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Wes Borland attacks DT via Twitter

Started by Tis BOOLsheet, April 23, 2012, 10:35:16 AM

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Tis BOOLsheet

This is incredibly ironic. A man who is co-wrote songs containing *VERY* profound lyrics-- "you can take that cookie, and stick it up your *yeah!*-- is criticizing a band that actually puts some thought into their output.

Nevermind the fact that JP is a FAR superior musician and guitarist in every sense of the words.

Sir GuitarCozmo

A nobody guitarist in a nobody band has enough smug sense of inflated ego as to bash Dream Theater?  Why am I not surprised?  Guitar players of his ilk are literally a dime a dozen.  I could likely download an app that would be more useful to me, guitar-wise than Wes Borland would be.



DT can't write songs
DT has no choruses
DT blah blah blah

Who cares? When was the last time Wes Borland was relevant? The year 2000?

Sir GuitarCozmo

Trust me, he wasn't relevant then, either.

Setlist Scotty

LOL! What an idiot. Well, it's his opinion. But I'll say this - while Limp Biscuit was a flavor of the month who's popularity has disappeared (and as Wes admits, is hated by most of the world), DT's audience continues to grow and most musicians respect the guys in DT and what they have accomplished as a band, since DT's music is generally not commercial.

Looks like the "mathematicians" won over the "musicians" in this instance. Suck on that Wes!  :-*

Anyway, I can't wait to see the battle between LB and DT fans on Twitter! Someone please keep us posted - this is gonna be fun to watch. Now...where's my popcorn?   :corn
Quote from: BlobVanDam on November 13, 2015, 07:37:14 PMAs a basic rule, if you hate it, you must solely blame Portnoy. If it's good, then you must downplay MP's contribution to the band as not being important anyway, or claim he's just lying. It's the DTF way.
Quote from: TAC on July 10, 2024, 08:26:41 AMPOW is awesome! :P


Yawn.  I didn't even know who Wes Borland was before I opened this thread.

Tis BOOLsheet

Quote from: Setlist Scotty on April 23, 2012, 10:41:36 AM
LOL! What an idiot. Well, it's his opinion. But I'll say this - while Limp Biscuit was a flavor of the month who's popularity has disappeared (and as Wes admits, is hated by most of the world), DT's audience continues to grow and most musicians respect the guys in DT and what they have accomplished as a band, since DT's music is generally not commercial.

Looks like the "mathematicians" won over the "musicians" in this instance. Suck on that Wes!  :-*

Anyway, I can't wait to see the battle between LB and DT fans on Twitter! Someone please keep us posted - this is gonna be fun to watch. Now...where's my popcorn?   :corn



Whether you're in a band lots of people don't like or not, and whether you're talking about a band I think is great or not, I don't think it comes across very well to say things like "No, they just suck, fact." In fact the same thing applies to everyone trying to put their opinions across as fact (especially if they're rude about it), but for a famous musician it's even more embarassing.



I wonder which song he heard, 'cause you know he only heard one song and then formed an opinion. Twas probably a 20 minute epic and he got confused.


Quote from: KevShmev on April 23, 2012, 10:43:27 AM
Yawn.  I didn't even know who Wes Borland was before I opened this thread.

Same. I thought it might be some other prog musician, but this is far funnier.


Loads of people hate Dream Theater! His prerogative, would've been more surprised if he loved them, honestly. Judging by his own music, I think we'll be alright without him.

Still! Good luck if you're reading this, Wes. You hang in there - just keep clinging onto that last fibre of relevance.


Oh, is that guy still alive? I didn't realize he was still a thing. In fact, I'm pretty certain he's not. Don't care.


I was going to make a thread about this too but wasn't sure if it was worth it. I think this is hillarious though

Seriously just go to Wes Borland's twitter and scroll down to 4/20 and read all the tweets/replies etc.
Def. some entertaining stuff :)!/wesborland


Quote from: BlobVanDam on April 23, 2012, 10:54:55 AM
Oh, is that guy still alive? I didn't realize he was still a thing. In fact, I'm pretty certain he's not. Don't care.
He's got more followers than James LaBrie, Jordan Rudess, and Jordan Rudess's cat, for what it's worth!

