Skydivingninja's Song Roulette v. Another one?

Started by skydivingninja, February 28, 2011, 05:03:02 AM

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fuck you and your mother. and your brother and your sister.





Quote from: Sigz on March 10, 2011, 08:10:38 AM
>Julie Christmas
>pretty good


Also, the song is "If You Go Away"! :P Thinking about my next submission now...

EDIT: Sent a favorite of mine! :tup


4 Points-DTisMajesty
Susanne Sonfor-Father Father
Why is Ytse our obscure music finder when you've sent me unknown stuff the past few rounds?

He's not.  I'm Indie as fuck. 

Quote from: skydivingninja on March 10, 2011, 07:23:58 AM

Well this made up for your last round SO MUCH.  Never heard her even mentioned on these boards, or anywhere on the Internet.

Shame on you for not paying attention to how much I've been trying to pimp her music on the internet.

I'm also glad you liked Buckley, though.  I was going to send that same song, but the Voxyn warned me he already had!




Sent you the same think as that I sent LLTWM. I really couldn't think of anything. The only genre with long songs/intro's I listen to it post-rock and there the line between intro and song is kinda blurry :p.


I haven't decided on mine yet, but... question:

Will you accept if the intro is a separate track? For example, "Son et Lumiere" by Mars Volta, "Occam's Razor" by PT are both intro tracks to the next song.


Hm...I mean, if it actually flows perfectly into the next song (intentionally, as well) then I could allow that (like in a "Hell's Kitchen" sort of way).  Though I've already heard both of those intros.


Yeah, I just used those two as examples, I wasn't planning on sending either.  ;)

Fluffy Lothario

Quote from: skydivingninja on March 01, 2011, 01:15:44 PM
4 Points-Zbomber
Dave Matthews Band-Halloween
  If I could give you a special award for this round, it would be the "Smasher of Preconceived Notions About Dave Matthews."  I've heard a LOT of DMB in my day, and what I've always noticed is that the songs are good, the musicianship is top notch, and live recordings > studio, but after fifteen minutes everything kind of blends together.  Not this one.  Not "Halloween."  What really struck me as cool about this song was that it really felt like Dave Matthews mutated into something horrible.  Same instrumentation, same voice (barely), same kind of song structure, but...minor.  It was really cool.  However, Dave's vocals kind of got on my nerves a bit, like he was trying a bit TOO hard.  Is the rest of the album just as varied in sound and mood?
Well, the thing is, most fans of DMB would tell you there is a fair amount of variety in their sound. Their music's only really as samey as any band that focuses their sound in on a certain style, so why this claim often comes up about them kind of baffles me.

I dunno if Before These Crowded Streets has more or less variety than their other albums, but it's by far the best studio album, so if you were gonna go for one, definitely get that one.



What about song length? I've narrowed it down to what band I want to do, but the song I want to send is 20 minutes. :lol Should I send a shorter one, or do you not mind?


Man, some of you guys are slow sending songs! :lol


Quote from: Gorille85 on March 12, 2011, 02:07:59 PM
Man, some of you guys are slow sending songs! :lol


I've had one in mind this whole time, but I wanted to wait and see if anything else came to mind. I'm just gonna send the 20 minute one because I'm heading out pretty soon.




But i sent you a song anyway.


Beginning listening right now.  The first song I'm listening to is absolutely beautiful. :D



5 Points-Antigoon
Brooke Fraser-Ice On Her Lashes
Oh look, you find another perfect song.  The intro, which was the focus of this round, wasn't anything that screamed "OMG AMAZING" the way the examples I gave did, but I'm a real sucker for a great bass groove like that, so for this song, the intro was perfect.  It was simple and it sucked me in instantly.  The song in general reminds me of something you could find on The King of Limbs, but without the electronic stuff.  Beautiful song, and I especially love the chorus, but is it supposed to end so suddenly?  ;D

4 Points-Lateralus
Gojira-From Mars/To Sirius
:metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal
I think that's a pretty good writeup.  Guess I need to get that album soon.  Would tie this with Antigoon if I could.

4 Points-Sigz
Marnie Stern-Pride
I'm really liking all the stranger stuff I'm getting in this roulette that I haven't seen mentioned on the board that often.  This was probably the most unique song I've heard in this game.  Glad you sent me her as well, because I feel I need more female vocalists.  I love 'em.  Lots of catchy riffs and melodies in this, and I especially like how percussive her voice is with the lyrics.  Very cool!

