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All musicians unite! - The Musicians Chat Thread

Started by Elite, August 26, 2012, 06:12:01 AM

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Quote from: Orbert on February 06, 2016, 09:53:10 AM
What I'd like to see (and I'm sure it exists but I'm too lazy to Google it) is a device that's basically a metronome, or click machine if you will, but instead of clicking, it flashes a light or L.E.D. at the prescribed tempo.  At the start of each song, quickly type in the meter you want, it flashes at that tempo, and there's your tempo.

It's pretty normal for a metronome to have a little lamp that does that  :smiley:


Quote from: Orbert on February 06, 2016, 09:53:10 AM
Well, on drums there's basically only two ways to "rock out" more, overplay everything with fills and shit, or speed up the tempo.
Or both of those at the same time!


FlashDrive Update

Found out more about the gig.  The dive bar is hosting some kind of political fundraiser, and we're the "entertainment".  I'm not sure how I feel about this, I just know that somehow it seems to change things.  I've never liked mixing politics with... well, anything really.  I suppose if I like the candidate, then it's cool, but if I don't like the candidate, then I'm helping support someone/something I don't really believe in, and being paid for it.  That makes me something bad and evil which I can't think of the right word for right now.

I don't have any more details.  A gig's a gig, so we're doing it because we need the gig.  The money is nice but isn't the primary motivation here.  We just want to get out and play.  But I'd feel really shitty if we got there and it's some asshole candidate who I honestly don't like or want to support.  Hopefully it's just some local thing that I won't have to give a damn about.  It's in the next county over, so maybe.  Ugh.   :-\


Quote from: home on February 06, 2016, 09:56:56 AM
Quote from: Orbert on February 06, 2016, 09:53:10 AM
What I'd like to see (and I'm sure it exists but I'm too lazy to Google it) is a device that's basically a metronome, or click machine if you will, but instead of clicking, it flashes a light or L.E.D. at the prescribed tempo.  At the start of each song, quickly type in the meter you want, it flashes at that tempo, and there's your tempo.

It's pretty normal for a metronome to have a little lamp that does that  :smiley:

I've been ripped off.  No light on mine.


Quote from: Orbert on February 06, 2016, 03:12:11 PM
Quote from: home on February 06, 2016, 09:56:56 AM
Quote from: Orbert on February 06, 2016, 09:53:10 AM
What I'd like to see (and I'm sure it exists but I'm too lazy to Google it) is a device that's basically a metronome, or click machine if you will, but instead of clicking, it flashes a light or L.E.D. at the prescribed tempo.  At the start of each song, quickly type in the meter you want, it flashes at that tempo, and there's your tempo.

It's pretty normal for a metronome to have a little lamp that does that  :smiley:

I've been ripped off.  No light on mine.

Wow but that thing looks fancy! I just had these small electronic things.


That's a genuine Seth Thomas metronome.  I've had that baby since the 70's.


Third way a drummer can rock out more, hit the drums harder.  I love that.


You'd love our drummer, then.  He is already the loudest drummer I've ever played with.  Former Marine, huge arms, and just pounds the shit out of the drums.  That's his normal thing, and honestly, it's enough.  I guess I'd rather have that than overplaying or playing too fast, but man, it's like not playing as loudly as possible just isn't in him.  He can't do it.


Man, I use a half-stack in my band's rehearsal room. We go all-out and have to wear earplugs to not screw up our ears, only because the drums are so loud. Our drummer has his way of bashing the shit out of the drum-kit as well. As a results, all other volumes have to go up as well. We'd probably be deaf if not for earplugs.
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


Yeah, I'd much rather rehearse at maybe half the volume we do now.  You don't have to rehearse everything at stage volume.  But the drums.


Quote from: Orbert on February 06, 2016, 02:29:51 PM

FlashDrive Update

Found out more about the gig.  The dive bar is hosting some kind of political fundraiser, and we're the "entertainment".  I'm not sure how I feel about this, I just know that somehow it seems to change things.  I've never liked mixing politics with... well, anything really.  I suppose if I like the candidate, then it's cool, but if I don't like the candidate, then I'm helping support someone/something I don't really believe in, and being paid for it.  That makes me something bad and evil which I can't think of the right word for right now.

