Official Helloween thread v. Pumpkins United

Started by wolfking, October 12, 2010, 03:52:06 AM

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Personally, I would flip Future World and A Little Time. I might even rank Twilight ahead of A Little Time.

Weird that they only played one song from Pt. 1 yet five songs from Pt. 2. I thought Save Us was a great addition to the setlist. I wish they had more changes from the 2018 set.

I wonder for the next tour if they take out Keeper and swap it back with Halloween. I hope they keep Skyfall. I'd assume the next album will have some sort of epic.

Personally, I'd love to see them work in a Deris Era epic like The Dark Ride or King For 1000 Years. Especially King, where they could easily find room for all three guys to sing.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: DTwwbwMP on October 10, 2024, 11:26:46 AMDISAPPOINTED.. I hoped for something more along the lines of ADTOE.


The Dark Ride would be amazing with this line-up but that will never happen as it's a Roland song.


This tour is awesome and the previous one was a dream come true, with an exagerated setlist with everything you could have asked and more.

So I might be a little spoiled in saying that, as much as it is absolutely amazing and wonderful to see them on tour once again and seeing that the reunion is something that will last, and with a new album on top of that, can I "complain" about something I feel even at fault for complaining which is how this setlist is very..... tame?

I mean, it's the safest possibile one: mandatory three new songs, Keepers galore, and just 2-3 of Deris' best known songs. No surprises, no deep cut, not even Twilight of the Gods from Keeper 1 which would be a welcomed rarity.

As I said, I'm spoiled by the previous three hours show where they played everything and more, but as much as I was happy to see them again, the setlist had "greatest hits" all over it...


Quote from: TAC on June 04, 2023, 03:06:49 PM
Been watching some, Sam. Your videos have tremendous sound.

Except for that random New Yorker shouting in the background every time Kiske sings... :biggrin: 

I'll run through the rest of the videos today - I always enjoy your channel and can live vicariously through the videos.


Quote from: Grappler on June 05, 2023, 05:35:56 AM
Quote from: TAC on June 04, 2023, 03:06:49 PM
Been watching some, Sam. Your videos have tremendous sound.

Except for that random New Yorker shouting in the background every time Kiske sings... :biggrin: 

Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: DTwwbwMP on October 10, 2024, 11:26:46 AMDISAPPOINTED.. I hoped for something more along the lines of ADTOE.


Quote from: Grappler on June 05, 2023, 05:35:56 AM
Quote from: TAC on June 04, 2023, 03:06:49 PM
Been watching some, Sam. Your videos have tremendous sound.

Except for that random New Yorker shouting in the background every time Kiske sings... :biggrin: 

I'll run through the rest of the videos today - I always enjoy your channel and can live vicariously through the videos.

For San Fran, the obnoxious higher voice yelling "KAI HANSEN" and various other things is not me. It's some drunk dude a couple people to my right.  :lol I'm the guy with the deeper YEAH!!!!!


I became a fan of Helloween with Keeper of the Seven Keys Pt. 1 at some point in fall 1987. My friends and I were just discovering all types of metal music, and this was another record my friends' older brother dubbed for us onto a cassette tape to listen to.

I was blown away immediately. At the time, we were cranking stuff like Manowar, Fifth Angel, and then the various pop metal stuff you saw on MTV at the time. No "genre" pigeonholing at this point. If it had guitar solos, a solid riff, and a good voice, we were checking it out. But Helloween...just wow. It was on regular rotation from the get-go.

Once I discovered Queensrÿche and Rage for Order, Helloween took a bit of a back seat until fall 1988. I went full-on Queensrÿche with RFO, and then in mid-1988 with Operation: Mindcrime. But Keeper of the Seven Keys Pt. 2 dropped right before school started in September 1988. Since I was already obsessed with 'Rÿche, my friends played a prank on me, and teased me that QR had ALREADY put out a new album. I grabbed my Walkman, put in an unlabeled tape, and initially, got fooled that Keeper Pt. 2 was a Queensryche album...until I paid attention to the lyrics. Ha ha. My friends laughed, and we had a good time about it.

