Official Queensryche thread: Kickstart the next album

Started by AndyDT, April 29, 2009, 01:02:19 PM

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Press release...

Roads to Madness: The Touring History of Queensrÿche Available For Pre-Order!

LONGVIEW, Wash. – Roads to Madness: The Touring History of Queensrÿche (1981-1997) is now available for pre-order at The book will be published in March 2024.

Queensrÿche is one of the pioneers of progressive heavy metal. Roads to Madness covers the band's beginnings in the 1980s as an opening act for titans such as Ronnie James Dio and Metallica, to Queensrÿche's heralded days as a headliner in arenas and amphitheaters throughout the 1990s. The book is a deep dive into all the concert dates that feature Queensrÿche's original lineup of Chris DeGarmo, Eddie Jackson, Scott Rockenfield, Geoff Tate, and Michael Wilton.

The oversized tome spans over 450 pages, and includes verified setlists, tour history essays, fan commentary on shows, stage banter, live photos, show memorabilia imagery, and much more.

Three versions of the book are available:

1. A full color, limited hardcover edition, signed by the authors, featuring a glossy dust jacket and an 11x17 poster of the front cover. Only 200 copies of this edition are available. ($74.95 pre-order price.)

2. A full color, standard paperback edition. ($49.95 pre-order price.)

3. A full color, electronic edition as a high resolution .pdf. ($14.95.)

Roads to Madness was authored by Queensrÿche biographer and historian Brian J. Heaton, and Pacific Northwest metal music archivist Brian L. Naron. The duo previously collaborated with James R. Beach to write Building An Empire: The Story Of Queensrÿche, which was published in October 2021.

For more information, and to order, visit

Thanks to everyone at DTF who supports my books on QR. From kind words to purchases, it is all very much appreciated.

Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow U.S. folks.


Thanks, Mike!

Thanks to everyone who has pre-ordered the book so far. A couple of frequently asked questions popped up, so here are the answers.

1. What does "oversized" mean?

A. 8.5x11. A normal hardcover novel or biography is typically around 6x9 (That's what Building An Empire: The Story Of Queensrÿche is). So Roads to Madness: The Touring History of Queensrÿche  is bigger overall.

2. Is this "authorized" by the band?

A. It isn't an official book by Queensryche. Just like Building An Empire, the band was told about the project. One band member was helpful in clarifying information and liked the idea overall. All five original members will be given a copy, along with all the live show recordings I used to pull information from.

3. Will this be on Amazon?

A. Yes, once it is released. I won't bore you with the details, but it's easier to set up the book for sale on Amazon once it is actually available, as opposed to pre-order. Roads to Madness is being published through an independent, so it makes a lot more administrative sense to just wait to put it on Amazon once we have the books in-hand.

4. Why should I pre-order?

A. As mentioned above, this is coming out via an independent label/publisher. Long story short, we're paying thousands of our own money to get this book produced. If you pre-order, it helps fund the project independently of my own wallet. 🤣 Plus, you get a price break and a free poster (for hardcover purchases). Please consider pre-ordering and support small business. Bottom line, your pre-order helps ensure this project breaks even. Trust me, I can't quit my day job for this.

Hope those were helpful!


I listened to Empire last night. This has to be one of the best rock records ever made. Period. It has aged phenomenally well. The sonic values are among the top 5 all time albums I own and every single song is either a 9.5 or a 10. It also scores points because when my daughter was just a baby girl, I had a routine of carrying her and listening to Silent Lucidity. It was sometimes the only way I could get her to fall asleep.

They captured lightning in a bottle on this one. Astoundingly fantastic album!


Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


Quote from: emtee on December 07, 2023, 06:05:47 AM
I listened to Empire last night. This has to be one of the best rock records ever made. Period. It has aged phenomenally well. The sonic values are among the top 5 all time albums I own and every single song is either a 9.5 or a 10. It also scores points because when my daughter was just a baby girl, I had a routine of carrying her and listening to Silent Lucidity. It was sometimes the only way I could get her to fall asleep.

They captured lightning in a bottle on this one. Astoundingly fantastic album!

For sure. I love it. Although I've previously found nitpicks with it, I wouldn't change anything on it at this stage. Classic


Empire really encompass' the sound and vibe of the early 90's.


