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Official DT Top 50 Thread Mark II (bss4life15 up now - starting page 79)

Started by hefdaddy42, November 12, 2011, 04:17:06 AM

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Wow, interesting to see The Answer lies within so high.

Also, beards? Octavarium? I don't get it, you just can't leave us hanging with that statement.  :lol


Quote from: LithoJazzoSphere on November 28, 2024, 04:50:14 PMThe senecadawg who won 11 roulettes is dead and gone.  He is now diogenesdawg2. 


I thought I placed Octavarium low...  ;)  This is certainly an interesting list!  I'm thoroughly enjoying it, even the choices I, er, don't entirely agree with (The Answer Lies Within being one of my least favorite DT songs).  Very, very curious to see your eventual top 10.  :)



Quote from: Mladen on April 22, 2012, 12:12:21 PM
Wow, interesting to see The Answer lies within so high.

Also, beards? Octavarium? I don't get it, you just can't leave us hanging with that statement.  :lol
Believe me, that's a tiny tangent compared to some of the later ones :P But I like beards. Everyone looks better with beards. Apart from women.

Quote from: senecadawg2 on April 22, 2012, 12:15:32 PM
I am offended by your treatment of 8Varium and ToT.

Wait until you see what pushed them so low!

Quote from: Jaffa on April 22, 2012, 12:18:12 PM
I thought I placed Octavarium low...  ;)  This is certainly an interesting list!  I'm thoroughly enjoying it, even the choices I, er, don't entirely agree with (The Answer Lies Within being one of my least favorite DT songs).  Very, very curious to see your eventual top 10.  :)

You see why I was scared about getting run out of DTF with flaming torches?

Quote from: Tomislav95 on April 22, 2012, 01:22:01 PM
I love ballads too but TALW in top 40?
You better believe it!

Also, here's another reason why Octavarium is so low: The year before last's Christmas Party was quite small, so me and Jon whacked on Octavarium and sang along to the entire thing...When I woke up the next morning I'd lost my voice and couldn't speak for a week, or sing for two.

Oh excuses excuses...


Quote from: BlobVanDam on April 22, 2012, 08:59:07 AM
Octavarium, Trial of Tears and Innocence Faded are criminally low on your list. Fix it. Now.

Fixed and braced for possible shitshorm
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


Quote from: alirocker08 on April 22, 2012, 01:22:36 PM
Quote from: Jaffa on April 22, 2012, 12:18:12 PM
I thought I placed Octavarium low...  ;)  This is certainly an interesting list!  I'm thoroughly enjoying it, even the choices I, er, don't entirely agree with (The Answer Lies Within being one of my least favorite DT songs).  Very, very curious to see your eventual top 10.  :)

You see why I was scared about getting run out of DTF with flaming torches?

Your concerns make a bit more sense now, admittedly, yes.  But I'm still on your side.  Whether that helps or not I have no idea, but.



Quote from: Elite on April 22, 2012, 01:28:36 PM

Fixed and braced for possible shitshorm

Could this be the end? Is this the way I die?

Quote from: Jaffa on April 22, 2012, 01:36:19 PM
Your concerns make a bit more sense now, admittedly, yes.  But I'm still on your side.  Whether that helps or not I have no idea, but.

Sitting here alone with Jaffa, someone by my side

Quote from: JayOctavarium on April 22, 2012, 01:45:16 PM
I just don't get it understand

The Count of Tuscany's lyrics are so bad that they are ALWAYS APPLICABLE.

Pols Voice

I like seeing The Answer Lies Within so high and Overratavarium so low. :)


I'm totally gonna use As I Am's lyrics to defend my controversial placements.


Quote from: LithoJazzoSphere on November 28, 2024, 04:50:14 PMThe senecadawg who won 11 roulettes is dead and gone.  He is now diogenesdawg2. 


Quote from: BlackInk on April 22, 2012, 03:41:28 PM
I'm totally gonna use As I Am's lyrics to defend my controversial placements.

I'll give you one more chance <3

Quote from: senecadawg2 on April 22, 2012, 03:46:15 PM
You Not Me is probably top 10, am I right?

Now waaaait a minute man! That's not how it is!



Quote from: Elite on April 22, 2012, 01:28:36 PM
Quote from: BlobVanDam on April 22, 2012, 08:59:07 AM
Octavarium, Trial of Tears and Innocence Faded are criminally low on your list. Fix it. Now.

Fixed and braced for possible shitshorm

I don't think that's too controversial. The feces shall not rain down this day.


Well, I always thought Innocence Faded was disliked by many. It is one of my favourite DT songs.
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


So, after a long and boring day studying Long Parliament and being giving vague advice on how to pronounce the line 'Do you have sex in parks', I have another set of five songs to give you!