I never forgot those first two Keeper records. I loved Kiske, loved the guitars, and loved the humor. But as life got moving, I got busy, and once I found out several years later that Kiske had left and was replaced, I just sort of ignored Helloween until probably 15 years ago. I went on a Deris kick, and found myself enjoying the Deris-fronted catalog. I picked up tickets to see them in the Bay Area in September 2008 (I forget when the date was). I was a little hesitant – I just didn't like Deris' voice on the Keeper 1 and 2 material. But I was willing to check it out. My wife was VERY pregnant however, and when the show came around, I just skipped it, not wanting to risk anything.

I only really tangentially paid attention to Helloween after that. I was really busy with my career, fatherhood, etc. Then the whole Queensrÿche debacle that I got mixed up in...and in short, I just checked out. I had kept tabs on Kiske, however. I read interviews with him, checked out albums...that golden voice was still very much in my ear. Fast-forward to 2017-2018. Pumpkins United. I was absolutely over the moon. I had a ticket to go see them in Los Angeles, see the historic tour uniting Kiske and Kai Hansen with Helloween. Flight and hotel booked, and I was ready. SO excited to see one of my favorite singers perform for the first time after being a fan for 30 years...

I had to cancel the trip. I was incredibly disheartened. No sense going into it on here. But life once again got in the way, and I did the responsible adult thing and saved the money. Immediately following that show that I SHOULD have been at, I realized I still could have gone. I was absolutely crushed. So bad, that I just didn't want to think or talk about Helloween. I bought the big box live set they did for the tour. I barely put it on.

Anyway, here we are in 2023, and I FINALLY had another chance. I wasn't going to miss it. Bought two tickets for San Francisco that were dead center of the lower loge section of the Warfield (pretty much the best seats in the house, with no one blocking you), and aisle seats for the gig in LA. I was DOING it. A few months prior though, I sold my LA tickets. Looking at the weekend, and what I had going on, I just didn't want to risk missing the San Francisco show by travel screwing things up. And knowing how I'd have to fly home and immediately get in the car and go to the show, I knew it would be dicey. A friend who was supposed to go with me to LA and San Fran had to cancel, so I was solo as well (which is fine, but I wanted to geek out with a friend). Anyway, my wife, who is a metalhead, but not necessarily a big Helloween fan, was more than happy to go to San Fran. But she couldn't do LA. I was still excited for SF, but then I thought to myself, if for some reason they canceled, it being the last show of their tour, this would all happen again – I'd miss them, again. So I said F it, and booked a quick flight to Las Vegas two days before the SF show, and took in the show in Sin City.

I flew in early, landing about 11:30 a.m. Went to the venue straight away, as I had never been to the Brooklyn Bowl. Seemed fine on the outside. Nice marquee with the show (and others listed). Couldn't see inside. It was about 12:15, and there were fans already lined up. That was encouraging. I went across the street (this alley the venue was in, is a literal bar/restaurant/tourist trap that is off the strip) to have a beer or two. Sent our good buddy TAC some pics (who warned me not to drink much because of how long I had waited to see Helloween – which wasn't even a worry, as I don't drink at shows), finished my brews, got some lunch, and then chilled at the hotel for couple hours.

I got back to the venue about 30 minutes before doors. The line was about 50 people deep at that point. I was wondering how the show would sell, given that it was a Thursday. Well, no real worries there, which I'll explain later. Anyway, once I got in, you immediately head up stairs/escalator to the second level. This place is a bowling alley and a big concert venue. Nicely dressed up. Once I got to the top the stairs, the merch area was to the right, along with a bar. I got on line for merch, picked up a shirt, and then got on the line to be let in to the actual venue.

It was weird, there was a LONG open hallway to get to the concert area. Not having been there before, and not knowing the capacity, I had wondered how small it would be, given this hallway leading to some simple double doors. I get in, and it's this sprawling GA floor that you step down into, and looking up, there were club level standing room areas (which had sold out). Capacity was 3,000, and by the time Helloween started, I'd say about 2,700 were there. A few people in line said they had gotten 2 for 1 ticket sales, so apparently it didn't sell outright as well as folks thought it would, but regardless, the venue filled up.

I staked out a spot almost center stage, with my back against a wall that had the soundboard on the other side. Being short, I hate GA shows. Because inevitably, I ALWAYS get the 6'4" dudes blocking me. Some friends flew in, so I ended up not being solo, and we caught up and waited for HammerFall. The put on a solid power metal set. I really never listened to them before the show. I had heard of them, but went in without knowing a song. Entertaining. Not something I think I'd seek out going forward (the singer isn't dynamic enough for me), but they put on a solid set.

