The Paleolithic Diet?

Started by Scrub206, August 16, 2011, 05:48:17 PM

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Anyone here on it?

im really interested in this. just seems to fit me more than most diets. and it seems like something i could actually do.


Looks really unhealthy.  Your digestive system will be hurting.


Seems like a good read. I'll try to finish it and report back if I have anything of value to contribute. Gotta say though that the thought of a life without cheese scares the hell out of me.


Quote from: black_floyd on August 16, 2011, 05:55:00 PM
Seems like a good read. I'll try to finish it and report back if I have anything of value to contribute. Gotta say though that the thought of a life without cheese scares the hell out of me.
:rollin i was thinking the same thing


Most of the things I've heard fro people was in the way of bro science.

My ex tho was big into a paleo diet. She started it while starting a very involved gym routine, she did great with it and looked great but with the amount of working out she did she could've looked great with a protein shake and three meals of krispy kreme.


I have been flirting with a cousin to the Paleo diet called the Primal diet. It allows dairy in moderation, but cuts back a bit on the fruit. I did it hardcore in December and lost some serious weight. Currently on the track back to doing it hardcore again. Paleo seems like a good option as well, but I'm stuck on Primal.

I follow Primal more on, their forum is great and Mark's blog is great as well (plus the search function)(

Also on Primal my sensitive teeth went away, dandruff reduced to nothing, more energy, almost effortless weight loss (still exercise, but not as much), and clearer thinking. Only thing that sucked when I first did it by cutting out all the sugar was the carb withdrawal, or "carb flu." I literally felt like I was dying for a few days, headaches like you wouldn't believe. I had to eat a chocolate bar to get rid of the migraine. One bite and the migraine completely vanished. Once you get through the carb flu, though, you're gold.

Sorry for the advertising, but it worked wonders for me and the only reason why I haven't been full force with it is because I have been addicted to junk food since I was a toddler (thanks mom and dad). But I get better and better at adhering to it and see results like no other.

\o\ lol /o/


Sounds really cool. I'd try in the future, but as a college student I can't be too picky with foods.


Quote from: Jamesman42 on August 16, 2011, 06:06:27 PM
I have been flirting with a cousin to the Paleo diet called the Primal diet. It allows dairy in moderation, but cuts back a bit on the fruit. I did it hardcore in December and lost some serious weight. Currently on the track back to doing it hardcore again. Paleo seems like a good option as well, but I'm stuck on Primal.

I follow Primal more on, their forum is great and Mark's blog is great as well (plus the search function)(

Also on Primal my sensitive teeth went away, dandruff reduced to nothing, more energy, almost effortless weight loss (still exercise, but not as much), and clearer thinking. Only thing that sucked when I first did it by cutting out all the sugar was the carb withdrawal, or "carb flu." I literally felt like I was dying for a few days, headaches like you wouldn't believe. I had to eat a chocolate bar to get rid of the migraine. One bite and the migraine completely vanished. Once you get through the carb flu, though, you're gold.

Sorry for the advertising, but it worked wonders for me and the only reason why I haven't been full force with it is because I have been addicted to junk food since I was a toddler (thanks mom and dad). But I get better and better at adhering to it and see results like no other.


My girlfriend actually showed that to me aswell. it looked pretty awesome. and i saw some really amazing success stories espcially this one :

as of now im starting on the Paleo Diet.. well taking baby steps but ill get there. and hopefully fast. I want to read more about primal before i go like hardcore paleo tho.


Quote from: Scrub206 on August 16, 2011, 06:17:00 PM
Quote from: Jamesman42 on August 16, 2011, 06:06:27 PM
I have been flirting with a cousin to the Paleo diet called the Primal diet. It allows dairy in moderation, but cuts back a bit on the fruit. I did it hardcore in December and lost some serious weight. Currently on the track back to doing it hardcore again. Paleo seems like a good option as well, but I'm stuck on Primal.

