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Crimson Glory

Started by jjrock88, July 20, 2011, 09:11:32 PM

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Any other fans of Crimson Glory?  I am a huge fan of their first two discs and believe they are two of the best metal albums of the 80's.  The new singer sounds very close to the mighty Midnight and is sounding good live.  I heard they have been working on new material, but haven't heard any recent news.  I know they are currently touring and kicking ass live.


Only really a fan of Transcendence, but I did have a soft spot for Strange And Beautiful. Midnight's voice was a bit of an acquired taste.
recently picked u the In Dark Places boxset as I didn't have any of their stuff on cd, just those two albums I mentioned on vinyl. I haven't really dug into it yet but I guess I should make the effort.


Such an amazing band, Midnight was amazing RIP.  I have the first two and Astronomica.  I haven't heard Strange and Beautiful but from what I heard it was a completely different style.  First two are gold, especially Transcendance.

This is gold;


 As someone who was a teen in the early 80's , I was somewhat put off by the appearance ( the masks) and never took the seriously so I never endulged in their music. I was recently turned on to them by Nick's show and have liked what I've heard so far.

As a noob to this band any recommendations?


The first two discs are pure gold; the third, Strange & Beautiful is a completely different sound.  It's a decent rock disc, kind of like QR'S HINF, but nothing overwhelming.  The forth and most recent disc, features a different singer.  The sound is simular to the first two, but would be better if it featured Midnight.  Interested to hear new material.


Oh, how I love Transcendence. One of the best metal albums ever. If their new stuff sounds like that I'm aboard.


I might dig out Astronomica and have another listen, I feel it needs more attention.  I'm annoyed that Doc from Savatage is in the band but never played on it.  >:(

The Dark Master

Another awesome and totally underrated band.  The debut was excellent, but Transcendence was PHENOMENAL!.  Didn't care much for S&B, but Astronomica is rather good.  It's a shame Midnight didn't want to rejoin the band after S&B, since his voice was one of the best things about CG, and it would have gone perfectly with Astronimica.  I haven't heard anything about their new singer, La Torre, but allegedly he's got a pretty damn impressive range.  Here's hoping to a new album!  RIP Midnight  :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal


Listened to astronomica yesterday and didn't rate it- certainly not as good as the first 3.


agree with most on here. the first 2 albums, especially Transcendence, are amazing. Midnight was a truly wonderful singer. RIP.


Been listening to Transcendence and really liking it. :metal


Quote from: wkiml on July 21, 2011, 08:33:20 AM
As someone who was a teen in the early 80's , I was somewhat put off by the appearance ( the masks) and never took the seriously so I never endulged in their music.
Same here. I remember seeing pictures of them, thinking yeah right!

I have copies of their first two albums kicking around. I should bust them out.

How did the original singer die?
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


According to Wikipedia it was a stomach aneurysm.


Midnight had major addictions which he lost the battle.  With Todd in QR, I'm curious how the new album will play out. I don't see it getting released anytime in the next year.


New demo up featuring Todd LaTorre. He sounds very Geoff Tate. Looking forward to this album, a concept record apparently. Also makes me very happy for the new Queensryche  :metal


Just listening to it right now.........awesome!! 


Quote from: jjrock88 on September 01, 2012, 05:44:42 PM
Just listening to it right now.........awesome!!

Right! I love Todd's voice and singing and the music has that strange CG landmark sound.


The Dark Master

Just heard the new song.   :metal  Seriously, TLT is an amazingly gifted singer and, apparently, songwriter as well.  That song is all sorts of awesome.  It's got just the right combination of atmosphere and metal and insanity that CG was known for in their golden age.  I was starting to wonder if a new CG album would come out before the next Savatage album or not, and it looks like it will  :P.  I Still want that new Sava-record, but maybe a new Crimson Glory album and a TLT-led Queensryche album will help ease my pain.   :metal


Todd has made me seriously want to check this band out.  So they do NOT have an album out yet with Todd on vocals, correct?


Not yet, just the demo. It's supposed to be a concept album hopefully due out early to mid 2013

The Dark Master

Quote from: bosk1 on September 06, 2012, 07:29:32 AM
Todd has made me seriously want to check this band out.  So they do NOT have an album out yet with Todd on vocals, correct?

Unfortunately, no, they have not yet released an album with Todd.  That demo is all that is out of the new CG lineup.  Still, you should definitely get into their older albums, particularly the first two, s/t and Transcendence.   The first album is awesome, but Transcendence is just a masterpiece of early prog-metal, and one of the definitive works of the founding years of the genre.