I don't have any more details.  A gig's a gig, so we're doing it because we need the gig.  The money is nice but isn't the primary motivation here.  We just want to get out and play.  But I'd feel really shitty if we got there and it's some asshole candidate who I honestly don't like or want to support.  Hopefully it's just some local thing that I won't have to give a damn about.  It's in the next county over, so maybe.  Ugh.   :-\

Please keep me posted about this... Chances are because it's there it's probably some county fundraiser, but it's probably of a political party of the opposite persuasion than my personal views.


Well, you've Liked our page, so updates will be coming your way on Facebook, but I'll probably post some details in here as we get them.

I know some bands hype each and every gig, which is fine, but right now we're a new band without any following to speak of, and trying to get people psyched up about driving an hour each way to see us play some dive for two hours feels... embarrassing.  We had two gigs within 30 minutes of our "home turf" I pumped the hell out of those, then they each got cancelled.  John asked me to put together an Event (every gig is an Event) so I did, and of course I did it up, but it feels just a bit silly.

I know.  You gotta be shameless.  You gotta hype yourself and your band relentlessly.  I honestly don't know how much difference it makes, but I guess if the result anything greater than zero, you gotta do it.


Yeah I really hate that as well.  The acoustic duo I'm in doesn't have a Facebook page, and I have no interest in making one just to tell people we are gigging somewhere. We get paid no matter who shows up, and seeing as neither of us are in it for the glory, I don't see much point.  Sure, it can be a crucial marketing tool, but we seem to do well without it just by proving to bar owners that we know our shit, are professional and entertaining.

The other band I'm in, the page is run by our singer and some of the stuff he posts is so cringe.  'We're coming for you! radiradirah.' fuck that.  It's a fucking covers band, give it a rest.


The thing is, there is no "promoter" for bar gigs.  You are the promoter, not the bar, and not the agent.  Last December when we first hooked up with Agent Dude (during the two days between the initial hook-up and when Steve had his pissy fit and quit the band), I read over the "agreement".  It's not a contract, just an agreement.  It outlined a number of expectations that both we and Agent Dude are expected to follow, one of which is that we must promote the gig.

It makes sense.  Why should he book us for gigs if we're not even going to promote ourselves?

If we're going to play somewhere, we should have posters up on the bulletin board at that venue a month before.  We don't just expect the bar to promote us.  We go there and put up posters with, at the very least, our name and/or logo, and the date(s) we're playing there.  I mean, that seems pretty obvious; if you're going to build a following (which theoretically is the idea here) then you want your name out there.  Do it often enough, and there will eventually be some people who recognize it, and some of them will specifically decide to go to that venue that night because they know you're playing, and you're good.  There are bands around here who've achieved that level of name recognition.  You say their name, and bar owners want to book them in their place, and people will go to see them.

Obviously we're nowhere near that level yet, but you have to start somewhere.  In addition to posters at the venues, hype each gig on your official band page and any social media you might have.  We have a band website and a Facebook page, and the gig is on there, so we've met that requirement.  Agent Dude didn't book us this one, but it sure doesn't hurt to have a bunch of past Events on your Facebook page.  It shows that you gig a lot, so you must be good, so more people will come to see you, so you'll gig even more, because you must be good, etc.


hmm.  must just work differently here.  Most bars hire bands to play weekend nights, and promote it as 'Live Music Friday' or whatever.  If you get hired to play at a bar, you're pretty much their employee.  The onus is on them to promote their bar and get punters in - its not on you.  If no-one shows up, the bar still pays you.  They didn't pull a crowd and they take that hit. 

It's different if you get the odd gig where the bar insists on you taking a cut from the door.  That's when you need to promote the shit out of it, otherwise you won't get paid. 


