 26, 2010, 09:32:28 PM

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Quote from: 73109 on October 14, 2010, 02:08:24 PMI lost IQ points...this is why I hate the fucking world.

Wow, there are just no words to reply to something like that.


Quote from: 73109 on October 14, 2010, 02:08:24 PM
Soverign Dream...

*loud sigh*

I can't even put words into how I feel about this...I know I said I would stay out of it but...I lost IQ points...this is why I hate the     ing world.

Don't worry, Cole; there is a glimmer of hope that you will live long enough to see the fruition of Project: Homoearth (as explained above in detail).


Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 02:07:41 PM
Quote from: soundgarden on October 14, 2010, 01:58:42 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 01:37:06 PM
Quote from: GuineaPig on October 14, 2010, 01:32:12 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 12:51:40 PM
Quote from: GuineaPig on October 14, 2010, 11:48:34 AM
Yeah.  It's definitely unnatural.  That's why no other species except humans display            tendencies.

Well, Ibexes scratch their ass with their horns...
does this mean we should grow horns and scratch our own asses with them?
Or better yet - scratch other people's asses with them?

Did you actually remove the word "          " from my post?  Wow.

And secondly, you say               is unnatural.  But it occurs widely throughout the natural world.  It is absolutely natural.  You cannot argue it any other way.

I didn't remove it; this particular computer must have some sort of block on it. And I have never personally seen any animal bone another in the ass. EVER. And in a moral-religious context, it most certainly IS.

I have an idea: why don't we all turn gay? I don't think I need to tell you what would be the final result...

1) Because you didn't see animals in            activity doesn't negate its existence (must I really make that argument?).
2) Your religion is yours.   You have NO right to force your beliefs onto the people or the entity which governs those people
3)               is a natural, but rare occurrence in nature.  The female/male couples will always, always, outnumber the same sex couples because it is biologically wired.                is no different from red hair on Japanese women.  Its natural but rare.

Have your faith man, believe           s are sinners, let your "loving" god tell you that some humans don't deserve to be in love, but don't dare think you deserve control over their lives or the government.

Do me a favor and read what I write before you post replies!

I never "imposed" my religion on anybody; I was merely asked a question and responded with what MY VIEWS ARE.
And, let's agree to disagree on this statement: "being gay is natural".

Also: "Have your faith man, believe           s are sinners, let your "loving" god tell you that some humans don't deserve to be in love, but don't dare think you deserve control over their lives or the government." ...

You fool: 1) we are all technically sinners 2) I have no problem with gays being in love with one another. I simply have a problem with making the assertion that being gay is natural and right. This only leads to the degradation of moral views and culture in the world. Allow me to guess: you support abortion too, right?

I am ok if you belief I am a sinner (from birth I might add).  But don't call me a fool If I don't agree.  It ruins your argument and reinforces the blind faith argument made by non-believers.

Christ man, its VERY EXISTENCE proves that it is natural.  If things exist, they are part of the world ergo natural.  (if it is unnatural why would your god endow them with ability to have that desire to partake in it?  Why would the option even be created only to tell the people that they are wrong?  Just shits and giggles?)

And the 50% divorce rate in America is not a degradation in moral views?  You sound like the pope, AIDS is bad, but safe sex is worse.  :yeahright

I support the notion that a 8-cell micro-organism is not a human.

Seventh Son

Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 02:07:41 PM
Quote from: soundgarden on October 14, 2010, 01:58:42 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 01:37:06 PM
Quote from: GuineaPig on October 14, 2010, 01:32:12 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 12:51:40 PM
Quote from: GuineaPig on October 14, 2010, 11:48:34 AM
Yeah.  It's definitely unnatural.  That's why no other species except humans display            tendencies.

Well, Ibexes scratch their ass with their horns...
does this mean we should grow horns and scratch our own asses with them?
Or better yet - scratch other people's asses with them?

Did you actually remove the word "          " from my post?  Wow.

And secondly, you say               is unnatural.  But it occurs widely throughout the natural world.  It is absolutely natural.  You cannot argue it any other way.

I didn't remove it; this particular computer must have some sort of block on it. And I have never personally seen any animal bone another in the ass. EVER. And in a moral-religious context, it most certainly IS.

I have an idea: why don't we all turn gay? I don't think I need to tell you what would be the final result...

1) Because you didn't see animals in            activity doesn't negate its existence (must I really make that argument?).
2) Your religion is yours.   You have NO right to force your beliefs onto the people or the entity which governs those people
3)               is a natural, but rare occurrence in nature.  The female/male couples will always, always, outnumber the same sex couples because it is biologically wired.                is no different from red hair on Japanese women.  Its natural but rare.

Have your faith man, believe           s are sinners, let your "loving" god tell you that some humans don't deserve to be in love, but don't dare think you deserve control over their lives or the government.

Do me a favor and read what I write before you post replies!

I never "imposed" my religion on anybody; I was merely asked a question and responded with what MY VIEWS ARE.
And, let's agree to disagree on this statement: "being gay is natural".

