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Views on Homosexuality in my Scripture Class

Started by SystematicThought, February 17, 2012, 08:21:36 PM

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Quote from: 7StringedBeast on February 22, 2012, 01:38:48 PM
No one has to die or be hurt in the case of homosexuality and same sex marriage.
But, AIDS.



Quote from: ehra on February 22, 2012, 01:36:17 PM
I'm glad you agree that same sex marriages should be allowed.

Oh, but if I were to agree with the query I asked you to respond to, same-sex marriage wouldn´t be the only thing that should be allowed, no. If you were to agree with the query (which you readily seem to), then any conceivable consensual and non-infringing action would be permissible. I can´t bear to imagine what the consequences of affirming the query would be.


Quote from: 7StringedBeast on February 22, 2012, 01:38:48 PM
No one has to die or be hurt in the case of homosexuality and same sex marriage.

All sorts of negative results can come from forcing your certain male genitals into the excremental orifice of another organism. One reason why I disgust anal romps of any kind.


Quote from: kirksnosehair on February 22, 2012, 01:36:51 PM
Maybe stop now before you dig in deeper with this kind of silly comparison, eh?

Why, of course, master



Why is homosexuality the thing that would suddenly open the flood gates for all of these other things? Why doesn't allowing ANY form of "consensual and non-infringing action" mean that any other "consensual and non-infringing action" must be allowed? You're attempting to argue that it'd be inconsistent to allow one form of "consensual and non-infringing action" while not allowing others, yet that's exactly what we already do.


Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2012, 01:42:17 PMany conceivable consensual and non-infringing action would be permissible. I can´t bear to imagine the consequences of affirming the query would be.

There are no laws specifically against cannabism, that hasn't affected anything in this country.

Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2012, 01:44:24 PM
Quote from: 7StringedBeast on February 22, 2012, 01:38:48 PM
No one has to die or be hurt in the case of homosexuality and same sex marriage.

All sorts of negative results can come from forcing your certain male genitals into the excremental orifice of another organism. One reason why I disgust anal romps of any kind.

Sodomy != homosexuality

And either way, legalizing gay marriage has nothing to do with preventing/allowing gay sex.


Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2012, 01:44:24 PM
Quote from: 7StringedBeast on February 22, 2012, 01:38:48 PM
No one has to die or be hurt in the case of homosexuality and same sex marriage.

All sorts of negative results can come from forcing your certain male genitals into the excremental orifice of another organism. One reason why I disgust anal romps of any kind.

I'm not surprised you would say something like this.  You have just revealed why you dislike same sex marriage.  Here's something for you.  Gay people don't have to have anal sex.  Also, anal can be performed quite safely, you just gotta know what you are doing.

So you are against same sex marriage now because of anal sex?  In that case we better make sure any hetero couples that have anal have their marriages dissolved ASAP. 

You are not working off logic.  You are working off masked hate.


Quote from: 7StringedBeast on February 22, 2012, 01:47:15 PM
Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2012, 01:44:24 PM
Quote from: 7StringedBeast on February 22, 2012, 01:38:48 PM
No one has to die or be hurt in the case of homosexuality and same sex marriage.

All sorts of negative results can come from forcing your certain male genitals into the excremental orifice of another organism. One reason why I disgust anal romps of any kind.

I'm not surprised you would say something like this.  You have just revealed why you dislike same sex marriage.  Here's something for you.  Gay people don't have to have anal sex.  Also, anal can be performed quite safely, you just gotta know what you are doing.

So you are against same sex marriage now because of anal sex?  In that case we better make sure any hetero couples that have anal have their marriages dissolved ASAP. 

You are not working off logic.  You are working off masked hate.

I swear that when I read your comments I am simply dumbfounded by what you allow yourself to post on a public forum. I don´t even know where to begin when I do address your posts.


You could maybe start by addressing how the safety of anal sex is at all relevant in a discussion of whether gay marriage should be legal.


Quote from: Sigz on February 22, 2012, 01:52:06 PM
You could maybe start by addressing how the safety of anal sex is at all relevant in a discussion of whether gay marriage should be legal.

It is not.



Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2012, 01:50:32 PM
Quote from: 7StringedBeast on February 22, 2012, 01:47:15 PM
Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2012, 01:44:24 PM
Quote from: 7StringedBeast on February 22, 2012, 01:38:48 PM
No one has to die or be hurt in the case of homosexuality and same sex marriage.

All sorts of negative results can come from forcing your certain male genitals into the excremental orifice of another organism. One reason why I disgust anal romps of any kind.

I'm not surprised you would say something like this.  You have just revealed why you dislike same sex marriage.  Here's something for you.  Gay people don't have to have anal sex.  Also, anal can be performed quite safely, you just gotta know what you are doing.

So you are against same sex marriage now because of anal sex?  In that case we better make sure any hetero couples that have anal have their marriages dissolved ASAP. 

You are not working off logic.  You are working off masked hate.

I swear that when I read your comments I am simply dumbfounded by what you allow yourself to post on a public forum. I don´t even know where to begin when I do address your posts.