I follow Primal more on, their forum is great and Mark's blog is great as well (plus the search function)(

Also on Primal my sensitive teeth went away, dandruff reduced to nothing, more energy, almost effortless weight loss (still exercise, but not as much), and clearer thinking. Only thing that sucked when I first did it by cutting out all the sugar was the carb withdrawal, or "carb flu." I literally felt like I was dying for a few days, headaches like you wouldn't believe. I had to eat a chocolate bar to get rid of the migraine. One bite and the migraine completely vanished. Once you get through the carb flu, though, you're gold.

Sorry for the advertising, but it worked wonders for me and the only reason why I haven't been full force with it is because I have been addicted to junk food since I was a toddler (thanks mom and dad). But I get better and better at adhering to it and see results like no other.


My girlfriend actually showed that to me aswell. it looked pretty awesome. and i saw some really amazing success stories espcially this one :

as of now im starting on the Paleo Diet.. well taking baby steps but ill get there. and hopefully fast. I want to read more about primal before i go like hardcore paleo tho.

Wow that's incredible, just seeing that made me smile.


I guess any diet ill have to tweek a little due to my type 1 diabetes... you never see stories about diabetics like body building or weight training like that.. kinda makes me depressed

*thinking out loud*


Yeah, if the success stories don't convince, dunno what will haha.
\o\ lol /o/


Not a bad diet, but 'no grains or legumes, but you can have meat and eggs,' is questionable and the 'cavemen ate like this' underpinning seems kind of weak.


I feel the need to point out that the average life expectancy in the Paleolithic was about 30 years.



Quote from: rumborak on August 16, 2011, 10:57:37 PM
I feel the need to point out that the average life expectancy in the Paleolithic was about 30 years.


Was it because of diet?
\o\ lol /o/


Quote from: rogerdil on August 16, 2011, 07:18:29 PM
Not a bad diet, but 'no grains or legumes, but you can have meat and eggs,' is questionable and the 'cavemen ate like this' underpinning seems kind of weak.

Isn't that effectively the atkins diet?


I guess the paleo is like an improved version of Atkins, although are the paleo advocates really eating grass-fed meats?  Also, Atkins is criticized for not having peer-reviewed science behind it, so I suppose the founder(s) of paleo has constructed a mythology (that appeals probably to young adult males) to underpin it. 

Protein and fat seem too high on this diet, but don't know what the recommended protein/fat/carb ratios of paleo are (the Wikipedia article gives wide ranges for each).


I live off of dairy products, I'm afraid it's a no go for me. I am looking to get into dieting and exercise though because I want to go into acting and the sad but true fact is that you're more likely to get a decent role if you're in shape.

And I am not in shape.


Quote from: Jamesman42 on August 17, 2011, 04:22:39 AM
Quote from: rumborak on August 16, 2011, 10:57:37 PM
I feel the need to point out that the average life expectancy in the Paleolithic was about 30 years.


Was it because of diet?

No it was not. those numbers come from death of the infants. they took an adverage and a lot of children didnt make it past a certain age. i actually just watched a video about that. and they made a good point too... lemme see if i can find it again.


I've been on the paleo diet for the better part of the last two years. It is a rather restrictive diet, and some of the responses in this topic confirm the fact that not everyone has the willpower to do it, but I've had huge amounts of success with it; not just in weight/appearance, but in overall health. In the past, I would get sick about 2-3 times a year. Since I've started paleo, I've never gotten sick at all. Not. Once. There was even a flu epidemic in GA last February and both of my roommates came down hard, but I was perfectly fine.

Quote from: Jamesman42 on August 16, 2011, 06:06:27 PM
I have been flirting with a cousin to the Paleo diet called the Primal diet.

I follow Primal more on, their forum is great and Mark's blog is great as well (plus the search function)(

Also on Primal my sensitive teeth went away, dandruff reduced to nothing, more energy, almost effortless weight loss (still exercise, but not as much), and clearer thinking. Only thing that sucked when I first did it by cutting out all the sugar was the carb withdrawal, or "carb flu." I literally felt like I was dying for a few days, headaches like you wouldn't believe. I had to eat a chocolate bar to get rid of the migraine. One bite and the migraine completely vanished. Once you get through the carb flu, though, you're gold.