'Course, if we're comparing like-for-like, he's got a few thousand less than John Petrucci, despite selling many, many more singles than him I'm sure, so you know. Still a massive glass house. I shouldn't imagine there'd be much crossover between the people who follow Wes Borland and the people who listen to Dream Theater, though - as venn diagrams go, it'd look like two orbs kissing - so his comments will probably be fairly popular in his own little world. At the end of the day, it's just another bloke who doesn't like Dream Theater. Broadcasting to a fair few people, sure, but equally, thousands of video fans are going to absorb the wisdom of leetsniper44 as he sagely informs YouTube that "omg james labrie sings like a stupid fucking girl - GAYYYYYYYYY." Some people like DT, others don't. Only difference here is that we recognise this guy's name, vaguely, some of us. Always a shame, but the world keeps turning!


And regardless of his popularity, I wouldn't care about the opinion of someone in a different genre, especially one from such a short lived and extremely dated genre, who has only displayed a fraction of the longevity of DT.





HAHAHAHHAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhughhhh...hah............ *coughs and wheezes for air*

What a moron


Quote from: snapple on April 23, 2012, 11:39:19 AM



HAHAHAHHAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhughhhh...hah............ *coughs and wheezes for air*

What a moron

So This ^


Well that's really funny that he considers himself worth enough to comment about real musicians.



I hate the "Feeling and soul over technique and speed" argument. Since when are they mutually exclusive?

Anyway, this guy sounds like a tool.


Quote from: BlobVanDam on April 23, 2012, 11:11:39 AM
such a short lived and extremely dated genre

I disagree with this. Deftones's Diamond Eyes proved that there are still exciting possibilities for nu metal.

Regarding Borland, I find it sad that, in 2012, some people still have the mindset that technical music cannot convey emotion, but he is entitled to his opinion. However, he expressed it in the worst possible way.

Sir GuitarCozmo

This reminds me of a monthly article they used to run in Guitar for the Practicing Musician magazine.  It was called "In The Listening Room".  They'd play the people or person a bunch of different songs and get their opinions on what they'd heard.  One month, they had Christopher Thorn and Rogers Stevens from Blind Melon.  They played Pull Me Under for them.  Here's what they had to say:

Christopher: This could be metal at any moment--I'm just warning everybody.

Rogers: Either that or it could build up into a power ballad.

C: I feel like we might have to excuse ourselves here for a second. We might have to leave.

R: This is one of those guitar sounds that when he hits a note, about a million lights jump up on his guitar rig.

C: Any minute now there is gonna be a squealy.

R: Is this, like, Queensryche?

C: If it is, let's turn it off right away because I hate that band.

R: Hate it. This is the kind of music you listen to right when you start to get your pubic hairs.

C: I can't even be fair to this music, I hate it so bad. I can't even sit through one song. I know I'm not being fair but I think it is complete garbage. That sort of guitar playing is just stupid.

R: If I want to hear a metal band I really like old Black Sabbath and Soundgarden, heavy bands with brains. If I were listening to an angry metal band I would be more into Rage Against the Machine or Sugar. I like that Sugar record a lot, I like Sonic Youth a lot. That's heavy, guitar based music that I listen to.

C: Playing fast for the sake of fast is hideous. I hate that whole mentality of sitting around playing scales and cock-rock crap.

R: I heard some squealies. I don't really like that sound either. I'm not into those guitar sounds. When I hear that stuff I get feeling squeamish.

Guitar: That was Dream Theater.

C: We'll remember not to buy that record. I bet they have really nice hair... now I'm being mean.

R: This is just our opinion. There's a lot of people that like Dream Theater and that's fine. They get off on it--good for them. They'll probably hate us, maybe they won't.

C: They probably do because we sound like we're playing sloppy. But that's alright, that's a different thing.  We're just coming from a different space.

R: In no way do we condemn this sort of music. These people have a right to exist.

C: Just keep it the hell away from us.


Quote from: Sir GuitarCozmo on April 23, 2012, 12:02:51 PM
R: Hate it. This is the kind of music you listen to right when you start to get your pubic hairs.

