
Video of online chat between fans and members of Dream Theater: (*no chickens were harmed during the filming of this chat)

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Official TV Thread v. It Finally Happened

Started by GuineaPig, December 21, 2011, 07:56:41 AM

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Quote from: Super Dude on May 22, 2012, 03:25:27 AM
What the hell do they show now if not sci-fi? Bear in mind I haven't watched SyFy since Andromeda ended.

98% reality shows.
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King Postwhore

They canceled Eureka too and I hope they don't cancel Alpha's also.
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


I saw a couple of episodes of Eureka, and it seemed like fluff to me, so that doesn't bother me. I haven't seen Alphas though.

King Postwhore

It is but it has a decent storyline.  It's a lighthearted spin on Sci- Fy so i like it.  Alpha's is a bit darker.
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


Quote from: hefdaddy42 on May 22, 2012, 03:27:36 AM
Anyone else watch the end of House last night?  What did you think?

Just watched it this morning. It was nice to see all those people from the show's past come back, and I have to admit I got a little bit emotional towards the end of the episode.


With the pickup of Newsreaders, Childrens Hospital currently has more spin-offs in production than Law & Order.


Quote from: GuineaPig on May 22, 2012, 11:25:36 AM
With the pickup of Newsreaders, Childrens Hospital currently has more spin-offs in production than Law & Order.

What what? I love Childrens Hospital, but I haven't heard anything about this.


Quote from: BlobVanDam on May 22, 2012, 11:26:35 AM
Quote from: GuineaPig on May 22, 2012, 11:25:36 AM
With the pickup of Newsreaders, Childrens Hospital currently has more spin-offs in production than Law & Order.

What what? I love Childrens Hospital, but I haven't heard anything about this.,75227/


Quote from: GuineaPig on May 22, 2012, 11:28:14 AM
Quote from: BlobVanDam on May 22, 2012, 11:26:35 AM
Quote from: GuineaPig on May 22, 2012, 11:25:36 AM
With the pickup of Newsreaders, Childrens Hospital currently has more spin-offs in production than Law & Order.

What what? I love Childrens Hospital, but I haven't heard anything about this.,75227/

Thanks. It will be interesting how they turn that into a regular series. I love both Childrens Hospital and NTSF:SD:SUV, so hopefully this one will turn out well.


I've been watching a lot of TV recently, and thought I would share my thoughts with you lovely fella's.

-I just yesterday finished the final episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm's most recent season. I don't think another season has been confirmed yet, but I would be deeply hurt if it never came back. I started a few months ago, and would recommend the show to anyone. Any fan of Seinfeld is a fool if they have not also watched this series. This is my favorite comedy show, period. Also, you should know that it is not necessary to watch all episodes in order, but still recommended. For those of you who have seen the series, I thought I would include a short list of my favorite episodes....
Season 1: Affirmative Action and The Group
Season 2: The Doll and The Massage
Season 3: The Benadryl Brownie, The Terrorist Attack, and Krazee Eyez Killa
Season 4: Carpool Lane, The Survivor, and Opening Night
Season 5: The Seder and The Ski Lift
Season 6: The Lefty call, The Rat Dog, and The Therapists
Season 7: Vehicular Fellatio, Denise Handicap, The Table Read (maybe my favorite episode of all time)
Season 8: Palestinian Chicken, The Vow of Silence, and The Bi-Sexual
Favorite Character: Leon Black.... (nsfw)  :lol
Season Rankings- 7, 6, 2, 4, 8, 3, 1, 5

-I just yesterday finished Season 1 of Breaking Bad. After watching only 7 episodes, I don't have too much to say for this show. I certainly enjoy it so far, and think it has a lot of potential to grow even more. The characters are enjoyable, with solid acting all around. The writing doesn't feel stale or recycled, rather a breath of fresh air. I'm sure many of you have already seen this, and I am late to the party, but for those of you who havent: join the party...

-I just yesterday started watching The Wire again, now on my 3rd run through. This truly is the greatest show ever created. Nothing I have ever seen has come close to eliciting the same response in me as The Wire. In short, the Wire is not a tv show. The Wire is an EXPERIENCE. I suggest anyone interested head on over the the Reviews section and check out GuineaPig's review of this masterpiece.

-This past week I also started to watch The Sopranos. Often regarded as one of the greatest shows ever, I wanted to see if it lives up to the hype, and see how it might compare with the Wire. So far, only 7 episodes in, I can say with great confidence that this show will be great. This show will be phenomenal, and the start has been great. I can't say how it may compare with the wire, because that wouldn't be fair to either show. I can't imagine that it will be better than The Wire, but I will try to keep an open mind. To all you mega Sopranos fans out there, and I know you are out there, so don't try to hide. Maybe one of you guys could write up a review for the show!

Well, that's it.... As you can see, I've been watching a lot of TV. Just thought I would share.



I only have 5 episodes left of Lost now, and will most likely watch 4 tonight and save the finale for Wednesday. (I have my last tough tests in school Monday and Tuesday, so then it will be like breathing again, summer inc) So just wanting to save a special episode to a special occasion.
I know Lost gets both love and hate here, but it has been such a joy to follow, and I would almost say that it's my favorite TV-show that I have followed. I'm thinking about rewatching it again over the summer and compiling a list over my favorite episodes, all in all it has so many of them.  :heart

The King in Crimson

Lost works much, much better when watched in blocks of episodes.  Watching it back when it was airing was.... a nightmare, especially during Seasons 2 and 3 when there would be inexplicable breaks between episodes.  Okay, here's two new episodes followed by four weeks of reruns followed by one new episode then another three weeks of reruns.  >:(

I gave up on Season 2 because of that and just waited for the DVD's to come out.  :lol


Quote from: The King in Crimson on May 27, 2012, 08:52:07 AM
Lost works much, much better when watched in blocks of episodes.
Yeah, seriously. I watched the series last summer and I pretty much watched one disc every day, one disc had like five-ish episodes I think.  :biggrin: It was just so easy to get sucked into it, an episode ends in a cliffhanger and all you have to do to find out what happens is to press play and watch.


