Pain of Salvation thread, v.2 (merged)

Started by ariich, August 23, 2010, 05:41:11 AM

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I actually think that "BE" has one of the most concrete concept in terms of narrative.


pain of occupation



Road Salt Theme: no it's not

Softly She Cries: great opener,  solid song but replaying that entire "road salt theme" about 4 minutes into the album kinda defeats the purpose...

Conditioned: fun song, though the upbeat nature seems rather out of place on this album... excusable since it's so early I guess

Healing Now: oh yes, I love this song.

To The Shoreline: Why wasn't there anything this awesome on RS1?

Eleven: I dunno, every time I'm listening to this song I dig it but I always remember it as being kinda meh... it's a good song, though

1979: Yeah this is pretty great too... this is much better than RS1 for sure

The Deeper Cut: Probably in my top 10 PoS songs... well, maybe not, but it comes close. Definitely best on the album.

Mortar Grind: This sounds kinda like Eleven, except not as good... wasn't this one written first, too? Still not bad though.

Through The Distance: Not as strong as 1979 but it's still a great softer piece

The Physics of Gridlock: This WOULD be the best song... except the French part feels like dragging it out too long, and it's anticlimactic as well. But the first two sections are AMAZING.

End Credits: I like this one a lot more than the Road Salt Theme because, well, it's a proper medley, while that one is most certainly not... ending with the theme again though is probably the worst thing they could've done.

Solid album, doesn't compare to BE and earlier at all but it's better than RS1 and Scarsick.


I just had to double check your post because it is so close to my feelings I thought I must have written it  :lol.

Agreed on pretty much everything. Ending on the starting theme does annoy me because I have the album on in the car and then I hear the exact same thing twice when the cd starts again and then the melody is there again in the next song.

Also agreed Eleven and Mortar Grind are certainly the weak points yet I enjoy them ok when I listen to them? The french part in The Physics of Gridlock I already spoke about but that is easily the worst part of the album. The track is great otherwise.


Quote from: Parama on November 15, 2011, 09:20:50 PM
End Credits: I like this one a lot more than the Road Salt Theme because, well, it's a proper medley, while that one is most certainly not... ending with the theme again though is probably the worst thing they could've done.

Just a bit curious, could you explain why you think so?
Personally I think it's quite nice, leaves a feeling that the 'journey' is pretty much over, that it finishes where it started, sorta like a long trip, and then coming home. :P


The only silly thing is, the theme doesn't show up anywhere in RS1. It makes RS2 feel like it's own piece, and not the second part of the original. Granted, What She Means to Me is a brilliant opener, so I don't think I'd switch it around, but it was a weird decision on Daniel's part.


The french part is fine. The Theme songs are pointless, and as Ulti says, it's not on RS1.

What She Means to Me is far better anyway.


I will see them in three days  :D But is very sad they will only play 30 minutes  :-[ They'll have not much time so no great covers... :(

I think RSPT is a great album. Loved it the first time I heard it and still loving it. Amazing  :o

And I'll say the same I said in the Opeth thread: What about the merchandising? Very expensive? Tour shirts?


I like the way Daniel handles this on facebook, in reference to looking for a new guitarist:

"Alessandro Cammarota You should change the name of the band in "Daniel Gildenlow's Project"... it would be more appropriate.. :)"

"Daniel Gildenlöw ‎@ Alessandro: sure, but I guess I should have done it back in 1991 already."

pain of occupation

i'm surprised how poorly Eleven seems to rate amongst the folks in this thread...aside from being awesome the whole way through, i'd point out that, besides Conditioned, it's probably the most upbeat track on there (musically and melodically, if not lyrically), not to mention the only song where they kinda "go off" on a fun jam (only real instrumental section on the album sans the bookends).

