Explain your username

Started by AMindBesideItself, August 15, 2012, 09:30:25 PM

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"Debra Kadabra" is the first song on Frank Zappa's Bongo Fury album (recorded in part at The Old Armadillo HQ here in Austin RIP), sung by Captain Beefheart.  I figured it's go over better than Suzy Creamcheese. :biggrin:


I was registering for some website about 15 years ago, and every username I chose (no matter how seemingly obscure - oooohhhh...nugget!), I kept getting 'that username is taken'.  At the time, there was a commercial on TV around here with a family at a dinner table, and the daughter's boyfriend was dressed as a court jester.  It was clearly an awkward moment for the family (it was total silence), and when mom asked someone to pass the potato's, the jester started to, and she yelled out "not you jingle boy!".  My gf (now wife) loved that line, and used it over and over again.

That username was not taken, so it's kinda stuck in a lot of places I register at.
Quote from: Jamesman42 on September 20, 2024, 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on September 20, 2024, 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


Nice, that line will surely be handy to use around here ;D


A few years back I discovered a Rush message board. I had no idea at the time what a message board even was. As I was trying to figure out what the hell I was doing I realized without being a member I had very limited access. So I signed up and it made me pick a username. Since I had no real desire to do this for any great length of time I went with tick, after the cartoon superhero.
Little did I know I would be adopting that as a second name.


i would tell you, but i don't know it myself.


Sir GuitarCozmo

One of my lifelong loves has been playing guitar.  There really is nothing in the world like it and if I could make a living doing nothing but playing my guitar, I damn sure would.  So there's the "Guitar" part of it.

The "Cozmo" part has a story:  July 4, 1997.  My Kiss tribute band, Cold Gin was playing a gig at the Brokedown Palace in Washburn, WI.  We're sitting in the upstairs apartment, overlooking Chequamegon Bay (a small inlet of Lake Superior), putting on our makeup for the show.  Now the bass player, who'd formed the band many years prior had the same name as me.  Since he'd been in the band longer, it was decided that I needed a nickname to cut down on confusion.

They liked to razz me about the fact that I was always a little bit of a nerd, so they suggested Newman (a la Alfred E. Newman).  Then they all said "Nah, people will confuse that for Newman from Seinfeld".  Coincidentally, at the time, I'd dyed my hair black to blend in with the Ace Frehley wig I wore for gigs.  I'd also started growing it out, so it was constantly unruly and difficult to manage.  Given the "Nah, they'll think Newman from Seinfeld" idea and my black, unruly hair, our singer mentioned about how my hair looked like Kramer's.  Kramer's first name is Cozmo.  Voila.

The "Sir" part of it came when hefdaddy42 knighted me as a representative of the rational minded masses when I went to the "Rally to Restore Sanity".


Stef comes from my name, Stefanos. And my last name in greek means stone.


My dog is named Seneca, and I've been honoring him for almost 10 years now... I don't know why the dog is spelled 'dawg', or why I need the number 2.


I used to play Halo on my xbox years ago and I was at a LAN-party someday with friends. I needed an alias and in Halo 2 you had the ability to play as an 'Elite', one of the alien races and I took that. Since the name 'Elite' was taken on Xbox live, I stuck With 'Elite Warrior', I dropped the 'Warrior' part later and changed the name to 'RDS Elite', the RDS standing for a clan of friends I used to play with. I'm still Elite on all the internet places I visit, but it doesn't really serve a meaning whatsoever, just something that stuck with me and has been for some years.

Also, I'm awesome and elite.
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


...because it was the '80s

Boskone  ...because spelling correctly is for suckas.

BOSKONE = 13051<ONE  ...because, well, gee, that's kinda cool.

Bosk1  ...because it's shorter and sounds sorta enigmatic.

bosk1  ...because AOL didn't allow caps.

Sir GuitarCozmo


Kissass :yeahright

Sheeeeeeiiiit! Who am I kiddin? You mah n***a til the end of time :coolio (your love for Yuengling notwithstanding.)


<------ Sarcastic Spock's Beard fan


Made it up in middle school.  It amused me so I continued to use it.


Quote from: kirksnosehair on August 16, 2012, 06:46:03 AM
<------ Sarcastic Spock's Beard fan

I never got it. This is mindblowing. Seriously  :omg:

As for my username, my ancestors were mighty Huns, and they used to lay waste every land they used to came across. Get it?  :lol


Well, I have one 'lazy' eye...so therefore only one 'good' eye. Henceforth 'Cyclops'. But was that cool enough for me? Nooooo! I had to stick on 3 more s'es for 'dramatic effect' (and so as not to be scolded by other 'cyclopses' who were being 'original' before me.

