Dear supermarket customer (you suck)

Started by Sir GuitarCozmo, September 12, 2011, 09:04:49 AM

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Sir GuitarCozmo

Dear inconsiderate supermarket/department store customer,

Your time is not so very motherfucking precious that you simply cannot afford the 30-60 seconds or so that it would've taken to put your cart in a cart return, or with all the other carts just inside the door.  Your complete and total lack of consideration for everybody else is extremely irritating.  Leaving a cart right where you parked opens up considerable potential for other peoples' vehicles to get damaged.  Taking the cart and walking it halfway to the door, so that it's just on the sidewalk is unacceptable also.  Yes, it may be out of the way of cars, but now it's in the way of pedestrians and since you were already halfway to the door where the carts are located, you've just proven yourself to be a lazy, self-centered ass by not walking the few seconds extra to put the cart where it belongs.  Now some store employee has to come put it where it belongs, because your time is just too important to be bothered with it.  Kindly pull your head out of your ass and do the right thing form now on.

Piss off






To be fair, that always irritates me too. Specially when there is a park right next to the car!

Logical Nightmare

In Sweden, all the carts are attached to each other, and to get one you need to put a coin into a slot. The amount of money would be around almost one or two dollars, depending on the coin. When you put the cart back, you also get your money back. Works really well, because I've never seen carts standing where they don't belong.

Sir GuitarCozmo

I've seen that at one place in the area here, granted it's a smaller place that doesn't see NEAR the business most big supermarkets do.  It's a fantastic idea.  If there's money to get back, you can be damn sure people will be more responsible about returning their carts.  Unfortunately, it would cause so much complaint from customers in a busy supermarket ("I'm being inconvenienced!" a.k.a. "I'm more important than ensuring the safety of people and their property.") here that there's no way it would last.


Quote from: Logical Nightmare on September 12, 2011, 10:14:49 AM
In Sweden, all the carts are attached to each other, and to get one you need to put a coin into a slot. The amount of money would be around almost one or two dollars, depending on the coin. When you put the cart back, you also get your money back. Works really well, because I've never seen carts standing where they don't belong.

I remember this place called The Real Superstore used to do that when I was a kid but they only charged $0.25 which even on late-80s money wasn't shit. It had about a 60-70% success rate just by glancing at the parking lot. That place was really cool though since they had rollerskating price checkers to ensure the checkout lines wouldn't get totally clusterfucked cuz someone's grandmother was so "certain" that she was being overcharged a dime for cream of wheat.


Quote from: Sir GuitarCozmo on September 12, 2011, 10:19:09 AM
I've seen that at one place in the area here, granted it's a smaller place that doesn't see NEAR the business most big supermarkets do.  It's a fantastic idea.  If there's money to get back, you can be damn sure people will be more responsible about returning their carts.  Unfortunately, it would cause so much complaint from customers in a busy supermarket ("I'm being inconvenienced!" a.k.a. "I'm more important than ensuring the safety of people and their property.") here that there's no way it would last.
It's pretty common in places that keep very few employees on the clock and don't get a ton of customers at once.

I completely agree with the OP, though, since I'm often the employee who has to deal with it.

Logical Nightmare

Quote from: Sir GuitarCozmo on September 12, 2011, 10:19:09 AM
I've seen that at one place in the area here, granted it's a smaller place that doesn't see NEAR the business most big supermarkets do.  It's a fantastic idea.  If there's money to get back, you can be damn sure people will be more responsible about returning their carts.  Unfortunately, it would cause so much complaint from customers in a busy supermarket ("I'm being inconvenienced!" a.k.a. "I'm more important than ensuring the safety of people and their property.") here that there's no way it would last.
I have only one comment to that.


Sir GuitarCozmo

Quote from: pogoowner on September 12, 2011, 10:45:34 AM
It's pretty common in places that keep very few employees on the clock and don't get a ton of customers at once.

I completely agree with the OP, though, since I'm often the employee who has to deal with it.

My condolences.  Every single time, I will either walk it all the way inside or walk it to a cart return.  If a cart return, I will try to stack it into others, to prevent it from sticking out in the lane.

That's another thing - it isn't difficult to slide your cart into one that's already there, making the cart return an easier place to put your cart, saving the employee a hell of a lot of time, and only costing you a few seconds.  Don't get me wrong - I'm glad when someone uses the cart return, but stacking your cart into another isn't that difficult, since you're already there.

Quote from: Logical Nightmare on September 12, 2011, 10:47:54 AM
I have only one comment to that.


I mean, it's possible I could be wrong and that people would be okay with it, but I seriously have my doubts that it would go over well.


As a consumer, I'm just as annoyed at this - based on the simple f'n laziness displayed.  I appalled that some people simply leave carts wherever the hell they want.

:tup :tup on this rant.
Quote from: Jamesman42 on September 20, 2024, 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on September 20, 2024, 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


Quote from: Logical Nightmare on September 12, 2011, 10:14:49 AM
In Sweden, all the carts are attached to each other, and to get one you need to put a coin into a slot. The amount of money would be around almost one or two dollars, depending on the coin. When you put the cart back, you also get your money back. Works really well, because I've never seen carts standing where they don't belong.
They should seriously do that at some stores that I go to once in a while. It would be great.



Yesterday, I went to the supermarket and as I pulled into the parking spot, alas, there was a shopping cart preventing me from pulling more than halfway in.  Your thread is well timed.


