DTF Official Newb Welcome Thread v. 2.0 (Introduce yourself here!)

Started by XianL, April 30, 2009, 07:46:08 PM

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I've been a DT fan for many, many years, back to the Charlie Dominici days. I was lucky to see them back in 84 when they were just getting started and have been a fan ever since

Prog Snob

Quote from: DT_12_Octavarium on January 20, 2016, 09:34:18 AM
I've been a DT fan for many, many years, back to the Charlie Dominici days. I was lucky to see them back in 84 when they were just getting started and have been a fan ever since



Quote from: DT_12_Octavarium on January 20, 2016, 09:34:18 AM
I've been a DT fan for many, many years, back to the Charlie Dominici days. I was lucky to see them back in 84 when they were just getting started and have been a fan ever since

And welcome! You will enjoy your stay here, I'm sure! You will become part of this family and hopefully, you'll enjoy this ride! Pleasure to met you!


Quote from: Scorpion on December 28, 2015, 03:06:44 PM
Fritz, hey there! I'm in Dresden too.

Do you study at the HTW or the TU?

Hey, totally missed your reply. I study at the Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber!


Hello guys, this is Carlos from Monterrey, México.

I discovered Dream Theater in 2009. I knew only Pull Me Under and Constant Motion songs (yeah, Rock Band (X360) game), but then I started to take interest and buy Systematic Chaos album. I just loved the drum tracks and I started to follow Mike Portnoy career and then months later, I found out that he was leaving Dream Theater (bad luck hahaha).

Anyway, I own every DT album and now is 6-7 years that I constantly hear their songs.

I also like soccer and videogames, I'm a Software Engineer.

So thanks for allowing me to stay here  ;D

:metal :metal :metal



Hello, my fellow Mexican.

Nice having a local homie 'round these parts!


Hey everyone. My name is Matthew.
I'm from South Korean, hence the Korean name, but currently, I'm residing in the United States.
What can I say about Dream Theater? Well, this band is my most favorite band (why else would I join this forum?)
I'm 17 and I'm a senior. I currently applied to three colleges, Cal State La, Northridge, and Dominguez Hills and am anxiously awaiting their response.

I currently haven't listened to The Astonishing, so that isn't on my list, yet.
My other favorite bands are Symphony X, Ayreon, Opeth, Yes, Fates Warning, among others. I hope this was a good enough introduction.


Hello everyone! I'm amru from indonesia.

God bless you all.

Peace and Love

Hello all

I have been LONG time lurker here, and an infrequent poster on another well known band forum that shut down today. So I have decided to sign up and join in the fun!


(and love)


Logain Ablar

Hey all,

I have been a long time lurker on this forum, and have been enjoying all the discussion. With the release of the new album I thought it was high time I signed up.

I hadn't even heard of DT up until a couple of years ago. I was into Iron Maiden at the time and was browsing on YouTube for IM covers and stuff, and stumbled across some of the DT videos. I was totally blown away by the sheer musicianship of the band - I couldn't believe they were playing what they were playing live.

So, I got the latest album, which was DT12, and then started working my way through the back catalogue. The way I did it was to buy I&W after DT12, then ADTOE, Awake, etc etc until I met in the middle. I'd play each album solidly for about a month before moving on to the next one.

I play guitar, and was in a wind band when I was younger, so I like the classical side of things too. I think that's what I like most about DT -a perfect melding of musical styles. I've tried playing some of the songs, but once you get past some of the 'simple' intros, it just gets depressing and you want to cut your own fingers off..  :laugh:

I live in Northern Ireland, and we normally don't get many of the bigger bands coming here - we normally have to travel to Dublin or "across the water". So, I'm totally chuffed to be going to London on the 18th to see the guys in the London in the Palladium. I'm even bringing the wife and kids to make a long weekend of it. (This may have been how the whole trip was presented, and approved, with the DT gig only being mentioned afterwards. I'll let you make your own minds up, but safe to say I may have begun the conversation with "You know the way you said you wanted to go and see London...")  :lol

Anyway, see yous in the forums!



Hi, everyone! My name is Sebastián, I live in Puerto Madryn (a coastal city in the south of Argentina), and I'm a mathematics teacher - both in highschool and one local University.

I've just joined, but I've lurked for about 3 years. Besides the "Dream Theater" sub-forum, I have enjoyed (and enjoy) the discussions in the "General Music" and "Political and Religious" sections.

I guess there already is a place to talk about my history with the band, so I'll go there now. Anyway, happy to join the forum, and see you around.

Also, sorry if my writing isn't completely accurate - even though I read mostly in english, I don't get to practice writing/speaking that much.


Welcome, Sebastián! I gotta say that as a native Spanish speaker writing in this forum for many years has helped to develop my written English skills considerably, so you'll definitely feel right at home.

Prog Snob

Quote from: SebastianPratesi on February 08, 2016, 09:04:14 AM
Hi, everyone! My name is Sebastián, I live in Puerto Madryn (a coastal city in the south of Argentina), and I'm a mathematics teacher - both in highschool and one local University.

I've just joined, but I've lurked for about 3 years. Besides the "Dream Theater" sub-forum, I have enjoyed (and enjoy) the discussions in the "General Music" and "Political and Religious" sections.

I guess there already is a place to talk about my history with the band, so I'll go there now. Anyway, happy to join the forum, and see you around.