Warning: After 27 shit starts to get weird

30:  Scarred
   This song opens with a definite groove which I adore. It's just that bass, it continues throughout the song and ensures one of those gloriously smooth transitions which I love. Obviously. If someone can count the amount of times I've said transition so far I would be grateful.

   And no matter how many times I hear this song, I hear 'Wont let them rape me again' and 'Plastic rubber Daves'. Lyrical. Fucking. Genius.

My mind just farted. I seriously can't think of anything. Owwww.

29:  In The Presence Of Enemies, Pt. 2
   Rating part two over part one? Yup, guess I'll go run into a hole now before you all kill me. Toodles!

   In fairness though, I love the creepy ambience of this song, it makes me shiver...I guess I just like being creeped out. Why else would I hang around on DTF?

28:  On The Backs Of Angels
   I have to admit, I thought of something completely different when I first heard the songs title, something a bit more...I don't know... classical? Organs? Chorus? Black soul singers? Well, needless to say that when I heard the full song I was taken aback and impressed; once again Dream Theater (I almost typed DT, I refuse to use initialisms!) surpassed expectations, which is good that this is only the second album that I have been able to properly anticipate the release of and, unlike Black Clouds and Silver Linings, on retrospect I'm still not disappointed or under whelmed in the slightest. It embodies the old DT (fuck) vibe and contrary to popular opinion on the original Youtube release, Mangini's drumming is perfect and Portnoy couldn't have done a better job if he tried; and if he did try, then it would be too over the top and we wouldn't be able to hear good old Myung under the far to loudly mixed drums and 5 minute death growl solo that would come around 7 minutes in.

27:  Scene Seven: I. The Dance Of Eternity
   Until beginning this list I didn't realise how much I actually like instrumentals...I mean, so far there are three instrumentals on this list! Three! And to think I said that James' vocals are a defining part of Dream Theater's sound!

   Coming from my favourite Dream Theater album of all time (of all time) The Dance of Eternity captures everything that is great about the album. Jazzy bits (2:30 always makes me giggle as it comes as such a shock), heavy bits...Pretty much the entire song, and each musician has his place and they stick to it, switching between the main focus throughout the song giving each musician his own time to shine. The keys on this song are amazing, I love it. And the whole thing is just so all over the place, it's a joy to listen to. I'm at 4:50 now, things are slowing down slightly (you can tell that poor old Ed is getting exhausted) and now, after a bit of prompting from the lovely Victoria...He's off again.

   Little known fact: This song was originally going to be recorded with vocals, the lyrics essentially being along the lines of this song, unfortunately when it came time to record vocals James had gone missing trying to find a quick way back to Canada and none of the others could quite do Victoria right. He returned a few days later having trekked from the recording studio to Mexico and back. Wrong direction James, wrong direction.

Also, if anyone had sex to this song, let me know. I think you'd need some skills to keep in time with this one

26:  Take The Time
   We're getting to the part of the list where I can now recognise every single song by it's opening, being the obsessive fan that I am.

   I just like this song, something feels good about it...Although those first samples are a bit...Corny? Cringey? Cringey isn't even a word goddamnit. Neither's goddamnit according to my version of word. But oh my, James' vocals, they are absolutely gorgeous. I'd love him to be able to hit those kinds of notes again...and transition. Everythings getting faster...How the hell is he getting those lyrics out without pausing for breath, my face would be red at that point. Musicianship, what else to say, it's well arranged...
   She says. And then it transitions again...How the hell am I supposed to make my thoughts coherent when the song keeps on jumping around damn it? In case you haven't noticed, I'm trying to get these write ups done in the time it takes me to listen to the song
   And it transitions again! I need to be a faster-
   And again! Jesus christ slow down song. Even though I'm complaining about how much the song jumps around...I'm really not. It's good, it keeps me as a listener on edge and it's an enjoyable piece to listen to. Unfortunately, the jumpyness if this song exemplifies why I have to be picky with the Dream Theater songs that I put on when I go to sleep.

   But this lovely piano bit! I love this build up towards the end of the song, it gets my riled up, and when I listen to this with friends (aka Jon. Because I have no other friends) it gives us a break to stop breaking my neck head banging and take a breather. It's just an amazing song, and it has a continuous theme to it as well, it's all good...And now it's fading out, bye bye Take the Time!


Alice...he does actually say "Can't let them rape me again..."  Also nice to see OTBOA.


Quote from: alirocker08 on April 23, 2012, 10:45:50 AM
   And no matter how many times I hear this song, I hear 'Wont let them rape me again'
... That is the lyric.

