Orcus' Song Roulette - A Music Contest

Started by orcus116, July 27, 2010, 01:06:19 PM

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Hello and welcome to an MD exclusive guessing game where six contestants will help fill my free time with song suggestions they think I will like. There will be five rounds and a point system to determine the winner.

  • Six contestants will participate. These will be the first six people to PM me a song suggestion.
  • Only one song suggestion per round. It would be helpful to PM a youtube or myspace or grooveshark link to the song.
  • Songs shouldn't be more than 9-10 minutes. I'm not looking for any epics here.
  • The point system will change for each round.
  • Some rounds will have certain requirements while others will be free-for-alls.
I'll start the judging once I get the first six people to PM me their song. A list of the contestants will be made as soon as I get these PMs. Points for Round 1 will be given based on ranking so for example the song I like the best will earn 6 points, second best 5, etc.

Now when you suggest a song you're free to pick any song from any genre you want. You can check my last.fm in my sig to get suggestions though it's more of a loose guide than anything. You might be surprised what I might like.


We need more contestants. Any song suggestions will do.





Ater each round, can you tell us/link us what you were suggested - might as well try to discover some new stuff myself while we're at this.


Quote from: dreamtheatervt on July 30, 2010, 12:55:51 PM
Ater each round, can you tell us/link us what you were suggested - might as well try to discover some new stuff myself while we're at this.

Pretty please.

Birch Boy

I don't know about participating but I'd like to follow this.




Haha sorry. I had a late night last night and all of today I was out doing things. Gonna update this around noon tomorrow with results and then moving on to round two.

Quote from: dreamtheatervt on July 30, 2010, 12:55:51 PM
Ater each round, can you tell us/link us what you were suggested - might as well try to discover some new stuff myself while we're at this.



Round 1 Results

Loved the variation of styles. Some clicked better than others but that's all part of the game.

Least Favorite

Therion - "Son Of The Staves Of Time"
Symphonic metal really isn't my cup of tea but it wasn't bad. It'd be unfair to lump it in with the other similar bands I've heard my roommate play but it sounded like a song any of those bands could've made. Don't mean to sound overly negative but it's not a style of music that really excites me.

Honorable Mentions

Neu! - "E-Musik"
I have no idea what to make of this song. There's little to no variation but it was so entrancing. Definitely a genre I wouldn't pick up on my own but it was interesting to hear. I actually started laughing at the end with the semi-growl.

Brand New - "Not The Sun"
The first thing that hit me was how much I didn't like the vocals but for some reason they got really interesting when the first chorus hit. Harmonies were awesome as well as the nuanced guitar parts in the background. Haven't listened to this type of music in awhile though so I dunno how much I could listen to but for 3 minutes that wasn't bad at all.

Marvellous G
Brian Eno - "Always Returning (For All Mankind)"
Been meaning to get into Eno for awhile. Very chill, very relaxing though it did get a little repetitive. What was there was nice, though.

Runner Up

David Sylvian - "The Boy With The Gun"
Loved the instrumentation. Had an Opeth vibe to it and the bass reminded me of Lightbulb Sun era PT. Very nice atmosphere. Vocals kinda reminded me of Akerfeldt doing PoS style vocal melodies.


John Hiatt - "Lipstick Sunset"
I'll have to listen to this a few more times but I liked it on first listen. Reminded me a little of Desperado era Eagles though that probably has to do with the country rock style of the song. Loved the slide work on this song as well as the background guitar playing after the solo.

Current points:

hefdaddy42 - 6
Volk9 - 5
Marvellous G - 4
Sigz - 3
Portrucci -2
dreamtheatervt -1

Round 2: Themed Round - 1960s through 1980s

All contestants must submit a song from the 1960s through the 1980s, so January 1, 1960 to December 31, 1989. All genres are welcome.

King Postwhore

After the first set of rounds I'd love to try this.
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


To new people sending in songs: I'm only accepting songs from the original 6 contestants. This'll only last 5 rounds so you can participate next game.

Marvellous G

I remember Volk recommended that song in his thread a while ago and I loved it then, I really need to listen to more Sylvian. I've sent mine now, but I'm not sure if it's your kind of thing.


