The Threshold Thread v. Divided Lines

Started by adace, July 11, 2012, 03:07:18 AM

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DVD - One show definitely.  CD - I don't mind either way.


Been listening to this a fair bit, really good stuff and a great showcase for Damien Wilson's voice.
Headspace music is generally a lot heavier than Threshold.



Has there been news on when there will be another Headspace album? I thought read that they were working on one.


They are supposed to be working on one, but it's a slow process, with all the main bands and projects going on. Damian's also in an acoustic Maiden coverband called Maiden United (with Ruud Jolie from Within Temptation), they're touring with Threshold, and lord knows what the other guys are doing on the side. I thought it was an excellent release though, and was glad to see it performed live in its entirety.


On Damian's Kickstarter page, he says that the new Headspace will be released sometime in 2016.


I can't recall what the kicker was that got me to investigate Threshold, but I got into them just after Dead Reckoning came out. That album to me is rock solid. Lots of great stuff throughout. I recall reading a LOT of complaints about the gruff vocals that make an appearance very briefly. People were all "you've lost me as a fan" and all kinds of silliness. (death metal vocals, etc) Those moments in those tunes make the song. Anyway... I nearly immediately went and got the prior album, Subsurface. I enjoyed that a lot as well. I was kind of disappointed they changed singers, but it was a guy who had been in the band before, so I gave it the benefit of the doubt. March of Progress to me was good, but didn't wow me like the other two. I followed the hype for "For the Journey" and was anticipating it's release. Upon hearing it, I felt there were a few songs that were pretty samey to other tunes I already knew from them. (and my investment in them is rather small). As it's been said in this thread, it sounds like Threshold by the numbers. Not bad by any means, just not very exciting. I'd love to see them, but that's not gonna happen!


Threshold is a band that has followed the same formula for a while, just like Dream Theater and Vanden Plas. I still enjoy them a lot because I know what I'm going to get. The growl vocals on Dead Reckoning were a refresher for me. I wasn't a fan of Damian when he was in Threshold the first time. I loved Mac's vocals but when he left Threshold abruptly (and eventually passed away), Damian took over singing duties again and I like his voice a lot. Not sure why this happened but I"m glad it did.


Preview of European Journey.  Not much of a fan of mixing/matching shows for the video... but it is what it is, and since this isn't a DVD, no biggie.
Quote from: Jamesman42 on Today at 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on Today at 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


Who does a live album without a DVD these days, seems a waste.  I'll pick this up nevertheless though.


Quote from: goo-goo on October 22, 2015, 06:50:07 AM
Threshold is a band that has followed the same formula for a while, just like Dream Theater and Vanden Plas. I still enjoy them a lot because I know what I'm going to get. The growl vocals on Dead Reckoning were a refresher for me. I wasn't a fan of Damian when he was in Threshold the first time. I loved Mac's vocals but when he left Threshold abruptly (and eventually passed away), Damian took over singing duties again and I like his voice a lot. Not sure why this happened but I"m glad it did.

Same thing happened to me. I couldn't stand Damian's voice for a really long time and then all of sudden it clicked and now he's on of my favorite vocalists. So much emotion in his voice and very unique.


Just stumbled upon a Threshold/Dream Theater reference in the latest issue of Prog magazine. It's a quiz with Karl Groom of Threshold and they ask him: "Which was Dream Theater's first album without founding member Mike Portnoy?" He says, "No idea. We toured with them in 1995 and I didn't find much in their music after their original keyboard player Kevin Moore left."

I always hear such a Dream Theater influence in Threshold's songs, so I'm surprised to hear he doesn't listen to them much.


I don't known, personally, I'm the opposite.  I have never really heard any DT influence in their music at all.


Quote from: wolfking on November 15, 2015, 02:36:11 AM
I don't known, personally, I'm the opposite.  I have never really heard any DT influence in their music at all.

Quote from: Jamesman42 on Today at 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on Today at 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


I've been revisiting Critical Mass the past week or so and I gotta say that title track is one of the best songs I've ever heard.  The ending especially is just breathtaking.  I can't believe no one's posted that song on YouTube.  Sometimes I like listening to some music at work, and YouTube is most convenient for me.  Anyway, just wanted to say that song is pure magic.  One of those songs I never get tired of.