Also: "Have your faith man, believe           s are sinners, let your "loving" god tell you that some humans don't deserve to be in love, but don't dare think you deserve control over their lives or the government." ...

You fool: 1) we are all technically sinners 2) I have no problem with gays being in love with one another. I simply have a problem with making the assertion that being gay is natural and right. This only leads to the degradation of moral views and culture in the world. Allow me to guess: you support abortion too, right?
I don't believe in Christianity so I don't consider myself a sinner. You're free to think that I might be one, but as far as I'm concerned I'm not a sinner and neither are you  ;)

So do you think that if someone is gay that they should hide it and be shameful of it?

How does it lead to a degradation of moral views and culture in the world? I'm really curious to see why you think that.

And yes, I support a woman's right to choose what happens inside her womb. Why do you suddenly jump to ad hominems?

Seventh Son

Quote from: bösk1 on October 14, 2010, 02:14:39 PM
Quote from: 73109 on October 14, 2010, 02:08:24 PMI lost IQ points...this is why I hate the fucking world.

Wow, there are just no words to reply to something like that.
His comment was harsh (A bit too harsh maybe), but I can definitely see what numbers is talking about.


See, now you joke, because you realize how stupid of an idea it was. The sad thing is, you were being serious. Yeah, you said you weren't but that is the main crutch when somebody fucks up miserably.

Quote from: bösk1 on October 14, 2010, 02:14:39 PM
Quote from: 73109 on October 14, 2010, 02:08:24 PMI lost IQ points...this is why I hate the fucking world.

Wow, there are just no words to reply to something like that.

I personally hate the world because SovereignDream is not alone. There are many many more homophobic people out there preaching about how homosexuality is against god. God created the man and the woman to fuck and make kids, anything else is heresy. What about sterile people, hermaphrodites and the like. God created those people too. I just hate this bigotry and there is more of it than is comprehensible...and that is why I hate this world we live in. I could go on but frankly, I like being here and I like interacting with the mostly smart population of this forum, so...I'll kindly shut the fuck up now.


Lol why do I feel like it will be days (maybe hours) before SovereignDream gets himself banned somehow?

SovereignDream, you and most other people on here have dodged the biggest question of all:  Why does it bother you so much to the point where you don't think you should live on the same planet with someone who is gay?

Also, scientific evidence suggests that homosexuality is formed in the womb based on gender characteristics of certain parts of the brain.  It is also said that 10% of all people are gay.  that means every time you are in a crowd of 100 people, there are 10 people who are gay.  How can you NOT call that normal.  While it's obviously not the majority, it is far from abnormal.  I'd say anything that is above 1% of the population is far from abnormal.


Quote from: Seventh Son on October 14, 2010, 02:18:38 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 02:07:41 PM
Quote from: soundgarden on October 14, 2010, 01:58:42 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 01:37:06 PM
Quote from: GuineaPig on October 14, 2010, 01:32:12 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 12:51:40 PM
Quote from: GuineaPig on October 14, 2010, 11:48:34 AM
Yeah.  It's definitely unnatural.  That's why no other species except humans display            tendencies.

Well, Ibexes scratch their ass with their horns...
does this mean we should grow horns and scratch our own asses with them?
Or better yet - scratch other people's asses with them?

Did you actually remove the word "          " from my post?  Wow.

And secondly, you say               is unnatural.  But it occurs widely throughout the natural world.  It is absolutely natural.  You cannot argue it any other way.

I didn't remove it; this particular computer must have some sort of block on it. And I have never personally seen any animal bone another in the ass. EVER. And in a moral-religious context, it most certainly IS.

I have an idea: why don't we all turn gay? I don't think I need to tell you what would be the final result...

1) Because you didn't see animals in            activity doesn't negate its existence (must I really make that argument?).
2) Your religion is yours.   You have NO right to force your beliefs onto the people or the entity which governs those people
3)               is a natural, but rare occurrence in nature.  The female/male couples will always, always, outnumber the same sex couples because it is biologically wired.                is no different from red hair on Japanese women.  Its natural but rare.

Have your faith man, believe           s are sinners, let your "loving" god tell you that some humans don't deserve to be in love, but don't dare think you deserve control over their lives or the government.

Do me a favor and read what I write before you post replies!

I never "imposed" my religion on anybody; I was merely asked a question and responded with what MY VIEWS ARE.
And, let's agree to disagree on this statement: "being gay is natural".

Also: "Have your faith man, believe           s are sinners, let your "loving" god tell you that some humans don't deserve to be in love, but don't dare think you deserve control over their lives or the government." ...

You fool: 1) we are all technically sinners 2) I have no problem with gays being in love with one another. I simply have a problem with making the assertion that being gay is natural and right. This only leads to the degradation of moral views and culture in the world. Allow me to guess: you support abortion too, right?
I don't believe in Christianity so I don't consider myself a sinner. You're free to think that I might be one, but as far as I'm concerned I'm not a sinner and neither are you  ;)

So do you think that if someone is gay that they should hide it and be shameful of it?