Perpetual Change

Quote from: Nick on November 16, 2011, 09:32:04 AM
I like the way Daniel handles this on facebook, in reference to looking for a new guitarist:

"Alessandro Cammarota You should change the name of the band in "Daniel Gildenlow's Project"... it would be more appropriate.. :)"

"Daniel Gildenlöw ‎@ Alessandro: sure, but I guess I should have done it back in 1991 already."

Holy shit. Daniel has really become one self-absorbed and arrogant dude. Kinda sad to see how he's transformed since I got into the band.


You're getting that NOW?  :lol
I thought it was quite clear that he was a bit of a douche since ages ago, but apparently not... he definitely falls under the 'pretentious'-category.
Don't get me wrong, I would love to meet him and he's probably nice too, but he has the highest thoughts of himself. :P


Quote from: Zantera on November 17, 2011, 04:20:24 AM
You're getting that NOW?  :lol
I thought it was quite clear that he was a bit of a douche since ages ago, but apparently not... he definitely falls under the 'pretentious'-category.
Don't get me wrong, I would love to meet him and he's probably nice too, but he has the highest thoughts of himself. :P

Why is he pretentious? He's probably being himself, at all times.

He has a high opinion of himself, so what? I have a high opinion of the music he makes.

He probably wouldn't be the same musician otherwise.


Quote from: Perpetual Change on November 17, 2011, 02:15:37 AM
Quote from: Nick on November 16, 2011, 09:32:04 AM
I like the way Daniel handles this on facebook, in reference to looking for a new guitarist:

"Alessandro Cammarota You should change the name of the band in "Daniel Gildenlow's Project"... it would be more appropriate.. :)"

"Daniel Gildenlöw ‎@ Alessandro: sure, but I guess I should have done it back in 1991 already."

Holy shit. Daniel has really become one self-absorbed and arrogant dude. Kinda sad to see how he's transformed since I got into the band.

He's said some other questionably arrogant things, but I really don't get what's so horrible about the way he put it here.  Pain of Salvation has always more or less been the Daniel Gildenlow project, and he's just making the point that things haven't really changed at all in that regard.  Not too terribly arrogant, I don't think. 


I'd say he's pretentious because the music he makes himself is the best, and nothing else comes close.
Maybe he has become more "normal" now, or had a change in personality, but when I read old interviews, he just comes off as a very cocky and arrogant musician.

I specifically recall an interview where he talks about One Hour... being his least favorite PoS-album, but proceeds to say "but it's still more original then most of the music out there".
Maybe he's right, but coming from the artist himself, that just sounds rather arrogant.
It's not the only example of him praising his own music and bashing a lot of other things either, he said something about Progressive-music, and he said that he stopped listening to Progressive Metal/Rock back when Awake was released, because everything since has sounded the same.
Guess what, PoS is also a part of that scene, so then he probably thinks that they haven't changed either?  ;)

And yeah, you might have a point that we PoS-fans do hold their music very high, but that still doesn't change the fact that he's rather arrogant about it. :P
A lot of artists has confidence, we have the classic "our new album is awesome"-scenario, but to bash so much else in music, and praise your own music so much, especially seeing as PoS barely goes around economically, would have been another scenario if they were the biggest band in the world and had tons of cash, but despite being so much better then everything, they're still smaller then a band like Opeth (who they are opening for this tour), despite Daniel Gildenlöw pretty much looking down on them.  :biggrin:

Also, this isn't meant as a bash-post, I still really like Daniel, but he's quite... special.


I don't want to comment on Daniel personally, because in fact, I rather find his humor and ways of expressing himself quite refreshing (although he's no Mikael Akerfeld in that regard).

What I grew pretty tired of though, especially in the periode of 'BE' was the totally overblown hyping the 'concept'. The 'dig deeper and you'll find more treasures' that were displayed in artwork and especially on the website, promising 'all kinds of info to come'. Well, for starters, you couldn't even become a member of the website because they wouldn't even accept new members for over 6 months after the fact. Yes, the audiocommentary to that dvd was funny, the performance is greeat and the extra's ....ok, I guess. But don't act like it's the 'bees knees' and golden fountain of knowledge or something. Especially when you can't even participate in all the fun. Yes, it was a clever concept and there are awesome songs on there, but why not just stick to making very good music and leaving out all the hype stuff?