Out of all the albums, Extinct instinct I can hear the Dream theater influence. All their other albums though, not so much.


Also a new Threshold album this year, apparently they recorded it last december.

Quote"Threshold are currently recording their 11th album at Thin Ice Studios in England, a new concept album that will be called LEGENDS OF THE SHIRES. It's being produced by Karl Groom and Richard West and is scheduled to be released in 2017. More information will be revealed soon.

The band has also announced dates for the LEGENDS OF THE SHIRES TOUR 2017 where you'll be able to fully experience songs from the new album on stage.

Richard West comments: "It's great to be announcing these tour dates so soon, we can't wait to get on the road and perform for you. Our new album is coming together perfectly, we've got a lot of strong material so it might be our longest one yet."

Source: official website.

A concept album and they think it may be their longest album yet. Interesting. I hope it is a bit more original than For the Journey, which was good but felt a bit like more of the in my opinion fantastic March of Progress.

Also, I don't really hear that much DT in Threshold music to be honest.


I really liked Journey.  I think I'd take it over March of Progress.


I've lost track (or interest) in Threshold, TBH.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Snow Dog

LOVE Threshold. Love them. Hypothetical is one of my favorite albums of all time, enough to the point where I learned how to play five of its songs on guitar by ear (since there's hardly any tabs for this band fucking ANYwhere...)   Cool to know that they're working on another album!

Quote from: goo-goo on October 22, 2015, 06:50:07 AM
I wasn't a fan of Damian when he was in Threshold the first time. I loved Mac's vocals but when he left Threshold abruptly (and eventually passed away), Damian took over singing duties again and I like his voice a lot. Not sure why this happened but I"m glad it did.

Same here, nearly word for word. Much prefer the Mac era, and couldn't stand Damian's voice on the early albums. Even preferred Glynn Morgan's voice on Psychedelicatessen. But now that Damian is back in the band, I've grown fond of it. I think maybe it's because the music itself is the perfect blend of the riff driven chunkiness the Mac era displayed and the more prog driven elements of the earlier releases. Regardless, I like the last two releases for sure, as they have their own distinct flavor (though similar between themselves) in the Threshold saga.


Damian Wilson is out - sounds like he got the boot from the band.

Glyn Morgan is back and , seeing as I'm one of the few about who really rates Psychedelicatessen , I am not too upset at a bit of a change.     


Damn... I'm just the opposite.  Wonder if they're re-record the vocals for the upcoming album then?  I've got nothing agains't Psychedelicatessen, just wasn't wow'd by it - whereas I love all the albums that they did with Damian.

Time will tell.
Quote from: Jamesman42 on Today at 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on Today at 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


Don't get me wrong.............I really like Damian in Threshold and my first album of theirs was Extinct Instinct way back when on its release.  To me he is the voice of the band .  I am just interested to hear what Glyn can do as I would've liked another album after Psychedelicatessen .    Damian has produced enough material with the band to explore most of what he can do , so I am not averse to something a bit different.


The boot it is...........

Damian Wilson's statement regarding the departure from Threshold:

Unfortunately this is not a mutual decision, but I respect it. After I had recorded the album and committed to the tour I was informed that Threshold were going to continue on without me. They have every right to make this choice, although it is difficult to part ways with a group of people you've shared so many experiences with.
I really enjoyed the past decade recording and touring with Threshold and wish them all the best for the future, with the hope we might work again on projects somewhere down the line.
The label Nuclear Blast are amazing, and with the wonderful support of the fan base the whole journey of being the frontman for Threshold has been fantastic.


Man, that sucks. I really liked his vocals and Extinct Instinct is my favorite by them. I liked him on the same level as Mac as well. I'm curious what was going own where they didn't want him anymore.


Wow!  I wonder the reasons behind it.   Poor Damian haha, he's so dejected.  I've actually never heard the first two albums, for some reason I never went back through and checked them out.  Threshold for me started with the amazing Extinct Instinct, so Damian was the voice for me too. 

Saying that, the last two were pretty similar and it's hard to see them branching off and being able to do something fresh with him IMO.  You'd think they would re-record with the new fella.  I'd love to see a statement from the band.


You rang...........