How does it lead to a degradation of moral views and culture in the world? I'm really curious to see why you think that.

And yes, I support a woman's right to choose what happens inside her womb. Why do you suddenly jump to ad hominems?

"So do you think that if someone is gay that they should hide it and be shameful of it?"
Not necessarily hide it nor be shameful of it; simply be discreet and personal about it (i.e. Don't speak like a woman, don't dress like one).

"How does it lead to a degradation of moral views and culture in the world? I'm really curious to see why you think that."
Generally, if one supports the overly-flamboyant and in-your-face, non-discreet, "ya, we sodomize" aspect of            , on can assume that this person has other moral views that aren't exactly on the right direction.

"And yes, I support a woman's right to choose what happens inside her womb."
See, I support a woman's decision to          with someone or not. THAT is their choice. The silly moniker of pro-abortionists, unintelligently labeled "pro-choice," is insulting; "when you chose to          with someone, skank, you took a risk to get pregnant. Suck it up and act like a grown-up"

^ That is how I generally fell about abortions. Note: GENERALLY


"Generally, if one supports the overly-flamboyant and in-your-face, non-discreet, "ya, we sodomize" aspect of  ANAL SEX  , on can assume that this person has other moral views that aren't exactly on the right direction."

Are you serious? Two dudes are boning eachother and that leads to baby killing...ah...your points are flawless.


Quote from: 73109 on October 14, 2010, 02:23:17 PM
See, now you joke, because you realize how stupid of an idea it was. The sad thing is, you were being serious. Yeah, you said you weren't but that is the main crutch when somebody     s up miserably.

Quote from: bösk1 on October 14, 2010, 02:14:39 PM
Quote from: 73109 on October 14, 2010, 02:08:24 PMI lost IQ points...this is why I hate the     ing world.

Wow, there are just no words to reply to something like that.

I personally hate the world because SovereignDream is not alone. There are many many more homophobic people out there preaching about how               is against god. God created the man and the woman to      and make kids, anything else is heresy. What about sterile people, hermaphrodites and the like. God created those people too. I just hate this bigotry and there is more of it than is comprehensible...and that is why I hate this world we live in. I could go on but frankly, I like being here and I like interacting with the mostly smart population of this forum, so...I'll kindly shut the      up now.

Playing the "pity me; I'm a misunderstood gay teen" card much?

You have pre-conceived ideas of what theists think of gays. We do not think that God "doesn't love" you (those who do need a slap in the face)! Most theists believe something more along the lines of "God gave some people more challenging lives than others".
It's apparent that neither of us will change each others' minds: I am convinced it is unnatural and wrong; you are convinced it is natural and right.

Seventh Son

Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 02:28:20 PM
Quote from: Seventh Son on October 14, 2010, 02:18:38 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 02:07:41 PM
Quote from: soundgarden on October 14, 2010, 01:58:42 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 01:37:06 PM
Quote from: GuineaPig on October 14, 2010, 01:32:12 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 12:51:40 PM
Quote from: GuineaPig on October 14, 2010, 11:48:34 AM
Yeah.  It's definitely unnatural.  That's why no other species except humans display            tendencies.

Well, Ibexes scratch their ass with their horns...
does this mean we should grow horns and scratch our own asses with them?
Or better yet - scratch other people's asses with them?

Did you actually remove the word "          " from my post?  Wow.

And secondly, you say               is unnatural.  But it occurs widely throughout the natural world.  It is absolutely natural.  You cannot argue it any other way.

I didn't remove it; this particular computer must have some sort of block on it. And I have never personally seen any animal bone another in the ass. EVER. And in a moral-religious context, it most certainly IS.

I have an idea: why don't we all turn gay? I don't think I need to tell you what would be the final result...

1) Because you didn't see animals in            activity doesn't negate its existence (must I really make that argument?).
2) Your religion is yours.   You have NO right to force your beliefs onto the people or the entity which governs those people
3)               is a natural, but rare occurrence in nature.  The female/male couples will always, always, outnumber the same sex couples because it is biologically wired.                is no different from red hair on Japanese women.  Its natural but rare.

Have your faith man, believe           s are sinners, let your "loving" god tell you that some humans don't deserve to be in love, but don't dare think you deserve control over their lives or the government.

Do me a favor and read what I write before you post replies!

I never "imposed" my religion on anybody; I was merely asked a question and responded with what MY VIEWS ARE.
And, let's agree to disagree on this statement: "being gay is natural".

Also: "Have your faith man, believe           s are sinners, let your "loving" god tell you that some humans don't deserve to be in love, but don't dare think you deserve control over their lives or the government." ...

You fool: 1) we are all technically sinners 2) I have no problem with gays being in love with one another. I simply have a problem with making the assertion that being gay is natural and right. This only leads to the degradation of moral views and culture in the world. Allow me to guess: you support abortion too, right?
I don't believe in Christianity so I don't consider myself a sinner. You're free to think that I might be one, but as far as I'm concerned I'm not a sinner and neither are you  ;)

So do you think that if someone is gay that they should hide it and be shameful of it?

