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Sigz's Top 50 Albums

Started by Sigz, January 25, 2011, 08:56:28 AM

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The Perfect Element?  Wait, this is #46, not number #6  :-\


Honestly I wouldn't call PoS cheesy music.  Sigz, if I get the Perfect Element do you think my "meh" opinion of PoS will change for the better?


Maybe. I didn't really 'get' TPE until I heard Remedy Lane to be honest.


Quote from: skydivingninja on January 26, 2011, 04:43:59 AM
Honestly I wouldn't call PoS cheesy music.  Sigz, if I get the Perfect Element do you think my "meh" opinion of PoS will change for the better?

I don't really think PoS is a "matter of where you start"-type of band, even though i'm just speaking from personal experience.
I tried pretty much all of the albums with the same outcome, even though it can be different for others, it feels like PoS is one of those bands you either love or hate. :P


Quote from: Sigz on January 26, 2011, 03:34:11 AM
I'm going to skullfuck you.

And not in a romantic way, it will be bursting with hatred and violence.

This quote is very sigzable. :neverusethis:


PoS took a long time to click for me...four years to be honest.  Don't force it and keep trying.


45. Boris & Sunn O))) - Altar: Sunn O))) has always been a strange band for me. While I'm certainly a fan of drone metal, they were a band that I never truly got into. Sure, I enjoyed them from time to time but for the most part my focus was always on other artists in the genre. Their collaboration with Boris, however, is an absolutely brilliant album. Atmospheric, heavy, and haunting, it's an immense trip from start to finish. Between the frantic percussion in 'Etna' , the stark melancholy of 'The Sinking Belle', and the flat out terror of 'Blood Swamp', there's something in the album for most fans of dark and atmospheric music, even those who don't normally delve into drone metal.

44. Dream Theater - Images and Words: Dream Theater's 'classic' album, and there's a damned good reason for it. An album of tightly composed progressive metal where the technicality doesn't get in the way of good songwriting; what more could someone ask for? There is one dud in the form of 'Surrounded', but the rest of the album is so good that it carries the dead weight just fine. I should have to say much more though, you all know it well enough.


I came in here to see what the BWOOOOOOOOM was all about.

If that was your plan to attract people to the thread, it worked on me hook line and sinker. Good job.



And the BWWOOOOMMM was because it's Sunn O))). Duh.


I won't care about your ego stroking unless ICP's The Great Milenko is in the Top 10.

lololol, just kidding.

Kind of.

No but in all seriousness, I'm actually surprised a DT album other than SFAM made the list. I figured since you never listen to them anymore, SFAM would be the only one.


Quote from: Gadough on January 26, 2011, 08:57:17 AM
I came in here to see what the BWOOOOOOOOM was all about.

If that was your plan to attract people to the thread, it worked on me hook line and sinker. Good job.


Sigz, I didn't know you actually liked DT. :lol


It's just a ruse so that Bosk doesn't ban him. :p




Images is one of my five favorite albums ever, but knowing you I can understand why its so low now compared to everything else.  I would argue that Surrounded is not "dead weight."


IaW is an album with great songs but it is slightly unfulfilling as an album, maybe because of its shorter length.  It's like having a really tasty free sample at a frozen yogurt store.


Images is a Top 10 album for me, but it's nice to see its appearance on your list nonetheless. And no, Surrounded is no dud.


Images and Words is just decent to me, DT has made at least 4-5 albums i like more.


Quote from: BrotherH on January 26, 2011, 10:29:45 AM
IaW is an album with great songs but it is slightly unfulfilling as an album, maybe because of its shorter length.  It's like having a really tasty free sample at a frozen yogurt store.

It's short because it's well edited, something that band desperately needs to do. Aside from Awake, I've yet to see Dream Theater do anything worthwhile with that additional 15 minutes of music they've made on each album since.


Quote from: Zantera on January 26, 2011, 10:38:17 AM
Images and Words is just decent to me, DT has made at least 4-5 albums i like more.

Goddammit Zantera.

Quote from: skydivingninja on January 26, 2011, 10:19:12 AMI would argue that Surrounded is not "dead weight."

If anything it's worse than dead weight; I actually skip it whenever I listen to I&W.

Quote from: orcus116 on January 26, 2011, 11:04:45 AM
Quote from: BrotherH on January 26, 2011, 10:29:45 AM
IaW is an album with great songs but it is slightly unfulfilling as an album, maybe because of its shorter length.  It's like having a really tasty free sample at a frozen yogurt store.

It's short because it's well edited, something that band desperately needs to do. Aside from Awake, I've yet to see Dream Theater do anything worthwhile with that additional 15 minutes of music they've made on each album since.



Surrounded is one of the best songs on Images And Words. The only song that I'd really consider weak is Pull Me Under.


I'm not saying there's anything majorly wrong with I&W though.
The only thing i feel, is that it's at best nr4, because Awake, 6DOIT and SFAM are better.  :P
With that said, i'm not sure if a DT-album would make it to my top50 list, it kinda depends.

Birch Boy

Quote from: Sigz on January 26, 2011, 11:05:43 AM
Quote from: Zantera on January 26, 2011, 10:38:17 AM
Images and Words is just decent to me, DT has made at least 4-5 albums i like more.

Goddammit Zantera.

Quote from: skydivingninja on January 26, 2011, 10:19:12 AMI would argue that Surrounded is not "dead weight."

If anything it's worse than dead weight; I actually skip it whenever I listen to I&W.

Sigz listens to Dream Theater? But they have, like... a...




Good to see Altar on there, and I'm calling Continuum II to be very high on the list. Where it should be.


I've heard Sigz say a lot of positive things about Continuum, and i've been meaning to check it out for a long time, but it just seems impossible to find.
If you can't even find something in 'illegal' ways, then it's friggin underground.  :hat



I was insanely lucky, I actually found a copy at my local record store. Of course, they also had a vinyl of Altar and a copy of Tarquin's Seaweed Farm, so they're pretty much just indie as fuck.


Awh, i wish i lived in USA or something.
Here it's pretty much impossible to find anything indie. :(


Last one for the day:

43. Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto - Insen: Maybe it's just because I'm kind of drunk, but I'm not completely sure what to say about Insen. It's not an album I talk about a lot, but that in itself probably speaks to just how understated this album is. Alva Noto is a brilliant noise artist, and here showcases his minimalist side with gentle washes of noise and sparkling glitches, all backing up Sakamoto's beautiful piano work.  It's something that captured me the first time I heard it several years ago, and to this day remains a favorite. I've found it's even serves as a pretty good soundtrack to Starcraft 2. Then again compared to the SC2 soundtrack pretty much anything is better.




Quote from: BrotherH on January 26, 2011, 10:29:45 AM
IaW is an album with great songs but it is slightly unfulfilling as an album, maybe because of its shorter length.  It's like having a really tasty free sample at a frozen yogurt store.

I disagree. It's as long as it needs to be.


What the fuck Sigz? Surrounded is the greatest song ever.