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Finishing Quadrochosis' top 50 v. now in the top 10 :o

Started by Quadrochosis, August 22, 2011, 04:38:41 PM

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Nice update however I've heard only snippets from most bands, and I haven't listened to any Genesis, I know I have to change that sometime soon.


Moody Blues!  I think this is the first time they've make it into a top 50.  I was a moody blues guy in college.




thanks guys, i'll update it again tonight, probably after 11pm EST


There better be more Mars Volta on this. Amputechture is a good album, but it's hardly their best. That being said... Day of the Baphomets FTW!!!!  :metal :metal


Is anyone actually reading my list?

37. Rush - Power Windows

ok, Rush's best album comes in at 37. Not really a tremendous Rush fan, but there is something very special about Power Windows that always brings me back to it time and time again. For me, the 80s Rush is the best Rush, and this album is really the shining star among the 80s Rush albums, so maybe that's why I like it the best. There really isn't a bad song on the entire album, and after hearing it dozens and dozens of times, it's clear that this album's place in my list is certainly well deserved.

Favorite songs: "Marathon", "Manhattan Project", "Emotion Detector", "Grand Designs"

36. Kayo Dot - Choirs of the Eye

This is perhaps one of the hardest albums to get into. It might even be the hardest. I had to put a solid 5 spins into this album before I could even begin to comprehend it. After hearing it enough, I realized that it is one of the more complexly beautiful albums I've ever heard. There's really nothing in particular I can say about CotE except that if you have not heard it you should, because it is a musical must for everyone on DTF.

Favorite Songs: "The Manifold Curiosity", "Marathon"

Wow, both albums in this update had songs called "Marathon" that I particularly liked.


I really really really don't get the praise for Power Windows. Definitely not one of my favorite Rush albums. Choirs of the Eye is fantastic though.


Quote from: Quadrochosis on August 25, 2011, 09:37:11 PM
Is anyone actually reading my list?

Obviously ??? People are commenting and stuff...

Anyway great to see Kayo Dot there. I don't know Rush aside from a couple of songs though.


I remember not really caring for Power Windows back when I checked Rush out, they have 4-5 better albums IMO.


Quote from: Sigz on August 24, 2011, 07:39:37 PM
Quote from: Zook on August 23, 2011, 04:44:00 PM
Quad, I hope you weren't one of the guys complaining about DT's ADTOE album cover, because every one of these covers except Anathema is ugly as fuck.

At least they don't look like a high schooler's first photoshop project.

Which high schools offer photoshop?

Plus, clown unicycling in the sky > big ugly face


I kinda have to agree with Zook on that.
Not like I LOVE the new DT-cover, but In the Court of the Crimson King's cover is rated high by many in terms of it's cover, and I really don't get the appeal for it.
Yes, it's a big ugly face.. that's cool stuff.


ITCOTK is probably the worst cover I've ever seen, sure it fits the music but it is plain disgusting and very unappealing to the eye.

Also my high school had photoshop lessons (in photogrophy) :p



I'm reading your list.

My brother loves, LOVES power windows.


35. Opeth - Still Life

Still Life is really and truly Opeth's masterpiece (in my opinion). Every single song not only has unique musical and lyrical moments, but every song has a unique character, mood, or vibe that carry you through the song. The concept behind the album also adds further interest into the album. There's so much more I'd like to say about SL, but I won't because it's best experienced by your ears.

Favorite Songs: "The Moor", "Face of Melinda", "Benighted"

34. Godspeed You! Black Emperor - F♯ A♯ ∞

Godspeed is one band that literally took me years to get into. I first tried to get into them a few years back, but was simply not ready for them. With a few varying other attempts in between, I was able to really start digging them this year (After being pestered by Ryan to listen to this album). The ambiance and atmosphere that the band creates during this slow brooding record is easily one of the most memorable things in music that I've heard. Hearing this album for the first time was a real adventure, one that I didn't get at first, but eventually grew to adore.

Favorite Movement: "The Dead Flag Blues"

33. Sigur Rós - Ágætis Byrjun

Here we have one of Sigur Rós' best albums. While as a whole there is another album by this band that I find better, this album easily has two of SR's best songs on it. Also, this album is really, really good as far as like breaking albums go. There is not a single bad song for this album. I remember the first time I really heard Ágætis Byrjun I was in a used record store with Ryan and they were playing this over the PA. I knew it was SR, but I wasn't familiar with the music, so I bought it right out of the guys CD player because I was so encapsulated by it.