How does it lead to a degradation of moral views and culture in the world? I'm really curious to see why you think that.

And yes, I support a woman's right to choose what happens inside her womb. Why do you suddenly jump to ad hominems?

"So do you think that if someone is gay that they should hide it and be shameful of it?"
Not necessarily hide it nor be shameful of it; simply be discreet and personal about it (i.e. Don't speak like a woman, don't dress like one).

"How does it lead to a degradation of moral views and culture in the world? I'm really curious to see why you think that."
Generally, if one supports the overly-flamboyant and in-your-face, non-discreet, "ya, we sodomize" aspect of            , on can assume that this person has other moral views that aren't exactly on the right direction.

"And yes, I support a woman's right to choose what happens inside her womb."
See, I support a woman's decision to          with someone or not. THAT is their choice. The silly moniker of pro-abortionists, unintelligently labeled "pro-choice," is insulting; "when you chose to          with someone, skank, you took a risk to get pregnant. Suck it up and act like a grown-up"

^ That is how I generally fell about abortions. Note: GENERALLY

I see no reason why gays should be discreet when you have Mr. Joe across the street bragging about all the pussy he's banging each night. If you don't want to hear them talk about it, then walk away. Simple as that. And I've met many gay people that don't cross-dress or anything like that, they simply happen to like men's junk instead of pussies. Big whoop.

What are morals that are going "In the right direction"? Are you taking an objective claim upon morality which is a subject that is often subjective?

I'm not saying people shouldn't take responsibility for their actions, but there are circumstances where a mother has children that she is mentally incapable of taking care of and the children wind up living shitty lives. Its definitely controversial, but if a woman is obviously going to be a bad parent I wouldn't begrudge her for having an abortion.


Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 02:35:41 PM
Quote from: 73109 on October 14, 2010, 02:23:17 PM
See, now you joke, because you realize how stupid of an idea it was. The sad thing is, you were being serious. Yeah, you said you weren't but that is the main crutch when somebody     s up miserably.

Quote from: bösk1 on October 14, 2010, 02:14:39 PM
Quote from: 73109 on October 14, 2010, 02:08:24 PMI lost IQ points...this is why I hate the     ing world.

Wow, there are just no words to reply to something like that.

I personally hate the world because SovereignDream is not alone. There are many many more homophobic people out there preaching about how               is against god. God created the man and the woman to      and make kids, anything else is heresy. What about sterile people, hermaphrodites and the like. God created those people too. I just hate this bigotry and there is more of it than is comprehensible...and that is why I hate this world we live in. I could go on but frankly, I like being here and I like interacting with the mostly smart population of this forum, so...I'll kindly shut the      up now.

Playing the "pity me; I'm a misunderstood gay teen" card much?

Why in this thread are you assuming everyone who is in support of gays is gay?  73109 has a girlfriend who happens to be a prominent member of this board... Also you didn't answer my question yet.


Quote from: Seventh Son on October 14, 2010, 02:36:48 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 02:28:20 PM
Quote from: Seventh Son on October 14, 2010, 02:18:38 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 02:07:41 PM
Quote from: soundgarden on October 14, 2010, 01:58:42 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 01:37:06 PM
Quote from: GuineaPig on October 14, 2010, 01:32:12 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 12:51:40 PM
Quote from: GuineaPig on October 14, 2010, 11:48:34 AM
Yeah.  It's definitely unnatural.  That's why no other species except humans display            tendencies.

Well, Ibexes scratch their ass with their horns...
does this mean we should grow horns and scratch our own asses with them?
Or better yet - scratch other people's asses with them?

Did you actually remove the word "          " from my post?  Wow.

And secondly, you say               is unnatural.  But it occurs widely throughout the natural world.  It is absolutely natural.  You cannot argue it any other way.

I didn't remove it; this particular computer must have some sort of block on it. And I have never personally seen any animal bone another in the ass. EVER. And in a moral-religious context, it most certainly IS.

I have an idea: why don't we all turn gay? I don't think I need to tell you what would be the final result...

1) Because you didn't see animals in            activity doesn't negate its existence (must I really make that argument?).
2) Your religion is yours.   You have NO right to force your beliefs onto the people or the entity which governs those people
3)               is a natural, but rare occurrence in nature.  The female/male couples will always, always, outnumber the same sex couples because it is biologically wired.                is no different from red hair on Japanese women.  Its natural but rare.

Have your faith man, believe           s are sinners, let your "loving" god tell you that some humans don't deserve to be in love, but don't dare think you deserve control over their lives or the government.

Do me a favor and read what I write before you post replies!

I never "imposed" my religion on anybody; I was merely asked a question and responded with what MY VIEWS ARE.
And, let's agree to disagree on this statement: "being gay is natural".

Also: "Have your faith man, believe           s are sinners, let your "loving" god tell you that some humans don't deserve to be in love, but don't dare think you deserve control over their lives or the government." ...

