Official Queensryche thread: Kickstart the next album

Started by AndyDT, April 29, 2009, 01:02:19 PM

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Quote from: emtee on October 18, 2022, 07:06:04 AM
Some sad news from emtee. While listening to this on the way back from the beach on Sunday, I received a call from my sister that my father had died. From here forward it will be impossible to hear it and not remember.


He lived a good life and we loved each other unconditionally. I will miss him. RIP Dad.

I am sincerely sorry for your loss. I lost my dad in 2007 and I still feel it.


Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


Quote from: emtee on October 18, 2022, 07:06:04 AM
Some sad news from emtee. While listening to this on the way back from the beach on Sunday, I received a call from my sister that my father had died. From here forward it will be impossible to hear it and not remember.


He lived a good life and we loved each other unconditionally. I will miss him. RIP Dad.

I am so sorry for your loss.  my deepest condolences,,, wishing you and your family peace love and strength during this time of grieving...  EV


Quote from: emtee on October 18, 2022, 07:06:04 AM
Some sad news from emtee. While listening to this on the way back from the beach on Sunday, I received a call from my sister that my father had died. From here forward it will be impossible to hear it and not remember.


He lived a good life and we loved each other unconditionally. I will miss him. RIP Dad.

I'm Flat out Heartbroken to hear this. I'm so sorry. I'm sending you strength and love to cope with this monumental loss.  :heart


emtee - I am so sorry to hear that. My condolences.

The Realm

emtee - really feel for you and sorry to hear that. My condolences.

Zoom E

So sorry for your loss, emtee. My thoughts are with you.

I have the same negative association with Scorpions Humanity Hour 1 and the loss of my mum in 2007.


Quote from: emtee on October 18, 2022, 07:06:04 AM
Some sad news from emtee. While listening to this on the way back from the beach on Sunday, I received a call from my sister that my father had died. From here forward it will be impossible to hear it and not remember.


He lived a good life and we loved each other unconditionally. I will miss him. RIP Dad.

Sorry for your loss, my friend...


Quote from: emtee on October 18, 2022, 07:06:04 AM
Some sad news from emtee. While listening to this on the way back from the beach on Sunday, I received a call from my sister that my father had died. From here forward it will be impossible to hear it and not remember.


He lived a good life and we loved each other unconditionally. I will miss him. RIP Dad.

Very sorry to hear this.  My thoughts are with you and your family.  :( :(


Best wishes Emtee. A similar thing happened when my father passed 3 years ago. I can't listen to Rush's Afterimage now.



Sorry to hear that emtee.  My thoughts go out to you, your sister and the rest of your family.


Very sorry to hear this emtee, condolences to your family.


Sorry to hear that, emtee, very sad news. I wish your family has the strength to deal with this difficult time. :heart


So sorry, emtee.  I know no words can take away your pain, but I hope you find it an encouragement that so many people genuinely care about you and your situation.


Quote from: emtee on October 18, 2022, 07:06:04 AM
Some sad news from emtee. While listening to this on the way back from the beach on Sunday, I received a call from my sister that my father had died. From here forward it will be impossible to hear it and not remember.


He lived a good life and we loved each other unconditionally. I will miss him. RIP Dad.

So sorry about that.  Hope you can find a way to heal.  I know what it's like to lose a loved one.  :(


Sorry for your loss. Take comfort in the memories.


Cool Chris

Quote from: emtee on October 18, 2022, 07:06:04 AM
He lived a good life and we loved each other unconditionally. I will miss him. RIP Dad.

If he could read those simple words, I bet he would be most proud to have you as his son.


28 years ago, right at this time, I got home from my two classes at college. I saw on the way home that The Wiz (a local music and electronics store) near my house that Promised Land was released. Being a poor college student and not paid until Friday (this was a Tuesday), I asked my mom if I could borrow $20 bucks to buy the new QR CD. She said yes, I drove over the five minutes to the store, and bought Promised Land. I didn't have a CD player in the car, so I rushed home, put it on, and prompted didn't get it after "Damaged."

A few days later though, on headphones, laying in the dark except for a light on the liner notes, I followed along, and it hit a two ton heavy thing. I was blown away.

Happy 28th anniversary, Promised Land. An overlooked gem by many and the most personal and human record Queensryche has ever released.  :heart


Don't want to turn this into anything other than a QR  thread but I want to thank everyone for the kind and thoughtful words. It's been a difficult few days but time heals.

Despite this album forever connected to this sad event, my love for it has not diminished. It connects with me in a special way. I truly love it and I would put it in the upper tier with my favorite QR  albums.

You guys rock!


I definitely like this record better than the previous.


Saw them open for Judas Priest last night.  Due to local curfew, their set was cut from 11 to 8 songs and they played for 40 minutes exactly.  The band looked bored, but sounded great, though Todd was the only one that had any sort of energy.  I saw Maiden 3 weeks ago and that entire band had more energy and movement in one song compared to QR's full eight songs. 

