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An Exclusive Look into The Band’s Search for a New Drummer

Started by Weymolith, April 18, 2011, 08:00:29 AM

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Quote from: DarkEternalNight on April 22, 2011, 05:27:59 PM
Yeah, did Myung speak...or tackle James?

First of all, everybody involved in the auditions were the coolest people from the band, management, crew, film team etc. Totally professional and laid back and really made it a great time auditioning! To say the least I was nervous as hell but once in the room the vibe was just awesome! I enjoyed every minute of it, even if I was shit nervous, ha ha...

Yes, Myung did speak. He's not the most talkative as you all know, but very very humble and nice. Him and I talked just briefly over the jam we had and how we locked in. JP, JR and JLB all like to talk as do I as you might have noticed.  :lol We had a fantastic time!



Wow, He is awesome.  I love is work on SI, the mix of JLB and his vocals were cool indeed.  And FYI, I hope he is the new DT drummer, because he is the one I voted for in the drummer poll


Wow Peter it's very cool for you to post here.

I have to admit that SI isn't my favorite JLB album, though I do like it, but I wanted to let you that your drumming, in its precision and pure insanity did make me want to quit playing drums several times, very few drummers have made me just want to give up. Keep on being an insane drummer. :)
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com

Cool Chris

Quote from: Wildoer on April 22, 2011, 04:09:55 PM
Glad you like Static Impulse! I'm really happy how that album came out. I know some of you hate my screaming and I'm sorry for that, but it was not me that entered the studio and said "Hey guys, I will do some screaming on some songs even though it's JLB's album and that's it".  :lol  Both James and Matt wanted this approach and when they found out that I did lead vocals (screams) on Christofer Malmström's (Darkane) solo album "Non-Human Level" and also some vocals on the Darkane albums they wanted me to do the growls.

Welcome to the forums! I must say I am a pretty vocal critic of growls/screams/whatever, and still dislike them as lead vocals. And I was disheartened when word got out that there were some on SI. But I gotta say, 'Jekyll or Hyde' and 'Mislead' are my top 2 songs on the album. So go figure. Your backing on those songs are awesome, as is your drumming on the whole album. Glad the audition experience went well and looking forward to seeing the full documentary.


I'm not much for screams, but I found them good on songs like Jekyll or Hyde, and when they were used behind LaBrie's vocals lower in the mix. That said I'm not going to judge Peter by that because it wasn't his main function nor his decision to do the screams. He did kick ass on the drums on that album, providing one of the best drumming performances of the year, and that's what counts.

Perpetual Change

Hey Peter, lots of people have been speculating about whether Dream Theater have been writing their new album with a drummer, or using drum machines for a drummer to come in later an fill things out. I'm curious, do you think whoever they picked has been long enough with them to actually join in on the writing process, or do you think the new drummer (like lots of new members of bands) has been kept at a distance somewhat from the creative process? Was there any indication of what the new member's creative role in the band would be before the auditions?



I can say with a good amount of certainty that this particular album was written without creative input of the drummer, but hey, that's just what I've heard through my channels and could possibly be off base. Not saying that would be the case for the future though.


Quote from: Wildoer on April 22, 2011, 05:43:12 PM
Yes, Myung did speak.
I believed everything you said up to this point  :P

Anyway, thanks for posting. Hope everything goes well with your projects. :P


Ugh... What has happened to my favorite band? Cheesy reality show tactics? Horrible trailers? What happened to the DT that used to be about music and only the music?

I guess I'd be ok with all of this if they just changed their name and laid "Dream Theater" to rest. It seems that DT is more about theater and less about music. It is a sad state of affairs, an all time low, and I for one am close to writing all of this bullshit off.


Quote from: Loser1 on April 22, 2011, 06:51:33 PM
Ugh... What has happened to my favorite band? Cheesy reality show tactics? Horrible trailers? What happened to the DT that used to be about music and only the music?

I guess I'd be ok with all of this if they just changed their name and laid "Dream Theater" to rest. It seems that DT is more about theater and less about music. It is a sad state of affairs, an all time low, and I for one am close to writing all of this bullshit off.

You are entitled to your opinion, but you are clearly in the minority.  And given that you've previously said you don't like it, I'm not sure what you added by repeating the same thing.


I see your point. I guess I just had the urge to expand on when I said it was lame in a previous post. As always, I've been torn on the whole "DT without MP" situation. I guess at the moment I'm seeing it in a negative light.

I posted it probably just to get it off of my chest as opposed to simply being a jerk (although it probably looks like the latter!). Not trying to sh!t on DT. Just curious of anyone else has similar thoughts.


Hey Mr. Wildoer, thanks for joining this community as a member, welcome, and I hope you'll enjoy it around here.

I really, really loved your work in SI. The drumming was phenomenal, and your vocal work was so great. I bet I owe it for both your talent and James' and Matt's amazing writing skills, that I've never enjoyed a duet of harsh vocals and clean vocals this much, nor did I ever replay an album this many times in just a few months.

I hope you're the one who was chosen for the gag. Reading your posts, you already look like any other DT member when it comes to talking to fans (which is great, by all means).