You fool: 1) we are all technically sinners 2) I have no problem with gays being in love with one another. I simply have a problem with making the assertion that being gay is natural and right. This only leads to the degradation of moral views and culture in the world. Allow me to guess: you support abortion too, right?
I don't believe in Christianity so I don't consider myself a sinner. You're free to think that I might be one, but as far as I'm concerned I'm not a sinner and neither are you  ;)

So do you think that if someone is gay that they should hide it and be shameful of it?

How does it lead to a degradation of moral views and culture in the world? I'm really curious to see why you think that.

And yes, I support a woman's right to choose what happens inside her womb. Why do you suddenly jump to ad hominems?

"So do you think that if someone is gay that they should hide it and be shameful of it?"
Not necessarily hide it nor be shameful of it; simply be discreet and personal about it (i.e. Don't speak like a woman, don't dress like one).

"How does it lead to a degradation of moral views and culture in the world? I'm really curious to see why you think that."
Generally, if one supports the overly-flamboyant and in-your-face, non-discreet, "ya, we sodomize" aspect of            , on can assume that this person has other moral views that aren't exactly on the right direction.

"And yes, I support a woman's right to choose what happens inside her womb."
See, I support a woman's decision to          with someone or not. THAT is their choice. The silly moniker of pro-abortionists, unintelligently labeled "pro-choice," is insulting; "when you chose to          with someone, skank, you took a risk to get pregnant. Suck it up and act like a grown-up"

^ That is how I generally fell about abortions. Note: GENERALLY

I see no reason why gays should be discreet when you have Mr. Joe across the street bragging about all the       he's banging each night. If you don't want to hear them talk about it, then walk away. Simple as that. And I've met many gay people that don't cross-dress or anything like that, they simply happen to like men's junk instead of        . Big whoop.

What are morals that are going "In the right direction"? Are you taking an objective claim upon morality which is a subject that is often subjective?

I'm not saying people shouldn't take responsibility for their actions, but there are circumstances where a mother has children that she is mentally incapable of taking care of and the children wind up living        lives. Its definitely controversial, but if a woman is obviously going to be a bad parent I wouldn't begrudge her for having an abortion.

Adoption exists, you know.
Besides, this conversation would not even be necessary if only the US parenting standards were virtually non-existent.


Exactly Seventh Son. Not all men act like the stereotypical gay guy. Just just like dudes instead of chicks.

Another thing...I'm not gay. The fact that you think I'm gay just shows all of us your true feelings. Anyone who is sane must want to bone chicks because thats normal. All the gays can just be weird and they need to get away from me...


"God gave them more challenging lives than others" Perfect example of putting god in a place where he doesn't need to be. This is a matter of rights, not religion and the sooner we realize that the better off we will all be.


Seventh Son

Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 02:40:51 PM
Quote from: Seventh Son on October 14, 2010, 02:36:48 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 02:28:20 PM
Quote from: Seventh Son on October 14, 2010, 02:18:38 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 02:07:41 PM
Quote from: soundgarden on October 14, 2010, 01:58:42 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 01:37:06 PM
Quote from: GuineaPig on October 14, 2010, 01:32:12 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 12:51:40 PM
Quote from: GuineaPig on October 14, 2010, 11:48:34 AM
Yeah.  It's definitely unnatural.  That's why no other species except humans display            tendencies.

Well, Ibexes scratch their ass with their horns...
does this mean we should grow horns and scratch our own asses with them?
Or better yet - scratch other people's asses with them?

Did you actually remove the word "          " from my post?  Wow.

And secondly, you say               is unnatural.  But it occurs widely throughout the natural world.  It is absolutely natural.  You cannot argue it any other way.

I didn't remove it; this particular computer must have some sort of block on it. And I have never personally seen any animal bone another in the ass. EVER. And in a moral-religious context, it most certainly IS.

I have an idea: why don't we all turn gay? I don't think I need to tell you what would be the final result...

1) Because you didn't see animals in            activity doesn't negate its existence (must I really make that argument?).
2) Your religion is yours.   You have NO right to force your beliefs onto the people or the entity which governs those people
3)               is a natural, but rare occurrence in nature.  The female/male couples will always, always, outnumber the same sex couples because it is biologically wired.                is no different from red hair on Japanese women.  Its natural but rare.

Have your faith man, believe           s are sinners, let your "loving" god tell you that some humans don't deserve to be in love, but don't dare think you deserve control over their lives or the government.

Do me a favor and read what I write before you post replies!

I never "imposed" my religion on anybody; I was merely asked a question and responded with what MY VIEWS ARE.
And, let's agree to disagree on this statement: "being gay is natural".

Also: "Have your faith man, believe           s are sinners, let your "loving" god tell you that some humans don't deserve to be in love, but don't dare think you deserve control over their lives or the government." ...

You fool: 1) we are all technically sinners 2) I have no problem with gays being in love with one another. I simply have a problem with making the assertion that being gay is natural and right. This only leads to the degradation of moral views and culture in the world. Allow me to guess: you support abortion too, right?
I don't believe in Christianity so I don't consider myself a sinner. You're free to think that I might be one, but as far as I'm concerned I'm not a sinner and neither are you  ;)

So do you think that if someone is gay that they should hide it and be shameful of it?