I loved Remedy Lane when it came out and played it to death, marvelous cd, the same goes for the other three first cd's.
But after that things went pretty much downhill, with Scarsick barely rating a A- in my book.

I still don't know what to think of Road salt, which also came with 'interesting' artwork. Well, the covers looked good and there were some great pics,
but other than that: where's the unity of the 'concept'? Or do we just have to 'use our imagination' ? A drinking party at a bonfire with singalong, a couple being buried in the dirt and a couple making out in front of a window.....gee. Conceptual continuity, eat your heart out!


Honesty, he's never once bothered me with his comments.

I know prog is full of these down-to-earth, humble musicians, and DG might seem different or more out-spoken, but how is that being pretentious? He believes in himself and his music. At the end of the day, he's just a man with an opinion. Nothing more, nothing less.

I listen to his music and I either enjoy what I hear, or I don't. It would take far more than having a strong opinion or being pompous, to put me off a good musician.

I'm sure if everyone here was famous, and thousands of fans could track your every facebook update or forum post, you, yourself, would come across as a bit of an arsehole. There's plenty floating about on the internet. Take your pick.

Unless you know the man personally, I don't see how you can judge him. Same goes for anyone else.


After one listen of the new album I don't really know what to think... I'll need to listen to it again. The ending part in french might sounds exotic if you don't speak french but he sounds a bit goofy there for me.


Quote from: Cyclopssss on November 17, 2011, 05:43:25 AM
I don't want to comment on Daniel personally, because in fact, I rather find his humor and ways of expressing himself What I grew pretty tired of though, especially in the periode of 'BE' was the totally overblown hyping the 'concept'. The 'dig deeper and you'll find more treasures' that were displayed in artwork and especially on the website, promising 'all kinds of info to come'. Well, for starters, you couldn't even become a member of the website because they wouldn't even accept new members for over 6 months after the fact. Yes, the audiocommentary to that dvd was funny, the performance is greeat and the extra's ....ok, I guess. But don't act like it's the 'bees knees' and golden fountain of knowledge or something. Especially when you can't even participate in all the fun. Yes, it was a clever concept and there are awesome songs on there, but why not just stick to making very good music and leaving out all the hype stuff?


Quote from: Cyclopssss on November 17, 2011, 05:43:25 AM
I still don't know what to think of Road salt, which also came with 'interesting' artwork. Well, the covers looked good and there were some great pics,
but other than that: where's the unity of the 'concept'? Or do we just have to 'use our imagination' ? A drinking party at a bonfire with singalong, a couple being buried in the dirt and a couple making out in front of a window.....gee. Conceptual continuity, eat your heart out!



Quote from: Gorille85 on November 17, 2011, 10:14:26 AM
After one listen of the new album I don't really know what to think... I'll need to listen to it again. The ending part in french might sounds exotic if you don't speak french but he sounds a bit goofy there for me.

It's not a case of being exotic - he specifically chose french because of how it naturally lends itself.


Quote from: faemir on November 17, 2011, 01:38:07 PM
Quote from: Gorille85 on November 17, 2011, 10:14:26 AM
After one listen of the new album I don't really know what to think... I'll need to listen to it again. The ending part in french might sounds exotic if you don't speak french but he sounds a bit goofy there for me.

It's not a case of being exotic - he specifically chose french because of how it naturally lends itself.

It sounds weird either way.

pain of occupation

Quote from: pain of occupation on November 16, 2011, 07:21:46 PM
i'm surprised how poorly Eleven seems to rate amongst the folks in this thread...aside from being awesome the whole way through, i'd point out that, besides Conditioned, it's probably the most upbeat track on there (musically and melodically, if not lyrically), not to mention the only song where they kinda "go off" on a fun jam (only real instrumental section on the album sans the bookends).

ya, pain of occupation, you hit the nail on the head.