Once they were done, Helloween would come on 30 minutes or so later. And of course, I literally had a wall of four guys who were at least 6'2" in front of me (and one was abnormally large, probably about 6'6"). I was so pissed. It was hard to move around and stake out a better spot. So I spent the first half of Helloween's set, moving back and forth so I could see between them all. Finally, I was able to get to the left of them and watched the rest of the set. I really enjoyed it. I felt like the Kiske-Deris dynamic was seamless. No one was tripping over one another to sing. It's like this was how it was from the outset. Everything was smooth, and Kai Hansen doing the Walls of Jericho material in a medley was killer. I never had heard him live, and was impressed he was as good of a singer as he was live.

I was happy to see Keeper II well represented, and the new album was featured with the three songs I really wanted to see, so I was happy with the set. I would have liked perhaps another two Keeper I songs in addition to Future World, but all in all, I was happy. A HUGE pit opened up mid-show that ended up getting a little too close for comfort, so it marred my experience a bit (I love watching the pit, but don't want to be in it – I did that stuff when I was young, and got hurt about 16 years ago trying it again, so I avoid them. Anyway, I never thought I'd get to hear the "Keeper of the Seven Keys" title track, or any of those songs live, so I was really, really happy.

My only concern was Kiske. His voice sounded like I feared it might. He was off key a bit, and his voice sounded a bit gravelly in spots, which frankly, bummed me a little. Being a singer (not of his ilk, obviously, but trained enough to know what to do and what not to do), I wasn't surprised. While he had a day off before doing the Vegas show, the heat, and dry air really wreaks havoc with voices like his. Deris was fine, but he has a gravelly like voice anyway. He's the evil voice, Kiske is the heavenly, soaring one. Sadly, Kiske was a bit off. Not bad, but a bit off. Listening/watching my videos that night after the show confirmed what my ears heard.

Anyway, regardless, I was happy I got to see the show. I went back to the hotel room, got up early the next morning and headed home. I was exhausted, and sadly, ditched seeing Stryper on Friday night (I had seen them multiple times in the past), but figured I'd need the energy for Helloween on Saturday night. And I was right...

My wife and I got to The Warfield about 20 minutes before doors. The line was down the street. One of the crew guys from HammerFall was walking around with a recorder, asking us to yell HAMMERFALL as he passed for footage for a new video. We obliged. Who knows, maybe I'll be in the video. We get in, I hit the merch line again, pick up the hoodie I had my eye on at the last show. We head upstairs, get to our seats, and I start geeking out about what a clear view I have, and how cool it'll be visually. We're three and four seats in from the aisle, so I had two seats to my right. This couple comes in a few minutes later. The woman seems fine. The dude...three sheets to the wind already. Just randomly singing (badly) off key, screaming for "KAI FUCKING HANSEN" etc. In fact, on my of my videos I took in San Fran, you can hear this jackass. Ugh. Anyway, the show starts. HammerFall puts on another solid set. Again, not for me, but they have a devoted following and people on the floor were really into them. I take a look up before Helloween starts. The venue, The Warfield, is 2,800 capacity. The floor was packed, but the reserved seating was probably 2/3 full, so I'm going to guess they had 2,400-2,500 there.

Helloween takes the stage and immediately during "Skyfall" you could tell Kiske was PEAK KISKE. His voice was stronger, clearer, and I look over to my wife (who is a professionally trained singer), and her eyes are wide, and she shook her head "yes" and gave the thumbs up. I was pretty stoked. The set was the same as Vegas and the entire tour, but it was SO much better having a clear view. I could see all the video on the stage, the songs sounded amazing, and Kiske. Holy hell, Michael Kiske. Thank YOU. I felt like I was 11 or 12 again, hearing this guy sing these songs. He cut a couple notes short here and there, but then he stepped up and fucking NAILED a bunch of others. My Lord.

The most impressive thing to me, however, was the joy. Seriously. You can tell when musicians are faking getting along, and the chemistry isn't right. You can see them interact, but know it's an act. Helloween is not putting on an act. Kiske and Deris legitimately love singing together. The whole band is enjoying this new found chemistry and love of playing as a bigger group. It was really cool to see.

