MYRATH thread

Started by dongringo, February 14, 2011, 09:13:14 PM

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Quote from: Big Hath on July 25, 2012, 09:05:03 AM
Quote from: Lowdz on July 25, 2012, 09:02:56 AM
It's the Arabian-sounding stuff I like.

ditto that.  It's really cool to hear how they incorporate it into the music.

Doesn't Desert Call have Arabian-stuff as well (along the better songwriting)? Your posts imply that Desert Call sounds like generic Prog Metal and Tales from the Sands suddenly adds something fresh to the mix that was missing before.

Big Hath

Quote from: me7 on July 27, 2012, 04:50:51 AM
Quote from: Big Hath on July 25, 2012, 09:05:03 AM
Quote from: Lowdz on July 25, 2012, 09:02:56 AM
It's the Arabian-sounding stuff I like.

ditto that.  It's really cool to hear how they incorporate it into the music.

Doesn't Desert Call have Arabian-stuff as well (along the better songwriting)? Your posts imply that Desert Call sounds like generic Prog Metal and Tales from the Sands suddenly adds something fresh to the mix that was missing before.

can't comment on Desert Call, as I only have TFTS

Someone mentioned TFTS has "Arabian-sounding gimmicks", Lowdz said he liked that stuff and I agreed.


Quote from: Big Hath on July 27, 2012, 07:54:19 AM
Quote from: me7 on July 27, 2012, 04:50:51 AM
Quote from: Big Hath on July 25, 2012, 09:05:03 AM
Quote from: Lowdz on July 25, 2012, 09:02:56 AM
It's the Arabian-sounding stuff I like.

ditto that.  It's really cool to hear how they incorporate it into the music.

Doesn't Desert Call have Arabian-stuff as well (along the better songwriting)? Your posts imply that Desert Call sounds like generic Prog Metal and Tales from the Sands suddenly adds something fresh to the mix that was missing before.

can't comment on Desert Call, as I only have TFTS

Someone mentioned TFTS has "Arabian-sounding gimmicks", Lowdz said he liked that stuff and I agreed.

All of their albums have "Arabian-sounding gimmicks" (it's the "thing" of the band), but TFTS doesn't have much else. Desert Call has the same "Arabian-sounding gimmicks" AND much better songwriting. If you enjoy TFTS, you should check out this:


Quote from: me7 on July 27, 2012, 04:50:51 AM
Quote from: Big Hath on July 25, 2012, 09:05:03 AM
Quote from: Lowdz on July 25, 2012, 09:02:56 AM
It's the Arabian-sounding stuff I like.

ditto that.  It's really cool to hear how they incorporate it into the music.

Doesn't Desert Call have Arabian-stuff as well (along the better songwriting)? Your posts imply that Desert Call sounds like generic Prog Metal and Tales from the Sands suddenly adds something fresh to the mix that was missing before.

Not at all. Those two albums are excellent. The first album (Hope) I found to be poor.


I dig Hope too. It has maybe their two weakest (not weak) songs on it, but still. I really dig Confession for instance.
3:14 is fantastic, and I love the solo vibe.

Is it just me or is Desert Calls's mix extremely bright? I can never listen to it as loud as the other two records because of all the high end. Kinda weird, as the same guy mixed the first two records as I have understood it.


Well, I spent a good portion of the last week on vacation listening to Myrath, and I have to say that Desert Call has really grown on me, and I like it a little more than Tales of the Sands now. I especially like Memories, even though it's cheesy as hell. :symphonyx:


My copy of Hope has a fishy booklet. I have lyrics for Hope, Last Breath, Seven Sins and My inner War. The lyrics for Confession, Fade away and All my Fears are missing. Is this "normal", in the sense that all CDs have this fault and the label can't be arsed to fix it?


Wow, this thread is so old; how did I not catch it? Myrath is amazing. I have Desert Call and it's one of my favorite albums.


Quote from: me7 on August 29, 2012, 02:17:12 AM
My copy of Hope has a fishy booklet. I have lyrics for Hope, Last Breath, Seven Sins and My inner War. The lyrics for Confession, Fade away and All my Fears are missing. Is this "normal", in the sense that all CDs have this fault and the label can't be arsed to fix it?

If I ever get around to unpacking my CDs, I'll let you know.  Feel free to bug me my PM occasionally if I forget, it will be an easy check.


Just typed in "progressive metal" on YouTube, which I do sometimes to explore new bands, and I stumbled across Myrath's Tales of the Sands.  Wow.  This scratches me right where I itch for prog.  Love it.  "Time to Grow" is a killer tune!


Their first two albums are even better, imho. Tales of the Sand is very good, but it isn't as intricate and deep as the first two are. You should check out tracks like Seven Sins, My Inner War or Empty World for comparison, I find them to be on a whole different level.