Right, because I'm the one being ridiculous here.


Quote from: ehra on February 22, 2012, 01:46:07 PM
You're attempting to argue that it'd be inconsistent to allow one form of "consensual and non-infringing action" while not allowing others, yet that's exactly what we already do.


And why don´t we allow certain consensual and non-infringing actions and allow others? (Notice I´m not claiming I have the correct answer.)



Quote from: Sigz on February 22, 2012, 01:54:01 PM
Then why'd you bring it up?

It bears no concern to its legality, but keep in mind I was addressing this post

Quote from: 7StringedBeast on February 22, 2012, 01:38:48 PM
No one has to die or be hurt in the case of homosexuality and same sex marriage.

So in answer to your question: what does it have to do with the legality of same sex marriage? Likely nothing. Does it have to do anything with the potential harm of an, um, anal lifestyle? Yes, somewhat, I would argue.


Oh wow, a thread about homosexuality turned into a comparison to necrophilia/cannibalism/rape. That is very surprising.


Didn't you know that Hitler believed in same sex marriage?

Adami this is the south. Not my cup of tea.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2012, 02:00:46 PM
Quote from: Sigz on February 22, 2012, 01:54:01 PM
Then why'd you bring it up?

It bears no concern to its legality, but keep in mind I was addressing this post

Quote from: 7StringedBeast on February 22, 2012, 01:38:48 PM
No one has to die or be hurt in the case of homosexuality and same sex marriage.

So in answer to your question: what does it have to do with the legality of same sex marriage? Likely nothing. Does it have to do anything with the potential harm of an, um, anal lifestyle? Yes, somewhat, I would argue.

I already explained to you (which I shouldn't have to because its common sense) gay marriage doesn't outright mean anal sex.  Gay people can choose not to partake.  Also, anal sex does not mean harm to someone else outright.  No more than vaginal sex means harm to someone outright.

What two consenting adults do in their bedroom has nothing to do with you anyway.  You are not a moral authority.  You are against it simply because you just don't like the idea of gay people.  All your posts have revealed that to everyone here.


Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2012, 01:56:07 PM
Quote from: ehra on February 22, 2012, 01:46:07 PM
You're attempting to argue that it'd be inconsistent to allow one form of "consensual and non-infringing action" while not allowing others, yet that's exactly what we already do.


And why don´t we allow certain consensual and non-infringing actions and allow others? (Notice I´m not claiming I have the correct answer.)

Because that's what societies do. We've gone over this already. I know where you're trying to take this, and there's no point in having this argument with someone who thinks there's no reason to ever do something beyond the immediate benefit of ones' own self without God or the bible handing out punishments and rewards for acting a certain way.


You know, forget it. It´s becoming more and more clear as the minutes painfully drain by that mostly everyone participating in this conversation isn´t seeking to have a serious dialogue on the matter of same-sex marriage (or any, for that matter). Rather you seek to merely reinforce your worldview by congregating and having others regurgitate phrases you fancy yourself to agree with all the while pummeling anyone with a differing worldview to the ground unmercifully and proceed to pervert dissenting phrases into convenient straw men or throw around the implications of "homophobic troll" like a hot potato to any user suspected of disagreement with the mob rule.


Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2012, 02:13:41 PM
You know, forget it. It´s becoming more and more clear as the minutes painfully drain by that mostly everyone participating in this conversation isn´t seeking to have a serious dialogue on the matter of same-sex marriage (or any, for that matter). Rather you seek to merely reinforce your worldview by congregating and having others regurgitate phrases you fancy yourself to agree with all the while pummeling anyone with a differing worldview to the ground unmercifully and proceed to pervert dissenting phrases into convenient straw men or throw around the implications of "homophobic troll" like a hot potato to any user suspected of disagreement with the mob rule.

Or that your arguments have been immature and completely not applicable to the debate in the first place.


Quote from: 7StringedBeast on February 22, 2012, 02:14:43 PM
Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2012, 02:13:41 PM
You know, forget it. It´s becoming more and more clear as the minutes painfully drain by that mostly everyone participating in this conversation isn´t seeking to have a serious dialogue on the matter of same-sex marriage (or any, for that matter). Rather you seek to merely reinforce your worldview by congregating and having others regurgitate phrases you fancy yourself to agree with all the while pummeling anyone with a differing worldview to the ground unmercifully and proceed to pervert dissenting phrases into convenient straw men or throw around the implications of "homophobic troll" like a hot potato to any user suspected of disagreement with the mob rule.

Or that your arguments have been immature and completely not applicable to the debate in the first place.

Well, I mean, if you say so


Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2012, 02:13:41 PM
You know, forget it. It´s becoming more and more clear as the minutes painfully drain by that mostly everyone participating in this conversation isn´t seeking to have a serious dialogue on the matter of same-sex marriage (or any, for that matter).

That happened the moment you tried to compare gay marriage to ravaging dead corpses.


Quote from: ZBomber on February 22, 2012, 02:19:59 PM
Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2012, 02:13:41 PM
You know, forget it. It´s becoming more and more clear as the minutes painfully drain by that mostly everyone participating in this conversation isn´t seeking to have a serious dialogue on the matter of same-sex marriage (or any, for that matter).