Of course, drunk dude to my right almost ruined it for me. During "Keeper," he finally couldn't "keep" it in, and just kept puking. It was awful. Smelled like vodka. His wife was between us and she slid my way to avoid the puke, and I said "no chance, lady, you came with him, you deal with him, so she got puke on her legs. Then dude looked over at me, and I gave him the "you're one dumb motherfucker" look and he sheepishly left. His wife hung on until the end of Keeper, and then left too. But the puke, which mixed with beer, literally rolled down in front of our feet and the people to our left, so we had to put our feet on the railing to avoid it. It was DISGUSTING. I mean, really. The guy was clearly an uber fan, and to just miss the end of the set (and probably not remember what he was there for)...what an idiot.

Anyway, "I Want Out" was great, and the show ended with such a great vibe. My wife really enjoyed Helloween's set, and said it was a great show. I had a blast that night, with Kiske delivering, and really happy with my vantage point that I could take it all in. I'm glad I went to Vegas to see it, but that was a shell of a show that I ended up seeing in San Francisco.

Bottom line for me, I could cross off a bucket list gig. After 35, 36 years of being a fan of the Keeper-era Helloween, I got to see Michael Kiske sing those songs at peak level. It felt like I was back as a kid. I had an incredible time. And it was SO nice hearing a tenor voice, known for extreme high notes, confidently go for them and hit them. Seeing talent like that...just is otherworldly.

I hope and pray I get another opportunity to see them all again in the future. But if I don't, Helloween were all I had hoped they would be.


What a fantastic story. Finally all the pieces fell into place and you got your Helloween gig after all these years. It's never too late. Too bad about the drunk guy.  :lol


Quote from: Mladen on June 05, 2023, 08:17:13 AM
What a fantastic story. Finally all the pieces fell into place and you got your Helloween gig after all these years. It's never too late. Too bad about the drunk guy.  :lol

Thanks. I'm still buzzing over the show two days later. As for the drunk dude...what a moron. lol.


Brian, a wonderful read to spend my lunch with.

Lots I want to chime in on but I need my laptop to do it so I'll do it when I'm home later.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: DTwwbwMP on October 10, 2024, 11:26:46 AMDISAPPOINTED.. I hoped for something more along the lines of ADTOE.


Thanks Tim.

I also want to add - I don't begrudge anyone having a few drinks at a show. I mean, it's meant to kick back and enjoy. I get that. I CHOOSE not to, because I like to make sure I remember all the details. But I don't begrudge anyone having a beer or a drink. Every so often, I break my rule and have ONE beer. But I wasn't doing that during Helloween's performances. I waited too long to have anything muddle my memory of what I was going to witness. But this dude...he was a moron. I mean, a complete idiot. And I don't really understand the mentality of getting so shitfaced that you don't remember what you see.

The shows also gave me a nice re-appreciation for the Walls of Jericho album. Listening to it now. It's very much of its time, and Kai even said so on stage ("some old school German power metal"). But it showcases a different side of the band. All three of the vocalists - Kai, Michael and Andi - really provide these voices that showcase how nimble and creative the band can be. Both from a writing standpoint and a performance standpoint.

All in all, just a dream come true for me.


Quote from: Samsara on June 05, 2023, 08:13:57 AM
Once I discovered Queensrÿche and Rage for Order, Helloween took a bit of a back seat until fall 1988. I went full-on Queensrÿche with RFO, and then in mid-1988 with Operation: Mindcrime. But Keeper of the Seven Keys Pt. 2 dropped right before school started in September 1988. Since I was already obsessed with 'Rÿche, my friends played a prank on me, and teased me that QR had ALREADY put out a new album. I grabbed my Walkman, put in an unlabeled tape, and initially, got fooled that Keeper Pt. 2 was a Queensryche album...until I paid attention to the lyrics. Ha ha. My friends laughed, and we had a good time about it.

I never forgot those first two Keeper records. I loved Kiske, loved the guitars, and loved the humor. But as life got moving, I got busy, and once I found out several years later that Kiske had left and was replaced, I just sort of ignored Helloween until probably 15 years ago. I went on a Deris kick, and found myself enjoying the Deris-fronted catalog. I picked up tickets to see them in the Bay Area in September 2008 (I forget when the date was). I was a little hesitant – I just didn't like Deris' voice on the Keeper 1 and 2 material. But I was willing to check it out. My wife was VERY pregnant however, and when the show came around, I just skipped it, not wanting to risk anything.