Oh well, it's better than 'Jobo' which I used prior to this, I guess.  ;D


Quote from: kirksnosehair on August 16, 2012, 06:46:03 AM
<------ Sarcastic Spock's Beard fan

haha I never knew that was the reason behind it :lol

Sir GuitarCozmo

Quote from: black_floyd on August 16, 2012, 06:45:54 AMSheeeeeeiiiit! Who am I kiddin? You mah n***a til the end of time :coolio (your love for Yuengling notwithstanding.)


Yuengling is excellent.  I plan to have a bunch of them tonight.  :caffeine:


Quote from: Sir GuitarCozmo on August 16, 2012, 06:54:27 AM
Quote from: black_floyd on August 16, 2012, 06:45:54 AMSheeeeeeiiiit! Who am I kiddin? You mah n***a til the end of time :coolio (your love for Yuengling notwithstanding.)


bosk1 is excellent.  I plan to have a bunch of them tonight.  :caffeine:


Cedar redaC

just my hometown's name spelled forwards and backwards, that's it.

Sir GuitarCozmo

Quote from: bosk1 on August 16, 2012, 06:55:21 AM
Quote from: Sir GuitarCozmo on August 16, 2012, 06:54:27 AM
Quote from: black_floyd on August 16, 2012, 06:45:54 AMSheeeeeeiiiit! Who am I kiddin? You mah n***a til the end of time :coolio (your love for Yuengling notwithstanding.)


Bosco is excellent.  I plan to have a bunch of them tonight.  :caffeine:




Early childhood memory of my Mom singing the Simon and Garfunkel song in the car. Also my confirmation name.


My initials are JAF.  On the first forum I ever joined, I called myself Chaoticjaf123 because I couldn't come up with anything better.  A friend I made there decided that Chaoticjaf123 was a stupid name, which it was, and started calling me Jaffa.  It just stuck.

I didn't realize until later that he'd named me after a snack cake. 


Quote from: jingle.boy on August 16, 2012, 04:06:20 AM
I was registering for some website about 15 years ago, and every username I chose (no matter how seemingly obscure - oooohhhh...nugget!)
bahahaha  :lol :lol

Pretty much the same story goes for my username...   I was registering for some website ... and every username I chose was taken... wanted to go for sth obscure ... and I went.. "oh, hang on"


Metropolis + Polaris = Metropolaris

Clever, isn't it?


Quote from: Jaffa on August 16, 2012, 07:21:04 AM
My initials are JAF.  On the first forum I ever joined, I called myself Chaoticjaf123 because I couldn't come up with anything better.  A friend I made there decided that Chaoticjaf123 was a stupid name, which it was, and started calling me Jaffa.  It just stuck.

I didn't realize until later that he'd named me after a snack cake. 

Over here Jaffas are little orange candy balls. It's also the name of the alien race in Stargate that has little snakey things in their stomachs. :blob:


Quote from: BlobVanDam on August 16, 2012, 07:24:29 AM
Over here Jaffas are little orange candy balls. It's also the name of the alien race in Stargate that has little snakey things in their stomachs. :blob:

It's funny, because I had actually watched SG1 before getting the nickname, but I didn't realize til years later that the race was spelled Jaffa.  Then I was tempted to pretend that I meant to do that all along. 

Also, candy balls?  I understand in England they're some kind of cakes, chocolate with orange filling, or orange with chocolate filling, or something like that.

Pols Voice

Quote from: Cedar redaC on August 16, 2012, 06:55:35 AM
just my hometown's name spelled forwards and backwards, that's it.

I stayed in Cedar City last month. Utah's such a cool state.


I had thought the image of a "Sound Garden" was nice.  Then I found out later some band beat me to it...

King Postwhore

In the mid 90's I got a computer and set up a hotmail account.  I wanted it to have a unique name and loved the story in Rush's tourbook for the Power Windows tour about Alex Lifeson's Guitar rig, and this is how he started it,


So I tried Lerxt, King Lerxt Schmengland.  Even  king schmegland.  So I the C out and got kingshmegland for my hotmail account.  and I use it on all messageboards.

Here is the link to that tourbook if you want to laugh hard at Alex's story.

"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


Quote from: theseoafs on August 16, 2012, 12:31:43 AM
theseoafs stands for theseopinionsarefacts, a now-defunct comedy blog I used to maintain.  I still use the handle because it's rarely taken.

I was wondering about your name. I couldn't tell if it was "these oafs" or "the seoafs" implying your name is Sophie.


Quote from: Cedar redaC on August 16, 2012, 06:55:35 AM
just my hometown's name spelled forwards and backwards, that's it.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but redaC backwards is Cader


Quote from: kirksnosehair on August 16, 2012, 06:46:03 AM
<------ Sarcastic Spock's Beard fan

I am ashamed I did not realise that earlier. Hell, you even got Ryo on your album and I didn't realise that's where the name came from.