I've always considered Empire and Promised Land to be the best sounding QR albums. Warm, big, enveloping. In start contrast to the records before those, and after.

As time has moved on, Empire is always something I go back to as a familiar friend. My favorites haven't changed ("Anybody Listening?," "Empire"), and I love other records more, song and style-wise (Operation: Mindcrime, The Warning in the original sequence) but there are very few records out there in the history of hard rock and metal that I think sound as impressive as Empire.

Setlist Scotty

Quote from: BlobVanDam on November 13, 2015, 07:37:14 PMAs a basic rule, if you hate it, you must solely blame Portnoy. If it's good, then you must downplay MP's contribution to the band as not being important anyway, or claim he's just lying. It's the DTF way.
Quote from: TAC on July 10, 2024, 08:26:41 AMPOW is awesome! :P





Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


A little Roads to Madness book update for those interested.

I just finished doing the image placement document, which identifies each photo in the book and where they will be placed for the designer.

In just text form, the manuscript is about 340 pages of text... I just added 117 pages of full-page imagery.

And that does NOT count things like ticket stubs and smaller photos that run along with the concert listings. So we're going to be probably around 500+ pages. Remember, this isn't a novel-sized book. It's 8.5x11. So it's big!

So excited to get this out there. The designer is going to start work on the image placement and final text edits late next week, and looks like we'll probably get something to do a final edit and approval in mid-late January. Then goes to the printer in early February, and we should be all set for the March release.

Really appreciate the interest from QR fans here. If you can, please pre-order. This is an independent production. So, pre-orders sort of dictate how much we decide to print. I know it's tough before the holidays, but even pre-ordering in January is helpful for those who can. Whether it is the paperback or the hardcover, every pre-order helps. Oh, and I really suggest getting an actual book. The e-book will be a .pdf, but it's not the same feel. This is something you want to put in your den or music room and pull out and flip through. It's that kind of collectible.

You can order here:

It WILL be on Amazon, but not until after the release. (Likely some time in late-March/early-April.)

I'm hoping to share some page samples with everyone in mid-January as we approve things. So thrilled this is coming together like I envisioned.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone.

King Postwhore

"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.



Quote from: King Postwhore on December 28, 2023, 02:23:40 PM
Just saw the Blabermouth story about your book.

Quote from: jjrock88 on December 28, 2023, 10:40:50 PM
That's super cool!

Quote from: DTwwbwMP on December 28, 2023, 06:58:48 PM

:tup :tup :tup

Thanks guys. I saw it too. Stoked. Here's the link:

A couple of the Sirius XM guys now know of it as well, so hoping for a couple of on-air mentions at some point.  Fingers crossed. I hate being a "filthy" salesman (all respect to those who do it for a living), but that's a part of the whole author thing, particularly on an independent publisher. Really grateful to Blabbermouth for picking it up.

Hope it drives more pre-sales.

The designer began work on the book's photo layout and my second round of text edits a few days ago. So hoping to see something in the next week or so. Thinking it'll hit the printer in early February, and should be out by the third week of march. I'm hoping for Friday, March 15.

I'll have sample pages and all that good stuff available probably the first week in February, once I approve everything and get it sent to the printer.

Happy New Year!


For those of you interested in the book, we're getting closer. Today I looked at Chapter 4 (RFO Tour) from an image placement and layout perspective. Sent some tweaks in to the designer, and we're onto Chapter 5 tomorrow/Thursday.

I uploaded a couple of screenshots of interior pages I was looking at the other day. You can check them out at The full update is there. A smaller update is on the Twitter (X) page at

What's really cool about the Rage chapter I was just looking at are the photo sets. We have two sets of professional photos for that chapter. Some that folks have seen before, candid ones that haven't made the rounds quite as much, and then an incredible black and white set at the end of the chapter that most people haven't seen. Great live action captures. And for people who dig quirky things, I have a scan of the press release that QR was opening for Bon Jovi!  :lol And ticket stubs from that tour to boot! Ha!

