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Cocktails/Mixed Drinks and Spirits appreciation/discussion

Started by Cool Chris, August 24, 2012, 02:39:10 PM

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Cool Chris

I know we have a thread for beer discussion, not sure if we have one for wine, think we need one for cocktails. There is another thread for the virtues/drawbacks of getting plastered, so let's save this thread for discussion of our favorite spirits and cocktails.

For as long as I can remember, the long island iced tea has been the flagship drink for me. A perfect combination of spirits and mixers, and you only need a couple to get a nice fuzzy feeling. I recently discover by accident the AMF, which, after having a couple one night, I am still not sure of.

Share your favorite cocktails here!


I think there was a thread like this before, but this is a lovely, lovely idea for a thread and I'm honored to be one of the first contributors  :tup

My non-beer or wine drink of choice for a while has been scotch or irish whiskey, neat, most often Dewers or Bushmills.  Usually chase one or two of those with a beer or three and I'm a happy camper.  When it comes to mixed drinks I prefer vodka, with the greyhound being my favorite.  Can't go wrong with a nice vodka tonic though either.

El Barto

I'll go through phases.  Sometimes I'll spend a few weeks trying to perfect the martini*.  I still enjoy neat whiskey, of varying types.  I'll drink G&T's from time to time, but mostly for the quinine.  My Budweiser of choice drink for a while now has been George Dickel and soda with a splash of 7-up. 

*Turns out it was already perfected 150 years ago. All that was required to was to quit fucking it by up adding stupid hipster adulterations to it. 


There's a - for lack of a better word - cocktail that I enjoy quite a lot, called "Aperol Spritz", which is made with one part Aperol, one part Prosecco and one part mineral water, on the rocks. I really like it.


But seriously, though a highball and not necessarily a cocktail, I love jack and coke. Otherwise, extra dirty vodka martinis with vermouth (sweet or dry, doesn't matter) and bloody marys made spicy as all fuck with a veritable salad of veggie garnishes (holland onions, pickled snap beans, celery, pimento olives) are both fucking excellent. I love savory drinks since they mask the chemical taste of alcohol far better than anything sweet can imo.


Right on Floyd.  I forget to classify Bloodys as a cocktail.  I always file them under "breakfast items."  But yes, I too am a fan of the very spicy, very vegetabley bloodys.

El Barto

Still one of the best ways to drink liquor in the morning.  Probably the only legitimate reason for the existence of clam juice, as well. 


Quote from: Ryzee on August 24, 2012, 02:45:44 PM
I think there was a thread like this before, but this is a lovely, lovely idea for a thread and I'm honored to be one of the first contributors  :tup

My non-beer or wine drink of choice for a while has been scotch or irish whiskey, neat, most often Dewers or Bushmills.  Usually chase one or two of those with a beer or three and I'm a happy camper.  When it comes to mixed drinks I prefer vodka, with the greyhound being my favorite.  Can't go wrong with a nice vodka tonic though either.

Hadn't heard of that one ever until I read your post. I went to look it up on google and by the time I got to "greyhound cock", the phrase "greyhound cocktail" had shown up in the list of suggestions in the dropdown menu. I immediately hit enter though, forgetting to first highlight my intended search terms. I'm borrowing my step pepper's laptop for a while so I'm sure he'll be delightfully confused when he sees a "greyhound cock" google search in the history. Thank god we cool like that.

Quote from: El Barto on August 24, 2012, 02:56:00 PM
Still one of the best ways to drink liquor in the morning.  Probably the only legitimate reason for the existence of clam juice, as well. 

I'm smitten with the organic variety.


Quote from: black_floyd on August 24, 2012, 02:49:05 PM
bloody marys made spicy as all fuck with a veritable salad of veggie garnishes (holland onions, pickled snap beans, celery, pimento olives)

YEAH the hell!!! :2metal:


You guys throw horseradish in your bloodys?  It's the way to go.


Yep.  Gives it that extra somethin somethin.

Cool Chris

I had a sip of a Bloody Mary once; I couldn't believe people willfully put this concotion in a glass and drank from it. This was a long time ago, and I haev been meaning to give it another chance, but I am afraid to!

<title edited>


But... it's a meal cleverly disguised as a drink!  Win win right there, bud!


My goto mixed drink switches between store brand canadian whiskey (which is surprisingly good) & diet pepsi and gin & tonics. Right now I'm on G&Ts.

When you have an actual copper cup, Moscow Mules are fantastic.


Sounds quite interesting (the Moscow Mule, that is).  I've had gin and juice (quite tasty) but never G&Ts.

Cool Chris

My father-in-law has a G&T like clockwork every day at 4pm. I find them enjoyable, but only on occasion.


El Barto

Yeah,  G&T is an acquired taste, and even then, an occasional occurrence.  Rose's lime juice helps knock back the bitterness a bit.  Interestingly, it's become a pre-concert habit for me.  For one thing, the quinine prevents muscle cramps; good if you're a drunken old man standing in the same place for a few hours.  Better still, I find a gin drunk to be damned entertaining.  It's a completely different buzz than my customary beer or whiskey, which often makes for good times.  The gin drunk is a big part of my interest in martinis. 


Just don't get caught on the corner of Fifth and Vermouth. :P


My favorite cocktail is probably the margarita.  Yum.

I also love whiskey neat, whether bourbon or scotch.  No blended whiskeys for me, please.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Favorite mixed is probably an Appletini, other than that im a scotch man myself.

Sir GuitarCozmo

Quote from: hefdaddy42 on August 24, 2012, 06:29:18 PMMy favorite cocktail is probably the margarita.

