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Started by MasterShakezula, May 28, 2012, 09:53:41 PM

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Do you use them when they're offered?  

Of course I do.
I try to use them.  Until I get frustrated and revert to my western ways.
You mean they aren't just decorations?
I don't eat at restaurants offering those.


I always at least try.  Lately, I've been getting a decent ratio of completed meals using only chopsticks. 


I only use them to kill people who piss me off.


I only use 'em at sushi joints so I didn;t vote.


I used them once at a Chinese restaurant. However, after I kept on failing at it, I just used the chopsticks as spear and would just stab the food with it.


I hate them.

up until a few months ago I couldn't. But recently we have been eating a lot of sushi.... and I may be close to finally mastering those sonsofbitches


I chose "I don't eat at restaurants offering those."  Not entirely accurate - I do eat at those places, just not often enough for it to be worthwhile for me to learn to use chopsticks. 


I try to use them.  Until I get frustrated and revert to my western ways.


I use them whenever I can. Love me mah chopsticks.

El Barto

I'm good enough with them to comfortably eat a meal, but not good enough to favor them over a fork.  If I'm dining socially and at a place where they're preferred,  I'm good to go.  If it's a casual thing, I'm acting Amerikan. 


Can't figure them out. It sucks.

But american chinese food isn't made in clumps too much anymore, so chopsticks are a bit harder to use for me, since I mostly just eat fried rice.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


I do ok with them when eating, but I really don't dig  asian food a ton, so I don't get a lot of practice.


Also, like when you get ice cream at a sports event or something and they give you a wooden spoon, I hate the taste and texture of wood. It is a bad combo for me


Quote from: El Barto on May 28, 2012, 10:18:04 PM
I'm good enough with them to comfortably eat a meal, but not good enough to favor them over a fork.  If I'm dining socially and at a place where they're preferred,  I'm good to go.  If it's a casual thing, I'm acting Amerikan.

^This.  Working with many other Asians over the years, cultural exchange is bound to happen, particularly since I usually initiate it.

Mildly amusing anecdote, there is a Chinese Chemistry professor at a Big 10 school who won't graduate any non-Asian studnet unless they can eat a meal with chopsticks (like a civilized person, according to the prof.).


I actually own a pair of fancy ones, bought them in China.



Quote from: SystematicThought on May 28, 2012, 10:27:22 PM
Also, like when you get ice cream at a sports event or something and they give you a wooden spoon, I hate the taste and texture of wood. It is a bad combo for me

-insert way too obvious gay joke here-
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


I was really afraid of that when I was typing it out but I couldn't think of another way to type it  :lol


I love chopsticks, they make eating food so much more fun and slow you right down so you appreciate/savour it more, imo. I used them to eat loads of meals when I was dieting as I could eat a portion half the size of the ones I used to eat, but using chopsticks meant it took me just as long as it would have done anyway and I somehow felt fuller than if I'd just wolfed it down with a fork. My technique isn't fantastic but I always use them if possible.


Grew up eating with chopsticks from time to time. It's not that difficult, and I always eat with chopsticks when appropriate.

edit: context is my mother is japanese


A friend tried to show me how to use them last year. I was having a bit of trouble with them so I gave up because I didn't want people laughing at me in the restaurant :lol

Silver Tears

I'll try them if the opportunity presents but I'm definitely not a pro.


I use them until I realize that I can't shovel down fried rice as quickly as I'd like.



Quote from: Adami on May 28, 2012, 10:19:27 PMBut american chinese food isn't made in clumps too much anymore, so chopsticks are a bit harder to use for me, since I mostly just eat fried rice.

Pretty much this.  And Chinese restaurants here give you plates despite the fact that Chinese people generally do not eat rice dishes on plates, they use a bowl.  So for a lot of dishes, the way they are served in westernized restaurants does not lend itself to proper chopstick use.


I'll stick with a western fork. I'd just use my bare hands at all times if society didn't frown upon it so much.


I don't really like Asian food so I try to avoid those kind of restaurants.


I use them when eating sushi, that's about it though. 


Chopsticks are epic and I've been known to eat with them even when innapropriate (I was challenged to eat an entire meal at the house of a friend of mine. This doesn't seem to wierd until I mention it was stew followed by fruit salad and then trifle, as they were trying to find something I failed to eat with them. There were a couple of other courses too, but I forget what they were).

But yeah, chopsticks are really fun things.


Where's the option for "I'm Asian and use them every day sometimes even for Western food you racist bastard"?


You mean they aren't just decorations?


Quote from: Orbert on May 29, 2012, 10:41:03 AM
Where's the option for "I'm Asian and use them every day sometimes even for Western food you racist bastard"?



hee hee

I was at a Chinese buffet place for lunch one time, and it was one of those crappy "Americanized" places with only the most popular dishes, a cooler of canned sodas for drinks, and a soft-serve ice cream machine for dessert.  This was a group lunch with the folks I work with so it was free (on the company) so what the hell.

Dessert time, I went and got a bowl of ice cream, but they didn't have any spoons out.  The thing for spoons was there but empty.  Whatever, I just went back to our table and ate it with my chopsticks.  The proper way to eat most Chinese food is to hold the bowl in one hand, your sticks in the other, and scoop food into your mouth using the sticks.  Scooping ice cream into my mouth using sticks used the same technique and, best of all, probably more efficient than using a spoon anyway.  I finished off a bowl of ice cream in like 30 seconds, looked up, and everyone at the table was staring at me.  No one had ever seen anyone eat ice cream with chopsticks before.  I'd actually never done it before, either, but they were out of clean spoons, and you do what you gotta do.


I use chopsticks because I'm not an ingnorant plebeian. Brb, sexing my wife up.


Hey snapple, remember the time you shut the fuck up about getting married/having a wife?


Quote from: Orbert on May 29, 2012, 10:41:03 AM
Where's the option for "I'm Asian and use them every day sometimes even for Western food you racist bastard"?


3rd option. I've never been able to eat using chopsticks and I don't even try anymore.