I only really tangentially paid attention to Helloween after that. I was really busy with my career, fatherhood, etc. Then the whole Queensrÿche debacle that I got mixed up in...and in short, I just checked out. I had kept tabs on Kiske, however. I read interviews with him, checked out albums...that golden voice was still very much in my ear.

Brian, I also have vivid memories of this time. I started my junior year of college in the fall of 1988. I was so happy with Keeper Pt. 2. Sometimes when you're so blown away by a new album, like Keeper Pt.1 or I&W, the next album can struggle to meet expectations. Keeper Pt.2 was one that actually exceeded expectations. Not long after its release, I definitely remember hearing that Kai left, and was concerned about that.  A few years later, I bought the vinyl of Pink Bubbles on import along with Metallica's new album in August of '91 at the world's greatest record store, Sound Exchange in Wayne NJ. I listened to both on the drive home to Mass and while I kind of liked both, they were each quite different. Weird how they have each aged wonderfully. I remember not being able to get Chameleon. I wasn't doing mail order imports yet, but I had a bootleg VHS from the Chameleon tour, and dubbed the new songs onto a cassette and listened to that!

I was not happy with the new Deris stuff. I ordered the CD singles and could not get into it. Not Kiske..not power metal. I would ignore it for many years. At some point I started buying the Helloween albums with Deris, but it wasn't until I did a true deep dive, chronicled somewhere around here, that I truly got it.
Like you Brian, who touts Degarmo Era Queensryche as a favorite band, but somehow separate to Queensryche as a whole, I also rated Kiske Era Helloween quite highly. With the addition of Deris Era Helloween, the totality of Helloween easily ranks in my Top 5.

Quote from: Samsara on June 05, 2023, 08:13:57 AM
My only concern was Kiske. His voice sounded like I feared it might. He was off key a bit, and his voice sounded a bit gravelly in spots, which frankly, bummed me a little. Being a singer (not of his ilk, obviously, but trained enough to know what to do and what not to do), I wasn't surprised. While he had a day off before doing the Vegas show, the heat, and dry air really wreaks havoc with voices like his. Deris was fine, but he has a gravelly like voice anyway. He's the evil voice, Kiske is the heavenly, soaring one. Sadly, Kiske was a bit off. Not bad, but a bit off. Listening/watching my videos that night after the show confirmed what my ears heard.

I haven't listened to the 2018 show in a while. On this tour, I thought live he sounded great. Watching the show and listening to the bootleg, it was definitely not perfect. He seemed pitchy at the beginning of both Skyfall and Keeper. Kind of like he was searching for the right key (lol), not that he couldn't hit it. And on some of those high notes during the show, he kind of "threw it up there" so while he hit the notes, he didn't always have the depth. But these are minor quibbles. He was fucking amazing.

Quote from: Samsara on June 05, 2023, 08:13:57 AM
... and Kai Hansen doing the Walls of Jericho material in a medley was killer. I never had heard him live, and was impressed he was as good of a singer as he was live.

I'm not sure Kai has ever sounded better vocally. His voice is rested and strong. And it seems like he's grown as a vocalist over the years. The "Kai section" of the concert on both tours was THE highlight for me. It's a powerful performance, and the Walls material, which obviously sounds dated on the original album, sounds full and amazing given the full on modern Helloween sound.

Quote from: Samsara on June 05, 2023, 08:13:57 AM

The most impressive thing to me, however, was the joy. Seriously. You can tell when musicians are faking getting along, and the chemistry isn't right. You can see them interact, but know it's an act. Helloween is not putting on an act. Kiske and Deris legitimately love singing together. The whole band is enjoying this new found chemistry and love of playing as a bigger group. It was really cool to see.

This is the rub right here. I mentioned it was obvious five years ago, and it was clear on this tour. I found Kiske way more engaging with the crowd, and Weikath way more engaging with his bandmates. It really comes off as the real deal within the band.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: DTwwbwMP on October 10, 2024, 11:26:46 AMDISAPPOINTED.. I hoped for something more along the lines of ADTOE.


Quote from: MirrorMask on June 05, 2023, 04:21:38 AM
This tour is awesome and the previous one was a dream come true, with an exagerated setlist with everything you could have asked and more.