Also, sorry if my writing isn't completely accurate - even though I read mostly in english, I don't get to practice writing/speaking that much.

Don't let it worry you. Some of the English speakers here don't know what they're doing either.  :biggrin:


My name is Luoto, and I'm Finnish. :biggrin:

I recall appreciating a few songs off Train of Thought around mid 2000's. I've learned most of their discography since then, but I don't really consider them one of the best bands ever, albeit consistent (my favourite album would be Awake). This looks like a nice community for someone with a varied taste in metal and rock though, so I thought I'd register!

Hi, Kotowboy!


Quote from: Luoto on February 08, 2016, 11:59:48 AM
My name is Luoto, and I'm Finnish. :biggrin:

I recall appreciating a few songs off Train of Thought around mid 2000's. I've learned most of their discography since then, but I don't really consider them one of the best bands ever, albeit consistent (my favourite album would be Awake). This looks like a nice community for someone with a varied taste in metal and rock though, so I thought I'd register!

Hi, Kotowboy!

Oh hey !!! I just randomly decided to check this thread and someone said hi to me :hug: BFFs Confirmed.

Hei. Toivottavasti voit hyvin.


Hey everyone !
Alex, 34 y.o. from France
Long time lurker too
I discovered scenes from a memory on release on advice from my guitar dealer, I listened at least 70% of the time DT stuff plus liquid tension and rudess solo albums since.
I play guitar, you guess which kind of songs ;)
DT is a great source of inspiration for me, musicwise but soulwise too, that's just the most beautiful thing a man can hear, and the band members are so humble and nice !

I began guitar in 85, except for classical music as a young boy I only cried only two times : listening to six degrees and the astonishing.

I just wish everyone on earth would be sensible to DT's music as me.

Cheers !


Train of Naught



The new Metbb is not bad. It's as close to the old one as you can get for a free forum. :)


Quote from: Train of Naught on February 09, 2016, 02:22:50 AM

Aw man, for one second I thought Kotowboy had a fan. :emo:

:rollin :rollin :rollin are you kidding ? my music is shit and I should feel shit.


...actually I am really popular in Belgium. It's where I get the most plays.

I released a single last Friday and got 104 plays in Belgium in one day . :)

If only they were 104 sales but whatever. :lol


Quote from: DarkLord_Lalinc on February 08, 2016, 09:07:25 AM
Welcome, Sebastián! I gotta say that as a native Spanish speaker writing in this forum for many years has helped to develop my written English skills considerably, so you'll definitely feel right at home.

¡Hola, y gracias! ¿De dónde sos?


Hey there, Gilles from Belgium, 40 year old fanatic of music in various genres (the most important thing in my life). I've been looking around this board for a couple of months now and decided to join.

2007 was my year of conversion. That I was introduced to DT by this one totally stunning album that blew everything I knew about music up to that point to smithereens.

Can you guess the album?  ;)

Looking forward to posting once in a while.


Quote from: SolidSnake on February 11, 2016, 08:44:22 AM
Hey there, Gilles from Belgium, 40 year old fanatic of music in various genres (the most important thing in my life). I've been looking around this board for a couple of months now and decided to join.

2007 was my year of conversion. That I was introduced to DT by this one totally stunning album that blew everything I knew about music up to that point to smithereens.

Can you guess the album?  ;)

Looking forward to posting once in a while.

Systematic Chaos?


Earlier than SC... but that one's actually one of my faves by DT


Greetings!  I am a relative newcomer to the DT universe.  I started listing about ten years ago.  I can't really pinpoint a favorite album.  I love the old stuff and the new stuff with equal vigor.  I will see them for my first time live on The Astonishing tour in Chicago!  I'm so excited!!! 

Prog Snob


Hello everyone!

I've been a fan of Dream Theater for about 10 years now. I blind bought Octavarium based entirely on their reputation for being amazing musicians and it literally changed how I looked at music. I still remember listening to the introduction to These Walls and recognizing the A tuning (I was a huge fan of KoRn) was expecting that they would ride that opening riff for a while and having my jaw drop when it went in a completely unexpected direction. I bought the rest of their albums in the summer and cemented them as my new favourite band (still are) when I heard Blind Faith for the first time (still my favourite song).

I've seen them four times, and met the band twice, once at a meet and greet and the second time at the NAAM show (except Labrie): I got John Myung to show me how to play the intro to As I Am at the Music Man booth (he was just standing there with a rep) and met Jordan by lurking near the Haken (Continuum, not the band) booth on and off over the weekend (Petrucci and Portnoy were at signings).

So uh, yeah. BIG fan. Nice to meet ya'll.


Quote from: Djurico on February 29, 2016, 09:36:21 AM
I've seen them four times, and met the band twice, once at a meet and greet and the second time at the NAAM show (except Labrie): I got John Myung to show me how to play the intro to As I Am at the Music Man booth (he was just standing there with a rep) and met Jordan by lurking near the Haken (Continuum, not the band) booth on and off over the weekend (Petrucci and Portnoy were at signings).

That has to be the coolest thing ever!

Hi! Nice to meet you.


Nice to meet ya!

Yeah it was pretty awesome, I'm surprised I was able to not fan boy out  :lol. I met Devin Townsend the same day and basically acted like a spaz and gave him my business card with my shitty bands myspace on the back (this was after he had "retired" from the public around Ziltoid).

I also forgot that I met Petrucci and Myung at a local guitar store before the last headlining show I saw them play.