How does it lead to a degradation of moral views and culture in the world? I'm really curious to see why you think that.

And yes, I support a woman's right to choose what happens inside her womb. Why do you suddenly jump to ad hominems?

"So do you think that if someone is gay that they should hide it and be shameful of it?"
Not necessarily hide it nor be shameful of it; simply be discreet and personal about it (i.e. Don't speak like a woman, don't dress like one).

"How does it lead to a degradation of moral views and culture in the world? I'm really curious to see why you think that."
Generally, if one supports the overly-flamboyant and in-your-face, non-discreet, "ya, we sodomize" aspect of            , on can assume that this person has other moral views that aren't exactly on the right direction.

"And yes, I support a woman's right to choose what happens inside her womb."
See, I support a woman's decision to          with someone or not. THAT is their choice. The silly moniker of pro-abortionists, unintelligently labeled "pro-choice," is insulting; "when you chose to          with someone, skank, you took a risk to get pregnant. Suck it up and act like a grown-up"

^ That is how I generally fell about abortions. Note: GENERALLY

I see no reason why gays should be discreet when you have Mr. Joe across the street bragging about all the       he's banging each night. If you don't want to hear them talk about it, then walk away. Simple as that. And I've met many gay people that don't cross-dress or anything like that, they simply happen to like men's junk instead of        . Big whoop.

What are morals that are going "In the right direction"? Are you taking an objective claim upon morality which is a subject that is often subjective?

I'm not saying people shouldn't take responsibility for their actions, but there are circumstances where a mother has children that she is mentally incapable of taking care of and the children wind up living        lives. Its definitely controversial, but if a woman is obviously going to be a bad parent I wouldn't begrudge her for having an abortion.

Adoption exists, you know.
Besides, this conversation would not even be necessary if only the US parenting standards were virtually non-existent.

I'm pretty sure the resources available to adoption agencies are not infinite.


Still waiting for answer...I guess we'll wait til a new page to get to that, eh?


Quote from: Seventh Son on October 14, 2010, 02:36:48 PM
What are morals that are going "In the right direction"? Are you taking an objective claim upon morality which is a subject that is often subjective?

His comment reminded me of a conversation I had with my mom once. I heard her making my two little sisters promise to not "date any of those puerto rican kids at school" and when I asked her what the fuck she was doing she goes "what, I can't teach my daughters some morals?"


I think he left. Wow...that's not a very straight thing to do.


SovereignDream, you are entitled to your opinion and you are entitled to argue it as far as you like, whether it is a popular opinion or an unpopular one.  But your posts are starting to cross more into the realm of taking shots at those who disagree with you and less about discourse.  You need to rein it back in and keep your posts less personal.

Quote from: 73109 on October 14, 2010, 02:23:17 PM
Quote from: bösk1 on October 14, 2010, 02:14:39 PM
Quote from: 73109 on October 14, 2010, 02:08:24 PMI lost IQ points...this is why I hate the fucking world.

Wow, there are just no words to reply to something like that.

I personally hate the world because SovereignDream is not alone. There are many many more homophobic people out there preaching about how homosexuality is against god. God created the man and the woman to fuck and make kids, anything else is heresy. What about sterile people, hermaphrodites and the like. God created those people too. I just hate this bigotry and there is more of it than is comprehensible...and that is why I hate this world we live in. I could go on but frankly, I like being here and I like interacting with the mostly smart population of this forum, so...I'll kindly shut the fuck up now.

And there are many many people out there who in good faith have reasons they are against gay marriage that don't appreciate your misinformed labeling, namecalling, and uninformed outrage.


Why be against gay marriage if not for religious reasons. And if it is religious, ok, but why keep it in 21st century government?


I'm not even gonna go into this discussion really, but anybody claiming homosexuality is not natural needs to pick up a biology book. Nao. Or read


El Barto

You speak of discretion and moral rightness.  The problem is that not everybody shares your sense of morality.  Personally, there are quite a bit of people who probably do, and I damn sure wish they'd show some discretion as well.  You don't want to see homos being openly homo?  Well, I don't want to see Christians being outwardly religious.  Badgering people in front of concerts.  Standing on street corners with giant posters of aborted foetuses.  Knocking on my door to ask if I'd like to convert.  Basically doing everything they can to impose their morals onto others. 

Unfortunately, part of living in any society is learning to put up with assholes of all persuasions. 


Quote from: El Barto on October 14, 2010, 03:02:25 PM
You speak of discretion and moral rightness.  The problem is that not everybody shares your sense of morality.  Personally, there are quite a bit of people who probably do, and I damn sure wish they'd show some discretion as well.  You don't want to see homos being openly homo?  Well, I don't want to see Christians being outwardly religious.  Badgering people in front of concerts.  Standing on street corners with giant posters of aborted foetuses.  Knocking on my door to ask if I'd like to convert.  Basically doing everything they can to impose their morals onto others. 

Unfortunately, part of living in any society is learning to put up with assholes of all persuasions. 