So I might be a little spoiled in saying that, as much as it is absolutely amazing and wonderful to see them on tour once again and seeing that the reunion is something that will last, and with a new album on top of that, can I "complain" about something I feel even at fault for complaining which is how this setlist is very..... tame?

I mean, it's the safest possibile one: mandatory three new songs, Keepers galore, and just 2-3 of Deris' best known songs. No surprises, no deep cut, not even Twilight of the Gods from Keeper 1 which would be a welcomed rarity.

As I said, I'm spoiled by the previous three hours show where they played everything and more, but as much as I was happy to see them again, the setlist had "greatest hits" all over it...

Looking at the two shows I've seen, in 2018 they played 20 songs basically, not including the Dani/Ingo drum tribute, a bit of Livin' Ain't No Crime and any guitar solos.

In 2023, they played 15, so 6 less songs..

In 2018..
10 Kiske Era
6 Deris Era
Kai Medley
Heavy Metal Is The Law
How Many Tears
Pumpkins United

In 2023..
6 Kiske Era
3 Deris Era
Kai Medley
Heavey Metal Is The Law
How Many Tears
3 new songs (one being just Andi)

Everything in 2023 was played in 2018 except for Save Us, which was a GREAT addition.

I don't know if they will be committed to playing Keeper on every tour going forward. If they swap it with Halloween next time, I'd be fine.

I certainly don't need Perfect Gentlemen again. My biggest want would be for them to rework King For 1000 Years and add vocal parts for Kai and Kiske.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: DTwwbwMP on October 10, 2024, 11:26:46 AMDISAPPOINTED.. I hoped for something more along the lines of ADTOE.


Quote from: TAC on June 05, 2023, 05:47:40 PM
Quote from: MirrorMask on June 05, 2023, 04:21:38 AM
This tour is awesome and the previous one was a dream come true, with an exagerated setlist with everything you could have asked and more.

So I might be a little spoiled in saying that, as much as it is absolutely amazing and wonderful to see them on tour once again and seeing that the reunion is something that will last, and with a new album on top of that, can I "complain" about something I feel even at fault for complaining which is how this setlist is very..... tame?

I mean, it's the safest possibile one: mandatory three new songs, Keepers galore, and just 2-3 of Deris' best known songs. No surprises, no deep cut, not even Twilight of the Gods from Keeper 1 which would be a welcomed rarity.

As I said, I'm spoiled by the previous three hours show where they played everything and more, but as much as I was happy to see them again, the setlist had "greatest hits" all over it...

Looking at the two shows I've seen, in 2018 they played 20 songs basically, not including the Dani/Ingo drum tribute, a bit of Livin' Ain't No Crime and any guitar solos.

In 2023, they played 15, so 6 less songs..

In 2018..
10 Kiske Era
6 Deris Era
Kai Medley
Heavy Metal Is The Law
How Many Tears
Pumpkins United

In 2023..
6 Kiske Era
3 Deris Era
Kai Medley
Heavey Metal Is The Law
How Many Tears
3 new songs (one being just Andi)

Everything in 2023 was played in 2018 except for Save Us, which was a GREAT addition.

I don't know if they will be committed to playing Keeper on every tour going forward. If they swap it with Halloween next time, I'd be fine.

I certainly don't need Perfect Gentlemen again. My biggest want would be for them to rework King For 1000 Years and add vocal parts for Kai and Kiske.

There is a few Keeper era songs that they haven't played, that they should bring out. Such as Twilight of the Gods and You Always Walk Alone.

There is also a long list of Deris era songs, that could work very well with this new lineup:

King For a 1000 Years (Duh)
Occasion Avenue
My Life for One More Day
Open Your Life
Who is Mr. Madman
The Invisible Man
World of Fantasy
Paint a New World

Also that is only from the 2000-2010 era. Unfortunately, I fear that we won't see some of these songs played live ever again. Helloween has such a massive catalogue of songs, and they are expected to play certain crowd favorites every night. Also they are already in the works for their next album, and whatever that turns out to be, is going to be a focus in their future live sets.


