What doesn't turn you on and why?

Started by MasterShakezula, December 27, 2011, 02:48:24 AM

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-A bucket of ketchup.
-4 lbs of old saturated brown gravy.
-the left toe of a 2 week old chipmunk.
-women that don't have the wo.


What a strange coincidence.

I'm not into any of that stuff, either. 


Quote from: MasterShakezula on April 30, 2012, 07:36:51 PM
What a strange coincidence.

I'm not into any of that stuff, either.

Strange. Must be something in the air.


You two have such high standards. No wonder you're single.



Quote from: snapple on April 30, 2012, 07:44:11 PM
You two have such high standards. No wonder you're single.
:lol We get it. You're almost married  :P



What about Thanksgiving? She got gravy?


Sorry, but I just don't get the appeal of safe lunch. 

No condiments, all the way, all the time!


Screw safe lunch, I practice safe stargazing. I put a red balloon over my flashlight so not to obstruct my viewing. It's like a flashlight condom


Quote from: Nick on April 30, 2012, 06:43:50 PM
Quote from: WebRaider on April 29, 2012, 10:24:58 PM
Women who act like they are doing me a favor during the process. I will totally call it off.... I am very passionate (Scorpio ;) ) and when I'm getting down to business I always bring the heat.

People who think that the day they were born has anything to do with their attitude or sexual attributes. Sorry duder, we are not a match. :p

I was kinda/sorta joking and going off of that idea because everyone always talks about how passionate Scorpios are.... But I'm also assuming you're joking and we are actually quite the match indeed and now am feeling a bit moist.... :hat


Quote from: Gadough on April 29, 2012, 10:29:50 PM
Quote from: Genowyn on December 27, 2011, 02:52:40 PM
In a serious answer to this thread, feet. Why do people like feet?

As a foot fetishist myself, I could give you a serious answer to this question, but it might get TMI/creepy.
Do enlighten us. I've been curious about that for a long time.


Quote from: HarlequinForest on April 30, 2012, 06:39:39 PM
High heels because... what's the point?

^^This. I fucking hate high heels.

Quote from: snapple on April 30, 2012, 07:08:25 PM
flat, small or otherwise bad asses.

i showed courtney some squats that really work dat ass out. She saw my butt and was like "other than the hair, how do you get it to look so strong?" Bitch, I do squats. And now, she has dat ass.

truly, Snapple must be the Skakespeare of our time


I, for some odd reason, really hate nail polish on the opposite sex. It's just always bugged me

Dark Castle

Quote from: SystematicThought on April 30, 2012, 08:18:29 PM
I, for some odd reason, really hate nail polish on the opposite sex. It's just always bugged me
It's a relief to know that you don't mind my neon blue crackle toe nails then :3


Quote from: Dark Castle on April 30, 2012, 06:41:31 PM
Quote from: HarlequinForest on April 30, 2012, 06:39:39 PM
Fake boobehs because they... look fake. 

Smoking because stinky mouth. 

Tanning, because having skin that is darker than one's hair (like orange skin and blonde hair) is unnatural.

High heels because... what's the point?
It's not fair to assume smokers have stinky mouths.  When I smoke, I chew gum, and my mouth tastes great afterwards, and this is a tip I learned from my other friends who smoke.  We still make sure our mouths aren't disgusting :P

Regardless, the residue is still there, you're just covering it up.



What doesn't turn me on? Actively not wanting to be with me.

I can't get turned on by a girl (in person, we're leaving porn out of this) who does not want to be with me.

Everything else is negotiable.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


Worn right they can look good, but yeah most of the time high heels looks really awkward.


What I like about this forum is how we can be open and honest with one another. So I'll do my best to explain why I'm a foot fetishist, and in return, I simply ask that you don't judge me for it. Deal?

I've always liked feet for as long as I can remember. Ever since I was 4, 5, 6 years old at day-care, I remember being attracted to feet because the hot college girls who worked there used to walk around barefoot all the time. It's important to note how I perceived this at such a young age. When I was a little kid and still curious about sex and the body, etc., I saw going barefoot as a form of nudity.