Paleo, Primal, it's all the same to me. The only real difference is the person making money off of it. Mark's Daily Apple is an awesome website, I check it almost daily. I've never experienced these carb withdrawals that seem so common, but after I cut out grains there was a period of about a week where I barely got any sleep at all because I had more energy than my body knew what to do with.

I still get dandruff, though. :-\

Quote from: AwakeFromOctavarium on August 16, 2011, 06:12:35 PM
Sounds really cool. I'd try in the future, but as a college student I can't be too picky with foods.

I'm a college student and have had no problems eating strict paleo on $900 a month. You'd be amazed how cheap food can be if you actually cook it for yourself. My biggest problem with eating like this isn't lack of money, but rather lack of time to cook. Might as well throw that warning out: If you want to start eating paleo, get ready to do a LOT of cooking. My advice is to cook huge portions at once then stick it in tupperware to eat throughout the week.

Quote from: rogerdil on August 17, 2011, 05:02:31 AM
although are the paleo advocates really eating grass-fed meats?  Also, Atkins is criticized for not having peer-reviewed science behind it, so I suppose the founder(s) of paleo has constructed a mythology (that appeals probably to young adult males) to underpin it.

In all honesty, most of them do not. Even at places like Whole Foods, grass-fed meats are hard to find and can be crazy expensive. Some of the more savvy paleo eaters make friends with a local farmer, or go to sites like this:

Also, about the peer-reviewed science bit, you must realize that the vast majority of researchers who publish such studies work for the agriculture departments of universities that receive huge amounts of funding from the corn and wheat industries - no researcher who values their job is going to say anything bad about corn, or for that matter, say anything good about a diet that advocates abstaining from corn.

Quote from: alirocker08 on August 17, 2011, 05:30:19 AM
I live off of dairy products, I'm afraid it's a no go for me.

Dairy is a gray area in paleo. In fact, the guy who runs Mark's Daily Apple is a huge fan of greek yogurt, and whenever I try to build muscle I go on a "paleo and milk" binge and do just fine. Everyone is different, and there is no single diet plan that is perfect for everyone. Another paleo advocate named Robb Wolf suggests starting out on paleo, and if a non-paleo food doesn't cause you any issues, then there's nothing wrong with adding it back in.

El JoNNo

Quote from: Scrub206 on August 17, 2011, 06:49:41 AM
Quote from: Jamesman42 on August 17, 2011, 04:22:39 AM
Quote from: rumborak on August 16, 2011, 10:57:37 PM
I feel the need to point out that the average life expectancy in the Paleolithic was about 30 years.


Was it because of diet?

No it was not. those numbers come from death of the infants. they took an adverage and a lot of children didnt make it past a certain age. i actually just watched a video about that. and they made a good point too... lemme see if i can find it again.

I don't think it is from the death's of child, I'm pretty sure it is accounting that.


I love you Tanatra.

Yeah, it's actually really cheap to live Primally. I buy a lot of chicken sections and make awesome chicken wings with some Primal-ish sauces (part of my 20% allowance). veggies are cheap, salad is highly recommended as well.

I allow dairy because it allows for more variety (plus I will never give up my milk haha).

I don't eat grass-fed meats because like Tanatra said, they are expensive. Heck, just cutting out all the sugar and grains (corn is a grain) will do wonders.
\o\ lol /o/


Quote from: El JoNNo on August 17, 2011, 08:39:50 AM
Quote from: Scrub206 on August 17, 2011, 06:49:41 AM
Quote from: Jamesman42 on August 17, 2011, 04:22:39 AM
Quote from: rumborak on August 16, 2011, 10:57:37 PM
I feel the need to point out that the average life expectancy in the Paleolithic was about 30 years.