That happened the moment you tried to compare gay marriage to ravaging dead corpses.

But Zbomber, how can you allow one and not the other?!!  I mean, the hell?!


Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2012, 02:15:43 PM
Quote from: 7StringedBeast on February 22, 2012, 02:14:43 PM
Quote from: Omega on February 22, 2012, 02:13:41 PM
You know, forget it. It´s becoming more and more clear as the minutes painfully drain by that mostly everyone participating in this conversation isn´t seeking to have a serious dialogue on the matter of same-sex marriage (or any, for that matter). Rather you seek to merely reinforce your worldview by congregating and having others regurgitate phrases you fancy yourself to agree with all the while pummeling anyone with a differing worldview to the ground unmercifully and proceed to pervert dissenting phrases into convenient straw men or throw around the implications of "homophobic troll" like a hot potato to any user suspected of disagreement with the mob rule.

Or that your arguments have been immature and completely not applicable to the debate in the first place.

Well, I mean, if you say so

You try to brush his comment off sarcastically, but he's right. Your stance that homosexuality and necrophilia are similar because they require "harm" or "death" on the part of the other person is flawed in many ways. Gay couples don't have to have anal sex (in fact, lesbians can't at all without using toys). Heterosexual couples can have anal sex too. Anal sex, if done properly, isn't harmful (anyone who's seen a certain infamous picture on the internets knows how far bum holes can stretch if conditioned). Even good ol' vanilla heterosexual sex is commonly painful for the female if it's her first time. And if the guy's penis is long enough to hit the cervix, heterosexual sex can be harmful even beyond the first time.

Yes, anal sex is harmful if you do it wrong. Most things work that way.


Quote from: snapple on February 18, 2012, 08:55:57 AM
I know gay Christians. Shit like that bugs me. It's a sin, and all sins are equal in God's eyes. It's just as sinful as rape, adultery, lying, etc.
He who hast not sinned may cast the first stoned. All sins are equal, meaning, if you stole your friends pen and never gave it back, you are just as much a sinner as a gay person. If Christians are going to crusade against homosexuality, they should crusade against all sin. Also, why is it lost that Jesus clearly preaches "Hate the sin, not the sinner" and that the wicked need love more than the righteous.

All this is coming from someone who has never believed in god, has never attended church regularly and has only read the Bible out of sheer curiosity. Sometimes I feel sorry for true Christians because of how much people who know nothing have mucked up their religion.


Quote from: ehra on February 22, 2012, 02:30:35 PM
You try to brush his comment off sarcastically, but he's right. Your stance that homosexuality and necrophilia are similar because they require "harm" or "death" on the part of the other person is flawed in many ways.

But...that is not at all "my stance"...


Then maybe you should try straightening out and clarifying what your actual arguments are. Instead of confusing yourself trying to trap everyone else in logical loopholes, as opposed to actually supporting your own stance.


Quote from: ehra on February 22, 2012, 02:49:02 PM
Then maybe you should try straightening out and clarifying what your actual arguments are. Instead of confusing yourself trying to trap everyone else in logical loopholes, as opposed to actually supporting your own stance.

Yea, you know, maybe I should


Discussion needs to move on from the individual poster back to the individual argument


I think the major point to be made is that God knows that all of us are sinners. Sin is beyond our will. The term "we're only human" comes into play here. I've been saying this, but I don't think it's catching on. Jesus came here and died for us because we're all dirty sinners. Every day. Technically, to make a comparison, if you're married and you even think about somebody else in a lustful way, it's a sin. I'd be so bold as to say that a gay guy thinks about being gay as much as a straight guy thinks about casual sex. If we ask for forgiveness and let him into our lives by believing in Jesus, that's what Christianity is all about.


Quote from: tofee35 on February 22, 2012, 05:54:06 PM
I think the major point to be made is that God knows that all of us are sinners. Sin is beyond our will. The term "we're only human" comes into play here. I've been saying this, but I don't think it's catching on. Jesus came here and died for us because we're all dirty sinners. Every day. Technically, to make a comparison, if you're married and you even think about somebody else in a lustful way, it's a sin. I'd be so bold as to say that a gay guy thinks about being gay as much as a straight guy thinks about casual sex. If we ask for forgiveness and let him into our lives by believing in Jesus, that's what Christianity is all about.

Are you saying being gay is a sin?


The OP asked "Is it wrong if a Christian doesn't take issue with homosexuality?" If he didn't believe it to be a sin, then he wouldn't be asking the question. I don't know really myself. I don't care. My point was that believing in Jesus is all that matters.


One of the texts in new testament that speak of homosexuality is I Cor 6.  He forms a list of sins that if one practices, they will not inherit the kingdom of God.  He also mentions that "such were some of you, but you were washed."  It is not sinful to have sexually immoral desires, it is sinful to act on them. 
As a heterosexual man, I am tempted with thoughts of being unfaithful to my wife.  If I were to practice this, it would be sinful and I would put my hope of eternal salvation at risk.