Those new anti-smoking ads are nasty

Started by rumborak, May 20, 2012, 07:40:06 PM

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The ones with the holes in the throat. Ugh. Man am I happy that I quit smoking 7 years ago.



I want to start smoking in defiance of those ads.


^ That would be a rather misguided and regrettable foray.


I'm 22. I'm nearly fucking invincible for the next 3 or so years.


Those are some awesome last words there, dude.



lol you guys, I'm pretty sure Pichu is being sarcastic.


I am disappointed it took that long for someone to point that out. 


Of course he's being sarcastic. He's not AndyDT.



But seriously, fear appeals suck. I'm with Snapple. I already love the smell of cigarette smoke, so I might as well start.


Well, I just think it's stupid. The more you tell people not to do something, the more likely they are to do it. Especially when you're a teenager.


Quote from: Gadough on May 20, 2012, 07:59:20 PM

But seriously, fear appeals suck. I'm with Snapple. I already love the smell of cigarette smoke, so I might as well start.

The fuck, dude? THE FUCK?!


Quote from: Zook on May 20, 2012, 08:02:03 PM
Quote from: Gadough on May 20, 2012, 07:59:20 PM

But seriously, fear appeals suck. I'm with Snapple. I already love the smell of cigarette smoke, so I might as well start.

The fuck, dude? THE FUCK?!

I actually think some brands even taste good.


Good for you if you smoke, but if there is one thing that makes me want to rage, it's whenever my grandfather lights one up.  May have something to with him having quit for years but only a couple years back, he relapsed.  It's all part of his lately trying to act young and rebellious or whatever.  That guy can seriously just get off of my lawn. 

But, yeah, no point in all those PSAs.  A person's either going to want to smoke or they aren't. 


Quote from: Zook on May 20, 2012, 08:02:03 PM
Quote from: Gadough on May 20, 2012, 07:59:20 PM

But seriously, fear appeals suck. I'm with Snapple. I already love the smell of cigarette smoke, so I might as well start.

The fuck, dude? THE FUCK?!

I also love the smell of gasoline.


I want a gasoline scented car freshener.


Quote from: snapple on May 20, 2012, 08:02:37 PM
Quote from: Zook on May 20, 2012, 08:02:03 PM
Quote from: Gadough on May 20, 2012, 07:59:20 PM

But seriously, fear appeals suck. I'm with Snapple. I already love the smell of cigarette smoke, so I might as well start.

The fuck, dude? THE FUCK?!

I actually think some brands even taste good.

Quote from: Gadough on May 20, 2012, 08:05:10 PM
Quote from: Zook on May 20, 2012, 08:02:03 PM
Quote from: Gadough on May 20, 2012, 07:59:20 PM

But seriously, fear appeals suck. I'm with Snapple. I already love the smell of cigarette smoke, so I might as well start.

The fuck, dude? THE FUCK?!

I also love the smell of gasoline.


I guess if you were me, having it sprayed in your face would have been a delight.

And yes, I managed to have gasoline sprayed in my face. I was teh retarded.



When I'm older, I might enjoy a smoke every now and then. To feel like a BA. But right now I have no money, so...


I've always wondered what was behind the association of smoking with BA-ery

Is it the idea of something on fire being really close to a person's face?



Quote from: Ħ on May 20, 2012, 08:09:53 PM
When I'm older, I might enjoy a smoke every now and then. To feel like a BA. But right now I have no money, so...

Smoke this or you'll never get the girls, and you'll be a loser forever.


Ever consider that the tobacco companies are the ones behind the fear campaigns?

www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


I never have, and probably never will smoke. I just don't care to do it.



Quote from: Adami on May 20, 2012, 08:13:32 PM
Ever consider that the tobacco companies are the ones behind the fear campaigns?


Someone posted an article about this on Reddit. I didn't read it because I didn't give a fuck.


Cigarettes killed my father.

And raped my mother.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


Quote from: Adami on May 20, 2012, 08:19:04 PM
Cigarettes killed my father.

And raped my mother.

Lois was right, children under four shouldn't smoke!


Quote from: MasterShakezula on May 20, 2012, 08:11:07 PM
I've always wondered what was behind the association of smoking with BA-ery

Is it the idea of something on fire being really close to a person's face?

I think people think it makes them look cool or something, especially when they are young, but it really just makes them look like someone who is destined to die of lung cancer.


man, tobacco is so stupid. I mean, I totally understand why people use marijuana, but tobacco...  :facepalm:

Anyways, I agree about the ads.

Fiery Winds

I've never lit up even once, but a friend of mine smokes (He's 20).  He does it as stress relief and because he goes on a lot of ride-along's with the local police (he's going to the academy when he's old enough) because they stop for smoke breaks a lot.  He's tried to quit several times, but the girl and school drama in his life pulls him back into it for stress relief.  He goes through about a pack a week at the most.


I have smoked at parties but never ever got addicted to it.  If I'm having a few drinks, I'd rather have a nice big cigar, cigarettes are shit compared to cigars.  Saying that, I haven't had one or touched any form of tabacco in like 5-6 years, and probably never will again.


I wonder if people realize how stupid they look with a cigarette hanging out of their mouths.  I mean, really, if you wanted to look stupid I can't think of any better way.  That must be the look they're going for.  Good job!

They just banned smoking in public parks here in Vancouver and it's awesome.  I can actually go out and enjoy the FRESH AIR.