Fine update, anyway (except for ITPOE, which is, of course, too high).


I love In the Presence of Enemies Part 2, and I actually think it's better than 1.

And I have to agree I also thought something entirely different when I first saw the title "On the Backs of Angels".

And I don't really see the weirdness you spoke of after 27, acceptable placements.

Man I'm agreeing on everything today, well I guess I could comment on Octavarium being low again.


Quote from: theseoafs on April 23, 2012, 10:50:35 AM
Quote from: alirocker08 on April 23, 2012, 10:45:50 AM
   And no matter how many times I hear this song, I hear 'Wont let them rape me again'
... That is the lyric.

Fine update, anyway (except for ITPOE, which is, of course, too high).

...Please try to forgive :(


Scarred is far too high (ie on the list at all).
Take The Time is far too low.

The rest are acceptable.


Quote from: alirocker08 on April 23, 2012, 10:54:21 AM
Quote from: theseoafs on April 23, 2012, 10:50:35 AM
Quote from: alirocker08 on April 23, 2012, 10:45:50 AM
   And no matter how many times I hear this song, I hear 'Wont let them rape me again'
... That is the lyric.

Fine update, anyway (except for ITPOE, which is, of course, too high).

...Please try to forgive :(



Cool update.  I don't really agree with where you put any of these songs, but I mostly agree with what you said about them.  And your write-up for Take the Time...  :rollin


Gotta love your Count of Tuscany lyrical interludes/responses :D
Also, cool list so far  :metal


Scarred would be few spots lower on my list, I really like that songs.
It's great to see someone love ITPOE pt2 more than part1. I like both but pt1 is musically better IMO.
Can't wait next update :)



Quote from: Ruba on April 23, 2012, 11:51:24 PM
Quote from: BlackInk on April 23, 2012, 10:52:29 AM
I love In the Presence of Enemies Part 2, and I actually think it's better than 1.

This. And if putting it at 28 already is worth running from, I guess with my list I'll have to hide on the moon..
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey

Silver Tears

This list is ...interesting.

And I know I'm late to this one but WTF OCTAVARIUM.


Another day, another section of the list, and another butt load of incomprehensible ramblings.

25:  Metropolis - Part I - "The Miracle And The Sleeper"
   Fuck making these coherent any more, you can all just be treated to my... Train of Thought. I acknowledge that the latter half of my list is going to be incredibly hard to justify so I don't think I can even attempt it. I'm not very persuasive after all.

   JINGLE BELLS JINGLE BELLS JINGLE ALL THE WAAAAY! I like this song. It's a definite must listen to when you're introducing someone to Dream Theater. I do kind of wish I listened to this before Scenes From a Memory, I'd appreciate the little lyrical throw backs a lot more. It really displays all that is prog about Dream Theater, time signatures all over the place, motherfucking jingle bells, pretty sure I caught a bongo drum in there as well...Or that may be me just proving my sheer lack of knowledge when it comes to all things musical

   I love the vibe around this song as well, it knows perfectly well what it's doing, it knows that it wants to tell you a story and...

   There it is, Scene From a Memory...Is it bad that I listen out for every single word associated with the songs in that album? And transition! I just like this song. I have no idea what to write about now. I do like the guitar on this bit...OOOOH and it's building up now, I'm singing along to the guitar right now, and guess what, you guys can't even hear me, sucks to be you, right? And here comes that beast of a rhythm, BAM guitars.

   I must look like such a retard right now. I'm just going to let it go on with the rest of this great instrumental section in peace.

   LIES. It's building up again, getting you ready and that creepy keyboard bit...Carry on song.

   Ok, Ok I've stopped spazzing out now. Here we go, building into that softer section, those gorgeous, soaring vocals, and returning to that overriding riff of the song, I wish James would try to hit these notes again bless him...And what an ending. How amazing would that be to close a concert on?

   Long Story short: I can only imagine my reaction to this song if I ever got high.

24:  The Spirit Carries On
   I love the vulnerability in James' voice in the opening. The keys aren't overly complex, I think if I practiced solidly for a week I might be able to play it. Tiny hint of a guitar in there. It's just such a peaceful, atmospheric song. I'm just going to chill for a minute, go on a spiritual journey...I guess that's the whole point of the song though.


   Right, going back to chilling, I'm hearing a chorus though. This song proves why I'd love to learn guitar, it isn't as off putting as some of the other solos, it sounds...I don't know, achievable.


   And here is the black gospel singer I was expecting in On The Backs of Angels, glad you could join us sweetheart, you have a great voice on you. This song proves that Dream Theater shouldn't be afraid to get in backing vocalists, it really adds something new to the song that you can't get in samples or choral effects. This woman is the highlight of the song for me, her voice is just...Sublime.