Coz, considering what I do for a living I was anxious to read your OP.

You know, people are in a rush. For some, it's a major chore and inconvenience just to come to the store in the first place. I mean, the only reason that carriage corals are there in the first place is to save stores money. Some people know that and are rebellious. Some are lazy and some don't care. I'mm actually non judgemental about it.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


I always leave mine out in the middle of the parking lot so that the down syndrome kid they hire to collect them has something to do. I consider it my way of helping the challenged individuals of society.

I'm a good person.

Logical Nightmare

Quote from: MetalJunkie on September 12, 2011, 12:55:39 PM
That would suck. I never carry cash.
Many people carry plastic "coins" that work as well. You don't want to lose that either, since you'll need a cart next time you go shopping, too.

In some shops, you can buy metal chips that are the size of the coin that is needed.

Generally, it's like LN said - you have to pay a deposit to use the cart, and I've never seen more than one or two carts scattered around in the parking lot. Of course it's bothersome at times, but I'd rather have that than paying nothing (even moreso if it's a cart I don't really need and I can just grab a basket) and having to maneuver around a heap of carts.

Sir GuitarCozmo

Quote from: TAC on September 12, 2011, 01:05:40 PMYou know, people are in a rush. For some, it's a major chore and inconvenience just to come to the store in the first place. I mean, the only reason that carriage corals are there in the first place is to save stores money. Some people know that and are rebellious. Some are lazy and some don't care. I'mm actually non judgemental about it.

I know, you've undoubtedly seen it all and you're probably numb to it - kinda like that it's just all a part of the job, but I refuse to accept that there's any excuse for it.  I am usually in a rush to get done at the store and go back home just like anyone else.  Shopping may be an inconvenience, but it is one you're never going to be able to escape.  Given that, the extra minute it takes to put your cart where it belongs isn't going to screw your entire schedule up.  Rebelliousness, laziness, and apathy about it are all reasons why you should let someone considerate do the shopping for you.


Well, it's not as bad someone dropping a bottle of apple juice splattered all over the floor and not telling anyone.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

King Postwhore

It's a hugh pet peeve of mine to the point that when I'm going to my car and I see a lazy A-Hole, I yell at them.  Take 30 to 40 steps and put it in the coral.
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


99.9% of the time I use the cart corral.  In fact, I usually pick my parking spot based on how close it is to the corral, rather than how close it is to the store entrance.

That said, if your parking lot has a shitty layout, such that I have to walk a half mile to return the cart, then you're out of luck.  I'll push it as out of way as possible, but I'm not going to take a trek to return the cart while I've got frozen food melting in my trunk.


There is no such thing as being so much in a hurry that you just have to leave your cart behind someone's car. That's just being a fucking asshole.


As annoying as it is, it's not nearly as bad as the people who think shopping carts are there to hold their entire family's trash.

ich bin besser

Quote from: Logical Nightmare on September 12, 2011, 10:14:49 AM
In Sweden, all the carts are attached to each other, and to get one you need to put a coin into a slot. The amount of money would be around almost one or two dollars, depending on the coin. When you put the cart back, you also get your money back. Works really well, because I've never seen carts standing where they don't belong.

Same here in Germany. Works perfectly.


I'm right there with ya Coz.  I hate the stupid fucking lazy motherfuckers.   :xbones


On the other hand, somebody is currently getting paid minimum wage to go out there every half hour or so and collect the stray carts.  Jobs, baby.  Yeah, the dumbasses leaving their carts all over the parking lot are a pain in the ass, but if they're keeping somebody employed, it ain't all bad.  Just like slobs who toss garbage out the car window.  Sure, they suck, but the street sweepers have a job because of it.

Basically, anything that's too much hassle for rich/lazy bastards to do creates a niche market.  Someone will do it, and take home a paycheck for it as well.

Sir GuitarCozmo

This is very true, but if they didn't have to go out and wrangle up carts, then store employees would have more time to deal with the bullshit Lat is detailing in the "Lateralus88's top 5 most cynical thoughts he developed by working in retail" thread.  Now if the store hired people whose ONLY job is to gather carts, I might be a little more sympathetic to the lazy fucks.

Actually, no.  I'd still curse them.


Quote from: Orbert on September 13, 2011, 10:47:23 AM
On the other hand, somebody is currently getting paid minimum wage to go out there every half hour or so and collect the stray carts.  Jobs, baby.  Yeah, the dumbasses leaving their carts all over the parking lot are a pain in the ass, but if they're keeping somebody employed, it ain't all bad.  Just like slobs who toss garbage out the car window.  Sure, they suck, but the street sweepers have a job because of it.

Basically, anything that's too much hassle for rich/lazy bastards to do creates a niche market.  Someone will do it, and take home a paycheck for it as well.

this basically mirorrs my earlier opinion.....without the going-to-hell part that I added.


This annoys me so much. How hard is it to walk 10 feet to put the cart in the little coral? There is one in every parking aisle. I hate starting to pull into a spot, seeing a cart, having to back out and park somewhere else.

I also worked at a grocery store in high school. Getting those damn carts in summer, in ARIZONA, is not fun. You have to wear gloves because the metal gets so hot sitting in the sun.


Here in Spain carts are chained together, you have to insert a coin to be able to take one and you get the coin back when you re-chain it. It works pretty well,  I hardly ever see abandoned carts.

Hum I should read threads fully before posting, sorry about that.