Think about this for a minute: during normal social situations we cover up the feet in the same way we cover up the rest of the body. People don't normally walk around barefoot in public. So back in my early years when I would see those hot college girls take off their shoes, my interpretation was that they got a little bit naked. Does that make sense?

That way of looking at it has stuck with me into adulthood, even though I now know it's silly. Feet are normally covered up, and when they're not, it's arousing. In other words: the lack of clothing is what causes the initial attraction. Let's say a girl is wearing flip flops. I look at her feet and say "damn, those look nice." But when she takes the flip flops off, her feet instantly become 10 times sexier. Clearly, not much has changed since I was 5.

But of course there's more to it. As I grew up and became more observant I began to also like the way they look. I began to appreciate the shape, curves, and features of the female foot. Good feet on a woman look soft, smooth, delicate, feminine, and beautiful. They initiate a feeling of comfort in me and a feeling of appreciation and affection for the girl who has them. I simply find them very attractive. I'm having a hard time writing this part of my post because it's difficult to explain in words a purely natural set of reactions. What it boils down to is I like them because they look nice. They may look ugly to you, but I see a certain beauty in them that I consider myself lucky to be able to discern.

And yes, I have standards and criteria. Not all feet are attractive. Quite often, I see girls walking around in flip flops and I wonder why she's showing those things off. Some girls have disgusting feet. Feet that are excessively bony, feet that look filthy, and end toes that look like a painful red stump are all no-nos. They have to be obviously well taken-care of. They should appear smooth, free of blemishes, preferably small, a strong arch, the toes should be of proper length relative to the others, nail polish is nice, etc. Basically: the "cuter" they look, the better. It's worth mentioning that the attractiveness of a girl and the attractiveness of her feet don't always add up. Hot girls can have horrible feet and unattractive girls can have gorgeous feet. It all depends on the person.

I understand why most people think feet aren't sexy. Really, I get it. However, I don't think attraction to feet is bizarre. I think it's perfectly natural. I feel like I need to defend myself because people who don't like feet seem to think that foot fetishists are sick perverts. That's not the case at all. You know how guys check out the ass on a woman as she walks away, or stares at her boobs as she talks to you? That's normal, right? Well, we check out feet instead. Same difference. There's tons of worse fetishes out there. It's not like we get off on eating shit or anything, we're just attracted to a different part of the body. Keep in mind, also, that foot fetishism is BY FAR the most common fetish reported by human males. There's a lot more foot fetishists out there than you realize. It's likely that you personally know several in your own life. We just don't often talk about it for fear of being judged. That's why I'm taking a leap of faith by being completely open with you all about this.

Trying to explain this to non-foot fetishists is difficult. I've been writing this post for over an hour. I keep writing stuff and erasing it because it doesn't make sense or because it isn't clear. Looking over what I've written so far, I've done a terrible job of explaining this. I'm sorry. I suppose what that proves to me is that even I don't fully understand it. I'm sure there's all sorts of psychological factors that play into this that I'm unaware of. Here's the bottom line: I like feet because they're fucking sexy. Period.


Though  I do not care for feet, I can understand your feelings. 

I feel that way about thighs.  Which reminds me, I'm very glad it's shorts season nowadays!  ^^

Also, I'm not turned on by catgirls. 

Dark Castle

Shorts season is the best.  I came out of the dorms one morning, and all around me, girls, girls in short shorts, and it was a good day that day.


I feel ya Drew, I'm into armpits(shaved) myself, love the curve and look of them, and they're incredibly sensitive to the touch.

Silver Tears

Great post Drew, thanks for that insight. I don't find foot fetishes particularly weird or unnatural, it just happens to clash with the fact that I don't like feet  :P I mean, I'm better now, but I'm pretty sure I've already told you guys the story of me accidentally kicking my mum in the face cos she tried to surprise me with a foot massage while I was lying on the sofa... Even now I can be a bit funny about people touching my feet if I'm not expecting it.


Quote from: Dark Castle on April 30, 2012, 06:41:31 PM
Quote from: HarlequinForest on April 30, 2012, 06:39:39 PM
Fake boobehs because they... look fake. 

Smoking because stinky mouth. 

Tanning, because having skin that is darker than one's hair (like orange skin and blonde hair) is unnatural.

High heels because... what's the point?
It's not fair to assume smokers have stinky mouths.  When I smoke, I chew gum, and my mouth tastes great afterwards, and this is a tip I learned from my other friends who smoke.  We still make sure our mouths aren't disgusting :P

Too bad your skin and lungs are rotting .


Guys and girls that go out for the night in the middle of winter wearing barely any clothes at all .

Not really a turn off more of a  :huh: what in God's name ? You're going to get pneumonia or something.

Going out when it's winter in shorts and a t shirt doesn't make you look "hard." - It makes you look *stupid*.  :)

Also i find it hilarious when those typs of guys go out " on the pull " and they are all wearing the same outfit. White shirt untucked and jeans and them




Quote from: Dark Castle on April 30, 2012, 09:50:31 PM
Shorts season is the best.  I came out of the dorms one morning, and all around me, girls, girls in short shorts, and it was a good day that day.

I prefer the cotton sundress side of the season, but really, how can you go wrong with more skin?


Quote from: lonestar on May 01, 2012, 07:13:52 AM
Quote from: Dark Castle on April 30, 2012, 09:50:31 PM
Shorts season is the best.  I came out of the dorms one morning, and all around me, girls, girls in short shorts, and it was a good day that day.

I prefer the cotton sundress side of the season, but really, how can you go wrong with more skin?



Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


Quote from: Elite on May 01, 2012, 08:17:25 AM
Quote from: Gadough on April 30, 2012, 09:40:17 PM
*shit about foot fetishism*

Dude, that was an awesome post.

Yeah, I'm thinking about letting my "thing" for BingoWings go and give this a try.

Dark Castle

Quote from: Kotowboy on May 01, 2012, 02:25:00 AM
Quote from: Dark Castle on April 30, 2012, 06:41:31 PM
Quote from: HarlequinForest on April 30, 2012, 06:39:39 PM
Fake boobehs because they... look fake. 

Smoking because stinky mouth. 

Tanning, because having skin that is darker than one's hair (like orange skin and blonde hair) is unnatural.

High heels because... what's the point?
It's not fair to assume smokers have stinky mouths.  When I smoke, I chew gum, and my mouth tastes great afterwards, and this is a tip I learned from my other friends who smoke.  We still make sure our mouths aren't disgusting :P

Too bad your skin and lungs are rotting .
So kind of you sir.  I had no idea smoking was unhealthy, thank you for pointing it out for me.  Good thing I only smoke a few times a week too.

True Death of Life

Quote from: Elite on May 01, 2012, 08:17:25 AM
Quote from: Gadough on April 30, 2012, 09:40:17 PM
*shit about foot fetishism*

Dude, that was an awesome post.
Indeed. Really, thanks for taking the time to post that. I'm just wondering why you were so cautious and wary; have you ever gotten really bad reactions? I mean, it's not THAT out there.

El Barto

Quote from: Sigz on April 30, 2012, 09:14:29 PM
Worn right they can look good, but yeah most of the time high heels looks really awkward.
Saw a girl in high heals fall all over the Whole Foods during lunch today.  Funny as shit.  I was about 5' behind her, actively checking her out, then her legs started to go.  There was this absolutely awesome 3 seconds or so where both legs were starting to wobble and you knew exactly what was coming, then down she went.  I'd have offered to help her up, but she was in too big a hurry to get up and scurry off before too many people noticed.

And to be clear, I wouldn't generally laugh at somebody for falling down; shit happens.  But, if you fall down because you're wearing impractical shoes that you can't walk in, in the misguided belief that it makes you more attractive, I'm gonna LMFAO.