23:  Learning To Live
   I have a feeling that I'm not going to get absolutely slaughtered for placing this song here. Thank fuck for that. Now I could give you a running commentary of the song. I could describe how I love the musicianship and all that jazz and I agree, another amazing piece of work from Dream Theater, it's everything I love about them. But that's the same as a lot of my top 50, so what puts this song above the other 27 songs mentioned so far in the list? Is it the lyrics, is it the singing.

   Come on you guys, you can guess my answer already, I'm sure you can.

   That. Fucking. F#

   That is all. Return to your duties

22:  Breaking All Illusions
   Another one from the new album, and you'll be glad to know that it's a return to the running commentaries and lack of real reasoning for its placement on my list. So, intro, it's fresh, it resembles- and already it's foreshadowing a really beautiful moment in this album. You know how much I like foreshadowing don't you? Well, you didn't considering that this is the first time I've mentioned it.

   When everything gets a bit softer, you can really hear the throwback to Images and Words, but it's more like a tribute, it brings something new to the table. The effects on James' voice are really well chosen and...well, I love samples. Even if they are mixed too low for me to hear what they're saying over my constant stream of typing.

   And here we go, into the strength of the song, the pre- chorus. The musicianship is sublime, certainly one of the better song they've brought out since Systematic Chaos. I mean, that's hardly saying something when you bring Dark Eternal Night and Raw Dog into the equation but this song has everything. Myung really has a way with lyrics, he should be allowed to write more often. You know the chorus? Ever since the snippet for this song came out I've had it as my ringtone and FUCKING FOLK. FUCK YES.

   Oh, it's gone now. And we're in a 70s club for a second...Like Take the Time, this song is all over the place...In fact, it's even more all over the place than Take the Time was and I can't complain about that. I'd be a complete idiot to do so, I love being all over the place (as if you can't tell by my style of spontaneous writing, I sometimes can't finish off one point)

   Oh and this is nice, the soft beat in the background feels like a call back to Hollow Years, nice to see a bit of recognition of the more hated sections of their catalogue. This is so peaceful, incredibly relaxing, but it builds you up...Although this may be me speaking with hindsight because I know how the song goes. I'm glad that the drums are originally mixed a little too low because it really lets the atmosphere come into fruition. And it's heavy again. And this write up is getting really long. And I should stop. But fuck me I'm going to continue because this is fucking amazing!

   I can't remember my first reaction to this song, considering its placement on the album I can surmise that I was at least tipsy at this point. And hear comes this tiny section, so tiny that it makes me just a little uneasy.

   Back into the main rhythm, we're getting back to the main body of the song and if you're listening to Breaking All Illusions right now you're probably wondering how the fuck I am typing with thi-

   Sorry, I just had to get that out. Here comes the beautiful ending, it's just wonderful, I love the change. I love the whole fucking song.

   Haunting keys, intense, well timed drums. Fucking gorgeous.

   I really need to expand my vocabulary, I'm too lazy to count how many times I've said fucking.

   Oh and water. I like water.

21:  Anna Lee
   Screw you all I like Falling into Infinity. I also like sad songs, and this song is very sad. Being a girl any song that mentions children automatically tugs at my heartstrings. Because, you know, I'm planning on having kids one day. People say this album is radio friendly, now, I can't remember the year that this was released but I can't imagine this song being that radio friendly at all. Its just a nice song.

   Actually, listening to that guitar...Yeah, it is kind of radio friendly for the 90s. I guess you could call it radio friendly in length I suppose, it isn't that long. And I suppose there isn't much for me to talk about either when I'm talking about how radio friendly a song is whilst it's playing.

   Oh oh oh that voice! He's hitting the notes again. Right, that's why I like this song so much, from vulnerable and helpless to strong and powerful. He's a strong beautiful bl- He's just got a good voice on him. Yep, definitely struggling to find other things to talk about, why do I rate this song so highly again?

   I guess I listen to it a lot when I'm going to sleep, it's one of the few DT songs on my sleep play list...It's a conspiracy! It's subliminal messaging working its way into my ears whilst I sleep and making me rate it so high!


I think you placed those all about 20 spots too low. :P

Nice to see some love for Anna Lee though! FII is extremely underrated. :tup :tup


Whoa, five of my absolute favourite DT songs ever :hefdaddy

They could be much higher up though, woman.


Quote from: alirocker08 on April 24, 2012, 11:31:30 AM
Erm, what?

Anyway, LTL, Metropolis, TSCO, BAI... What? Why are these all placed so low? And why is Anna Lee placed above all of them?

I can't even



I guess you could say that...