The official "Clue MasterShakezula into College and the Real World" thread

Started by Dr. DTVT, August 22, 2011, 07:05:28 PM

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Quote from: MasterShakezula on August 22, 2011, 08:48:53 PM
Is that you or him?  

Umm... that came out wrong. I was looking for an explanation for your gender thing and pasted it on my post. I decided to stay on topic and write a normal post but forgot to delete the picture.


*fail* I tried modifying a previous post and it double posted or something



Wow, a lot has been learned by me from you guys, so far, especially DTVT! 

I definitely would say that my view of the world is quite limited, probably narrow.

I will make an effort to socially-interact with peers when school starts.

Also, it's comforting in a sense to know that that a person, like you, DTVT, can be unsure for some time about their path for the future and still eventually find what they're really after.  I don't know exactly what I want to major in college, though music is a sort of passion of mine, and I am working every day to become a skilled and versatile prog/fusion/bop drummer/mallet percussionist, and always try to do my best to get better every day, in addition to doing well in school so I can get into college.  I hope I can pursue music in and after college and achieve success, though I realize it will be very hard work and such, which I'm willing to take on.  I won't make that my only option, not at all, though it is my first choice, bar none. 

I am very glad that this thread exists and hope to continue learning from guys more educated and experienced in life than I here. 


When you get out of college, stop drinking like you did in college.


Quote from: Jamesman42 on August 22, 2011, 07:29:43 PM
You may have some sleepless nights studying if you care about your grades like I used to.

Example: I'm currently studying until 4 am tonight, tomorrow and wednesday and doing at LEAST 12 hours studying for the math final. I really want to get OVER 100 because he gives extra credit. I fucked up on my last test so in order to get an A in the class i need to do great on this test. Hence why i've been studying EVERY day.


Quote from: DTVT on August 22, 2011, 08:49:01 PM
Sorry, had to run to the store.

A few things to keep in mind Shake:

1) and this is VERY IMPORTANT:  Things don't always go according to your plans.  Matter of fact, very little will.  Don't set very specific goals for yourself at this point in your life.  I know they are teaching more career awareness in HS, but if you start thinking in too much detail about what you want, you're not going to handle the dissapointment when it comes, AND IT WILL COME at some point.  For now, getting into an appropriate college and having a general idea of what you want to do is enough.  When I was your age, I wanted to be a neurosurgeon just so I could become filthy rich.  When I was a freshman, I wanted to get into football coaching and I did.  Then I realized while I loved coaching, teaching high school kids would not be intellectually stimulating to me.  Hello grad school.  Realized I enjoy teaching chemistry almost as much as I loved coaching football.  Hello career.   I have friends who's career trajectory is much more random and sporadic, but they all fell into something they wanted to do.

2) You have to learn to be social.  I'm not talking about being one of the cool kids.  Those kids are assholes, I used to be one of them.  But you need to learn to get along with your peer group, and as you get older your peer group will be less about age and more about what you have in common.  You need to get along with your co-workers, superiors, and subordinates.  Everyone talks about networking, but you learn how to do it without making it obvious you are trying to puts you ahead of the game.  I met a professor at a teaching conference that I went to specifically to network simply because we had a shared love of spicy food.  We had a contest to see who could handle the hottest stuff, and by the next session everyone knew who the grad student and the Hungarian guy from the small college were, and all because we weren't afraid to be ourselves.  People saw us as friendly and outgoing, and everyone tried to get us during break down group because we were engaging and comfortable in our own skin.  We weren't putting on an act, it was natural.  That means make friends, the kinds you can physically shake hands with.  Start practicing in HS.

3)  Dorms are required (and a good thing) the first year, but they suck beyond that.  Don't become an RA.  You'll encounter way too many people in situations you'd rather not be in, and I'm not just talking about finding some dude masterbating to a picture of a female RA.  When you move off campus, learn to cook.  Start easy, raman noodles, mac & cheese from a box, hot dogs.  Gradually move up in complexity.  Cooking impresses people (particularly ladies), look at how big of a rockstar lonestar is here.  You also learn more about finance.  You learn how to deal with others.  One roommate doesn't do the dishes, another has the TV too loud when playing video games, another is taking his sweet-ass time in the bathroom and you need to get to class.  All that stuff prepares you for the real world.  It's also a great way to make great friends.