THRESHOLD have parted ways with vocalist Damian Wilson. The band have chosen to start a new chapter without him and he has told them he respects their decision.
Wilson enjoyed three stints with THRESHOLD, performing on the band's most recent records "For The Journey" and "March Of Progress" as well as their early releases "Wounded Land" and "Extinct Instinct" in the 1990's. Damian Wilson has been a great frontman for THRESHOLD and the band would like to sincerely thank him and wish him every success in his future endeavours.

THRESHOLD's new frontman will be Glynn Morgan, the band's former vocalist from 1994 to 1996. Morgan appeared on THRESHOLD's 1994 album "Psychedelicatessen" and returned to work with the band in 2008 to record tracks for the singles box set "Paradox".
Glynn Morgan commented:
"I was over the moon when I got the phone call. To work with Karl and Richard and be a part of the mighty THRESHOLD story once more is a great honour. I can't wait to start recording, the new material has me hooked already."

You can watch Glynn Morgan in action with THRESHOLD in their 1994 video 'Innocent' here:

Sounds like they will be re-recording the new album.  They probably should do a Danger Danger - Cockroach and give fans both versions.   Wouldn't bet on it though by the sounds.


So Karl and Richard just woke up one day, listened to the new recordings and went, 'nah, bugger this fella, this shits boring now, lets get old mate back for a run, spice things up.'  :lol

Crazy turn of events really.


Oh god, not glynn...

Total respect to anyone that likes psychedelicatessen, but that album is not for me. but Who knows, maybe it will be great.

I have to admit I am quite fond of Innocent though  :heart    Well, I really hope they release both versions of this new album.

Man, I am actually all over the place about this. March of progress was awesome, but for the journey was kind of so so, perhaps this album could be a winner. I am actually very curious to see how this plays out.


This is crazy. Agree that March of Progress was an amazing album but didn't love For the Journey but that was more because the music was weak not the vocals. As for Glynn I remember thinking that he sounds a lot like Sebastian Bach on psychedelicatessen. Maybe they want a more mainstream voice to make more money? I'm sure Damian will find a gig quickly.


Damn, feel bad for Damian. I hope Headspace really takes off. Both of their albums are stunning.

I'm actually shocked why Threshold decided to kick Damian out. The tour has been announced and the album is/was almost pretty much done.  From a business stand point, it doesn't make sense just kicking Damian out.  Also, it's not like Threshold is everybody's full time gig. Richard and Karl do a lot of recording/producing and mixing on the side in their studio. Something is not right here.


I just don't understand why you would boot a guy after you've recorded an album and planned a tour. Do it before the cycle begins or at the end. Now you're going to put out this album with one voice, go out to tour and support it, and have another voice singing those songs weeks/months later. Just why?


Wow, I'm in shock.  Damian seems like a cool guy.  I was always more of a fan of Mac's voice with Threshold's music, so the vocalist change doesn't make me too sad, although I do feel bad for Damian.  I love Glynn's voice in the song "Innocent" from back in the day, but that's all I've really heard.  I'm curious to see how the band will sound with him now.  I'm looking forward to it.


Quote from: Nick on March 27, 2017, 07:20:52 AM
I just don't understand why you would boot a guy after you've recorded an album and planned a tour. Do it before the cycle begins or at the end. Now you're going to put out this album with one voice, go out to tour and support it, and have another voice singing those songs weeks/months later. Just why?
Sounds like they'll re-record vocals with Glyn.

The Threshold vocalist history is just bizarre. And there doesn't appear to be any actual reason given for booting Damian. "Different direction" doesn't actually mean anything, especially not when you've already recorded everything and are planning to go out on tour.

Maybe Glyn has dirt on Richard and Karl and blackmailed them. :P

Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on May 10, 2023, 05:59:19 PMAriich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
Quote from: TAC on December 21, 2023, 06:05:15 AMI be am boner inducing.


Quote from: goo-goo on March 27, 2017, 07:15:29 AM
Damn, feel bad for Damian. I hope Headspace really takes off. Both of their albums are stunning.

I'm actually shocked why Threshold decided to kick Damian out. The tour has been announced and the album is/was almost pretty much done.  From a business stand point, it doesn't make sense just kicking Damian out.  Also, it's not like Threshold is everybody's full time gig. Richard and Karl do a lot of recording/producing and mixing on the side in their studio. Something is not right here.

I thought the first Headspace was amazing but the second album did nothing for me.  I'm sure there is more to the story. Maybe he didn't along with other members or something stupid.