What does this even mean? :lol

Tis BOOLsheet

Quote from: Pinga on April 23, 2012, 12:00:39 PM
Quote from: BlobVanDam on April 23, 2012, 11:11:39 AM
such a short lived and extremely dated genre

I disagree with this. Deftones's Diamond Eyes proved that there are still exciting possibilities for nu metal.

Regarding Borland, I find it sad that, in 2012, some people still have the mindset that technical music cannot convey emotion, but he is entitled to his opinion. However, he expressed it in the worst possible way.

It's an idiotic opinion. There is no reason why anyone with a modicum of artistic inclination should believe such nonsense. It's almost illogical. There are people who DO use technique to the exclusion of emotion (just for sport). But that doesn't mean there aren't people who don't do that. Unlike LB, DT is actually a band that puts effort in and is emotionally invested in their music. What's next? Someone will come along and say painting with more than 2 colors can only exist to the exclusion of emotional investment.

It's absolutely stupid.


I used to like Wes Borland a lot as a guitarist and found his riff writing on the first 3 albums to be very clever and the only reason LP enjoyed any success briefly before he left them the first time. I respected him when he left the group cause he hated the direction they were going but a decade later when he needed cash he returned heh
The thing is that we have people who're fans of DT who said much worse things about DT than that, hell MP said worse things than that. The guy doesn't like their music writing and didn't attack them personally or anything so I can disagree with his opinion as I obviously do but find no need to make a big enough fuss. Horay for the internet rock news websites as usual.


That whole post GuiatarCosmo made didn't really bother me since I too feel Pull Me Under isn't really good at all.
Quote from: theseoafs on April 23, 2012, 12:05:14 PM
Quote from: Sir GuitarCozmo on April 23, 2012, 12:02:51 PM
R: Hate it. This is the kind of music you listen to right when you start to get your pubic hairs.
What does this even mean? :lol
Immature, childish, trying to be cool to much.

Sir GuitarCozmo

Quote from: Progmetty on April 23, 2012, 12:09:33 PMwe have people who're fans of DT who said much worse things about DT than that

It's like high school.  You can complain all day long about how much your school sucks, but the second a rival high school student says a bad word about your school, it's fucking ON.

Quote from: BlackInk on April 23, 2012, 12:11:18 PM
That whole post GuiatarCosmo made didn't really bother me since I too feel Pull Me Under isn't really good at all.
Quote from: theseoafs on April 23, 2012, 12:05:14 PM
Quote from: Sir GuitarCozmo on April 23, 2012, 12:02:51 PM
R: Hate it. This is the kind of music you listen to right when you start to get your pubic hairs.
What does this even mean? :lol
Immature, childish, trying to be cool to much.

This interview was in 1994, so unfortunately, there wasn't much better DT to choose from.  :lol

Tis BOOLsheet

Quote from: BlackInk on April 23, 2012, 12:11:18 PM
That whole post GuiatarCosmo made didn't really bother me since I too feel Pull Me Under isn't really good at all.
Quote from: theseoafs on April 23, 2012, 12:05:14 PM
Quote from: Sir GuitarCozmo on April 23, 2012, 12:02:51 PM
R: Hate it. This is the kind of music you listen to right when you start to get your pubic hairs.
What does this even mean? :lol
Immature, childish, trying to be cool to much.

Actually, the last time I DID enjoy a LB song WAS before I had any pubic hairs I think  :lol


Quote from: Tis BOOLsheet on April 23, 2012, 12:13:19 PM
Quote from: BlackInk on April 23, 2012, 12:11:18 PM
That whole post GuiatarCosmo made didn't really bother me since I too feel Pull Me Under isn't really good at all.
Quote from: theseoafs on April 23, 2012, 12:05:14 PM
Quote from: Sir GuitarCozmo on April 23, 2012, 12:02:51 PM
R: Hate it. This is the kind of music you listen to right when you start to get your pubic hairs.
What does this even mean? :lol
Immature, childish, trying to be cool to much.

Actually, the last time I DID enjoy a LB song WAS before I had any pubic hairs I think  :lol

To be fair, that particular quote is from Blind Melon. However, I've always disliked Blind Melon.