Quote from: The Dark Master on September 06, 2012, 03:08:10 PM
Quote from: bosk1 on September 06, 2012, 07:29:32 AM
Todd has made me seriously want to check this band out.  So they do NOT have an album out yet with Todd on vocals, correct?

Unfortunately, no, they have not yet released an album with Todd.  That demo is all that is out of the new CG lineup.  Still, you should definitely get into their older albums, particularly the first two, s/t and Transcendence.   The first album is awesome, but Transcendence is just a masterpiece of early prog-metal, and one of the definitive works of the founding years of the genre.

DM knows what he is talking about.


super old bump.

I stumbled on 2 things tonight on YouTube.

Official video for Lonely

this 16 minute documentary piece which is great to see and understand a lot of the history. Although 1 bit Midnight being gone doesn't fully correlate with what Wikipedia says, but I knew he disappeared and ended up coming back in the mid 2000's. I must confess to never having heard any of his solo stuff which I'd like to. Unsure how well received "Sakada" was.


I didn't watch anything other than the "aftermath" section of that little biography video and they were incorrect about Todd leaving Crimson Glory.  He had joined Queensryche while still being the CG singer and planned to do both bands, since CG wasn't very active.  He eventually quit after there was no forward movement with CG working on an album.  Joining QR did not mean that Todd would automatically quit CG.

Not long afterwards, Jon Drenning was arrested as part of a cocaine drug ring in Florida, which I'm sure also was a reason for Todd leaving the band.  They could add quite a bit of material to that section of the video with some of Jon's other....activities....around that same time.   :lol


Quote from: Grappler on September 10, 2023, 10:27:22 AM
Not long afterwards, Jon Drenning was arrested as part of a cocaine drug ring in Florida, which I'm sure also was a reason for Todd leaving the band.  They could add quite a bit of material to that section of the video with some of Jon's other....activities....around that same time.   :lol
LoL, I never knew about that. Jeez!  :lol
Quote from: Evermind on May 06, 2024, 07:39:06 AMHey Stadler, your inbox is full.
Quote from: ReaperKK on August 29, 2024, 06:42:26 PMthat distractingly handsome son of a bitch is gonna make it hard
Quote from: Drunk TACThes sng is are sounds rally nece an I lyke tha sungar


The other members of CG have side projects worthy of checking out. Also, there is a posthumous album of Midnight's work coming out soon. I don't recall the details, but I'm sure you can find it on Facebook (which is where I saw it).

For me, those first two CG albums, particular the second, are classics. Everything else they did is okay, but forgettable. But Transcendence should be a staple in any prog metal fan's collection. I got into it late. Can't believe I never owned it until about 12 years ago.


when I got into Fates Warning in 1995, they were the 1st band recommended to me.

Zoom E

I bought the self-titled debut in early 1987 and remember listening to it 4 or 5 times in a row the day I got it. I thought it was incredible. The debut and Transcendece are all-time favourites for me.


Well this is a surprise

New singer sounds great from the snippets shared and the first single is available on the Band's website


wow, that sounds really good.


Agreed this new material sounds promising, especially from a band I had long ago written off.  Transcendence is a great, great album - I still revisit it from time to time.  Exciting times!


"I wish Ben, Dana and Jeff all the best. I would have loved to be a part of this new chapter, but my priorities are not in sync with the band at this juncture. Indeed, being a father has shaped my priorities in ways I could never imagine. Mark Borgemeyer is a good friend and I can't think of a better candidate to fill my shoes. I share the same enthusiasm as the fans, and there may be another surprise for them around the corner...stay tuned."

I imagine his arrest was more of a reason for him sitting this out but it is nice to hear from him as he kinda dropped off the face of the earth after that happened.


Quote from: ozzy554 on December 23, 2023, 10:20:42 PM

"I wish Ben, Dana and Jeff all the best. I would have loved to be a part of this new chapter, but my priorities are not in sync with the band at this juncture. Indeed, being a father has shaped my priorities in ways I could never imagine. Mark Borgemeyer is a good friend and I can't think of a better candidate to fill my shoes. I share the same enthusiasm as the fans, and there may be another surprise for them around the corner...stay tuned."

I imagine his arrest was more of a reason for him sitting this out but it is nice to hear from him as he kinda dropped off the face of the earth after that happened.

That's probably part of it, but I've also read that he has custody of his son, so I think he's being honest about his priorities.


Looking forward to seeing what they do. A bit weird to have CG without both Midnight (RIP) and Jon. But I mean, we have plenty of bands without the main voices and writers these days. So I'll give it a listen.

As for Jon, yeah, his arrest and fatherhood are likely the reasons he is not involved. Glad he is supporting them moving forward without him though.


What was he arrested for?
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol