What doesn't turn you on and why?

Started by MasterShakezula, December 27, 2011, 02:48:24 AM

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On the whole "tattoos tell you if they make good decisions"...
Many times, getting a tattoo of a Chinese/Japanese character just has the person with something they THINK says "courage" or whatever but in reality says "dog shit."

But I know plenty of people in school who are into Chinese culture, know the language fairly well, and would pick the absolute perfect character for what they wanted to say.

Quote from: EPICVIEW on December 28, 2011, 11:13:40 AM
Quote from: Sigz on December 28, 2011, 11:12:23 AM
Really the entire idea that you can judge someone's decision making process based off of the fact that they have a tattoo is absurd.

I said it gives the "connotation"... id never judge ones heart be anything that superficial.. but society does judge..
Such a cop-out. You're both saying that the tattoo implies she makes poor decisions while saying that only other parts of society are judging her about it. If you personally think it implies/connotes that she does, then you're demonstrably making a judgement (namely the judgement that tattoos tell you whether a person is likely making poor decisions).


So let's not discuss what turns us on and discuss what does not turn us on. K?
\o\ lol /o/


Jamesman..the thread was locked because it was beginning to be offensive to others. Your continued discussion of that fact is out of line. Knock it off.


\o\ lol /o/


Another thing that does not turn me on is all the girls I often see who look like Princess Elise from Sonic 2006.  I cannot possibly muster up arousal when being visually reminded of that awful game. 





Nothing that hasn't been said already, but here's my list-

tattoos - fine if it's something small and out of the way, but they're still not attractive at all.
smokers - not even negotiable. Can even turn a 10/10 into a smoker/10.
short hair - as a general rule, every single girl ever looks undeniably better with long hair. ;)
dark tans / bleached blonde hair - Why do girls seem to think this is a surefire formula for hotness? It looks skanky and generic.
fake tits - I don't actually have a problem with them, just when they look like half soccer balls taped to someone's chest. Boobs should look like part of the body, not a separate entity. I prefer smaller real ones over bigger fake ones.
underweight - I like a girl who gets me thinking "make me a sammich", not a girl who gets me thinking "make yourself a sammich".


A girl that says no, damn that's an instant cold shower there.


Man did this thread (and it's fallen brother) make for good reading while I was out and about in NYC today :lol

Personally, I'm not super particular in that I don't have a singular type, I've found lots of different women attractive.

General turn offs:

Smoker- *Hate* that smell. I'll hold it against you (but not not hold it against you) if you smoke, but don't come at me with cigarette breath.
Unshaved Armpits- Saw more than my fair share of this in college, just doesn't work for me.
Reverse Cowgirl and Doggy style- Doggy Style can be salvaged if the lady has a particularly nice ass, otherwise not my favorite positions.

Also, girls who expect me to do all the pursuing. I'm the shy, quiet one dammit, I'm no good at going after womangs :lol

Things I Would Have Mentioned in the Other Thread:

Shorter/Smaller girls- By no means a dealbreaker, but I've always had a thing for girls on the shorter side.
Fishnets/Thigh Highs- :hat personified
Aggressive Girls- As the great Peter Venkman once said, "Men are very sensitive, you know.  We need to feel loved and desired, too."
Cowgirl- Yes please.


Wait, Bill you're not a virgin anymore?
\o\ lol /o/


Quote from: Jamesman42 on December 28, 2011, 09:44:29 PM
Wait, Bill you're not a virgin anymore?

heh, not quite, but I don't need to not be to know some of those things, and the others I feel pretty sure of based on... what I enjoy watching on my personal time (and where my head goes at those times).

bout to crash

Fluffy Lothario

I've never been with a girl who smokes, but even though I don't smoke myself (or only when I'm drinking), I don't think I'd have any problem with it. It's not gonna turn me on, but it doesn't turn me off. As long as she didn't chain-smoke and constantly reek like a pack of tobacco.


Quote from: antigoon on December 28, 2011, 08:06:42 PM
Quote from: Sigz on December 28, 2011, 06:23:14 PM
Lack of capitalization and punctuation, on top of an odd spelling of “what”, will result in 1 killed boner.


Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 28, 2011, 08:44:04 PM
smokers - not even negotiable. Can even turn a 10/10 into a smoker/10.




I must be the only person here who doesn't mind smokers. I don't smoke myself, but I love the smell of it. I guess I'm weird.


Quote from: kári on December 29, 2011, 02:00:28 AM
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 28, 2011, 08:44:04 PM
smokers - not even negotiable. Can even turn a 10/10 into a smoker/10.


She looks ok, but the second that cancer stick goes into her mouth, no thank you. No bigger turn off. :tdwn


Dude... I don't like girls who smoke either but Scarlett Johansson can do anything she wants.


As much as I detest tobacco, I feel SJ + tobacco will produce a positive value of attraction.


Quote from: bout to crash on December 28, 2011, 02:48:34 PM
Quote from: lonestar on December 28, 2011, 02:41:17 PM
Quote from: black_floyd on December 28, 2011, 10:51:41 AM

-Girls who don't like/aren't willing to give a chance to exotic cuisines. I doubt I'll be happy with any girl that won't go out for Thai, Greek, sushi, or Indian food with me. They don't have to like it all but at least some. I ain't eating chicken parmigiana at every anniversary dinner for the next 30 years.

I don't mind a girl being a touch picky, but she HAS to be into French, and being into Greek is a definite bonus.

I've never had French stuff other than desserts :(
Not because I'm not interested (I will try just about anything.. probably aside from animal testicles [human are another story]), just have never had the opportunity.

Now go make me something.

maybe its just my perverted mind , but when lonestar said French and Greek, cuisine wasn't my first thought


Quote from: wkiml on December 29, 2011, 05:12:47 AM
Quote from: bout to crash on December 28, 2011, 02:48:34 PM
Quote from: lonestar on December 28, 2011, 02:41:17 PM
Quote from: black_floyd on December 28, 2011, 10:51:41 AM

-Girls who don't like/aren't willing to give a chance to exotic cuisines. I doubt I'll be happy with any girl that won't go out for Thai, Greek, sushi, or Indian food with me. They don't have to like it all but at least some. I ain't eating chicken parmigiana at every anniversary dinner for the next 30 years.

I don't mind a girl being a touch picky, but she HAS to be into French, and being into Greek is a definite bonus.

I've never had French stuff other than desserts :(
Not because I'm not interested (I will try just about anything.. probably aside from animal testicles [human are another story]), just have never had the opportunity.

Now go make me something.

maybe its just my perverted mind , but when lonestar said French and Greek, cuisine wasn't my first thought

Glad someone caught it.

Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 29, 2011, 03:23:46 AM
Quote from: kári on December 29, 2011, 02:00:28 AM
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 28, 2011, 08:44:04 PM
smokers - not even negotiable. Can even turn a 10/10 into a smoker/10.


She looks ok, but the second that cancer stick goes into her mouth, no thank you. No bigger turn off. :tdwn

Just wait till she puts that babymaking stick in her mouth, that will change things.


Perpetual Change

Cigarette-smoking doesn't make me think of BJ's at all. I suppose my overall anatomy is simply too different from something so short and slender to really get that sort of comparison in my mind.


Cigarette-smoking makes me think of the creepy before-and-after pictures from 8th grade health. 

Not in a good way, mind you!


Quote from: Perpetual Change on December 29, 2011, 06:46:16 AM
Cigarette-smoking doesn't make me think of BJ's at all. I suppose my overall anatomy is simply too different from something so short and slender to really get that sort of comparison in my mind.
I don't think it makes anyone thing of BJs...


Quote from: kári on December 29, 2011, 06:53:16 AM
Quote from: Perpetual Change on December 29, 2011, 06:46:16 AM
Cigarette-smoking doesn't make me think of BJ's at all. I suppose my overall anatomy is simply too different from something so short and slender to really get that sort of comparison in my mind.
I don't think it makes anyone thing of BJs...
Almost everything makes me think of BJs. I should note that I'm a pack a day smoker.(of cigarettes, not teh dick)


Quote from: lonestar on December 29, 2011, 06:54:48 AM
Quote from: kári on December 29, 2011, 06:53:16 AM
Quote from: Perpetual Change on December 29, 2011, 06:46:16 AM
Cigarette-smoking doesn't make me think of BJ's at all. I suppose my overall anatomy is simply too different from something so short and slender to really get that sort of comparison in my mind.
I don't think it makes anyone thing of BJs...
Almost everything makes me think of BJs. I should note that I'm a pack a day smoker.(of cigarettes, not teh dick)

You save that for weekends, right? :P


Quote from: KevShmev on December 29, 2011, 06:55:56 AM
Quote from: lonestar on December 29, 2011, 06:54:48 AM
Quote from: kári on December 29, 2011, 06:53:16 AM
Quote from: Perpetual Change on December 29, 2011, 06:46:16 AM
Cigarette-smoking doesn't make me think of BJ's at all. I suppose my overall anatomy is simply too different from something so short and slender to really get that sort of comparison in my mind.
I don't think it makes anyone thing of BJs...
Almost everything makes me think of BJs. I should note that I'm a pack a day smoker.(of cigarettes, not teh dick)

You save that for weekends, right? :P



Quote from: lonestar on December 29, 2011, 07:02:08 AM
Quote from: KevShmev on December 29, 2011, 06:55:56 AM
Quote from: lonestar on December 29, 2011, 06:54:48 AM
Quote from: kári on December 29, 2011, 06:53:16 AM
Quote from: Perpetual Change on December 29, 2011, 06:46:16 AM
Cigarette-smoking doesn't make me think of BJ's at all. I suppose my overall anatomy is simply too different from something so short and slender to really get that sort of comparison in my mind.
I don't think it makes anyone thing of BJs...
Almost everything makes me think of BJs. I should note that I'm a pack a day smoker.(of cigarettes, not teh dick)

You save that for weekends, right? :P


Great band, and great song! :metal


I was thinking of that one that comes in GTA: Vice City. EVERYBODY'S WORKING FOR THE WEEKEEEEND


Quote from: kári on December 29, 2011, 07:05:51 AM
I was thinking of that one that comes in GTA: Vice City. EVERYBODY'S WORKING FOR THE WEEKEEEEND

I dated a girl who's favorite band was Loverboy, man she was hot when rocking out to that song.