3 Points-Gorille85
Boards of Canada-Everything You Do is a Balloon
And this made me realize I need to get more ambient stuff.  Not stuff like Devin Townsend, who has some ambient songs like Terminal, but this kind of stuff.  Its absolutely ace.  Its odd talking about it because there's no real "moment" that stands out before or when the song gets going, but I know there was nothing bad about it.  Are they from Montreal as well?

3 Points-dtismajesty
Oceansize-Ornament/The Last Wrongs
Atmosphere (here I go sounding like a broken record again) is top notch during the Ornament part, but when the song kicks off with that great riff and cool electronic sounds, that's when I really got sucked in.  So as an intro, it may not have been the best, or exactly what I was looking for, but its okay, because it was a good song anyways.  Sorry to hear they broke up so recently though :(

3 Points-ZBomber
Vulgar Unicorn-Waiting Under The Umbrella
Yeah, you're right, this reeks of 90s new retro-prog.  However, unlike SB and the Flower Kings, this is mostly devoid of stupid organs that don't fit in with the music.  Instead its all tasteful guitar work, awesome bass grooves (which, again, I'm a sucker for), some stupid-sounding synths, and...really bland vocals.  I mean, REALLY bland.  Good thing the music was as good as it was.  I'll take another listen to the Pineapple Thief album I have (Tightly Wound) soon, see how much better this guy has gotten.

2 Points-TheVoxyn
Olafur Arnalds-3055
Jesus man, you, dtismajesty, and Sigz are just bringing the most obscure stuff.  I feel bad putting this one so low, but really every song here had something to love, but your cool post-rock song didn't do so well in comparison this round.  Sorry. :(

1 Point-Acidrainlte
Protest the Hero-Blindfolds
So the music started off great, I was headbanging and thought "maybe I've misjudged PtH after all this time?"  Then the guy started singing and I cringed a bit.  There was a lot of cool music, and the ending was probably the best part, but they reminded me of a better Periphery, which is great except the singer still isn't my cup of tea.  I might warm up to him, but for now my opinion of PtH remains mostly unchanged.

So, new round, eh? about happy music?  Spring's around the corner and soon I'll have no reason to listen to this gosh darned depressing stuff in my iTunes library.

In b4 Bend it Like Bender!



Agreed about the vocals, Matt. That alone made me hesitant to send that song/band. But I thought the music behind it was strong enough, so glad you enjoyed that part!

I'll have to think of something so happy THAT YOUR HEAD WILL EXPLODE.

With joy or something.



Quote from: skydivingninja on March 15, 2011, 02:04:51 PM
3 Points-Gorille85
Boards of Canada-Everything You Do is a Balloon
And this made me realize I need to get more ambient stuff.  Not stuff like Devin Townsend, who has some ambient songs like Terminal, but this kind of stuff.  Its absolutely ace.  Its odd talking about it because there's no real "moment" that stands out before or when the song gets going, but I know there was nothing bad about it.  Are they from Montreal as well?

In fact, they are Scottish! :P Glad you like them though! :tup


Wow, looking through my library I have like NO happy music.  :lol Looks like I'll have to do some digging this round.


Quote from: skydivingninja on March 15, 2011, 02:04:51 PM
4 Points-Lateralus
Gojira-From Mars/To Sirius
:metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal
I think that's a pretty good writeup.  Guess I need to get that album soon.  Would tie this with Antigoon if I could.
Glad you liked it. Gojira fucking kick ass. You need to get into them, mang. NEED TO.

Anyway, I know exactly what to send. AND IT WILL BE SO HAPPY.


Don't like Protest the Hero? GTFO now.

And sent. If you don't think it's the greatest thing ever I will eat your penis.



Aww, only 2 points? There goes my small lead.

Also: sent. Not sure how it will be received but I think it should fit the theme well. Although I went for 'spring' rather than 'happy' - whatever that might mean :p.



Oh yeah, here are some point totals



How the hell does anyone not like "Blindfolds Aside"?


It's called having a terrible taste in music.


Damn it, am I allowed to send the same artist more than once?

I fucking hate your round themes dude.  :lol I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR THIS

EDIT - Nah wait I got it.