Started by sneakyblueberry, January 17, 2011, 05:19:00 AM

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Quote from: carl320 on February 26, 2012, 06:54:26 PM
This is a question for the bike commuters on DTF:  Have you been hit while riding?  Close calls?

This last week a guy was hit and killed riding on a busy street in my city, and two days later another person was hit.  I don't have all the facts, so I don't know how much it is the bicyclists fault, but I would think the lion's share of the blame would be on the drivers.  Then I was talking to my brother (an avid cyclist) and, even though he hasn't been hit, he's had quite a few close calls.

These incidents got me wondering how often bicyclists have close calls, so I thought I'd ask you, the cyclists of DTF.

I had quite a few close calls when I first started riding in my city. Most of them involved cars starting to overtake me (I'm in the cycle lane btw), seeing a large vehicle coming the other way then deciding to use to cycle lane to free up some more space between them and the large vehicle, leaving me to either brake like buggery or hop onto the kerb. The other thing that happened a couple of times was cars turning into a side road across the cycle lane JUST after they have started overtaking me. Its like all cars see a cyclist and assume you are going so slowly that the moment you are out of normal vision (excluding mirrors) you must be miles behind.
I've not had any near misses in ages, largely because I now cycle ON the lines marking the edge of the cycle lane, wearing high vis. That means cars have to actually cross the white line in the middle a little bit to overtake, so they usually have to slow down a little and actually think about passing me. This seems to mean they don't just instantly forget and actually take a look at where I am before cutting back in front of me. I also have my brain working overtime, constantly aware of whats coming the other way and really keeping an eye on cars for any hints of them considering turning into a side road. In short, don't let other traffic forget you aren't there, and be as prepared as possible for idiots!

I had a fairly amusing moment on a ride through busy traffic recently. A car dipped 2 wheels into the cycle lane just in front of me a couple of times, when I pulled alongside I noticed the wing mirror was folded against the car. I took a hand off and folded it out. The car obviously had NO idea I was there and heard it clunk into place, I looked across to give a bit of a "well done, cretin" look at them, and this woman just looked at me with such a comedy surprise face I was laughing all the way home.


Whoa, this thread is 2 years old!

Quote from: rumborak on January 17, 2011, 07:40:29 AM
I'm the hardcore bicycle guy in my company. It was 14F with a harsh wind outside today, and I rode in with my bike.
Don't do any sports cycling though, just pragmatic cycling.

I've been biking all winter, though my commute is only a mile.  Any time there is any type of precipitation, or the temp dips below 20, my coworkers ask if I really biked in that day and are shocked when I tell them.  A few weeks ago, it was in the low teens, and I was a little worried how I would handle it, but I actually wound up over dressing, and got to work in a light sweat.  If it is raining hard or there is slush and snow on the ground, I'll put on my snowboard pants over my work pants, and there is no problem.

Also, I just downloaded the google tracks app, and this morning I peaked at 16.78 mph!

bout to crash

I just got my first real bike in July, thanks to a friend who was moving and left it behind. I have been diggin' the shit out of it! As soon as I got it I bought a (badass) helmet because a friend of a friend recently got killed on the road :(


Quote from: bout to crash on February 13, 2013, 08:56:31 PM
I just got my first real bike in July, thanks to a friend who was moving and left it behind. I have been diggin' the shit out of it! As soon as I got it I bought a (badass) helmet because a friend of a friend recently got killed on the road :(
I have been bike commuting for about 10 months now, and only just got a helmet yesterday :(

Also, I got a new bike yesterday (hence the new helmet).  Its amazing what a real bike feels like compared to the 15 year old heavy steel purple Huffy I have been riding.

Its a Giant Escape:

I'm going back to the bike shop next week for fenders, since last time I biked in the rain, I had a dirty wet spot on the back of my pants..  This wasn't a problem in the winter, since I would just put on my ski pants, but I need a warm weather solution now.


I've essentially been addicted to riding for the past few years. Got serious enough last spring to get into it collegiately and professionally. I'm riding almost every day and the area I live in is nice and hilly, so I never really get bored with the routes I ride because its not all flat and boring.

I just got a fairly simple Trek 2013 1.2 C, with a wirless cateye cyclocomputer. Nothing too special.

Does anyone else here race collegaitely and/or professionally?



I wouldn't wear them in a city, but I live in the middle of nowhere. I can get away with it because no one lives around here.




ahhh, its terrible.  I've cleaned the rim and the pads several times, lightly sanded the pads to remove any contaminants that may have worked into the rubber, and adjusted their position for a slight toe-in so the leading end of the pad contacts before the trailing end.  It is only the front brakes that squeak, so I even swapped the front and rear pads.  It's fine at higher speeds when I begin to apply the brakes, but at low speeds its really terrible.


Quote from: jasc15 on July 25, 2013, 07:23:13 AM

ahhh, its terrible.  I've cleaned the rim and the pads several times, lightly sanded the pads to remove any contaminants that may have worked into the rubber, and adjusted their position for a slight toe-in so the leading end of the pad contacts before the trailing end.  It is only the front brakes that squeak, so I even swapped the front and rear pads.  It's fine at higher speeds when I begin to apply the brakes, but at low speeds its really terrible.
(sorry for resurrection, I just re-started posting again and saw this)
try tightening the brake calipers against the frame tighter