Anyway, check out the socials above for more. And folks, if you are planning to get a copy, I'd appreciate the pre-order. I know spending money can be tough when you don't get what you pay for until a few months later, but it does help finance the printing. This is truly an independent effort, being funded by me, personally, along with the publisher in a joint effort. Given our progress, it should be out in late-March with shipping by early-April. It could be sooner. I know the publisher really wants to have it in-hand by late-March for a big book signing event they have in the works (not just for my books, but the Metal Church bio they just did, and some of the records they just put out). So that's the timeline. But any pre-orders really help make this project move forward so that the printer gets fully paid ahead of time.

Thanks for your interest!  :metal


p.s. regarding the upcoming "Origins" tour, I did see a post or a reply from QR's social media to a fan that they are just performing the EP/The Warning. That's the entirety of the set. No other tracks. Whether that changes or not, I have no idea, but for those planning to see the tour, that's apparently all they are doing. Just those two releases.

EPIC Outro

One of my joys as a music fan is eventually seeing a band perform every song from a given album. This is a chance to see two rarities in their entirety, so I might be stopping by Toads Place in March.


Picked up (2003) The Warning remaster today, only ever had the OG CD from many years ago.
I was pleasantly surprised at how good the sounds is and the songs have aged quite well.
Haven't listened to this in at least 25 years, will give it a few spins to fully reacquaint myself with it.


Quote from: gazinwales on February 18, 2024, 05:20:13 PM
Picked up (2003) The Warning remaster today, only ever had the OG CD from many years ago.
I was pleasantly surprised at how good the sounds is and the songs have aged quite well.
Haven't listened to this in at least 25 years, will give it a few spins to fully reacquaint myself with it.

The Warning has always been weird for me. As a young QR fan in the late-80s, when I first heard it, I honestly didn't get it. It sounded weird and not like the band I fell in love with on Rage, but primarily Mindcrime. But after a while, songs poked through, namely Roads to Madness, NM 156, and Take Hold of the Flame. As the years went on though, I loved the songs more. The key moment was the tracklist order though. Once I discovered what it was meant to be, and resequenced that, the album took on a whole different vibe. It was a huge A HA moment for me as a fan. With the originally intended running order, The Warning vaulted into my #2 spot behind Operation: Mindcrime. There's just something about the conceptual nature of that record, and NM 156 and Roads being at the beginning and the end, respectively, and it being a circular thing, where it just explodes to me.

As a kid, it might have flown over my head. But now I just shake my head how incredible The Warning was, particularly as a band's debut album. Had it been released as intended, I'm not sure how better or worse the album might have done, but man, what an incredible debut.


On the book front, closing in on the end here with Roads to Madness. We're going to be just shy of 600 full color pages. That's almost 150 more than we originally marketed the book as. Today I'm doing the image layout and basic edits of the last 90 pages of the book (Chapter 8, the epilogue, and appendix materials). Then it's on to a final proof of the whole thing. I also just wrote the back text for the dustjacket and the text for the flaps of the dustjacket too.

Really excited.

Please folks, if you haven't pre-ordered and are planning to get the hardcover, make the decision to pre-order NOW (see links below). The hardcovers ARE going to sell out. They are limited to 200, and we're well past the mid-way point on pre-sales of those. Trust me, the hardcover is the way to go. The paperback will be awesome too. Same book, it's still all in color, etc., but the hardcover, for 20-something bucks more, it's just such a great coffee table book.

Hardcover -

Paperback -

As for release date and all that, the paperbacks should ship around the first week of April. The hardcovers may be a couple weeks later, only because I need to fly up to Seattle once they are in, so Naron and I can sign them (as we promised they'd be numbered and signed). Getting up to Seattle on a weekend Naron and I are both free, can be tricky. I just didn't want to do the stick-in signing sheets. We did that on the QR bio, and I felt that was cheap. If an author signs a book, he or she should sign the actual book, not a stick in book plate. I get it the ease of the latter,'s less personal.

So excited to get this into folks' hands. I hope some of the dwindling numbers of QR fans here on DTF pick it up. I really think people are going to love it. The proofs I've been looking at - it's exactly what I envisioned. I couldn't be happier.



Roads to Madness is FINISHED. Clocks in at 594 pages. The design is fully finalized and ready for the printer. Promo versions (electronic) have been sent to some media members, and will continue to be throughout March.