...i loved this song right from the get-go. i just wish there was a bit more instru-jam on the two road salt albums.


Quote from: Gorille85 on November 17, 2011, 02:07:17 PM
Quote from: faemir on November 17, 2011, 01:38:07 PM
Quote from: Gorille85 on November 17, 2011, 10:14:26 AM
After one listen of the new album I don't really know what to think... I'll need to listen to it again. The ending part in french might sounds exotic if you don't speak french but he sounds a bit goofy there for me.

It's not a case of being exotic - he specifically chose french because of how it naturally lends itself.

It sounds weird either way.

Care to elaborate? sounds fine to me.


Quote from: faemir on November 17, 2011, 02:37:21 PM
Quote from: Gorille85 on November 17, 2011, 02:07:17 PM
Quote from: faemir on November 17, 2011, 01:38:07 PM
Quote from: Gorille85 on November 17, 2011, 10:14:26 AM
After one listen of the new album I don't really know what to think... I'll need to listen to it again. The ending part in french might sounds exotic if you don't speak french but he sounds a bit goofy there for me.

It's not a case of being exotic - he specifically chose french because of how it naturally lends itself.

It sounds weird either way.

Care to elaborate? sounds fine to me.

Maybe it's just because I speak french, but to me it sound forced and his tone is far from natural. I've only listened to it once though so maybe I'll get used to it.


For a non-native french speaker I thought it was pretty good. Still seems a bit forced indeed, but I really like it :).


Well, what I can say about the music on Road salt 2 is that it's definitely more coherent and more balanced than the first Road salt.
What I really liked about RS 1 was the upbeat, almost joyous sounds of the first 2 songs.  On 2 there's some of that, but it's a lot more diverse.

It's not that the music is BAD, it's just that I think I'm having a lot more trouble converting to the new musical direction then I thought I would.


I'm not quite sure what to think of the french-part.

I see it like this: I really like the part itself, but it feels sorta random, sorta like Daniel thinking: "hey, let's take the arguably best song on the new album, and then put in a weird section that some people will hate", don't get me wrong because as I said, I do like the part myself, but French? :P
He could have done the part in English and it would have been just as good.


So, everyone thinks the French part is weird, but no one worries about the 'Western' part?  'kaaaay... :corn


Quote from: Zantera on November 18, 2011, 12:34:34 AM
I'm not quite sure what to think of the french-part.

I see it like this: I really like the part itself, but it feels sorta random, sorta like Daniel thinking: "hey, let's take the arguably best song on the new album, and then put in a weird section that some people will hate", don't get me wrong because as I said, I do like the part myself, but French? :P
He could have done the part in English and it would have been just as good.

I think the fact that it is in French gives it a sort of elegance that it wouldn't have in English.  (That might only be because I really like the French language, of course)  However, I can see how it would be a bit more awkward to a native French speaker, especially if the pronunciation is off. 


I like French myself, but seeing as the band has no connection to France whatsoever, that makes it a bit weird.  :biggrin:


After this tour is over, half of the band will be French.   :P  But I see your point. 


Perpetual Change

Quote from: Zantera on November 17, 2011, 04:20:24 AM
You're getting that NOW?  :lol
I thought it was quite clear that he was a bit of a douche since ages ago, but apparently not... he definitely falls under the 'pretentious'-category.
Don't get me wrong, I would love to meet him and he's probably nice too, but he has the highest thoughts of himself. :P

I didn't really start noticing changes until after Scarsick (been a fan since around BE). He's always been kinda pretentious and arrogant, but only over the past few years does that seem to have translated into outright vanity.


I don't know if he's worse now, I mean is there anything in particular that makes you think so?
That answer to the facebook post, that just feels like a joke, not necessarily 100% super serious. :P