The top 5 things people regret on their deathbed

Started by rumborak, February 07, 2012, 06:06:57 PM

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I spend so much time here. DTF and the Internet aren't bad places necessarily, but my life hasn't improved because of it. If I died tomorrow, I'd regret it. Maybe I should go.


How depressing. Everyone on this planet will have regrets when they die, though. I hear people on Mars do not have regrets. Doesn't matter what you do or what you say right now, you will have regrets. I know because I was reincarnated from a spider monkey so shut up.

When I read that I imagined some journalist rushing up to someone dying in a gross, dilapidated hospital bed, family crowded around awaiting anxiously, filled with doom... and the journalist says "WAIT, WAIT, HII'MBILL NOSEDRIP, THENEXTWEB.COM; WHAT ARE YOUR REGRETS!? JUST, REAL QUICK!"


I'm not going to read that list. If something is going to bother me on my deathbed, I'll let it bother me then. No need in worrying about it until then.


No regrets here.

Of course, I'm not on my deathbed, so maybe that's not valid.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Fantastic article, Ralph. I'm really glad you posted it because not only did I realize that I'm already taking care of 2 or 3 of those pretty well already but it also made me realize the thing about revitalizing my level of contact with good old friends.

Thanks dude.


I'd say that even at my age #1, 3 are already thoughts I have regularly, and I can see #4 starting to happen. Of course I'm still young enough to do something about it, so hopefully I won't be thinking these by the time I'm on my death bed.


Wow, I think about all 5 of those things regularly.

I'd like to think that my perspective and habits will change in the future, but I know that's really all up to me, not anyone or anything else.


#2 is a big one for me, #5 I can sort of relate to, I'm a genuinely happy person but I feel being happy a lot of the time.


I get anxiety about this all the time.  I worry about dying with regrets; it's my biggest fear.  I've read a lot lately about people who live very cheaply and are able to save a large majority of their income, which after a reasonable time allows them to pay their meager expenses from interest and dividends on what they have saved.  Someone making a median income can achieve this in a much shorter time period than the expected 40+ years of working, but it requires changes that most people, including myself, aren't ready or willing to make.  I have been taking a hard look at my situation and even though I consider myself very frugal, the amount of my income that I spend each year (~40% of my gross income) is a lot more than I would like it to be.

Sorry for the thread hijack, but I think it's relevant and I've realized that you dont have to earn 250k+ a year to achieve a life free to pursue your ideas.  It just requires a long hard look at what you consider necessary.


Quote from: jasc15 on February 08, 2012, 07:53:49 AM
I get anxiety about this all the time.  I worry about dying with regrets; it's my biggest fear.
Would you rather have no regrets on the deathbed or live the first 99% of your life without regret?


When I was in the hospital a while back and was close, the thing that was at the forefront of my mind was that I had been living my life for myself and not for others.  I am making an active effort to change that, especially with my kid.  When my time does come, I want to know that I did my best to give of myself as much as possible.


Quote from: yorost on February 08, 2012, 07:55:40 AM
Quote from: jasc15 on February 08, 2012, 07:53:49 AM
I get anxiety about this all the time.  I worry about dying with regrets; it's my biggest fear.
Would you rather have no regrets on the deathbed or live the first 99% of your life without regret?
I'm not sure if i understand your question.  There doesnt seem to be a real difference between the choices.  I read it as: "would you rather have 100% of your life without regret, or 99%?"

Dark Castle

Take it as "would you rather live your life without taking chances, or take chances and possibly regret some of them when you're dying"


Yeah, regretting on the deathbed isn't important compared to how you feel while alive and can do things.  I may regret something 40 years from now, but if I'm making the choices I can live with right now, so what?  No matter what I do, there will always have been more that I could have done, hindsight isn't 20/20, it blinds you from the reality of your situation.  You can sit and regret all kinds of decisions that were the right decision when you made them, because it's easy to forget why our lives take certain turns.


I think i understand.  You are distinguishing between regretting actions you made, and actions you didn't make.  I'm not sure I have a good answer, but I think it's reasonable to assume that I would regret the unknown consequence of inaction more than I would regret the known (even bad) consequence of action.


...but inaction is often due to action.  To regret an inaction can be ignoring the root cause, you chose a different action and had reasons for it that were good at the time.  It's easy to forget we didn't do something because we did something else.


When I die in 3 years from a heart attack or clogged arteries, I'm probably gonna regret that I've lived off of fast food for the past 2 years.


Well so far so good.  But I have to say, you live life in the moment typically with a little bit of planning to make sure your future doesn't fall apart.  With that said, if you knew you were going to die in a year, maybe you'd quit your job and go do something more.  But we typically live our lives thinking we'll be alive later and we make plans for the future.  It's how we are made to function.

So I think it's easy to have regrets in the end.  You could look back and say I wish I did this and that, but ultimately at the time you probably couldn't have or did not want to at the time.

For example.  Sometimes I think working and having a job steadily at my young age is a waste.  I feel like I could take saving and travel or do something fun or risky.  But at the same time, I want to have income, gain work experience, and achieve some goals I have set in my career.  This also helps me to gain some goals of lifestyle, relationships etc etc.

So its tradeoffs really.


#3 is something that I think about a lot and would be my #1 regret on my deathbed.