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Game of Thrones (TV, fantasy) Thread

Started by GuineaPig, April 12, 2011, 05:07:42 PM

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Don't give up on Arya's story yet.

The last time we saw on screen someone born into a wealthy family who got their parents murdered, started to travel the world on his own, joined a league of assassins, training with them but ultimely rejecting their values, we got Batman Begins.



Quote from: MirrorMask on June 25, 2016, 03:27:57 AM
Don't give up on Arya's story yet.

The last time we saw on screen someone born into a wealthy family who got their parents murdered, started to travel the world on his own, joined a league of assassins, training with them but ultimely rejecting their values, we got Batman Begins.


About the only obvious hint they didn't use was a giant "WHAM!" on screen every time she hit someone :lol

But in actuality, your comparison would be great as an outcome (though maybe not in a bat costume). If next season starts with a masked vigilante running around Westeros killing people on Arya's list without any scenes showing Arya anywhere, I'd be fine with that. Have her unmask in the final showdown and do whatever. I'm done waiting for her to be interesting!


King Robert seemed to give the touch of death in the first episode of the series

When he arrives in Winterfell and is greeted by the Starks, he only touches some of them... all the ones who are dead.

Prog Snob

In all seriousness, where does everyone think Gendry really is right now?


Quote from: Prog Snob on June 25, 2016, 05:42:43 PM
In all seriousness, where does everyone think Gendry really is right now?

I assume he's banging his psych teacher in Bristol, assuming he hasn't died yet from a brain hemorrhage. Gilly's there too, being all anorexic and stuff.

(that's a Skins reference, by the way).
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com

Prog Snob

Quote from: Adami on June 25, 2016, 05:48:47 PM
Quote from: Prog Snob on June 25, 2016, 05:42:43 PM
In all seriousness, where does everyone think Gendry really is right now?

I assume he's banging his psych teacher in Bristol, assuming he hasn't died yet from a brain hemorrhage. Gilly's there too, being all anorexic and stuff.

(that's a Skins reference, by the way).

Yes, and Beast is there as well.


Quote from: Prog Snob on June 25, 2016, 05:51:16 PM
Quote from: Adami on June 25, 2016, 05:48:47 PM
Quote from: Prog Snob on June 25, 2016, 05:42:43 PM
In all seriousness, where does everyone think Gendry really is right now?

I assume he's banging his psych teacher in Bristol, assuming he hasn't died yet from a brain hemorrhage. Gilly's there too, being all anorexic and stuff.

(that's a Skins reference, by the way).

Yes, and Beast is there as well.

Beast is such a douche.

I really should rewatch Skins.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com

Prog Snob

Quote from: Adami on June 25, 2016, 05:58:20 PM
Quote from: Prog Snob on June 25, 2016, 05:51:16 PM
Quote from: Adami on June 25, 2016, 05:48:47 PM
Quote from: Prog Snob on June 25, 2016, 05:42:43 PM
In all seriousness, where does everyone think Gendry really is right now?

I assume he's banging his psych teacher in Bristol, assuming he hasn't died yet from a brain hemorrhage. Gilly's there too, being all anorexic and stuff.

(that's a Skins reference, by the way).

Yes, and Beast is there as well.

Beast is such a douche.

I really should rewatch Skins.

I never watched it. It came up in Netflix and I was tempted to check it out. I saw quiet a few familiar faces. Gendry, Gilly, Beast, and a couple of others.


Quote from: Prog Snob on June 25, 2016, 06:30:41 PM
Quote from: Adami on June 25, 2016, 05:58:20 PM
Quote from: Prog Snob on June 25, 2016, 05:51:16 PM
Quote from: Adami on June 25, 2016, 05:48:47 PM
Quote from: Prog Snob on June 25, 2016, 05:42:43 PM
In all seriousness, where does everyone think Gendry really is right now?

I assume he's banging his psych teacher in Bristol, assuming he hasn't died yet from a brain hemorrhage. Gilly's there too, being all anorexic and stuff.

(that's a Skins reference, by the way).

Yes, and Beast is there as well.

Beast is such a douche.

I really should rewatch Skins.

I never watched it. It came up in Netflix and I was tempted to check it out. I saw quiet a few familiar faces. Gendry, Gilly, Beast, and a couple of others.

Check it out. I mean, if you can handle a story about dumb kids making dumb choices, it's really good. It has a neat system too, every 2 seasons features a different cast. Check out the first 2 at least, the next 4 are cool if you dig it, but ignore the 7th season completely.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com

Prog Snob

I can't do that. Even if it goes to shit, I have to watch it till the end.


Quote from: Prog Snob on June 25, 2016, 06:39:41 PM
I can't do that. Even if it goes to shit, I have to watch it till the end.

Yea, it's not the worst thing ever. It's just really bad, even if the idea was actually really good. Feel free to watch all 7 seasons. :) I give you permission.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com

Prog Snob

Well, now I have to just because you said so.   :biggrin:


Quote from: Prog Snob on June 25, 2016, 05:42:43 PM
In all seriousness, where does everyone think Gendry really is right now?