Quote from: Loser1 on April 22, 2011, 06:57:26 PM
I see your point. I guess I just had the urge to expand on when I said it was lame in a previous post. As always, I've been torn on the whole "DT without MP" situation. I guess at the moment I'm seeing it in a negative light.

I posted it probably just to get it off of my chest as opposed to simply being a jerk (although it probably looks like the latter!). Not trying to sh!t on DT. Just curious of anyone else has similar thoughts.

That's fine.  I'm sure the band understands that surely this approach will not please everybody.  But it seems most people are genuinely excited about this.  Sorry you don't like it.  Maybe the album will rekindle your interests if, as I'm sure it will be, the tunes are solid.


Quote from: bösk1 on April 22, 2011, 06:59:38 PM
Quote from: Loser1 on April 22, 2011, 06:57:26 PM
I see your point. I guess I just had the urge to expand on when I said it was lame in a previous post. As always, I've been torn on the whole "DT without MP" situation. I guess at the moment I'm seeing it in a negative light.

I posted it probably just to get it off of my chest as opposed to simply being a jerk (although it probably looks like the latter!). Not trying to sh!t on DT. Just curious of anyone else has similar thoughts.

That's fine.  I'm sure the band understands that surely this approach will not please everybody.  But it seems most people are genuinely excited about this.  Sorry you don't like it.  Maybe the album will rekindle your interests if, as I'm sure it will be, the tunes are solid.

Absolutely. If the tunes are solid and "DT" I won't be able to hate on it. It's all about the music to me. If I have to eat my words, I'll do it right here on this forum, I promise :-)



Really nice of you to come chat with us here, Peter. Thanks!

I gotta say, my interest in anything DT had really deflated before this trailer. I'm VERY looking forward to this documentary. Looks really great.


Thanks for posting Peter, it really is cool to come on and read what you have to say :)

I hope the documentary airs on Aussie TV too :( I hope it will be made available for sale. I'm sure it will.


Peter, thank you so much for taking the time and connecting with us fans. It really means a lot, and it's exciting to hear some details on how the auditions went!  :metal



First, I'm honoured to have the opportunity to talk to one of the best drummers in the world. My question is: many people said here that all of you seven used the same drum kit to audition, but there are some differences in the different sequences of the video. Were you been able to customize that kit for your own best?

Thank you very much for your time.

All the best.

Buenos Aires


Quote from: bösk1 on April 22, 2011, 05:06:12 PM
Quote from: Jamesman on April 22, 2011, 04:54:20 PM
Quote from: bösk1 on April 22, 2011, 04:34:44 PM
Thank YOU for posting here and sharing your experiences and perspective on all this.  We as fans are obviously eating it up.  Since the "official" band forums shut down a few years ago and I set up this place, we've sort of felt like the bastard step-children, so we love it when band members and those close to them drop in and share information. 

...Well, except for David Prater.  We pretty much did the Internet equivalent of tarring and feathering him and running him out of here on a rail.  But that's another story.  :lol

You know, I missed that (I think I was on a long study ban or my internet was down or something). What happened?

He is user Havona in this thread: 
By far, the best thread here at DTF. I loved every moment of that thread.



Thanks for sharing your experiences, Peter.  You seem like a class act! :tup :tup


Hey, Peter! Thanks for posting here.

Talking about growls... can you please sing the following?


How can you prepare
For what happened next?
No son should ever have to see his father such a mess
It's a miracle he lived
It's a blessing no one died
By the grace of God above
Everyone survived! ROOOAARRRRR!


The Silent Cody

LOL, Peter so much thanks for communicate with the fans, it's very important. You are the one and only who decides to do that and that means a lot for me, and I think for us ;) Great posting, and whats more and mostly important perfect and genius drumming!! I must admit that I've been watching many times your recording sessions for Static Impulse, great videos, cool comments during the videos ;) You or Aquiles should take the place in DT, you two are most creative drummers from them IMO, and your playing style and technique (and Aquiles ;) )fits me in 100%. Greets, than you, and I'm looking forward to posting with Mr. Wildoer  :metal Cheers ;)


Peter thanks for being so open!  Let me ask you a question.....who's the new drummer?

The Silent Cody

Quote from: Ħ on April 23, 2011, 12:23:10 AM
Peter thanks for being so open!  Let me ask you a question.....who's the new drummer?
;D  :corn


Welcome Peter, nice to have you onboard! (Another fellow Swede here ;D)

Great to hear your insight on the audition process, I was curious about that.

Raoul Sanchez

Quote from: Loser1 on April 22, 2011, 06:51:33 PM
Ugh... What has happened to my favorite band? Cheesy reality show tactics? Horrible trailers? What happened to the DT that used to be about music and only the music?

I guess I'd be ok with all of this if they just changed their name and laid "Dream Theater" to rest. It seems that DT is more about theater and less about music. It is a sad state of affairs, an all time low, and I for one am close to writing all of this bullshit off.

They have always been big fans of spectacle. This documentary still looks infinitely less cheesy then the Metropolis 2000 DVD for example.