But they're just trying to save your eternal soul, that makes it ok.


Quote from: icysk8r on October 14, 2010, 02:27:59 PM
Lol why do I feel like it will be days (maybe hours) before SovereignDream gets himself banned somehow?

SovereignDream, you and most other people on here have dodged the biggest question of all:  Why does it bother you so much to the point where you don't think you should live on the same planet with someone who is gay?

Also, scientific evidence suggests that               is formed in the womb based on gender characteristics of certain parts of the brain.  It is also said that 10% of all people are gay.  that means every time you are in a crowd of 100 people, there are 10 people who are gay.  How can you NOT call that normal.  While it's obviously not the majority, it is far from abnormal.  I'd say anything that is above 1% of the population is far from abnormal.

"Why does it bother you so much to the point where you don't think you should live on the same planet with someone who is gay?"
Once again, because I believe that being gay (NOT the person; the act) is an abomination. I also never said that "I can't stand to live in a planet where gays exist"; I merely jokingly offered it as a solution to stop the conflict.

I am not being sneaky or hard to read; Allow me to reiterate - I think that being gay is WRONG.
Sorry for voicing my opinion....?


You still haven't answered Icy's original question.

What does it matter to you?


Quote from: bösk1 on October 14, 2010, 02:56:33 PM
SovereignDream, you are entitled to your opinion and you are entitled to argue it as far as you like, whether it is a popular opinion or an unpopular one.  But your posts are starting to cross more into the realm of taking shots at those who disagree with you and less about discourse.  You need to rein it back in and keep your posts less personal.

Quote from: 73109 on October 14, 2010, 02:23:17 PM
Quote from: bösk1 on October 14, 2010, 02:14:39 PM
Quote from: 73109 on October 14, 2010, 02:08:24 PMI lost IQ points...this is why I hate the     ing world.

Wow, there are just no words to reply to something like that.

I personally hate the world because SovereignDream is not alone. There are many many more homophobic people out there preaching about how               is against god. God created the man and the woman to      and make kids, anything else is heresy. What about sterile people, hermaphrodites and the like. God created those people too. I just hate this bigotry and there is more of it than is comprehensible...and that is why I hate this world we live in. I could go on but frankly, I like being here and I like interacting with the mostly smart population of this forum, so...I'll kindly shut the      up now.

And there are many many people out there who in good faith have reasons they are against gay marriage that don't appreciate your misinformed labeling, namecalling, and uninformed outrage.



Quote from: 73109 on October 14, 2010, 02:58:36 PM
Why be against gay marriage if not for religious reasons. And if it is religious, ok, but why keep it in 21st century government?

I don't really care to debate the issue with you.  The problem is that, thus far, you haven't shown you are willing to actually discuss the topic other than taking a highly offensive air of indignation that anyone could possibly disagree with you.  Your refusal to acknowledge that there could possibly be any other view than your own makes attempting meaningful discourse with you on the subject pretty futile.


Quote from: Seventh Son on October 14, 2010, 02:43:40 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 02:40:51 PM
Quote from: Seventh Son on October 14, 2010, 02:36:48 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 02:28:20 PM
Quote from: Seventh Son on October 14, 2010, 02:18:38 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 02:07:41 PM
Quote from: soundgarden on October 14, 2010, 01:58:42 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 01:37:06 PM
Quote from: GuineaPig on October 14, 2010, 01:32:12 PM
Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 12:51:40 PM
Quote from: GuineaPig on October 14, 2010, 11:48:34 AM
Yeah.  It's definitely unnatural.  That's why no other species except humans display            tendencies.

Well, Ibexes scratch their ass with their horns...
does this mean we should grow horns and scratch our own asses with them?
Or better yet - scratch other people's asses with them?

Did you actually remove the word "          " from my post?  Wow.

And secondly, you say               is unnatural.  But it occurs widely throughout the natural world.  It is absolutely natural.  You cannot argue it any other way.

I didn't remove it; this particular computer must have some sort of block on it. And I have never personally seen any animal bone another in the ass. EVER. And in a moral-religious context, it most certainly IS.

I have an idea: why don't we all turn gay? I don't think I need to tell you what would be the final result...

1) Because you didn't see animals in            activity doesn't negate its existence (must I really make that argument?).
2) Your religion is yours.   You have NO right to force your beliefs onto the people or the entity which governs those people
3)               is a natural, but rare occurrence in nature.  The female/male couples will always, always, outnumber the same sex couples because it is biologically wired.                is no different from red hair on Japanese women.  Its natural but rare.

Have your faith man, believe           s are sinners, let your "loving" god tell you that some humans don't deserve to be in love, but don't dare think you deserve control over their lives or the government.

Do me a favor and read what I write before you post replies!

I never "imposed" my religion on anybody; I was merely asked a question and responded with what MY VIEWS ARE.
And, let's agree to disagree on this statement: "being gay is natural".

Also: "Have your faith man, believe           s are sinners, let your "loving" god tell you that some humans don't deserve to be in love, but don't dare think you deserve control over their lives or the government." ...