We need to select a printer in the next few weeks and get this bad boy pressed. But if you're a Queensryche fan, this book is a MUST. And I'm not just saying that because I want sales (trust me, I am losing money on this project, not making any). I'm a huge fan of the OG lineup of Queensryche. My favorite musical act of all time. This is the book I wish I had in the 90s.

A word about the pre-order. If you have not pre-ordered, and you're waiting until the printed books are in-hand to order, you really shouldn't. We severely underestimated the cost (we were all lined up with a printer, and they informed us the paper we wanted was discontinued). Once we agree on a printer, we're likely going to ramp up the cost of both editions by $25 or $30. Remember, this is a coffee table book - oversized at 8.5x11 and a collectible. It's not a novel or biography you read once and put away. It's a collectible that sits in your music room or den and is a conversation piece you use as a reference guide. An art book, almost.

So get in NOW while the pre-order price is in place. It's an absolute STEAL. I can easily see the hardcover going up to 99.99, and the paperback going to 74.95 in the next few weeks. Get in NOW while the prices are still what they are.

Looking forward to reading the reviews of the book. I sent it out to a few guys who wanted it from Sirius XM Radio, some podcasts, and some rock websites. So hoping for some good stuff from them over the next few weeks.

I'm not a songwriter, but I sorta feel like I imagine they feel - I'm spent. I poured everything I could into making this the absolute pinnacle of a book on Queensrÿche. And while I haven't seen a lot of response to these posts, I hope those of you that are following really dig the book. It's everything that the 20-year-old me would have wanted from his favorite band. I'm really proud of it. :metal


Quote from: Samsara on March 01, 2024, 07:42:57 AM
Roads to Madness is FINISHED. Clocks in at 594 pages. The design is fully finalized and ready for the printer.

So get in NOW while the pre-order price is in place. It's an absolute STEAL. I can easily see the hardcover going up to 99.99, and the paperback going to 74.95 in the next few weeks. Get in NOW while the prices are still what they are.

Ordered! Can't wait! :metal :corn


Thank you Mike!

I'll be posting screenshots of sample spread pages throughout March, starting next week. I won't share the good stuff (I don't want to spoil all the awesome full page, great live color concert shots), but enough so people can get an idea of what it looks like. And with any luck, a review or two will pop up in the next week or so.


Roads to Madness has finally been authorized to head to the printer! It should be uploaded in the next day or so, and then the job will likely start next week. So for those of you who pre-ordered, that likely means the publisher will have them in-hand in late-April/early-May!

Really great timing with the current QR's celebration and tour of the EP and The Warning. I didn't plan it like that, but it happened!

The pre-order period goes through Sunday, April 14. You can get the hardcover for $74.95, and the paperback for 49.95. Starting on Monday, April 15, however, the prices go to $99.95 and $59.95, respectively. We based the early pre-order on a 450-page book, and it ended up at just about 600 pages. Costs of paper and ink went up too. So, if you're planning to order the book, DO IT NOW, and avoid the jump up in price on 4/15. The limited edition hardcover (200) WILL sell out, likely before the pre-order period is over. So get in on it.

Thanks to any of you who have supported the project. I've been doing some interviews with various podcasts, and sent some digital promo copies to folks for some reviews. I'm hoping we'll start to get some traction on them soon.


For those interested, I was a guest on the Progressive Palaver podcast last week, talking about Roads to Madness: The Touring History of Queensrÿche (1981-1997). They just uploaded the pod last night.

You can get Progressive Palaver wherever you get podcasts (iTunes, etc.), but here is the Spotify link:

We talk about the book's origins, the contents, and general QR history.

You can pre-order the book here (out late next month!):




Listening to the podcast and it was fantastic, but man the host needs to edit out his breathing.


I stumbled across this interview with Geoff from 2000. What a terrific and revealing interview. It covers everything from the success of Empire and how it changed them to Chris leaving and how the band's dynamic changed after he left.



Quote from: Mebert78 on April 05, 2024, 08:08:34 PM
I stumbled across this interview with Geoff from 2000. What a terrific and revealing interview. It covers everything from the success of Empire and how it changed them to Chris leaving and how the band's dynamic changed after he left.


Yep great interview \m/