It's different here, but not that different.  Lots of places around here advertise live music on Friday and/or Saturday, and there are always the regulars who go to any given bar on a Friday or Saturday anyway, or it will at least be one of a short list of options for them.  But within that, it can't hurt to play a place so often that people recognize your name, and if it's a matter of heading to the bar or going to someone's house to chill and watch the game, or just staying home, there's always a chance that someone'll say "Hey, FlashDrive is playing at Sammy's tonight.  They're pretty good, and the singer is hot.  Let's get some guys together and go."

Again, I have to figure that that doesn't happen a hell of a lot, but it can and does happen.  And if a bar owner notices that the place is busier on nights when certain bands play, they'll be more likely to book you next time.  That's why it's not just "fun" to have your friends come out and see you, it's good business.  Even if each band member brings one or two people, that's ten or more people there, buying drinks and filling tables.  When regulars come in, it's a couple more tables that are full.  That all helps build critical mass.  The place is that much busier, and everyone there is that much more likely to stay, 'cause the place is hopping and the band is rocking.

The gig in December was heartbreaking.  Not only were we going to get paid $500, but it was 20 minutes from their house, John's wife is a realtor, and she was going to set up a "Customer Appreciation Night" there and invite all her clients.  If you show up to play a place, and bring 30 people and buy food and drinks for them all night, that's a party.  You just put a couple hundred bucks in the till.  The owner is pleased.  You're coming back.  That one gig could have gone a long way towards putting us on Agent Dude's "keep these guys working" list.


Quote from: Orbert on December 30, 2015, 10:06:50 PM
FreezingPoint, thanks for the feedback!  Everything you're saying makes sense.  At some point, someday, maybe I'll start writing down or recording the endless noodling my fingers like to do if I let them.  I need a PC rig of some kind.  MIDI from the keyboard into the PC, directly into some transcribing software.  I can save it, edit it, mess around with it, eventually decide that it's a composition.  That kind of thing.  Someday.

Hey, sorry I never responded on this.

No problem. Does your keyboard have USB out? If not, a MIDI to USB converter might do the trick. Then Finale or Sibelius should be able to take the input and you can start writing. I'm not sure if Finale Notepad would work, I do know that it is free.

I have to say your band story has always been an interesting read. And so true as well. My dad has been trying to put together a band recently, and now I hear it first hand, different people, trying people out, etc. I'm pretty sure they play a similar set of music as well, with the occasional Yes song thrown in haha. I'm pushing them to do more of that (I would really like to hear them try some 80s Rush as well), but they need a keyboard player and I'm not quite willing to volunteer for a full time gig. Besides, I can't really cut it on the keys anyway.

I saw from the link to the place your gig is at that I must live nearby. Huntley is a bit of a haul, probably 45 min away, down the perpetually-on-construction 90. If you guys get some more, post them up! I might be able to make it out one day.


Quote from: home on January 12, 2016, 06:41:25 AM
Here is the (sort of) finished song: Some transtions aren't perfectly timed.. I would love some critisism!  :azn:

Good job. Lot's of good themes here that are used well. I like the atmosphere it brings overall.

What are you using to write/record?

Personally I would smooth out those transitions a bit more, but that personal preference.

The other thing I would do is make the ending a bit bigger, stating "This is the ending." It doesn't necessarily have to be over the top bombastic, but a change here or there, a layer added, and that completes the journey and tells the listener they have arrived at the end.

There are general mixing things you can do as well, but that is a different topic.

Keep up the good work and keep writing!


Quote from: FreezingPoint on February 10, 2016, 09:50:52 AM
Quote from: Orbert on December 30, 2015, 10:06:50 PM
FreezingPoint, thanks for the feedback!  Everything you're saying makes sense.  At some point, someday, maybe I'll start writing down or recording the endless noodling my fingers like to do if I let them.  I need a PC rig of some kind.  MIDI from the keyboard into the PC, directly into some transcribing software.  I can save it, edit it, mess around with it, eventually decide that it's a composition.  That kind of thing.  Someday.