You fool: 1) we are all technically sinners 2) I have no problem with gays being in love with one another. I simply have a problem with making the assertion that being gay is natural and right. This only leads to the degradation of moral views and culture in the world. Allow me to guess: you support abortion too, right?
I don't believe in Christianity so I don't consider myself a sinner. You're free to think that I might be one, but as far as I'm concerned I'm not a sinner and neither are you  ;)

So do you think that if someone is gay that they should hide it and be shameful of it?

How does it lead to a degradation of moral views and culture in the world? I'm really curious to see why you think that.

And yes, I support a woman's right to choose what happens inside her womb. Why do you suddenly jump to ad hominems?

"So do you think that if someone is gay that they should hide it and be shameful of it?"
Not necessarily hide it nor be shameful of it; simply be discreet and personal about it (i.e. Don't speak like a woman, don't dress like one).

"How does it lead to a degradation of moral views and culture in the world? I'm really curious to see why you think that."
Generally, if one supports the overly-flamboyant and in-your-face, non-discreet, "ya, we sodomize" aspect of            , on can assume that this person has other moral views that aren't exactly on the right direction.

"And yes, I support a woman's right to choose what happens inside her womb."
See, I support a woman's decision to          with someone or not. THAT is their choice. The silly moniker of pro-abortionists, unintelligently labeled "pro-choice," is insulting; "when you chose to          with someone, skank, you took a risk to get pregnant. Suck it up and act like a grown-up"

^ That is how I generally fell about abortions. Note: GENERALLY

I see no reason why gays should be discreet when you have Mr. Joe across the street bragging about all the       he's banging each night. If you don't want to hear them talk about it, then walk away. Simple as that. And I've met many gay people that don't cross-dress or anything like that, they simply happen to like men's junk instead of        . Big whoop.

What are morals that are going "In the right direction"? Are you taking an objective claim upon morality which is a subject that is often subjective?

I'm not saying people shouldn't take responsibility for their actions, but there are circumstances where a mother has children that she is mentally incapable of taking care of and the children wind up living        lives. Its definitely controversial, but if a woman is obviously going to be a bad parent I wouldn't begrudge her for having an abortion.

Adoption exists, you know.
Besides, this conversation would not even be necessary if only the US parenting standards were virtually non-existent.

I'm pretty sure the resources available to adoption agencies are not infinite.

So...kill all unborns?


Quote from: 73109 on October 14, 2010, 03:06:58 PM
You still haven't answered Icy's original question.

What does it matter to you?

Because teh gays is not only contagious but will also lead to people becoming murderers. Think of the children.


Quote from: bösk1 on October 14, 2010, 03:08:56 PM
Quote from: 73109 on October 14, 2010, 02:58:36 PM
Why be against gay marriage if not for religious reasons. And if it is religious, ok, but why keep it in 21st century government?

I don't really care to debate the issue with you.  The problem is that, thus far, you haven't shown you are willing to actually discuss the topic other than taking a highly offensive air of indignation that anyone could possibly disagree with you.  Your refusal to acknowledge that there could possibly be any other view than your own makes attempting meaningful discourse with you on the subject pretty futile.

Couldn't have expressed this better myself...


Duly noted. Let us discuss, what are some non religious points to apposing gay marriage. I personally don't believe that religion belongs in politics, but I would be glad to hear some view points that are non religious...

oh and Sovereign

Quote from: 73109 on October 14, 2010, 03:06:58 PM
You still haven't answered Icy's original question.

What does it matter to you?


Quote from: ehra on October 14, 2010, 03:10:02 PM
Quote from: 73109 on October 14, 2010, 03:06:58 PM
You still haven't answered Icy's original question.

What does it matter to you?

Because teh gays is not only contagious but will also lead to people becoming murderers. Think of the children.

Oh, I'm sorry. I merely thought that I answered it A FEW POSTS UP?


Screw it.  I'm tired of having to hold people's hands and having to constantly warn people for personal attacks, trolling, off-topic posts, etc.  Obviously, people seem to think the rules don't apply in P/R anymore.  Thanks to Ehra and people like him, I'm done warning people.  I see a rule violation, it's a ban from P/R (or the entire forum, depending on severity).  I see lots of violations, P/R gets deleted permanently.  I don't have the time or the inclination to babysit this subforum anymore.


What? Those are reasons Sovereign has given for why homosexuality is wrong, how is repeating them a personal attack?


Quote from: SovereignDream on October 14, 2010, 03:12:03 PM
Quote from: ehra on October 14, 2010, 03:10:02 PM
Quote from: 73109 on October 14, 2010, 03:06:58 PM
You still haven't answered Icy's original question.

What does it matter to you?

Because teh gays is not only contagious but will also lead to people becoming murderers. Think of the children.

Oh, I'm sorry. I merely thought that I answered it A FEW POSTS UP?

I don't think I'm breaking any rules by asking so here we go...

So Sovereign, if I may call you by a shortened name, gay people disgust you, so that is why it matters to you and there should be no gay marriage people?