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Lateralus88's Top 50 Albums v. Objectively correct list

Started by lateralus88, December 14, 2011, 12:22:35 PM

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Enslaved it fucking awesome.  I was introduced to them by a guy in a record store who said someone who is coming into black metal with my background would want to start with Vertibrae; and in hindsight he was absolutely right, although Axioma Ethica Odini and Ruun would probably work just as well.


Quote from: Ravenheart on December 19, 2011, 12:35:41 PM
Blackwater Park and Morningrise are both awesome. smd world
This! Every Opeth album is awesome :D

(but those two would both be in my top 5 Opeth albums)

And I will PM you lat when I get around to listening to those albums :)


Morningrise is when Opeth sold ovt with that stvpid ballad.

I vsed to like Enslaved.  Now I hates it.


Quote from: skydivingninja on December 19, 2011, 06:00:43 PM
Morningrise is when Opeth sold ovt with that stvpid ballad.

I vsed to like Enslaved.  Now I hates it.

:lol :lol

So what is *in* in the kvlt sc3ne at the moment? :p


Quote from: Jirpo on December 19, 2011, 06:01:53 PM
Quote from: skydivingninja on December 19, 2011, 06:00:43 PM
Morningrise is when Opeth sold ovt with that stvpid ballad.

I vsed to like Enslaved.  Now I hates it.

:lol :lol

So what is *in* in the kvlt sc3ne at the moment? :p



Quote from: glaurung on December 19, 2011, 06:51:23 PM
Quote from: Jirpo on December 19, 2011, 06:01:53 PM
Quote from: skydivingninja on December 19, 2011, 06:00:43 PM
Morningrise is when Opeth sold ovt with that stvpid ballad.

I vsed to like Enslaved.  Now I hates it.

:lol :lol

So what is *in* in the kvlt sc3ne at the moment? :p



29. Astro Creep: 2000 - – Songs of Love, Destruction and Other Synthetic Delusions of the Electric Head by White Zombie

Alright bitches, time for some good ol' fashioned groove metal. It's weird, along with the nu metal movement, a lot of people tended to lean away from groove metal. But man, the stuff that this style of metal was doing was actually some of my favourite. Albums like Gojira's "Terra Incognita", select songs from Sepultura's "Chaos A.D." and this specific White Zombie albums all did the groove metal feel really, really well. And man, the music on this album is just really god damn cool. From the riffs to Rob Zombie's vocals, this album is most easily described as One of my favourite albums to drive down the highway really fast and just blast with the windows rolled down.

Highlight Tracks - Super-Charger Heaven, Grease Paint and Monkey Brains, El Phantasmo and the Chicken-Run Blast-O-Rama

28. Melissa by Mercyful Fate

Speaking of really cool albums, here is Melissa. A classic album in both the world of New Wave of British Heavy Metal and even Black metal. The album is filled to the brim with themes of dark mysticism, satanic rituals and an overwhelming amount of evil power. The entire thing is has a very classic heavy metal guitar tone, which is one that I am always a bit iffy on (cheesiness, not too big on a lot of 80s heavy metal, etc.) but this album just does it right. And man, King Diamond's voice is fuckin' wicked on this record. It's definitely not in his prime, but the raw power it has fairly immense. There are some moments that are just damn chillingly loud. Overall this album is just really fun to listen to. Even if you aren't into all of the evil elements, it's just a fun album through and through.

Highlight Tracks - Evil, Satan's Fall, Into The Coven

27. Enthrone Darkness Triumphant by Dimmu Borgir

Warning: This next entry is not trve kvlt and is therefore fake and gay. On a more serious note, this album is fucking awesome. The way Dimmu Borgir mix elements from their classic black metal roots with a much more theatrical approach has always been really damn cool, and this album really does to it the best. The addition of keyboards and very well thought out melodies meshing together with that black metal sense of evil and darkness compliment each other so well on so many levels, it's almost hard to wrap my head around. It also serves as a good gateway album for those who don't quite like black metal but like the more symphonic types of metal. And the production is crisp, so that makes it (less kvlt) a bit more accessible for most.

Highlight Tracks - Mourning Palace, Spellbound (By the Devil), Tormentor of Christian Souls


Amazing list so far! Those Dimmu and Mercyful Fate albums are awesome!


Fuck, great to see some more appreciation of MF around here.  Fucking wicked record, deadly evil and just amazing.  Great choice.  King's music is so damn underrated around here.


I've only heard the first two MF albums, they are both amazing. What should I try out next wolf?