I was watching a lot of Lost a few months back, season 1 till the beginning of 5 (all for the first time). Stopped at the beginning of season 5 and never really got back to it though :x.


Haha I get what you guys mean. During this time when I've watched through the series (for the first time), I've also been following a thread on a forum about the show, so I've gone through several pages of "no episode in 3 weeks wtf!" and similar posts, in that sense I'm very happy that I can just watch how many episodes I want, when I want.  :lol


Quote from: FlyingBIZKIT on May 22, 2012, 07:49:22 AM
Quote from: Ravenheart on May 22, 2012, 07:47:18 AM
I miss MST3.   :sad:

This. I remember laughing so hard at that shit.

I watched a couple for the first time the other day, and I didn't really find the commentary that funny. The movies they watch are amazingly bad, and it's hilarious. But the characters watching the movie just can't make me laugh. :sad:


Quote from: Implode on May 27, 2012, 10:01:43 AM
Quote from: FlyingBIZKIT on May 22, 2012, 07:49:22 AM
Quote from: Ravenheart on May 22, 2012, 07:47:18 AM
I miss MST3.   :sad:

This. I remember laughing so hard at that shit.

I watched a couple for the first time the other day, and I didn't really find the commentary that funny. The movies they watch are amazingly bad, and it's hilarious. But the characters watching the movie just can't make me laugh. :sad:

Which ones did you watch? There's definitely some really poor episodes out there.


I still remember crying and shivering while watching the Lost series finale.


Quote from: senecadawg2 on May 27, 2012, 11:39:31 AM
I still remember crying and shivering while watching the Lost series finale.

That bad, huh? 


Quote from: GuineaPig on May 27, 2012, 12:01:52 PM
Quote from: senecadawg2 on May 27, 2012, 11:39:31 AM
I still remember crying and shivering while watching the Lost series finale.

That bad, huh?

hehe, it was actually very good in my opinion. I don't have the standards you do, and Lost had............more flaws than I can possibly count, but I had no problems with the ending. Sure if you try to analyze it and dissect it, it won't hold up. But I don't do that. It delivered on an emotional level and I am quite content at leaving it at that.
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Having watched the entire series in the two weeks leading up the finale my expectations were much, much lower than my friends who had followed the show since it started. Watching their reaction to the end was hilarious.

The King in Crimson

I'm much more critical of the last season than I am of the finale.  The finale was alright, I had some problems with it, but I think it closed out the show in a satisfactory manner.  Certainly better than BSG did. :neverusethis:

The last season though?  Sheesh, there was some stupid shit there.


For me it seemed to come down to whether you liked the whole Jakob/Man In Black subplot. I found that entire facet of the series incredibly boring so I didn't get much out of the last season.

The King in Crimson

They could've done something interesting with that, but they just... didn't.

There was potential, but I think they faffed around with too much bullshit and then at the zero hour realized, oh crap, we gotta end this!?


Quote from: The King in Crimson on May 27, 2012, 02:01:56 PM
They could've done something interesting with that, but they just... didn't.

There was potential, but I think they faffed around with too much bullshit and then at the zero hour realized, oh crap, we gotta end this!?

You didn't like the Jacob Other Dude thing? It was really deep and original.

They're brothers.

One is umm good and the other is umm bad.

One represents light and the other represents dark.

Uhhhhhh, eternity water and stuff.

What could be deeper than that?
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com

The King in Crimson

Quote from: Adami on May 27, 2012, 02:03:59 PM
Quote from: The King in Crimson on May 27, 2012, 02:01:56 PM
They could've done something interesting with that, but they just... didn't.

There was potential, but I think they faffed around with too much bullshit and then at the zero hour realized, oh crap, we gotta end this!?

You didn't like the Jacob Other Dude thing? It was really deep and original.

They're brothers.

One is umm good and the other is umm bad.

One represents light and the other represents dark.

Uhhhhhh, eternity water and stuff.

What could be deeper than that?
The shallow glowey light pool was deeper than that!  :lol


I just watched "Across the Sea", which for those who don't remember names is the episode that shows Jacob and the man in black as kids, how they came to the island and so on.
I enjoyed it. Sure there were a few things here and there that raised a few questions, but all in all I thought it was pretty nice. I only have one episode left before the finale now, so it feels a bit empty. :P


**Lost Spoilers**

Oh now you have a problem that apparently unplugging and then plugging back in the island suddenly solves every problem? You're so critical!

Also, speaking of lost. I did a re-watch a while ago and had a thought. Does anyone else find it possible that the smoke monster was never really Jacobs brother? That the brother died that day and stayed dead? Remember after he took Lockes form, there was that brief moment where he was talking to Jack and seemed to think he really was Locke. Imagine at least a few thousand years of that, you might convince yourself your that person if you have their physical form and all of their memories. So I wonder if the smoke monster was just a 3rd entity that the death of the brother freed up somehow.
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Having never seen a single second of it, is Lost actually worth watching?


Depends on what you want to get out of it. Having watched all 121 episodes in the span of two weeks I can definitely say that I enjoyed the first season much better than the other seasons and there is a massive shift in writing style and tone starting from around season 4 onwards. The exotic adventure aspect of the first two seasons appealed to me much more.