Absolutely agree on that. Tales of the Sands is a good, shallow Prog/Power Metal crossover, but the previous two albums are serious business. Their debut is heavily underappreciated on this forum for being too much of a Symphony X knock-off, but I love it since it's actually a better SX album than what SX have producer over the past decade.


Myrath finally released a new tune today. I am really hyped for the upcoming album, coming next month.

Train of Naught

Damn. Totally forgot they had an album coming up shortly, there's so much awesome stuff to look forward to.

Can't believe I still haven't looked into their first albums, as I really liked Tales of the Sands (especially the overall Arabian-sounding stuff, I'm a sucker for those elements).

New song sounds alright, the guitar solo is short but absolutely killer. Already liking this better than most of the prog-metal singles I've heard for upcoming albums, pretty excited for this album as well.


Great stuff! Really looking forward to seeing them support Symphony X in a few weeks. Didn't realise the new album was out so soon (3 days after I see them) - hope they still play plenty of older stuff, I'd love to see Seven Sins live.  :metal
Whoaaaahh, ohhh, ohhhhh. Whoaaaahh, ohhhhh, ohhhhhh. Waaah, ahhh, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaowwwwww


Hmm. Didn't love the new song. It was ok, just a little poppy, a bit sympho power metal lite.


Good hooky song, but I hope (like with CM's new song) that the style isn't too heavily pushed for the full album.


Heh, I feel like I am watching a videoclip for that Prince of Persia film (I like it).

Solid song, looking forward to their new album! Totally forgot about them. For some reason I like the softer chorus reprisal along with some epic sounds during the credits the most (5:26 onwards, after the clip). Love this guy's voice.


Quote from: Enigmachine on January 31, 2016, 02:55:20 PM
Good hooky song, but I hope (like with CM's new song) that the style isn't too heavily pushed for the full album.

Same thoughts.


Quote from: Dellers on July 27, 2012, 11:41:31 AM
I dig Hope too. It has maybe their two weakest (not weak) songs on it, but still. I really dig Confession for instance.
3:14 is fantastic, and I love the solo vibe.

Is it just me or is Desert Calls's mix extremely bright? I can never listen to it as loud as the other two records because of all the high end. Kinda weird, as the same guy mixed the first two records as I have understood it.

Not just you.  I had to turn the treble setting way down


I listened to the Legacy album for the first time right now. This is the best first listen I've ever had with a record. I really like The Astonishing, but this is without any doubt my favorite album of the year so far. All the Tunisian elements make this album so good. Really great melodies all over, and I even dig the ballads. Hopefully there won't be another 4.5 years until the next one.

Sir Walrus Cauliflower

Just found out about this band through Spotify, so I had no idea that legacy was a thing. It's not there for some reason. Love their music so far


Was immediately intrigued by the 'Middle Eastern influences' part, took one listen to one track from Desert Call on Youtube and now I've bought the album, not regretting it for a second  :metal
Quote from: ariich on November 07, 2023, 12:38:53 PMJust popping in to say Luke, you were right.


Desert Call is their best imo, but all their three albums that I know are stellar (I haven't listened to Legacy yet).


I'm guessing they all have a pretty similar sound?
Quote from: ariich on November 07, 2023, 12:38:53 PMJust popping in to say Luke, you were right.


Their first is more in a Symphony X vein (though better than many recent SX releases) whereas their third has stronger oriental influences than the previous two albums, but it's also less proggy and I find the songwriting to be a little less interesting - still a good album though.


Saw these guys in support of Symphony X last night and they rocked! Awesome band, great show!


Loving Desert Call! Gotta be one of my best blind buys ever  :metal  :metal  :metal
Quote from: ariich on November 07, 2023, 12:38:53 PMJust popping in to say Luke, you were right.


I know, right? Have to say when they got on stage, I couldn't help but think wtf>? because both drummer, bassplayer and singer all look so small, but when they started playing I was duly impressed!



Yeah, this new album is easily their best to date and I think it may even be a contender for album of the year.


Must just be me then. I was underwhelmed on first listen. It all sounded so poppy and upbeat. Need to give it another listen obviously.


Quote from: Lowdz on March 22, 2016, 11:46:07 AM
Must just be me then. I was underwhelmed on first listen. It all sounded so poppy and upbeat. Need to give it another listen obviously.

I still need to listen to this.  The reviews around the place seem to vary from full marks (mostly) to rubbish and not much in between,


Quote from: kirksnosehair on March 21, 2016, 02:45:47 PM
Yeah, this new album is easily their best to date and I think it may even be a contender for album of the year.

tbh I'd struggle to pick a favourite out of the 4. They're all the best for slightly different reasons for me.


Had a listen last night and enjoyed it more than my 1st listen. I thought it was quite straight forward  - not as prog metal as previously.