Quote from: Jirpo on December 21, 2011, 03:58:41 AM
I've only heard the first two MF albums, they are both amazing. What should I try out next wolf?

Those two are THE classic MF albums, but I love all their other albums also, they deserve much more attention.  In The Shadows and Into The Unknown are probably my favs for the later albums.


Quote from: wolfking on December 21, 2011, 03:57:16 AM
Fuck, great to see some more appreciation of MF around here.  Fucking wicked record, deadly evil and just amazing.  Great choice.  King's music is so damn underrated around here.

Sweet Moses you have a diverse taste in music!  Not sure any of these are up my alley. Might have a go at the Borgir disc based on your description.
Quote from: Jamesman42 on Today at 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on Today at 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


Quote from: wolfking on December 21, 2011, 04:26:47 AM
Quote from: Jirpo on December 21, 2011, 03:58:41 AM
I've only heard the first two MF albums, they are both amazing. What should I try out next wolf?

Those two are THE classic MF albums, but I love all their other albums also, they deserve much more attention.  In The Shadows and Into The Unknown are probably my favs for the later albums.
Alright, cheers mate :tup


"Melissa"....hmm.....I think I would have selected "Into The Unknown" but that's still a good choice, dude  :metal


Every time I see Dimmu posted somewhere, I reflexively post this image:


Quote from: kirksnosehair on December 21, 2011, 12:14:52 PM
Every time I see Dimmu posted somewhere, I reflexively post this image:

:lol :rollin :lol

26. The Link by Gojira

Heavy, technical and brutal. These are the three simplest words I have to describe Gojira's album "The Link". While not as highly celebrated as their third album, From Mars to Sirius, I firmly believe "The Link" deserves 100000 times more credit than it actually gets. Gojira have always been one of the most excellent bands for taking the groove metal and death metal genres and keeping them interesting and original. They take that standard death metal brutality and put their own bizarre spin on it. And it totally works, especially on this album. The riffs on this album are not only powered by complete brutality, but honestly are like nothing I've ever heard from another band. Same goes for the vocals. Joe Duplantier has an extremely distinguishable voice in metal, though his harsher (less gutteral) vocals did take some time to grow on me.

Also, Mario Duplantier. Nuff said.  :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal

Highlight Tracks - The Link, Death of Me, Dawn

25. Once Upon The Cross by Deicide

I think I can sum up this album in on word: Absolutelyfuckingbrutalasfuck. This album definitely takes the prize for one of the greatest achievements in death metal to this day. The incomparable brutality, the overly blasphemous themes and Glen Benton's voice all come together to create one of the most evil 28 minutes you'll ever listen to. Honestly, I felt a little bit dirty after hearing this album for the first time, out of a feeling that I was doing something wrong simply be witnessing the amount of hate this music represents. But man, nothing gets me more pumped up and excited than that main riff to "When Satan Rules His World" (i.e. greatest death metal song ever recorded). Seriously, I don't think there is much else to say about this album. It's hard enough to really convey just how brutal and absolutely wicked this album is.

Highlight Tracks - Once Upon The Cross, When Satan Rules his World, Trick or Betrayed

24. In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3 by Coheed and Cambria

Alright, over half way through this list, and we finally hit an album by one of my all time favourite bands. What could I possibly say about this masterpiece of a record? Well, just that really. It's absolutely incredibly put together first off. And the amount of creativity flowing through this record is rather incredible. There really is not much else like it out there. You have elements of prog, rock, punk, pop, etc. all being used in a very original manner. This album really has a bit of everything, to be perfectly honest. There are moments that are just straight up hard rock sounding, moments that sound very catchy and poppy and moments that simply just come off as epic. And you know, I am aware that a lot of people don't give this band enough of a chance because of Claudio's vocals. But fuck the haters, the man's voice works extremely well for the style of music played. And there is a lot of talent in this band that tends to get very overlooked. Which I feel In Keeping Secrets demonstrates rather flawlessly.

Highlight Tracks - In Keeping Secrets, Three Evils, A Favor House Atlantic, The Light & The Glass



I definitely agree with you on that Coheed disc.  One of my favorites from them.  Nice choice  :tup




Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey

Arch Benemy

Gojira and Dimmu, nice, although neither of those albums are my favourite by the respective bands



Alex, I just listened to When Satan Rules His World. I liked it but I certainly wouldn't call it the greatest death metal song ever. Can you elaborate on why you think this? I'm curious. It just seemed to me like an average run-of-the-mill death metal song.