I realized that this was the first time I was seeing Casey Grillo play drums, yet he didn't have much showmanship as he used to with Kamelot.  I don't know if he brought any of that stick-twirling into QR, but he just seems so under-utilized in the band, especially after hearing Kamelot's song "Karma" played over the PA before the show. 

Todd sounded pretty good, but was slightly lower in the mix than I'd have liked.  They tend to use a lot of sustain on his high notes, so he can hit them, then let the PA system carry the sound of it.  It feels slightly like cheating when you are accustomed to watching Geoff hold a massive note at the end of The Needle Lies, but Todd doesn't.  I was happy to see him sing Screaming in Digital - that song sounded really good.  They also played Behind the Walls from the new album, so I got to hear one song at least.  They dropped In Extremis, Take Hold, and NM156 due to the time restriction.

There were a number of people around me who said they were unfamiliar with Queensryche, so they were all impressed with how he sings the old songs so well and he can hit the Geoff Tate notes.  Funnily enough, the song that got the biggest reaction was Empire.  Some things will never change. 

Of the 11 times I've seen them, that was the only non-headline show, so I got a quick dose of QR, though it doesn't compare to the only other time I'd seen the Todd-fronted band in 2013.


Funny thing is, the three songs they dropped I'd want to hear the most...well, two of them (NM and IE, I could leave Take Hold these days).

Bummer there wasn't a lot of energy. Sucks that they had to cut the set short too. You would have thought they would have started earlier if that was the case. Well, I'm glad you got to go see the show, Grapp.

I do like the whole "album-window" concept of their stage design. I think their backdrop is too simple and plain, but likely by design since the stage set up is more colorful.


Quote from: Dublagent66 on October 24, 2022, 02:51:12 PM
I definitely like this record better than the previous.

I'm liking it so far, too. I like some songs more than others, but I can't say I find any of them "bad" per se.

I had my brother listen to it, and this is the album that has finally made him not care Tate isn't in the band anymore.


Quote from: Samsara on October 26, 2022, 07:46:20 AM
Funny thing is, the three songs they dropped I'd want to hear the most...well, two of them (NM and IE, I could leave Take Hold these days).

Bummer there wasn't a lot of energy. Sucks that they had to cut the set short too. You would have thought they would have started earlier if that was the case. Well, I'm glad you got to go see the show, Grapp.

I do like the whole "album-window" concept of their stage design. I think their backdrop is too simple and plain, but likely by design since the stage set up is more colorful.

I was hoping for NM156 and In Extremis as well.  I was surprised that they would drop Take Hold since it was a Priest crowd.  At least I got to see Todd sing Screaming in Digital. 

The stage design is awesome.  I love the album art/video art/logos re-imagined as windows.  It was more fun trying to figure out what each one was instead of watching the show.   It is what it is at this point.  Musically, they're still super tight and sound amazing, but they don't look like they're enjoying playing live.  It's just very noticeable when you watch a 71 year old Halford give it his all, or the 60 year old guys in Maiden smiling, twirling and flying about the stage. 


Re: using sound effects on the voice

I wouldn't mind it if it sounds good and if it's helping Todd to deliver the songs. Tate does similar things as shown in the link provided some posts above. And there it was deemed 'legit'.  ;)

Re: Stage presence

Too bad when they don't act professional and at least try to look like they're having fun. As far as action on stage goes, I don't know how it was in the early days, but I saw them first on the Promised Land tour. And even back then Tate was the only one moving around the stage a bit. The others were pretty static.

And all this confirms to me, that Todd is the only one left who really cares. The others are glad to get a paycheck and are otherwise going through the motions. Ironically Todd is probably the one who gets paid the least, because he's the 'new guy'.

Re: New record

Not sure what to make of it yet. I listened a couple times and it's not bad, but I'm not sure if it's really good. As of now there's no standout track. I listen to the record, I enjoy it and afterwards I can't recall a single thing about it.

Right now The Verdict remains my favorite Todd-ryche album.


Quote from: Kwyjibo on October 26, 2022, 08:52:33 AM
Re: using sound effects on the voice

I wouldn't mind it if it sounds good and if it's helping Todd to deliver the songs. Tate does similar things as shown in the link provided some posts above. And there it was deemed 'legit'.  ;)

It is legit - Todd is definitely hitting those notes and it's the same as Tate using it.  Here's a video of the first 2 or so songs from last night.  After the big intro note of Queen of the Reich, it goes into a sustain, where the note echoes a bit.  He doesn't have to hold it as long, so he can duck out of the note.  I understand it, and so many other singers including Tate and Halford use it as well.  It's just a feeling I had while watching the show, where all of the variables come together.  Lack of stage movement from the other guys, Casey's hair being in his face for the whole show so I can't see him, noticing that his playing, while awesome, isn't as fun as it was in Kamelot.  Todd being a bit low in the mix from where I was standing.  I know it's unfair to Todd to think that "he's cheating" a bit, but at the same time, my last point of reference to the band was 2013, when I last saw them and he didn't really need sustain on those notes.  The band is different now compared to then, and they're different compared to those 2 hour shows I would see with Tate fronting the band.  Maybe they didn't play old songs then, but Tate still had the lung power to hold the big note at the end of The Needle Lies for 20-30 seconds and still wow everyone.

