The Creepy Shit we see at night depreciation thread!

Started by Tripp, August 06, 2011, 01:22:05 AM

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Quote from: Jamesman on August 06, 2011, 09:30:46 PM
I'll admit that I hate going into my bathroom and seeing an inch long cock roach on the wall. Not scary, but disgusting, especially when you turn on the lights from it being dark. Happens very rarely though

That creeps me out.


So every time you piss, you get a little nervous inside?

It hurt me to crack on you like that, I am in love with you in a very non-hetero way.
\o\ lol /o/


Quote from: Jamesman on August 06, 2011, 10:34:40 PM
So every time you piss, you get a little nervous inside?

It hurt me to crack on you like that, I am in love with you in a very non-hetero way.

You've hedged your comments in such a balanced way I can't in good faith retort "non-hetero"? :eyebrows:


GaymesMan/black_boyd slash fic?  Coming right up!   :eyebrows:


Oh dear :lol What's a slash fic? I really don't know.


You see, nerds and teenage girls get very enthusiastic about their favorite shows/movie series/vidja games.

To the point where they write their own stories about the characters, called fan fictions.

Slash fics are a result of really dedicated fans. 

I'd post links to examples, but A. They're NSFW, and B. I don't want to be to blame for your minds being scarred for life. 


Thanks both for the explanation and your restraint.


Quote from: Volk9 on August 06, 2011, 10:16:03 PM
Quote from: Zook on August 06, 2011, 10:15:23 PM
In addition to Volk's post, when lying in bed with the lights off completely pitch black and the bathroom or closet door open, imagine a huge creature running out of either room at you.

I hate these thoughts, haha. I have a sword at my bed, and also a knife by net to my pillow. I always wonder if I could get either out fast enough
I have a baseball bat at the side of my bed. Sometimes I sleep with it because I'm afraid something is gonna crawl up and take it. But I'm also afraid of someone crashing through my window (which is so close to my bed that if I move my pillow the wrong way it hits the blinds!) and I think that it'd be more effective if I could just reach over and grab it and then smack him. I'd get more air time and it would be a better hit.


After watching "The ring", I used to see that little bitch Samara everytime I woke up at night. That movie fucked me up for a while.