That riff man. That main riff. I have an unhealthy love affair with that riff. And the rhythm that Glen spews out his blasphemous lyrics is one of my favourite. AND I have a massive boner for almost all mid tempo death metal.


Quote from: jingle.boy on December 21, 2011, 04:56:10 AM
Quote from: wolfking on December 21, 2011, 03:57:16 AM
Fuck, great to see some more appreciation of MF around here.  Fucking wicked record, deadly evil and just amazing.  Great choice.  King's music is so damn underrated around here.

Sweet Moses you have a diverse taste in music!  Not sure any of these are up my alley. Might have a go at the Borgir disc based on your description.

:lol  Although, I'd definitely try King over Dimmu.


Quote from: Gadough on December 22, 2011, 12:16:41 AM
Alex, I just listened to When Satan Rules His World. I liked it but I certainly wouldn't call it the greatest death metal song ever. Can you elaborate on why you think this? I'm curious. It just seemed to me like an average run-of-the-mill death metal song.

I just listened to it too, since I'm not overly familiar with Decide.  I liked it quite a bit, and may interest me enough to check out the album.  But IMO, there are many more death metal songs that are better.

Does Ralph Santolla play on this album?


Ok Alex, I don't like it nearly as much as you do but you seem to have a personal connection to it, and that's awesome.

Wolf, I think Ralph joined the band in 2006 on The Stench of Redemption album. So no.


23. Reign in Blood by Slayer

Once again, haters gonna hate. Just getting that out now. Because this album is not only one of my favourite albums of all time, nor is it just a classic metal album. This album is my introduction into all music heavier than Iron Maiden and Metallica. It introduced me to both thrash and death metal, and even built up a tolerance for music with violent lyrical themes and music that itself just sounds mean. And boy does this album succeed in those areas. From the second the album opens up, with the fast as all fuck riff in Angel of Death you know this album is going to be fast and deadly. Then follow that up with Tom Araya's sound barrier piercing scream 20 second in, and you are 100% positive that this album will crush your balls into a fine, powder without so much as taking a breather. 34 minutes of pure, thrashy goodness; a must have for any thrash fan if you ask me. This album IS Slayer's crowning achievement. And even though they have released very good material ever since, nothing quite compares.

Highlight Tracks - Angel of Death, Piece by Piece, Altar of Sacrifice

22. Hatebreeder by Children of Bodom

I'm not gonna lie, I love Children of Bodom still to this day. Their first 3 albums are all near flawless records. The way the band used metal (which honestly gets a bit thrashy here and there) with a neo-classical twist and excessive use of keyboard melodies was not only rather impressive, but a real treat to the ears. The band were at the high of their career (musically speaking) with their first three records, and unfortunately that is where it dropped off. And that's where Hatebreeder comes in. This is THE CoB album. It's fast, it's brutal, it's melodic, it has many different classical elements and sometimes even feels a bit whimsical. In terms of melodic death metal and neo-classical influenced metal, you can't quite get much better than this record. And while I'm talking about CoB, I just want to touch base with Alexi Laiho for a second. The man is a very talented guitar player and the vocals on this album are easily his best if you ask me (a good mixture of black metal and death metal), but I can not stand how much he has let the bands success get to his head and now is a wanky douchenozzle who's vocals sound like bawls. Oh well, at least I'll forever have albums like Hatebreeder.

Highlight Tracks - Silent Night, Bodom Night, Children of Bodom, Downfall

21. Population Override by Buckethead

Now it's time to take a bit more of a chill and laid back turn. And what better way to do that than with Buckethead's "Population Override". This album is a solid 55 minutes of what comes off as many different extended jam sessions filled with bluesy, jazzy and some straight up rockin' music. This is another album that is best described as simply as possible: it's just really cool. Population Override is one of those albums you can just turn on, sit back and relax to no problem. And of course, it's got the usual Buckethead twists and turns that we all know and love. Very accessible, easy to listen to music.  :hat :hat :hat :hat :hat :hat

Highlight Tracks - Unrestrained Growth, Too Many Humans, A Day Will Come

Dark Castle

 :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal :metal
Great choices, and hell fucking yeah to Hatebreeder.  That's the first Bodom album I heard, and it's still my favorite.


Hi, lateralus88. :) I have to say, I do not agree with most of your list! But good luck finishing it up, I am sure you will do FINE!  :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
\o\ lol /o/


Quote from: Jamesman42 on December 23, 2011, 12:05:29 AM
Hi, lateralus88. :) I have to say, I do not agree with most of your list! But good luck finishing it up, I am sure you will do FINE!  :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: