Place your bets again - DT's next top model.

Started by robwebster, October 27, 2010, 07:59:50 AM

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Who's that Pokémon?!

Virgil Donati
6 (2.2%)
Peter Wildoer
17 (6.1%)
Mike Mangini
157 (56.3%)
Marco Minnemann
49 (17.6%)
Thomas Lang
23 (8.2%)
Derek Roddy
2 (0.7%)
Aquiles Priester
4 (1.4%)
21 (7.5%)

Total Members Voted: 279


April 21st 2011, xx:xx pm, where xx:xx is whatever the "Last edited" number at the bottom of the post is.

Today, the trailer was released, identifying the seven candidates for the position of NuPortnoy, and all votes have been reset.

Here's how it looked before we reset...

...and you need only cast your eyes upwards to see how it's looking now.

Place your bets, gentlemen! And welcome to the worst thread on the board!

Right, here we go. No idea how long we've got until the announcement is made, but all bets are on.

This isn't about your favourite drummer, or the one you're rooting for to win - this is about the name which you genuinely believe is going to be pulled out of the envelope at some point over the next month or so.

The drummers listed are in a fairly vague order. The first seven are the ones who are quite strongly rumoured - including Terry Bozzio, who's been jossed by JLB, and Charlie Zeleny, who has no concrete body of proof but some fairly big links to the band, including an infinity of Dream Theater drum covers uploaded to youtube. From there onwards it sort of loosely descends from more probable to less probable, culminating in zero with Kevin Moore.

The "other" option is for if you genuinely believe that the person who's going to be revealed as the new drummer hasn't been listed in the poll. If so, then you get to post your guess in the thread, and you can spend the next few months being really, really smug once the drummer's confirmed.

Might make sense to post who you've voted for, too, seeing as I can't make votes public. I'd spin together one of those doohickeys I used for the DT songchart where you could see who voted what, but I don't want to allow multiple votes.

Don't worry. This isn't gambling. Nobody's earning any money out of this. I'm just wondering how well aligned we are with the band, and seeing if we, collectively, can correctly guess the right drummer. And just for the record, if anyone actually votes for Kevin Moore I am going to become a restaurant critic, rip your lungs from your chest, eat them with tomato ketchup, and then give them a snide review, making you the laughing stock of the culinary world.

And no, I don't know who some of those people are either.

My vote's with Charlie Zeleny.


I'm with you on this one Rob

Charlie Z Mangini gets my vote.







As for preference, it would be a toss-up between Mike Mangini, Marco Minnemann and Thomas Lang for me. But thinking realistically, it'll come down to either Charlie Zeleny or Peter Wildoer.




Bozzio gets my vote.
The Explorers Club work with the band, and probably big reference from Tony Levins.


My vote goes to Peter whatever, not that I want him to join though. But since DT is very "metal" now a days, and he is pure metal, and can growl and is friends with Jimmy, he unfortunatly seems like a logical choice.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


I voted Charlie Z, but my vote was just who I liked most out of the ones I've seen. I'm not familiar with 90% of them, truly don't know who they'll pick.


It's between Charlie Zeleny or Peter Wildoer.
But Charlie Z gets my vote.



I went with Macaluso given the proximity in which he lives to the band and his work touring with JLB.  If not him I'd go with Charlie Z.

Thomas lang would be pretty cool too though.  Not Wildoer.  Please not him.


Kevin Moore

Who the hell is Charlie Zeleny?


Wow.. lots of love for charlie Z here and i don't like him that much :S


Quote from: PlaysLikeMyung on October 27, 2010, 09:24:59 AM
Who the hell is Charlie Zeleny?

Charlie is my pick, for a combination of his ability and logical reasons (lives in NY, has worked with Jordan etc.)
Peter is a close second, but his location proves to perhaps be an issue...although his vocal ability gives him some edge.


Wheres Lars? Nick Menza?

This poll is fixed.  :tdwn



Quote from: MykeHavoc on October 27, 2010, 09:29:34 AM
Quote from: PlaysLikeMyung on October 27, 2010, 09:24:59 AM
Who the hell is Charlie Zeleny?

Charlie is my pick, for a combination of his ability and logical reasons (lives in NY, has worked with Jordan etc.)
Peter is a close second, but his location proves to perhaps be an issue...although his vocal ability gives him some edge.
Yeah, for me, I'd say Zeleny's most probable because all of the constituent parts seem to converge on him.

He's technically stellar, and geographically convenient. A close collaborator of Jordan Rudess, he's already humongously passionate about Dream Theater's music, and while talented, he's not in constant demand in the same way that people such as Virgil Donati may be.

Myself, I think Virgil's probably my favourite of the drummers in the poll. But as far as I can tell, Zeleny's the most obviously viable choice, and I think he would be the most interested in filling in permanently.

Not to put down the others. Obviously, if they weren't interested in joining Dream Theater on a permanent basis on at least some level, they wouldn't bother auditioning. And if they honestly felt that geography was going to prevent them from joining the band in the first place, they wouldn't have forked out the time and effort to jet off to New York. So it's all up in the air, and ultimately comes down to chemistry. But there's enough in Zeleny's favour for me to have a good feeling about him. As do others, apparently! He's got the most votes in spite of the fact that he's not one of the five rumoured to be identified.