Was it because of diet?

No it was not. those numbers come from death of the infants. they took an adverage and a lot of children didnt make it past a certain age. i actually just watched a video about that. and they made a good point too... lemme see if i can find it again.

I don't think it is from the death's of child, I'm pretty sure it is accounting that.

This is what Mark Sisson has to say:

Granted, he's far from an unbiased source, what he has to say in the first link is rather anecdotal, and the second link only quotes a single study, but it's still a detailed, reasoned response to the life expectancy criticism.


i watched this last night and it was very informative. he goes briefly into life spans and what not. i cbf to search. at work atm


first day... slowly working my way to full paleo diet... its hard to find snacks that fit into the diet @_@


Quote from: Scrub206 on August 17, 2011, 02:57:43 PM
first day... slowly working my way to full paleo diet... its hard to find snacks that fit into the diet @_@

Nuts, beef jerky, dried fruit. Trail mix, more or less.


holy hell... beef jerkey.... stocking the fuck up on that..


One awesome snack is dates wrapped in bacon (just wrap the dates in raw bacon and bake in oven til bacon is done.

Fucking meat candy right there
\o\ lol /o/


I'm actually trying to start the Primal Diet right now. I've been surviving mainly on tuna, chicken, nuts, and eggs,  plus fruits and vegetables for the last week or so.


Quote from: pogoowner on October 18, 2011, 02:45:07 PM
I'm actually trying to start the Primal Diet right now. I've been surviving mainly on tuna, chicken, nuts, and eggs,  plus fruits and vegetables for the last week or so.

Nice. :tup

I don't know how much fruit you're taking in, but usually the Primal diet tries to lower the nuts and fruit.
\o\ lol /o/


Quote from: Jamesman42 on October 18, 2011, 03:16:14 PM
Quote from: pogoowner on October 18, 2011, 02:45:07 PM
I'm actually trying to start the Primal Diet right now. I've been surviving mainly on tuna, chicken, nuts, and eggs,  plus fruits and vegetables for the last week or so.

Nice. :tup

I don't know how much fruit you're taking in, but usually the Primal diet tries to lower the nuts and fruit.
Oh, I haven't been eating a whole lot of either one. One or two pieces of fruit a day, and the nuts have just been for the occasional snack.


Awesome dude.

How are you feeling? I'm feeling so light, energetic, and clear headed. I have people telling me that I am losing weight, so that is pretty awesome.
\o\ lol /o/


Quote from: Jamesman42 on October 18, 2011, 03:28:31 PM
Awesome dude.

How are you feeling? I'm feeling so light, energetic, and clear headed. I have people telling me that I am losing weight, so that is pretty awesome.
I'm feeling pretty good. I still have some massive carb cravings at times, but I'm hoping that will decrease as time goes on. I definitely feel like I'm losing weight, based on previous experiences with weight loss, but I don't actually have a scale right now, so I can't be sure.

Have you tried his workout plan at all? I just got the free PDF when I signed up for his newsletter, and it looks extremely straightforward and easy.


From my experience, the carb cravings will go away (and you'll be able to tolerate really bitter chocolate, like 90%, which is crazy but it'll taste good...possibly). I had the carb flu when I first started, and at one point the headache was so bad I had to eat a candy bar and it went away instantly. I dunno if you have carb flu, though. It'll get better. And hey, just eat some fruit if anything else.

I haven't tried the workout plan. I just dont have time between school and work. :( It does look very easy, IIRC.
\o\ lol /o/


Quote from: Scrub206 on August 16, 2011, 05:48:17 PM
Anyone here on it?

im really interested in this. just seems to fit me more than most diets. and it seems like something i could actually do.
Just because you look like a caveman doesn't mean you have to eat like one.


Well, I kind of blew it tonight by consuming a good bit of alcohol. :lol

Given that this isn't an extremely consistent thing, however, I think I'll still benefit a great deal from the diet.