Quote from: Kwyjibo on October 26, 2022, 08:52:33 AM
Re: Stage presence

Too bad when they don't act professional and at least try to look like they're having fun. As far as action on stage goes, I don't know how it was in the early days, but I saw them first on the Promised Land tour. And even back then Tate was the only one moving around the stage a bit. The others were pretty static.

And all this confirms to me, that Todd is the only one left who really cares. The others are glad to get a paycheck and are otherwise going through the motions. Ironically Todd is probably the one who gets paid the least, because he's the 'new guy'.

I agree with all of this - Todd was very personable and appreciative of the audience and being the opening band for Priest.  He still sounded really good, and all of the fans around me talked about how great he is and how he could hit the notes.  But when you're opening for a legendary metal band, you need to put on a good show. 


Regarding that QotR note:

The days of this are long gone from La Torre -

And that's not to say that he doesn't still do the song well. He does. But having a bit of technological help to help sustain the note wasn't always needed, as the above shows. That video was a decade ago, sure. And we can debate the reasons for needing a little "help" now (we all know the various things that can contribute to that whole "why" question - no need to rehash). But the bottom line is, if the artificial sustain La Torre is using to extend notes helps the band and La Torre deliver a better overall show, it makes sense. Tate does it too - check out the :37 second mark here where he finishes the note and it goes on for another two seconds as an echo - He did the song again two weeks ago and the same thing. Not a huge deal to me.

What matters to me is EFFORT and the willingness to go for it. And long as the ability is there to do it on a fairly regular basis, then I'm all for hearing singers go for notes, even it doesn't always work.

Do I PREFER them not using that tech to sustain - absolutely. But it doesn't bother me. Not everyone can be Glenn Hughes.  :lol

When I saw Fates Warning back in 2018 on the Theories of Flight tour, the band played "Acquiescence" which is a part of "The Ivory Gate of Dreams." Ray went for a high note at the end, and when he finished, he laughed, and said "that doesn't always work." The point is, Ray went for it. He felt like he could get it, so he did it. And it wasn't perfect, but he almost got it. He wasn't using any sort of tech to sustain those kind of notes - Fates doesn't do that, and I'm glad they don't. But it wouldn't have bother me even if they had. Again, it's about the desire and willingness to do it and feel it. Feel that you want to go for something and go do it.

Both Tate and La Torre want to hit those notes and you can tell they are focusing on them and WANT to do them now. A bit of sustain at the end for dramatic effect isn't really a big deal, at least not to me.


And they still have to hit it. If the note is flat, the sustain doesn't help.


p.s. on a side note, seeing that Rising West video again (i was at both shows that weekend - that video, I am literally right behind Savoia who is recording it, just more center), it reminds me of just how powerful those EP/The Warning songs are in a club setting. Man...THAT was the way those songs were supposed to be performed. In a tiny room, sweaty bodies, and a singer nailing stratospheric notes.

I envy those of you who got to see Dream Theater in 92 in the clubs, Fates Warning on those early tours with Ray, and of course, those of you who are old enough to have seen the original Queensryche in the clubs doing those early songs.

While Queensryche became this majestic, progressive hard rock arena act with Empire, I would have given ANYTHING to have seen them headline a club on The Warning tour. Shit like "NM 156" and "Blinded" in a fucking club, 100 degrees, and just slaying. THAT was bad ass. Those Rising West/QR shows gave me that feeling, and I'm forever thankful to Queensryche for inviting me to witness them. Those songs were meant to be played in that environment. Crazy energy.  :metal


Quote from: Kwyjibo on October 26, 2022, 12:32:55 PM
And they still have to hit it. If the note is flat, the sustain doesn't help.

Of course. Like I said, most of the time, they get there, or get close. If it's flat, that sucks, but that's live music. Shit happens.

I just saw Extreme this summer, and Gary Cherone, who is always awesome, was flat a bit. Again, shit happens.

The effort, man. That goes a long way. As long as the notes are close, personally, I can live with it.


After some time I'd say the Verdict is still the more consistent of the two, but the new album has more highs.  Some great stuff unfortunately let down slightly by a couple songs I just can not get into at all, which is somewhat unusual for a QR album regardless the era.

Anyway, this isn't that same Queensryche of years back those first half dozen releases will never be topped, but I'm just glad they're still around in any form and creating some quality music.  I simply take these guys for what they are and judge them on their own strengths and this album continues that trend of creating quality music, and IMO features some of the best material yet with Todd at the helm.

In Extremis opens well enough but for me the real bangs for buck are with Lost In Sorrow with its killer 80's riffing stellar chorus all kinds of tremendous, Chapters thows back to those lovely Empire moments, Realms likewise with more beef, and after a while thinking Brian was off his head with his review of this like WTF, Tormentum finally won me over and is what I'd describe as essential modern-day Queensryhe (more of this please Todd and folks)!

A few others I like to dig into as well but for what it's worth  ;)