On the other hand, if he's such a no-brainer, I can't imagine there would be much need to delay. JLB's said that they need to consider all of the kinks, and I can't instinctively see any obvious difficulties with inducting Charlie (well, contracts, of course) so you know. I also wouldn't be surprised if he didn't turn out to be their first choice, musically. I think he's stiill quite a safe bet, though.

Although, it would mean that DT would've had two Johns, two Kevins, and two Charlies. That's six out of nine members.

King Postwhore

"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


I voted Mangini because I dreamt he got the gig and I am a bit psychic...
Who I want would be Jarzombek (almost initialled him the but realised people may get the wrong idea... ), Lang or Harrison.
Didn't like Charlie Z and Wildoer leaves the door open for more growling. On the JLB album he seemed rather frantic but maybe that was what the music called for.


Considering none of them will make growl attempts, I'd go with Peter Wildoer, Virgil or Charlie Z.


Quote from: IdoSC on October 27, 2010, 10:40:23 AM
I'd go with Peter Wildoer, Virgil or Charlie Z.

Me too. So much talent out there; makes me wish this was a multiple option poll.


If Peter Wildoer is picked I'm going to have to find a new favorite band. Here's just hoping that if he is indeed picked that DT is smart enough to keep his lame ass from screaming. Seeing as how LaBrie just had an album full of obnoxious screams, it would prove that DT has no originality left.

Setlist Scotty

Quote from: Zook on October 27, 2010, 11:07:09 AM
If Peter Wildoer is picked I'm going to have to find a new favorite band. Here's just hoping that if he is indeed picked that DT is smart enough to keep his lame ass from screaming. Seeing as how LaBrie just had an album full of obnoxious screams, it would prove that DT has no originality left.

Not sure if I'd go quite to the extreme you express, but I definitely have some similar thoughts.

My vote goes to Minnemann.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on November 13, 2015, 07:37:14 PMAs a basic rule, if you hate it, you must solely blame Portnoy. If it's good, then you must downplay MP's contribution to the band as not being important anyway, or claim he's just lying. It's the DTF way.
Quote from: TAC on July 10, 2024, 08:26:41 AMPOW is awesome! :P


Quote from: Setlist Scotty on October 27, 2010, 11:17:11 AM
Quote from: Zook on October 27, 2010, 11:07:09 AM
If Peter Wildoer is picked I'm going to have to find a new favorite band. Here's just hoping that if he is indeed picked that DT is smart enough to keep his lame ass from screaming. Seeing as how LaBrie just had an album full of obnoxious screams, it would prove that DT has no originality left.

Not sure if I'd go quite to the extreme you express, but I definitely have some similar thoughts.

My vote goes to Minnemann.
I do really like Minnemann, as a sort of wildcard. He's definitely got the credentials, and I quite like his status as a multi-instrumentalist and composer, plus he's tipped to be one of the auditionees. Got quite a good feeling about him, but I still think Charlie's the safer place to put the money.


Quote from: Zook on October 27, 2010, 11:07:09 AM
Seeing as how LaBrie just had an album full of obnoxious screams
The new album of JLB has:
3 songs with major screams (One More Time, Jekyll or Hyde, This is War)
3 songs with an average/low amount of screams (Mislead, I Need You, Who You Think I Am)
6 songs with barely any/no screams (Euphoric, Over the Edge, I Tried, Just Watch Me, Superstar, Coming Home). One of them is a beautiful ballad.

So yeah, can't say it's "full of screams", and I don't consider them obnoxious either.
However, I would love it if DT won't have even one more growl/scream attempt in their next albums. It's nice as an experiment like JLB did, not as a routine like MP did.


Quote from: IdoSC on October 27, 2010, 11:25:25 AM
Quote from: Zook on October 27, 2010, 11:07:09 AM
Seeing as how LaBrie just had an album full of obnoxious screams
The new album of JLB has:
3 songs with major screams (One More Time, Jekyll or Hyde, This is War)
3 songs with an average/low amount of screams (Mislead, I Need You, Who You Think I Am)
6 songs with barely any/no screams (Euphoric, Over the Edge, I Tried, Just Watch Me, Superstar, Coming Home). One of them is a beautiful ballad.

So yeah, can't say it's "full of screams", and I don't consider them obnoxious either.
However, I would love it if DT won't have even one more growl/scream attempt in their next albums. It's nice as an experiment like JLB did, not as a routine like MP did.
Wait, you just got sarcastic with Zook's comment, but then proceeded to call MP's harsh vocals "routine" when they cropped up less than Wildoer's? :lol

Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on May 10, 2023, 05:59:19 PMAriich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
Quote from: TAC on December 21, 2023, 06:05:15 AMI be am boner inducing.


I havent been following the threads about possible drummers, and I didn't even know Charlie Z was a candidate.

His work in B...TA was crazy, I hope he gets it,



Mike Mangini - he is involved with Berklee so him just for extra servings of nuggets.