In the story's universe, I would assume that he found a safe, quiet place to stay and start a new life, he wasn't dumb so he may have done something similar like hot pie, find himself a quiet spot of Westeros where nobody harasses him.

About what the plans for his character are... I truly don't know if he will ever be brought back. They didn't even keep Rickon around to be the young Stark that rebuilds the house when all it's said and done, why should they have a minor character pop up 4-5 seasons later and rebuild what, the Baratheon house while not being even a legit descendant? he will meet Arya and they will start a family? geez I hope he's not gonna be reused as a love interest.

Prog Snob

Quote from: MirrorMask on June 26, 2016, 03:05:50 AM
Quote from: Prog Snob on June 25, 2016, 05:42:43 PM
In all seriousness, where does everyone think Gendry really is right now?

In the story's universe, I would assume that he found a safe, quiet place to stay and start a new life, he wasn't dumb so he may have done something similar like hot pie, find himself a quiet spot of Westeros where nobody harasses him.

About what the plans for his character are... I truly don't know if he will ever be brought back. They didn't even keep Rickon around to be the young Stark that rebuilds the house when all it's said and done, why should they have a minor character pop up 4-5 seasons later and rebuild what, the Baratheon house while not being even a legit descendant? he will meet Arya and they will start a family? geez I hope he's not gonna be reused as a love interest.

I think it would be poor writing to just leave him out and not resolve his storyline. He was a somewhat major character and people will want to know what becomes of him. I think he will be back at some point and it's quite possible he has been hiding with the Brotherhood Without Banners, especially since they were formed as a band of men still loyal to Robert Baratheon.

Prog Snob

There's a theory that Jon could find out his true parentage in the Winterfell crypts. There's something in the books where Ned says that he has prepared the crypts for his children. Jon being a bastard wouldn't be in the crypts then, but since the chances are that Jon's true parentage hasn't been revealed yet, what if he does have a place down there. When he goes down there to see Rickon he ventures further and sees his place and it says who his parents are. He always had dreams about the crypt and realizing that there was something down there that he needed to see.

It's something to think about. Littlefinger knows more about the dalliance between Lyanna and Rhaegar than he has admitted so far, so it's possible that when Jon finds this, Littlefinger confirms the truth of the relationship between Lyanna and Rhaegar.   

There are many parallels to the story of Lancelot. He wasn't raised by his true parents. Lancelot discovers his parentage in a tomb at a place called the Joyous Keep. The Joyous Keep was originally called Dolorous Gard and it was Lancelot's castle.

Joyous Keep - Tower of Joy
Dolorous Gard - Dolorous Edd
Both finding their parentage in a crypt
Both not raised by their real parents


If the most widely theorized guess about Jon's parentage is true, he's still what he is being claimed to be: an half Stark. Why would Ned lie even to his own wife and yet have a crypt there for everyone to see, even for King Robert himself if he ever took a stroll past Lyanna's grave?

They introduced young Ned and young Howland Reed, I believe the latter may show up in the post-Bolton Winterfell and have a talk with him.

Prog Snob

The sheer immensity of the crypts is labyrinthine. There are parts that have been closed off, parts of the lower level that have supposedly caved in. I don't think anyone would venture too far off the beaten path, save for Ned and maybe the kids who were playing down there. Jon's dreams mean something, as all dreams do in the show. I believe there is something down there yet to be revealed.


If that is true, then this will be Rickon's ultimate purpose. Jon goes to bury him, sees the crypt, puzzled look on his face... and then cut to the Tower of Joy flashback, it happens what it happens and then credits roll.

Should we start taking fun guesses at the last scene of the season? I bet that, Jon's parentage, or a cliffhanger with a massive clusterfuck happening in King's Landing. Third option, the White Walkers at the Wall. Dany already has her big moment last episode, I can't see her getting the last scene of the season even if it's her decision to bring her butt to Westeros.


God I hope you're right. I can't stand the thought of another season ending with Dany and her dragons. Even if predictable, I'd much rather end with the Jon Snow reveal.

Prog Snob

I think it'll end with either Jon's true parentage or the White Walkers bringing down the wall or at least getting to the wall.

I wonder if we'll get an update about Sam tonight. Since we saw the white bird in the preview, which is most likely from the Citadel, I think there's a chance that we'll see Sam there. I don't think we'll get a whole lot of Dany tonight, but we will most likely get Varys in Dorne. I think Dorne's storyline this season has been terrible and pointless. However, I think they were included this season to prepare for this final episode and that they will have some huge significance in the war to come.


Got all caught up last night. Can't wait for tonight's finale!  :metal


Quote from: Chino on June 26, 2016, 11:13:29 AM
Got all caught up last night. Can't wait for tonight's finale!  :metal

That's a heck of an effort. I bet it's pretty intense also watching the show in such a short amount of time to get all caught up. Good get an 'atta boy'  :biggrin:


Another great option for the end would be the last scene from A Dance with Dragons and the proclamation of winter, then cut to the white walkers arriving at the wall. I think I'd preder either that or Jon Snow's parent reveal.