Hey, sorry I never responded on this.

No problem. Does your keyboard have USB out? If not, a MIDI to USB converter might do the trick. Then Finale or Sibelius should be able to take the input and you can start writing. I'm not sure if Finale Notepad would work, I do know that it is free.

I have to say your band story has always been an interesting read. And so true as well. My dad has been trying to put together a band recently, and now I hear it first hand, different people, trying people out, etc. I'm pretty sure they play a similar set of music as well, with the occasional Yes song thrown in haha. I'm pushing them to do more of that (I would really like to hear them try some 80s Rush as well), but they need a keyboard player and I'm not quite willing to volunteer for a full time gig. Besides, I can't really cut it on the keys anyway.

I saw from the link to the place your gig is at that I must live nearby. Huntley is a bit of a haul, probably 45 min away, down the perpetually-on-construction 90. If you guys get some more, post them up! I might be able to make it out one day.

My keyboard has USB out as well as MIDI out, so I have plenty of options as far as capturing the output and feeding it into a PC.  I think I may even have some software, so it really is just a matter of hooking it all up.  The issue is always time.  Even if I had the know-how (which I don't, but I'm sure I could figure it out), doing this kind of thing is down the priority list a little ways.  Not that far down, but definitely after working on tunes for the band and also some other musical endeavors I have going on.

I'm glad people are enjoying the band saga.  I've tried to make it interesting and amusing, because that utlimately means that more people will read it, and if I'm going to take the time to write it, people might as well read it.  But it's non-fiction, which is what makes it so ridiculous.  The drama and challenges of old guys trying to rock are even worse than young guys trying to rock.


Quote from: FreezingPoint on February 10, 2016, 10:03:23 AM
Quote from: home on January 12, 2016, 06:41:25 AM
Here is the (sort of) finished song: Some transtions aren't perfectly timed.. I would love some critisism!  :azn:

Good job. Lot's of good themes here that are used well. I like the atmosphere it brings overall.

What are you using to write/record?

Personally I would smooth out those transitions a bit more, but that personal preference.

The other thing I would do is make the ending a bit bigger, stating "This is the ending." It doesn't necessarily have to be over the top bombastic, but a change here or there, a layer added, and that completes the journey and tells the listener they have arrived at the end.

There are general mixing things you can do as well, but that is a different topic.

Keep up the good work and keep writing!

Thanks for your feedback! I agree with the transition, they could really use some smoothing out. About the end, I made it the intro but than mirrored (if that makes sense) which I think kind of works, but I agree that a bigger ending generally works better :azn:

I used Stagelight (because I can use VST plug-ins like guitar rig in it) and Ignite (because it has a large sound library, I did the flute and string part in it, but it doesn't support VST plugin's) as DAW's.  I recorded the electric guitar with Guitar Rig, the acoustic with a mic and the rest I played on my midi-keyboard. About the mixing, I really have zero knowledge about that, I just set the volumes to what sounds good and that's it  :lol


Quote from: Orbert on February 10, 2016, 10:21:06 AM
I'm glad people are enjoying the band saga.  I've tried to make it interesting and amusing, because that utlimately means that more people will read it, and if I'm going to take the time to write it, people might as well read it.  But it's non-fiction, which is what makes it so ridiculous.  The drama and challenges of old guys trying to rock are even worse than young guys trying to rock.

How about a young guy with a group of old guys trying to rock? :lol  You saw that!  Some of the guys in the band were older than my dad. I just think that the guys in the band were appreciative that there was somebody my age who appreciate the music that they did. That was fun though. I miss being in a band. At least last time I got to meet Gary Green so it's all good.

I'm probably going to go see you in Huntley no matter what. It's not that far from me, and the wife is OK with it. She's not going to go neither is my daughter so it's just gonna be me.


Cool!  I look forward to seeing you out there. :metal

To be honest, I didn't really notice the age thing.  You're on the younger side of middle age, most of the rest of the band were on the older side, but the older you get, the less it matters.  I think.