4)  Don't throw a party at your place.  Someone else is always willing to host a party.  Trash their place, don't let people trash yours.

5)  Don't hesitate, just do it.  You don't want to live with regret later.  Have fun, whatever that becomes for you.  That doesn't mean get blitzed the night before your 8 am final, but go bowling with your friends and stay up late to finish that assignment occasionally.

6)  The real world can wait.  Enjoy all the time you have until then.

7)  Internet message boards barely existed when I was your age, and I didn't have the internet or anyone to tell me what to do/expect in college.  It's different for everyone, don't plan it or micromanage your life that way you can enjoy it.

I just started my freshman year in college a few days ago, and as someone who is prone to panicking and easily stressing out, this is very helpful. I know you don't like me, but these are all points I'm going to keep in mind, and I may even copy them to a word document just in case I need to quickly find something that has the potential calm me and bring me back down to Earth. So, thank you.

Global Laziness

Quote from: MasterShakezula on August 22, 2011, 09:15:27 PM
I am working every day to become a skilled and versatile prog/fusion/bop drummer/mallet percussionist

Oh dear, didn't icy start off as a post-whoring 16-year-old drummer? :|


He went through all sorts of phases. I'm pretty sure cup isn't nearly as delusional though.


Once, I read through all of icy's posts.

I don't think I'm too much like him; he's got way more charisma and style and confidence than I do. 

I mean, he had at least 1 girlfriend, is a CEO, dresses gothic-like, and probably lost his virginity at some point.

I am a girlfriend-free boy, have no economic skills besides a desire to save up a shitload money for no real reason, dress regularily/blandly, and am cherry.

Also, I'm straight and have not been gay or bi at any point. 

I don't have any real grand ideas, really, besides trying to do the best at things I do; right now, those are drumming and in 2 weeks, another school year. 


Quote from: MasterShakezula on August 22, 2011, 08:45:29 PM
It's a long story that goes back about 12 hours or so.  I'd tell it, but it'd be much more fun to see someone else's clever summary.  

Would someone mind cluing me in here?


Quote from: Zanmaster Flex on August 22, 2011, 09:23:49 PM
I just started my freshman year in college a few days ago, and as someone who is prone to panicking and easily stressing out, this is very helpful. I know you don't like me, but these are all points I'm going to keep in mind, and I may even copy them to a word document just in case I need to quickly find something that has the potential calm me and bring me back down to Earth. So, thank you.

I don't dislike you, I just give you shit because you trash prog-metal on a prog-metal message board.  Look through my posts, at least twice in the past week I paid you a compliment, including in the past 24 hours.  I'm sorry if I came off a little harsh on you at times.  Cup got my wrath today.  Wrath for everyone once in a while.

Quote from: MasterShakezula on August 22, 2011, 09:28:36 PM
*plea to not be compared to icy*

Yeah, but you've been post-whoring like he used to lately.  It must have something to do with age.


Quote from: MetalManiac666 on August 22, 2011, 09:29:26 PM
Quote from: MasterShakezula on August 22, 2011, 08:45:29 PM
It's a long story that goes back about 12 hours or so.  I'd tell it, but it'd be much more fun to see someone else's clever summary.  

Would someone mind cluing me in here?
He said he's stop being the forum baby if he pretended to be a different gender or something. :P


Quote from: MasterShakezula on August 22, 2011, 11:49:40 AM
I wonder if I'd of still become forum baby if I had lied about my gender... 

That's what I said, jokingly. 

