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Jingle Boy's Roulette v. drum rolll... pass the envelope please.

Started by jingle.boy, May 10, 2012, 02:48:07 PM

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Never associate that song with Red Barchetta again.   Bad Zydar!!!! *smacks with rolled up newspaper*


One other thing I remembered about the dream. Chef is a maniac driver. Stop signs were 100% optional. He blew threw every one of them if there was even a hint of no other traffic. Zydar was crying like a little girl in the backseat.
Quote from: Jamesman42 on Today at 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on Today at 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!



Now to shatter your dream.  I presently don't drive and don't have a car(child support trumps car), and when I do drive, I drive like a 90 year old lady.


chef drives like a 90 year old lady..... Zy cries like a little girl ... Jboy talks like gay.... I like where this thread's going....



Sir GuitarCozmo


Sir GuitarCozmo

Hopefully that isn't the sound of a song lyric sailing overhead.  :lol


King Postwhore

Quote from: obscure on June 03, 2012, 07:20:14 AM
chef drives like a 90 year old lady..... Zy cries like a little girl ... Jboy talks like gay.... I like where this thread's going....

Let's bitch slap them all Nem and wake them up.
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


Song sent by carrier pigeon.

Good luck Nem. Moahahahaa!

Sir GuitarCozmo

Quote from: lonestar on June 03, 2012, 08:42:44 AM
Mine or yours? I'm a bit slow today.


Pic of red barchetta - brilliant...

Also, mine is sent.



Quote from: lonestar on June 03, 2012, 07:06:30 AM

Now to shatter your dream.  I presently don't drive and don't have a car(child support trumps car), and when I do drive, I drive like a 90 year old lady.

I figured that, with your references to the BART, but I guess my mind figured when you did get behind the wheel, you'd be a rebellious hellion.
Quote from: Jamesman42 on Today at 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on Today at 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


No more Mr. Nice Guy.  I've been sending stuff that I didn't think j.b would be be willing to check out on his own.  Coming with the top shelf private reserve now.

now watch me lose


With everyone in, and only 4 songs to listen to, judgment will come tomorrow sometime.

Also, now that the songs are in, I'll give the next round theme so Chef and wolf can start thinking - and the other four too if they desire.

Semi Finals - Adrenaline Rush
To make the finals, you'll need to send a song that gets the adrenaline pumping.  You know, that song that you put on during a long drive when you're starting to feel a little dopey; that song that you want to hear at the gym to push out that final rep/set; that song that will give you a burst of energy no matter what you're doing.  The song that's full of balls 'n chunk.
Quote from: Jamesman42 on Today at 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on Today at 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


From the last round, of the bands I wasn't familiar with, I really like that Magic Pie. Have to track that down.

The Power Of Omens is good too, like a DT clone with Geoff Tate on vocals.

Already a huge fan of Edguy and Vicious Rumors so no surprises there.


That theme brought one and only one song to mind, and it might cost me the round, got some thinking to do......



I've got a good one too! Let's see which one of us gets to send  ;)


Quote from: jingle.boy on June 03, 2012, 10:46:48 AM
With everyone in, and only 4 songs to listen to, judgment will come tomorrow sometime.

Also, now that the songs are in, I'll give the next round theme so Chef and wolf can start thinking - and the other four too if they desire.

Semi Finals - Adrenaline Rush
To make the finals, you'll need to send a song that gets the adrenaline pumping.  You know, that song that you put on during a long drive when you're starting to feel a little dopey; that song that you want to hear at the gym to push out that final rep/set; that song that will give you a burst of energy no matter what you're doing.  The song that's full of balls 'n chunk.

hmm...gonna think about this round long and hard.


Sir GuitarCozmo

IF I make it through, I'm pretty sure I already know what I'm sending.


Good luck to everybody left; however I placed a $50 bet on Wolfking in Vegas


Well this was predictable. Even though I didn't make the playoffs I had a fun time. Good luck to everyone  :)


Quote from: jjrock88 on June 03, 2012, 06:04:30 PM
Good luck to everybody left; however I placed a $50 bet on Wolfking in Vegas

Good lord bro, the pressure!!!  :mehlin




I can't argue with that, I personally will take the Lamborghini in Cannonball Run any day though, especially with Adrienne Barbeau in it.


Quote from: lonestar on June 04, 2012, 05:44:04 AM
I can't argue with that, I personally will take the Lamborghini in Cannonball Run any day though, especially with Adrienne Barbeau in it.

Ah yes... the Countach.  That was my dream car in my teenage years.  Had a poster of it and everything.  Right beside my 5' Zeppelin old man poster, and Elle MacPherson.

(although, the one I really wanted to post would likely result in :bosk1:)
Quote from: Jamesman42 on Today at 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on Today at 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


Quote from: jingle.boy on June 04, 2012, 05:51:03 AM

(although, the one I really wanted to post would likely result in :bosk1:)

Ahh yes, I rubbed myself raw to know well the Elle poster you speak of.  I was more of a  Paulina Poriszkova fan myself...


Quote from: lonestar on June 04, 2012, 05:44:04 AM
I can't argue with that, I personally will take the Lamborghini in Cannonball Run any day though, especially with Adrienne Barbeau in it.

that opening scene is on's awesome!
That cop car is a firebird with a 6.6 L rocket...and the countach just pulls away...of course the way it's shot they could have both been going 40 at the time..who knows...but still.

"What do say when there are no words.......ball.....canonball....CANONBALL".......