Well, let's be fair. There are five or six less songs because they have a band in front of them playing almost an hour. Whereas last time, it was an evening with, wasn't it? The two shows I just saw were over two hours in length, which is excellent. And both Keeper and Skyfall are well over 10 minutes, as is the medley of Jericho stuff.

re: Save Us - man, I was absolutely floored to see it (twice). But strangely, no one really seemed to know it. Not as much. Yes, there were plenty who did, but even Kiske no doubt noticed, because whatever he said prior to the song indicated that it wasn't generally known by people. I doubt we'll see it again, and I feel pretty fortunate I got to.

re: other keeper stuff. Yeah, being the Keeper 1&2 nut I am, I'm all for more of that, particularly the stuff that hasn't been played.

Moving forward, I'll be happy with whatever. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to hear Keeper 1 material (which I didn't get a chance to see except for Future World).


Quote from: TAC on June 05, 2023, 05:47:40 PM
I don't know if they will be committed to playing Keeper on every tour going forward. If they swap it with Halloween next time, I'd be fine.

I certainly don't need Perfect Gentlemen again. My biggest want would be for them to rework King For 1000 Years and add vocal parts for Kai and Kiske.


I'm not sure why I had it in my head that they'd be playing Twilight.  They've only played that 7 times in North America, and not since 1987 (and not the show I saw).  I'm Alive could replace Eagle if they want, and A Little Time is a great live song.  Halloween/Keeper/King wouldn't be unwelcome, and they could swap out Dr. Stein for Rise and Fall, but I doubt either of those things will happen.


Yeah, I expect Eagle Fly Free and Dr. Stein being played at every single show until the band retires.

Also, Andi Deris must be so happy to finally be rid of those songs  :lol (especially Eagle Fly Free which he doesn't sing anymore, they duet on Dr Stein)


Random question:

Has the band ever said why they say "STEEN" instead of "STINE," which is correct German pronunciation of "Stein"?


I never even thought about it, but my wild guess would be to sound more "international" and english, they have english lyrics, they pronunce it the english way.

Heck, I bet many people pronounce Weikath and Kiske's names the english way anyway, it's when I hear the other guys introducing them that I remember how "Michael" actually sounds in german  :lol


Quote from: pg1067 on June 06, 2023, 08:27:00 AM
Quote from: TAC on June 05, 2023, 05:47:40 PM
I don't know if they will be committed to playing Keeper on every tour going forward. If they swap it with Halloween next time, I'd be fine.

I certainly don't need Perfect Gentlemen again. My biggest want would be for them to rework King For 1000 Years and add vocal parts for Kai and Kiske.


I'm not sure why I had it in my head that they'd be playing Twilight.  They've only played that 7 times in North America, and not since 1987 (and not the show I saw).  I'm Alive could replace Eagle if they want, and A Little Time is a great live song.  Halloween/Keeper/King wouldn't be unwelcome, and they could swap out Dr. Stein for Rise and Fall, but I doubt either of those things will happen.

I might be a bit guilty when it comes to Twilight. I know that I had mentioned that I read an interview after their latest album was released where I thought I had picked up on a hint regarding Twilight being added. I don't remember what it was.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: DTwwbwMP on October 10, 2024, 11:26:46 AMDISAPPOINTED.. I hoped for something more along the lines of ADTOE.


Quote from: MirrorMask on June 06, 2023, 02:18:46 PM
I never even thought about it, but my wild guess would be to sound more "international" and english, they have english lyrics, they pronunce it the english way.

Heck, I bet many people pronounce Weikath and Kiske's names the english way anyway, it's when I hear the other guys introducing them that I remember how "Michael" actually sounds in german  :lol

You're referring to "Michael"?  I imagine just about any native English speaker will pronounce it MIK-əl.  I took German in high school (a million years ago), so I'm somewhat sensitive to a more German pronunciation "mi-KI-el VI-kath.  Of course, when Deris introduced Kiske and Hansen introduced Weikath, they both used the English pronunciation.

As for Dr. Stein, "the English way" is "STINE."  Given that it's Helloween, I assume it's tongue-in-check, but I was just curious if they ever directly addressed it.  There's an old movie (Young Frankenstein with Gene Wilder, I think?) where the guy pronounces Frankenstein as "FRAHNK-ən-shteen," which is intentionally incorrect, and I thought that might play into it as well.

Quote from: TAC on June 06, 2023, 02:32:51 PM
I might be a bit guilty when it comes to Twilight. I know that I had mentioned that I read an interview after their latest album was released where I thought I had picked up on a hint regarding Twilight being added. I don't remember what it was.