Then ali jokingly suggested that I pretend to be a girl, and I did so, because I thought it'd be really funny and confuse people.    :biggrin:


Quote from: DTVT on August 22, 2011, 09:31:19 PM
Quote from: Zanmaster Flex on August 22, 2011, 09:23:49 PM
I just started my freshman year in college a few days ago, and as someone who is prone to panicking and easily stressing out, this is very helpful. I know you don't like me, but these are all points I'm going to keep in mind, and I may even copy them to a word document just in case I need to quickly find something that has the potential calm me and bring me back down to Earth. So, thank you.

I don't dislike you, I just give you shit because you trash prog-metal on a prog-metal message board.  Look through my posts, at least twice in the past week I paid you a compliment, including in the past 24 hours.  I'm sorry if I came off a little harsh on you at times.  Cup got my wrath today.  Wrath for everyone once in a while.

and you will get yours when the Ravens beat the Steelers on Sept 11. :biggrin:

Global Laziness

Quote from: DTVT on August 22, 2011, 09:31:19 PM
Quote from: MasterShakezula on August 22, 2011, 09:28:36 PM
*plea to not be compared to icy*

Yeah, but you've been post-whoring like he used to lately.  It must have something to do with age.

That was the only point I was really making. The post-whoring can be annoying sometimes but don't worry, you seem like an alright guy and I don't seriously think you'll go down that road. :P


Quote from: Global Laziness on August 22, 2011, 09:39:59 PM
Quote from: DTVT on August 22, 2011, 09:31:19 PM
Quote from: MasterShakezula on August 22, 2011, 09:28:36 PM
*plea to not be compared to icy*

Yeah, but you've been post-whoring like he used to lately.  It must have something to do with age.

That was the only point I was really making. The post-whoring can be annoying sometimes but don't worry, you seem like an alright guy and I don't seriously think you'll go down that road. :P

He's going down the same road as his previous 2 incarnations. We'll just have to see how he turns out.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com



I always thought of myself as a post-whorer until I noticed how much slower my post count goes up compared to the real ones. :lol


Quote from: zxlkho on August 22, 2011, 09:42:06 PM
Who was the other?

I'm guessing other former forum baby numb3rs or the mysterious, and apparently long-gone Zeltar, who people (mainly Jackie's signature) have implied to me that he left some time ago to be a professional man-whore or something.  

I'm guessing it's numb3rs.   :P


Quote from: zxlkho on August 22, 2011, 09:42:06 PM
Who was the other?

Icy was the first (I think I got the order right) and cole was Icy 2.0. Luckily Cole wised up.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


ah yeah it was probably Zeltar. I never liked that guy very much.

Numbers is cool now. (inb4 Justin)

EDIT: wait really? you don't include Zeltar?


So, aside from him leaving forever and apparently being really good with the ladies, what was the story of Zeltar?


Zeltar stopped posting soon after I joined I believed, so I don't know him well.


Quote from: MasterShakezula on August 22, 2011, 09:46:00 PM
So, aside from him leaving forever and apparently being really good with the ladies, what was the story of Zeltar?

He hated shirts.

However it seems the shirts may have won the ultimate battle.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com

Global Laziness




So, in other words, Zeltar posted a lot of pictures of himself topless, but eventually was murdered or kidnapped or something by a sentient shirt? 

And please proceed to sing me the ballad of Nathan_lol.

And show me Star Trek II and I/II: The wrath of Wrath


We need like a "history of banned users of DTF" thread or something.

Actually that sounds like a pretty bad idea.


Or a good idea. 

I learn best from DTVT's tough-love and from anti-role-models.

An anti-role-model is a person who does bad things and had bad thing happen to them as a result, hence why they're used as an example of what not to do:

The reason I know not to play with fire is because when I was 3, I saw Beavis and Butthead do it, and they burned a house down, so I knew never to do that. 


I remember wrath, he was the dipshit that started his own b-day thread, but who the fuck was nathan_lol?


I miss the don't talk shit about Egypt guy. The Firky or something?


Quote from: Fuzzboy on August 22, 2011, 09:58:45 PM
I miss the don't talk shit about Egypt guy. The Firky or something?

Not to mention JRT *looks at your sig* :lol