"I have an idea, let's interrupt this decently paced episode for an incredibly boring 10 minutes in Mereen."

Prog Snob

There were some really awesome things going on in that episode. I definitely got chills during the King in the North scene. Fuck Cersei, though. So now I think Jaime starts to turn away from her, realizing what she did.


I understand the need to wrap some things up and set them up for next season but they should've swapped the last two sequences. Cersei sitting on the throne is way more powerful of an ending.

Also is all this Tower of Joy stuff supposed to make sense to people who haven't read the books? I see it talked about sort of excitedly amongst people that have read the books but the show has done a very poor job in conveying exactly why it's so important.

Prog Snob

Varys moves really fast.  :lol

I think they left the Jon Snow thing as a cliffhanger on purpose. Okay, so people know he's actually Lyanna's son, but some people might not realize that Rhaegar is his father. I think next year Bran will get to Jon or something. I don't know.


It reveals Jon's parentage... Or at least half of it. Who even is Rhaegar Targaryen?

Also regarding the bastardization of the Vengeance justice fire and blood line: :puke:


What can one say about an episode that had about five scenes that could have been the final scene, each one just as important as the next.

Briefly, all I can say to Walter Frey is 'the Stark's send their regards'.  That had a wow factor x10.

And for the next 42 weeks, it will definitely be 'Happy Sh*tting!'
Quote from: frogprog on January 05, 2023, 05:45:48 PM...going along with Dragon Attack's Queen discography thread has been like taking a free class in Queen knowledge. Where else are you gonna find info like that?!
QUEEN Discography  [url=""][/url]


God what a season. The red keep stuff was fantastic. The high sparrow being sheared off his flesh with the wild fire was somewhat satisfying. Cersei was fantastic that episode. I have a few friends who have no idea about the L+R=J theory and I'm sure their mind was blown today somewhat.  I can't believe all the people that got killed off this episode. I had an idea of some of them but goodness that was a bloodbath and purge of all sorts tonight. Arya's presence completely threw me off but am very excited for her arc next season now.
Man an eternal wait now begins.


Tremendous end to a tremendous season.
- Poor Tommen  :sadpanda:
- Oh Margaery!  :(
- Septon Unella  :'(
- High Sparrow  :-\
- Lancel Lannister and Loras Tyrell.. I finally won't need to tell people that they're two different characters..
- Finally a reason to love the sand snakes and their bitch queen.
- Finally Jon Snow parentage confirmed, but on that the questions become:
* Who else knows? We had a hint last season that Petyr Baelish knows. Possibly Benjen too?
* Does the parentage thing matter in the context of the conflicts for power? A bastard is a bastard, he was born out of wedlock and by the rules of Westeros he has no claim on anything no matter who his parents were.
- The King in The North scene is ominous IMO, for Robb Stark reasons.
- Petyr Baelish has it in for Jon now, not good, very not good.
- With the Frey family dead, who rules Riverrun? Should we assume Arya freed Edmund Tully? But he's wimpy and cannot be trusted to pledge allegiance to Jon Snow, I'm gonna go ahead and assume he pledges to Cersei.
- Melisandre will probably hook up with the Brotherhood Without Banners and.. I don't care enough about that story line to think about it, yet.
- Finally we know Petyr Baelish's endgame for sure, it could have been obvious but it always seemed like there could be more to it.
- I feel like it's way too soon for Daenerys Targaryen to start the invasion, story-wise, with all the unresolved conflicts still going on in Westeros, I'll post more on this point separately.


Quote from: Progmetty on June 26, 2016, 10:51:16 PM
- High Sparrow  :-\

Really? He was such a major prick I couldn't wait to see him offed. I wished his head would've been smashed in by The Mountain but what they did works.


Can we please talk about that amazing music for the King's Landing scenes? I mean seriously, that music made some great scenes absolutely perfect. The stuff at King's Landing and Arya's short appearance were my favourite parts of the episode, but every part was excellent. I think I liked this even more than episode 9.

Destiny Of Chaos

Quote from: orcus116 on June 27, 2016, 04:29:37 AM
Quote from: Progmetty on June 26, 2016, 10:51:16 PM
- High Sparrow  :-\

Really? He was such a major prick I couldn't wait to see him offed. I wished his head would've been smashed in by The Mountain but what they did works.

I don't get the hate for the High Sparrow. Cersai, Margery and Loras were the ones that sinned and perjured and he's the bad guy?

Quote from: Tyrias on June 27, 2016, 04:48:08 AM
Can we please talk about that amazing music for the King's Landing scenes? I mean seriously, that music made some great scenes absolutely perfect. The stuff at King's Landing and Arya's short appearance were my favourite parts of the episode, but every part was excellent. I think I liked this even more than episode 9.

That music was incredible!

A very satisfying season finale, right up there with Season 4 for me. Season 7 is going to be fn epic!


Great finale. This last month has been a hell of a ride. I never watched a show so quickly before.

It was hinted a few episodes ago that there are caches of that wild fire hidden all over the 7 kingdoms. Is Daenerys immune to that kind of fire like she is regular fire?