Maybe, but I definitely looked at to make my Spotify playlist, so I had no good reason to think it was coming!   :lol


I hope Dr. Stein wouldn't be repeated again.

The only song I never want dropped is How Many Tears.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: DTwwbwMP on October 10, 2024, 11:26:46 AMDISAPPOINTED.. I hoped for something more along the lines of ADTOE.


Wacken livestream should start in a couple of minutes.

Edit: they were off to a great start with Skyfall  :metal Love the high quality Wacken stream and the fact they started playing when it was already dark


Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: DTwwbwMP on October 10, 2024, 11:26:46 AMDISAPPOINTED.. I hoped for something more along the lines of ADTOE.


Dammit, my stream keeps pausing. I'll watch it when it's done.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: DTwwbwMP on October 10, 2024, 11:26:46 AMDISAPPOINTED.. I hoped for something more along the lines of ADTOE.


I thought it was one hell of a show. I hope they upload it or make a release out of it


What little I watched of the stream was epic! :metal

Helloween started playing just before midnight in my timezone. I had to give in and go to sleep, as I had a busy work day and I had been awake for about 20 hours at that point.

Helloween is such a well oiled machine at this point. They are in the best shape they've ever been!


I caught the very beginning just as they are about to hit the stage and had to watch it all the way through. I rarely get the chance to catch a live stream, so this was kind of special. I loved the performance and the set list was really good, too. What an amazing band, they've never been better.  :tup


Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: DTwwbwMP on October 10, 2024, 11:26:46 AMDISAPPOINTED.. I hoped for something more along the lines of ADTOE.


The Web Rip is on Dime, but if anyone comes across an audio only rip, I'd definitely be interested.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: DTwwbwMP on October 10, 2024, 11:26:46 AMDISAPPOINTED.. I hoped for something more along the lines of ADTOE.


I've watched/listened to the first two songs, and it sounds fantastic! Wow!

I mean, Kiske is kinda unbelievable (and Deris sounds great too)


Watched it over the course of two days. It was a blast and an absolute triumph on home soil  :metal and by home I don't just mean Germany, they're from Hamburg and Wacken is one hour away from Hamburg.

I've been to Wacken twice, and Helloween played the first time I was there, in 2004; it was the Rabbits tour and while the show was ok, it was just another show in the bill, nothing to write home about. Now well, I wasn't there, but from the looks of it they were one of the main protagonists of the festival and they absolutely conquered it!!!  :metal


Quote from: MirrorMask on August 07, 2023, 12:31:08 PM

I've been to Wacken twice

What is that experience like Andrea? It looks awful! :lol

Do you position yourself to see both stages, or do you "pick a side"?

What did you do about lodging? Food? etc..?
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: DTwwbwMP on October 10, 2024, 11:26:46 AMDISAPPOINTED.. I hoped for something more along the lines of ADTOE.


Eh, keep in mind it was a long time ago by now. I've always struggled with the concept of time passing for me, I'm a 43 years old man FFS, and I have been there in 2004 and 2007 - there are people born in 2004 who are having sex and can vote, eek!

Twenty years ago Wacken was already big, but it was not exagerately, gargantuan, massively big. I managed to live through it just fine, and yes you kinda have to pick your stage, you can't really stand in the middle and hoping to see both.

I remember being in the fourth row during Rage's show with the orchestra in 2007, and I have memories of seeing Helloween in 2004 from a moderate distance. Also Blind Guardian was not an impossible task to attend. Managed to enjoy Dio just fine, and I saw After Forever on a smaller stage - that was my only time seeing Floor Jansen live, and it took me some fifteen years and her joining Nightwish to see her perform again.

I was in the camping both times, ate food around the festival and more or less managed to keep normal hours, even though at a certain point at a festival like this you kinda go feral - you eat when you're hungry, drink when you're thirsty, and sleep when you're tired, regardless of the hours  ;D

I remember also going for a walk to a nearby pool, and walking around the market. As I said, it was already big and massive, but not so big that it's scary, and it definitively didn't sell out one year before. I remember the times when you didn't have to plan a festival like you would do for a marriage, meaning you'd have to be absolutely certain of the date and put plans into motion one year in advance.

It's very likely I will never go to Wacken or to any other major festival again, but hey, at least I've been to Wacken twice. I've visited the metal mecca, valhalla awaits me  :metal