I got a little more information today about the "gig".  It's a fundraiser thing for someone running for States Attorney for McHenry County.  We still don't have a name.  Appetizers and ass-kissing start at 7, and we start playing around 8.  It's at a bar, but it's not a regular bar gig; we'll play for a couple of hours (because that's all we have).

I'm guessing that because it's a bar and it is a Saturday Night, that they might ask us to play more.  Some folks might stick around, but once they figure out that we're playing all the same songs over again, they'll start bailing, or maybe not.  Meanwhile, once the event is over and regular bar hours start, people will come in and they obviously won't have heard us before, so hopefully they'll stick around.  But I don't know.  I do know that if we start playing at 8, we sure as hell aren't going until 2 like a regular gig.  So we'll see.


Quote from: home on January 12, 2016, 06:41:25 AM
Here is the (sort of) finished song: Some transtions aren't perfectly timed.. I would love some critisism!  :azn:

Finally got around to checking this out. I like it! You have some nice themes going on. I would smooth out the transitions for sure. Also, the part with the strings playing tripplet may want to change the drum part to reflect that or simplify it. I think it would flow better that way. Keep it up!


So even though there will be a fundraiser there it's still like normal bar patronage, correct?


That's the part I'm not sure about.  If it's a public event, then I'm sure anybody can attend.  It's just a matter of whether or not you want to, given the political atmosphere.


Quote from: Orbert on February 12, 2016, 03:38:37 PM
That's the part I'm not sure about.  If it's a public event, then I'm sure anybody can attend.  It's just a matter of whether or not you want to, given the political atmosphere.

Well I haven't seen anything advertised on a couple of the candidates who are running... I don't live in McHenry Cty (my wife and I both work there though, but that doesn't matter voting wise), so if anyone comes to me I'll say I live in cook county so you wouldn't be interested :lol


Quote from: home on February 10, 2016, 12:41:02 PM
Quote from: FreezingPoint on February 10, 2016, 10:03:23 AM
Quote from: home on January 12, 2016, 06:41:25 AM
Here is the (sort of) finished song: Some transtions aren't perfectly timed.. I would love some critisism!  :azn:

Good job. Lot's of good themes here that are used well. I like the atmosphere it brings overall.

What are you using to write/record?

Personally I would smooth out those transitions a bit more, but that personal preference.

The other thing I would do is make the ending a bit bigger, stating "This is the ending." It doesn't necessarily have to be over the top bombastic, but a change here or there, a layer added, and that completes the journey and tells the listener they have arrived at the end.

There are general mixing things you can do as well, but that is a different topic.

Keep up the good work and keep writing!

Thanks for your feedback! I agree with the transition, they could really use some smoothing out. About the end, I made it the intro but than mirrored (if that makes sense) which I think kind of works, but I agree that a bigger ending generally works better :azn:

I used Stagelight (because I can use VST plug-ins like guitar rig in it) and Ignite (because it has a large sound library, I did the flute and string part in it, but it doesn't support VST plugin's) as DAW's.  I recorded the electric guitar with Guitar Rig, the acoustic with a mic and the rest I played on my midi-keyboard. About the mixing, I really have zero knowledge about that, I just set the volumes to what sounds good and that's it  :lol

Just listened to your song. I agree with FreezingPoint - I like the mood/atmosphere. Some parts remind me of The Cure and The Gathering, two bands I like quite a lot. The short bass phrases in the middle remind me of Chris Squire.

I also enjoyed "Het Grote Loop Pedaal Lied" - the intro, and its heavier version after the first minute.

Me and my best friend will be making music together for the first time in 10 years, and this is the sort of music I've been wanting to make with him. He's been playing piano for a couple of years now, and I think some of your earlier tracks he'd enjoy. I'll link him to your Soundcloud.


