
Video of online chat between fans and members of Dream Theater: (*no chickens were harmed during the filming of this chat)

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Mike Portnoy leaves Dream Theater

Started by Nick, September 08, 2010, 05:24:23 PM

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But now everybody is gonna say stupid things without knowing, that's why I said it's better to explain a little more their plans.


Quote from: bösk1 on September 09, 2010, 10:51:56 AM
Quote from: RazielSR on September 09, 2010, 10:46:11 AM
I think the band should make an statement soon, a good one. They have to explain their plans.

No they don't.  And if they're smart, they won't.  They can't possibly know what their long-term plans are on any concrete level, so it would be quite dumb for them to try to be more specific only to have the information change at some point down the line.  They've said exactly what they needed to say, and said it in a classy way that shows care and concern for (1) the band, (2) the fans, and (3) Mike Portnoy.  That's really all anyone can ask.

I agree with this. I do, however, hope that they say something about the new drummer. A simple "We have somebody / We don't have somebody" would suffice. A "We have a few people to ask / We will hold auditions" would also be good.


Quote from: Aniland on September 09, 2010, 10:54:07 AM
Quote from: bösk1 on September 09, 2010, 10:51:56 AM
Quote from: RazielSR on September 09, 2010, 10:46:11 AM
I think the band should make an statement soon, a good one. They have to explain their plans.

No they don't.  And if they're smart, they won't.  They can't possibly know what their long-term plans are on any concrete level, so it would be quite dumb for them to try to be more specific only to have the information change at some point down the line.  They've said exactly what they needed to say, and said it in a classy way that shows care and concern for (1) the band, (2) the fans, and (3) Mike Portnoy.  That's really all anyone can ask.

I agree with this. I do, however, hope that they say something about the new drummer. A simple "We have somebody / We don't have somebody" would suffice. A "We have a few people to ask / We will hold auditions" would also be good.

This. At least something, you know. If not, it's gonna be a fucking circle of rumours.


OMFG just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse... I come home to find this?!?

There are no words to describe the sick, sinking feeling in my stomach and in my heart. I'm going to go cry now. Seriously. This can't be happening. WTF???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


To me, it is someone jumping the gun. Did Mike say he was joining Avenged? No. Is it inevitable? Kind of. But still you don't say stuff like that less than 24 hours after Mike left Dream Theater. This may sound like me spitting my dummy out, but it is not a respectful comment to say.

I wouldn't dump a girl I was going out with for a long time, to get involved with a girl I had known for a few months, the next day.

It is just like...Woah! Let it settle before you make allegations.


I don't have any inside knowledge on the situation, but I am pretty sure they have no idea right now who is going to fill in.  They may not know that for quite some time.  In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if they ended up having someone sit in as a session drummer in January that isn't ultimately made a permanent member.  The drummer spot is a lot more critical in DT than your average metal band, and it'll probably take a while to find the right fit.  They've got to get somebody with the chops to play DT's stuff, which isn't easy, and who is a good singer.  Not to mention, I'm sure they'll want the right chemistry.  Granted, they may already have someone in mind.  But it wouldn't surprise me if it takes quite a while.


Quote from: Aniland on September 09, 2010, 10:54:07 AM
Quote from: bösk1 on September 09, 2010, 10:51:56 AM
Quote from: RazielSR on September 09, 2010, 10:46:11 AM
I think the band should make an statement soon, a good one. They have to explain their plans.

No they don't.  And if they're smart, they won't.  They can't possibly know what their long-term plans are on any concrete level, so it would be quite dumb for them to try to be more specific only to have the information change at some point down the line.  They've said exactly what they needed to say, and said it in a classy way that shows care and concern for (1) the band, (2) the fans, and (3) Mike Portnoy.  That's really all anyone can ask.

I agree with this. I do, however, hope that they say something about the new drummer. A simple "We have somebody / We don't have somebody" would suffice. A "We have a few people to ask / We will hold auditions" would also be good.

Honestly, I think the auditions will be after the writing stage, i.e. after JP+JR wrote all songs together (I'm sure JR can whip some drum tracks together). So, don't expect to hear anything until early next year.



That's what I'm saying though: It would be nice if they at least told us if they DEFINITELY had somebody in mind, or if they DIDN'T DEFINITELY have someone in mind. It's the kind of information that would be nice to know.


It is actually his own fault. He decided to do all the other projects plus tour while the rest of the guys were taking a break.

I wish him the best of luck and a great R&R that he long needed. next time don't over do it.


Quote from: bösk1 on September 09, 2010, 10:59:57 AM
I don't have any inside knowledge on the situation, but I am pretty sure they have no idea right now who is going to fill in.  They may not know that for quite some time.  In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if they ended up having someone sit in as a session drummer in January that isn't ultimately made a permanent member.  The drummer spot is a lot more critical in DT than your average metal band, and it'll probably take a while to find the right fit.  They've got to get somebody with the chops to play DT's stuff, which isn't easy, and who is a good singer.  Not to mention, I'm sure they'll want the right chemistry.  Granted, they may already have someone in mind.  But it wouldn't surprise me if it takes quite a while.

I don't think it would hurt to look into getting a new drummer permanently and a background vocalist for touring.


Quote from: Aniland on September 09, 2010, 11:03:15 AM
That's what I'm saying though: It would be nice if they at least told us if they DEFINITELY had somebody in mind, or if they DIDN'T DEFINITELY have someone in mind. It's the kind of information that would be nice to know.