Quote from: Marvellous G on July 31, 2010, 01:40:09 PM
I remember Volk recommended that song in his thread a while ago and I loved it then, I really need to listen to more Sylvian. I've sent mine now, but I'm not sure if it's your kind of thing.

I still absolutely love the guy. If you wanna talk more about him, you can pm me or post in a thread I made a LOONG time ago, lol.

And I've sent my next suggestion



sent...and I toned it down this round.



Quote from: orcus116 on July 31, 2010, 09:06:02 AM

John Hiatt - "Lipstick Sunset"
I'll have to listen to this a few more times but I liked it on first listen. Reminded me a little of Desperado era Eagles though that probably has to do with the country rock style of the song. Loved the slide work on this song as well as the background guitar playing after the solo.
Awesome!  Glad you liked it.  The slide work is by Ry Cooder, while the acoustic throughout is by Hiatt.  I love the lyrics, and while his vocal style is probably an acquired taste, he really brings the emotions of the lyrics through in the recording.  One of my all-time faves.

Quote from: orcus116 on August 01, 2010, 10:41:08 AM
Waitin' on the hef.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.

Marvellous G


Will update this afternoon. Got a few errands to run first.


Round 2 Results

Great variation once again. This round was tough, to be honest, since all the songs were, at the very least, good.. The rankings don't really show how close a battle it was.

Least Favorite

Dead Can Dance - "Anywhere Out Of This World"
Took me by surprise. Didn't floor me, probably because the song kinda stayed in one place but there's something I liked about the brooding nature of the song. It's hard to tell whether or not a lead instrument would've added or subtracted from the song but it did feel like something was missing.

Honorable Mentions

Marvellous G
Tracy Chapman - "Fast Car"
I really liked the vocals of this song. The way its crafted reminds me of R.E.M. a little bit. A little repetitive but seeing as the progression of the lyrics was the main point of the song I don't mind as much.

Randy Newman - "Short People"
Definitely had a good laugh with this song. Very enjoyable and I have no idea why I figured Newman was a movie song only kinda guy.

Ton Steine Scherben - Die letzte Schlacht gewinnen wir
I couldn't understand a single word but man what a fun little song. I really dug the surfer/punk style a lot. I might actually check out more stuff by this band since after taking Rock History I've gained an interest in the early surf and proto-punk styles.

Runner Up

Mission Of Burma - "That's When I Reached For My Revolver"
Great groove, great style. Really digging this a lot. Don't really know what else to add aside from what I said about the punk style above.


Crack The Sky - "Nuclear Apathy"
Oh man where did this come from? It's like Zeppelin and Rush had a baby. Tons of interesting parts and very well arranged. Definitely makes me want to check out more of their stuff.

Current points:

hefdaddy42 - 9
Sigz - 9
Volk9 - 6
Marvellous G - 6
Portrucci -6
dreamtheatervt -6

Round 3: "Comedy" Challenge

Figured I'd throw a curveball this time around. All contestants must submit the worst possible song they can think of. You'll get a bonus point if it'll make me laugh, hence the comedy option. You can get as creative as you want but please no Brokencyde or Attack Attack. Oh and no modern Dream Theater to try and be a wise guy  ;)


Quote from: orcus116 on August 02, 2010, 11:44:35 AM

Crack The Sky - "Nuclear Apathy"
Oh man where did this come from? It's like Zeppelin and Rush had a baby. Tons of interesting parts and very well arranged. Definitely makes me want to check out more of their stuff.

You convinced me to check them out as well.

EDIT: Sent.



Also, that whole album of Ton Steine Scherben is fantastic. considered one of the best blues rock albums of it's time. Another track https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgSb67XXn0Q

Seventh Son

I already know several songs that can fit your category, even though I'm not in this round >:C


Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.



Blehh, I wish we were on a good song round so I could suggest something.


Quote from: LieLowTheWantedMan on August 05, 2010, 09:19:14 PM
Blehh, I wish we were on a good song round so I could suggest something.

The game is limited to six people.  You'll have to try next time.


Quote from: dreamtheatervt on August 05, 2010, 09:44:14 PM
Quote from: LieLowTheWantedMan on August 05, 2010, 09:19:14 PM
Blehh, I wish we were on a good song round so I could suggest something.

The game is limited to six people.  You'll have to try next time.

I'll have to be ready for next game then.



herro? I was slated to go next round...