Favorite tracks: "Olsen Olsen", "Viðrar Vel Til Loftárása", "Hjartað Hamast (Bamm Bamm Bamm)"

32. Queen - A Night at the Opera

For being the most expensive album of all time to make (at its time), it surely had a lot to live up to. In short, it not only lived up to its own expectations, but ANatO has remained even in pop culture. While the few bit hits off this album are good, I think its really the more deep cuts that make this album shine. Queen's best song (arguably), "The Prophet's Song" is one of the coolest things I've ever heard in my life.

Favorite songs: "The Prophet's Song", "'39", "Death On Two Legs (Dedicated To...)"

31. The Dear Hunter - Act II: The Meaning Of, And All Things Regarding Ms. Leading

This album is so fucking good. It can feel a little long at times, which is why I don't listen to it as often as I'd like, but when you really give it the time, it can totally blow your mind and make your day. Everything about this album fits the theme and storyline of the Acts really well. There are some songs on this record that I would consider perfect Dear Hunter songs. Basically Casey Crescenzo = God.

Favorite Songs: "Red Hands", "Smiling Swine", "The Lake and the River", "The Oracles On The Delphi Express"

I know my writeups are lame and short and uninteresting, but there's not really anything I can say about these albums. I feel like most of them should be experienced firsthand instead of reading my shitty writeups.


Still Life, F#A#Infinity, Agaetis Byrjun and Act II in the same update?
I am impressed. ;)


I have F#A#Infinity but I have yet to listen to it, maybe this weekend.

Do not like Dear Hunter


Quote from: Zook on August 26, 2011, 12:13:18 AM
Plus, clown unicycling in the sky > big ugly face

I hope you're not saying that the new DT cover is better than the King Crimson one because that would be hilarious.

Anyway: 5 great bands on this update, I'm loving this list! :tup


Quote from: Quadrochosis on August 26, 2011, 06:08:15 AMI remember the first time I really heard Ágætis Byrjun I was in a used record store with Ryan and they were playing this over the PA. I knew it was SR, but I wasn't familiar with the music, so I bought it right out of the guys CD player because I was so encapsulated by it.

Yeah I remember this. That was awesome. MR CHEAPOS!


Quote from: Gorille85 on August 26, 2011, 07:23:32 AM
Quote from: Zook on August 26, 2011, 12:13:18 AM
Plus, clown unicycling in the sky > big ugly face

I hope you're not saying that the new DT cover is better than the King Crimson one because that would be hilarious.

Anyway: 5 great bands on this update, I'm loving this list! :tup

That's exactly what I'm saying, and what's hilarious is you think a big ugly looking face is a good album cover to begin with. What exactly is so great about it? It's fucking hideous.

If this was an album cover, would you be praising it too?




The Crimson cover is very psychedelic looking. It's not just supposed to be a face for the sake of being a face. It's fuckin trippy.

And awesome list so far Zack!


Quote from: ZBomber on August 26, 2011, 08:16:58 AM
The Crimson cover is very psychedelic looking. It's not just supposed to be a face for the sake of being a face. It's fuckin trippy.

This and that's why it's awesome.


Eh, I never associated trippy with awesome, so maybe that's why I can't appreciate it. That, and it's fucking hideous.



I read these threads, but I don't post after every batch of albums.  I'm only posting since you think no one is following.


Quote from: DTVT on August 26, 2011, 08:35:33 AM
I read these threads, but I don't post after every batch of albums.  I'm only posting since you think no one is following.


Good updates! And yes, I'm following and reading the descriptions :)

And lol @ this absolutely ridiculous discussion over what is and isn't an ugly album cover. Don't feed the troll, fellas.


I'm not reading this because I hate everything you stand for.



Good to see some appreciation for Queen. Specially when you favorite songs out of that album are also my favorite songs  :laugh:

Also Kudos for Sigur Ros and Rush. I like your musical taste. I'm wondering what will come next in this list...


Quote from: Ravenheart on August 26, 2011, 09:39:27 AM
Good updates! And yes, I'm following and reading the descriptions :)

And lol @ this absolutely ridiculous discussion over what is and isn't an ugly album cover. Don't feed the troll, fellas.

No one is trolling noob.