Give them some time


Quote from: Ultimetalhead on September 08, 2010, 05:36:57 PM
This is EXACTLY what I was freaking out about when he started playing/recording with A7X.

This is a terrible day for the music industry.

This. Nothing less than this.

Playing with A7X was NEVER a good idea.


Quote from: Octavawake on September 09, 2010, 11:08:54 AM
Quote from: Ultimetalhead on September 08, 2010, 05:36:57 PM
This is EXACTLY what I was freaking out about when he started playing/recording with A7X.

This is a terrible day for the music industry.

This. Nothing less than this.

Playing with A7X was NEVER a good idea.

True, but the problem was that he felt the necessity of playing with that band too. That was the problem.


Quote from: cygnusaz on September 09, 2010, 10:39:23 AM

It's not the 'end of the world' for DT, but its a huge change and they better NAIL the first album without Mike or they will be toast.

True. They have to get off to a good start. Think about it this way . . . we're now technically awaiting a new Images & Words.

This could be spectacular o_O


I've never been so down about a band. I'm honestly depressed...


Quote from: Zook on September 09, 2010, 11:34:19 AM
I've never been so down about a band. I'm honestly depressed...

You're certainly not alone.


In a recent interview, Portnoy seemed annoyed with James or his vocals. Does anyone remember this interview? I can't find it, but I remember it.


All I know is the next pressing of Lifting Shadows should be quite a read.


Quote from: Scard on September 09, 2010, 11:37:35 AM
In a recent interview, Portnoy seemed annoyed with James or his vocals. Does anyone remember this interview? I can't find it, but I remember it.

I vaguely remember something like this. Has MP ever considered that people might perform better if he gets off their back about things?


Quote from: zerogravityfat on September 08, 2010, 07:20:43 PM
it's also one of the worst songs conceived.

You have to love MP's solo in the song, I would love to see that live. It is one of his best.


Quote from: MykeHavoc on September 09, 2010, 11:45:55 AM
All I know is the next pressing of Lifting Shadows should be quite a read.




This will all blow over once the dust settles.  MP will finish his tour with A7X.  He'll do some soul searching during the Holidays with his family.  He'll realize that the dedication to his DT fans was his passion and to turn around and abandon them just isn't the right thing to do for himself, his fellow DT members, and most of all the dedicated fans that helped them achieve the status that we've all come to know and appreciate over the years.

On a similar note, the remaining members will also come to the realization that they've been down this road before, several times.  Maybe not the exact circumstances, but similar crossroads nonetheless.  I'm not sure that DT can find an adequate replacement for MP in time to start recording in Jan-11.  It's simply just not enough time.  Remember, it took 18 months for them to find the right singer in LaBrie.  I don't think finding a replacement drummer would be easier by any means.  I believe all members (including MP) will let the rest of 2010 play itself out and re-evaluate the situation in the New Year.

I firmly believe that one of two scenarios will take place next year.  1) MP will be back in the studio with DT in Jan-11 as he realizes that DT is closer to his heart than anything else could possibly be.  2) DT will only be in hiatus for 6 months or possibly most of next year working on material in the meantime.  Either way, MP will eventually end up back with DT within the next 12 months.  We all know that DT has taken short breaks before.  Maybe they need a longer break this time and it definitely couldn't hurt.
Honestly, I don't see them getting another drummer and running straight into the studio in January.  It's too soon.

Quite frankly, none of this really makes too much sense right now.  Some decisions were probably made too quickly and in the heat of argument.  In time, things will settle down and everyone will get the break they need and come back together when the time is right.


Pretty solid post there dubla. Sounds very logical and could actually happen. I can just see John Petrucci going - "what the fuck have we come to? We worked our asses off for 25 years to end on a sour note."

Wishful thinking, maybe, maybe not.


I'm 100% sure there has to be more to his decisions on leaving. It really doesn't make sense as the reasons he talks about were created from the decisions he made. I still don't know what to make about the whole thing. I do look forward to the new DT though, but at the same time DT will never be the same without MP. Only thing we can do now is wait.

Sir GuitarCozmo

Oh. Holy. Shit.

I was browsing the comments about this on Fark just now and someone made the following post, to which I LITERALLY lol'd:

QuoteIs he going to get a stage name now, like the rest of the A7X guys?

Because that would make their liner notes ridiculous:

M. Dragonslayer - Vocals
Zippie Evilpants - Guitar
Syntax Darkness - Lead Guitar
Johnny HocusPocus - Bass
Mark Portnoy - Drums







Sorry your birthdays were ruined, Hef and Lonestar.

So wait, do we actually have official confirmation that Mike left and is drumming with A7X permanently, or just for a European tour that goes past January 2011 or what?



Quote from: ZBomber on September 08, 2010, 09:39:35 PM
The worst part about MP leaving is that Raw Dog was the last DT song with him on it.


True, that song left a lot to be disired.


Quote from: antigoon on September 09, 2010, 12:39:23 PM
Nothing about A7X.

I didn't think so.  Just a lot of bloggers/"news sources" talking about how he's joining A7X and I didn't see any official sources saying that.  Just making sure.


Not only is this a pivotal day in the history of Dream Theater, but also, I think, it's a pivotal day in the history of this forum. Never before have I seen it so active in terms of new topics, speculation and hopes/fears for the future. It has been a truly interesting experience coming here today and reading fans' opinions of this seismic event.

I really do hope everything turns out well in DT World. Let's keep the dream alive!  :metal