With this they get to generate a fair of amount of hype/publicity while giving us a peak at auditions. Are you saying you don't like the idea of people like seeing people like Marco Minneman or Thomas Lang jamming with Dream Theater? It may be a tad OTT, but I definitely rather have a good show out of it rather then them just say "the drummer is XXX" and move on.

Plus this way we get to see how whoever they chose melds with the band instead of guessing how they'll play based on on past projects so it should kill a fair amount of whining (though this is probably very wishful thinking on my pat  :P).


Quote from: bösk1 on April 22, 2011, 04:34:44 PM
Thank YOU for posting here and sharing your experiences and perspective on all this.  We as fans are obviously eating it up.  Since the "official" band forums shut down a few years ago and I set up this place, we've sort of felt like the bastard step-children, so we love it when band members and those close to them drop in and share information.  

...Well, except for David Prater.  We pretty much did the Internet equivalent of tarring and feathering him and running him out of here on a rail.  But that's another story.  :lol
lol I remember that.  What a goat scrotum he was.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Minnemann or Donati are the best choices for DT, different style from MP and excellent technique and also are authors and songwriters (and they are tops of MP); Mangini for me is a great performer and probably the 4 have chose him only to play the songs that they wrote... I have not found anything where it says that Mangini has written songs.
However, if everyone thinks and hope that in the future MP returns (he will have some difficulties to play MM or VD pieces), then Mangini is the right man because he is not stay for a long time in the band where he plays and he doesn't seems that he regret to leave or left out from the band.
Time will tell


Quote from: Wildoer on April 22, 2011, 04:09:55 PM
Thanks a lot Mladen for you way too kind words!!! :) Very glad you enjoy the SI album! I think you were the first one that voted for me in the poll and after that I remembered your avatar. Later on I think you changed your vote though, correct? If that's the case I forgive you for that... :lol

Very cool if you want to follow what I do next!!!
Yeah, I did change my vote. As you've seen, there were some clues to who might and who might not be the drummer. I remember some of us believing Charlie Zeleny was the one for a while. At a certain point it was either Mangini, Minnemann or Lang, so I decided to move my vote to Mangini, as I recall.  :) I'm pretty sure I placed my bet right - but it's yet to be seen.  ;D


Quote from: Raoul Sanchez on April 23, 2011, 02:37:18 AM
Quote from: Loser1 on April 22, 2011, 06:51:33 PM
Ugh... What has happened to my favorite band? Cheesy reality show tactics? Horrible trailers? What happened to the DT that used to be about music and only the music?

I guess I'd be ok with all of this if they just changed their name and laid "Dream Theater" to rest. It seems that DT is more about theater and less about music. It is a sad state of affairs, an all time low, and I for one am close to writing all of this bullshit off.

They have always been big fans of spectacle. This documentary still looks infinitely less cheesy then the Metropolis 2000 DVD for example.
Oh god yes, such a good point!

Quote from: hefdaddy42 on April 23, 2011, 02:38:47 AM
Quote from: bösk1 on April 22, 2011, 04:34:44 PM
Thank YOU for posting here and sharing your experiences and perspective on all this.  We as fans are obviously eating it up.  Since the "official" band forums shut down a few years ago and I set up this place, we've sort of felt like the bastard step-children, so we love it when band members and those close to them drop in and share information. 

...Well, except for David Prater.  We pretty much did the Internet equivalent of tarring and feathering him and running him out of here on a rail.  But that's another story.  :lol
lol I remember that.  What a goat scrotum he was.

Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on May 10, 2023, 05:59:19 PMAriich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
Quote from: TAC on December 21, 2023, 06:05:15 AMI be am boner inducing.


Quote from: Wildoer on April 22, 2011, 04:09:55 PM


Wait a second, you drummed on Seven Deadly Pieces?
I've been wanting to check that out since I first saw that trailer you posted, which must've been around 2006.
Great music, great drumming. And how awesome that you've been lurking here and now even posting here!
Thanks for all the info!

Yes, it's me playing drums, tambourine with my foot and wood blocks on the "Seven Deadly Pieces". That DVD is amazing and it features a lot of other cool stuff from Lalle Larsson and is a must have. If you guys haven't checked out Lalle Larsson YOU HAVE TO!!! He's a fantastic pianist/keyboard player and composer. He's in the studio as we speak recording a new "Agents of Mercy" album together with Roine Stolt (Transatlantic). Lalle also plays with Karmakanic and his own band Lalle Larsson's Weaveworld. Check that last band, features my good friend Walle Wahlgren on drums and he's amazing too! Lalle and me also did Electrocution-250 "Electric cartoon music from hell" together with american guitar wizard Todd Duane. Check this:

Ha ha, yeah I've been lurking in the shadows here. :) By the way, love your avatar!

You're on Electrocution 250 too? Man I love that albums, big fan of Bobby Jarzombek, and I've always seen E250 as Spastic Ink on steroids, thus you being Bobby J on steroids. And that is a big compliment.

Yeah, big Zappa fan and long time keyboard player over here, I guess that's why I'm intrigued by Lalle sounds so much.


Jordan Rudess
Had a great vacation. Next week will be an exciting week for everyone! Looking forward to all that is about to happen! :)...