This.  On the rocks, with no salt.

I like a Tom Collins every once in a while (the recipe can be made with gin, sweet/sour mix, and club soda, as well).  Sometimes, I like to try a Manhattan, if it's a nice place.  I made a Dark and Stormy recently (Gosling's ginger beer and Gosling Black Seal Rum), which was a really interesting flavor.  Ginger beer has a MUCH higher ginger taste than ginger ale.


I'm primarily a beer guy, but every now and then I'll go for some bourbon/whiskey. I do have a bottle of Woodford Reserve that I haven't paid any attention to lately...


Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Quote from: Sir GuitarCozmo on August 24, 2012, 06:38:15 PM
Quote from: hefdaddy42 on August 24, 2012, 06:29:18 PMMy favorite cocktail is probably the margarita.

This.  On the rocks, with no salt.

I like a Tom Collins every once in a while (the recipe can be made with gin, sweet/sour mix, and club soda, as well).  Sometimes, I like to try a Manhattan, if it's a nice place.  I made a Dark and Stormy recently (Gosling's ginger beer and Gosling Black Seal Rum), which was a really interesting flavor.  Ginger beer has a MUCH higher ginger taste than ginger ale.

I'm a big fan of both a Tom Collins and a Manhattan. There is a local place that does amazing margaritas as well, they also have over 100 varieties of tequila.

Sir GuitarCozmo

Quote from: hefdaddy42 on August 25, 2012, 03:39:43 AMHey, that's the way I like it too.  :metal

Great minds and such.  :tup

Quote from: ReaperKK on August 25, 2012, 05:38:15 AMI'm a big fan of both a Tom Collins and a Manhattan. There is a local place that does amazing margaritas as well, they also have over 100 varieties of tequila.

Yeah the first time or two I had a Manhattan, it was a little bit of an odd taste combination, but it grew on me and I really like them now.  TC's I pretty much liked right away.  In fact, maybe I'll throw one together later. 

El Barto

Tom Collins was my drink of choice throughout my teenage years.  At some point in my life, my stomach decided that I didn't like sweet/sour anymore and that changed.  Same reason I tend to shy away from margaritas.  If I want something slushy I'll go with pina colada, which is a tastier beverage anyway.

Perpetual Change

Quote from: El Barto on August 24, 2012, 04:10:56 PM
Yeah,  G&T is an acquired taste, and even then, an occasional occurrence.  Rose's lime juice helps knock back the bitterness a bit.  Interestingly, it's become a pre-concert habit for me.  For one thing, the quinine prevents muscle cramps; good if you're a drunken old man standing in the same place for a few hours.  Better still, I find a gin drunk to be damned entertaining.  It's a completely different buzz than my customary beer or whiskey, which often makes for good times.  The gin drunk is a big part of my interest in martinis.

I love and have loved G&T since I first tried it. But I don't drink them much, because I dislike the gin drunk quite a bit. Brings out a side of me that should just stay bottled up forever. I love that Juniper taste though so come the holiday season I'll definitely be sitting by the tree with a few G&Ts.

Sir GuitarCozmo

Quote from: El Barto on August 25, 2012, 08:19:57 AMI tend to shy away from margaritas.  If I want something slushy I'll go with pina colada

Exactly why hef and I get margaritas on the rocks, so they're not blended with ice to make a slushy.  Much tastier that way, but still along the sweet/sour lines you don't prefer.

The King in Crimson

Cocktails are my alcoholic* drink of choice.

Beer is more of a social drink for me.  I drink it more when I'm out with friends.  Cocktails I enjoy at any time.  Rum and diet cokes are my standard.  I'll usually have one after I get home from work.  Not enough to get drunk or buzzed but just to enjoy the flavor.  Sailor Jerry's or Cap't are my usual rums of choice.

I like a good margarita every once in a while.  On the rocks always.  I don't care for a slushy 'rita.  I usually get them with salt, but I can go either way.

I haven't had a long island in a long time.  I used to love those back around when I just turned 21.  I still like them, but I just never have them.

I've never liked Bloodies, but then again I really don't drink in the morning especially when I'm hung over.

I went to a wedding with an open bar a few years ago.  I decided that then was the best time to try a bunch of drinks that I'd never had before.  I remember trying an Appletini and a White Russian, but nothing beyond that.  The Appletini was awful, like drinking liquid jolly ranchers.  The White Russian was alright, but not something I'd have all the time.

*Alcoholic in the sense of having alcohol in them, not me being an alcoholic.  :biggrin:



Equal parts scotch and amaretto on the rocks.


Quote from: Sir GuitarCozmo on August 25, 2012, 09:32:20 AM
Quote from: El Barto on August 25, 2012, 08:19:57 AMI tend to shy away from margaritas.  If I want something slushy I'll go with pina colada

Exactly why hef and I get margaritas on the rocks, so they're not blended with ice to make a slushy.  Much tastier that way, but still along the sweet/sour lines you don't prefer.
I would just like to add that I dislike pina coladas with a purple passion.

However, I like purple passions, so WTF do I know.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


This thread is too classy for me.

My favorite mixed drink, in the sense that it's never failed me, is the Screwdriver.  The fact it's easy to make helps a lot.

For an awesomely sweet drink, mix marshmallow flavored Vodka with Strawbery Kiwi Lemonade.  The strength of the lemonade neutralizes the vodka flavor and adds some kick to the possibly one-dimensionally sweet marshmallow.  The marshmallow takes away some of the tartness of the Lemonade.  These drinks can be made very strong without tasting the alcohol.  This is a good or bad thing, considering the drinker and the circumstances.