Thanks for the feedback guys! Oh damn I completely forgot I uploaded "Het grote looppedaal lied" to Soundcloud, that is a very very rough demo, more like a sketch. I rerecorded almost everything already, and I am going to ask a friend to sing, cause I can't sing at all, I tried to autotune it, but If you have to move the pitch more than a semitone, well  :rollin


So I was bored all day and made this dark drone track. It's funnier making than listening to them  :P


Quote from: Sacul on February 18, 2016, 02:20:06 PM
So I was bored all day and made this dark drone track. It's funnier making than listening to them  :P
That's quite nice for a drone track! It reminds me a bit of being in a cave or metro in a Fallout game. What did you use for the "ambient" sounds?


Our new guitarist/singer is named Pat, and he used to be in a band called Soda.  The Soda demo video (which is five years old) has him in it, and since the whole point is to showcase the band's various strengths, part it has Pat singing "Come Sail Away" by Styx.  He sounds great.  In fact, when he auditioned for us, John asked me to work up the intro and first verse just so we could hear if Pat still has the pipes.  He does.  (Also, I've known the song since junior high, but whatever).  Jerry and JT (bassist, drummer) also knew the song, so we fumbled through the whole song, including the A-flat bridge, despite never having played it before, at Pat's audition.  That was cool.

Anyway, a few weeks ago, JT was on his way home, an hour west of here, and stopped at this dive called Jerry's Bar & Grill to get something to eat.  The lady behind the counter, Diane, says "You're new around here.  What's your name?" and he says "James".  She says "James?  That's a nice name.  James what?"  "James Taylor".  (That's his real name, so he always just goes by JT.)  "James Taylor?  Like the musician?  Are you a musician?"  And JT says "Yes, but I'm not a singer.  I play the drums."

There's a big board that says "Live Music Saturday Nights" with pictures and the names of various bands that have played there.  JT continues "In fact, I was looking at the board there, and I've played with a lot of those guys."  He names one of the bands, names some of the guys in it, says he used to play with them in some other band, etc.  So now they're talking about bands and stuff, and she says "You know, there was a band we used to get a lot, but we never get them anymore, there were called Soda.  Those guys were great."  JT tells her that our new singer used to be with Soda.  "Pat?" she asks.  "Sailing Pat?"

Sailing Pat?  "You mean, like Come Sail Away?" he asks.  "Yes!  Come Sail Away!  What a great song, and the way he sang that song..."  So JT tells her, yes, "Sailing Pat" is now in our band, and (he bends the truth just a bit) we do "Come Sail Away".

Just then Mike (the other owner, Diane's husband) comes out of the kitchen, and Diane says "Hey Mike, this guy James is in a band with Pat from Soda!  You know, Sailing Pat?"  And Mike says "I love Styx.  Come Sail Away is one of my favorite songs by them.  Pat is in your band?"  And JT nods.  Diane goes on "Plus, he's played with (so-and-so from this band, so-and-so from this other band)..."  And Mike says "You're hired.  I'm sure you guys are great if you have Pat, and you've played with those other guys, too.  When do you want to play here?"

JT says "This is the part where I give you our manager's name and phone number."

And that's how we got the gig.  They never listened to us, didn't go to our website or Facebook page, and JT could have been completely bullshitting them, but we got the gig based on "Sailing Pat" being our new singer, and they love that one song he sings.


Looks like you guys auditioning Pat was a good move! :biggrin: Things seem to finally be taking off for your band, which is great especially after all the problems you guys went through.


Thanks.  Yeah, seriously, the crap we've been through.  I have to admit, I've been tempted to just throw in the towel, but as I mentioned upthread, I don't have another band right now, I might as well stick with this one.  We're getting closer to being an actual working band.  If we can just keep our shit together a little longer...

So at our last practice, during which we made sure we have "Come Sail Away" nailed down, so we can impress Diane and Mike and at least have one regular place to play (they said if we're good, we come back and become a regular band there), JT said that this is a hell of a song, and we should make it like a complete showpiece.  Bob should jam a bit on the piano, a solo, then work into the intro to "Come Sail Away" which everyone in the room will recognize, they'll go nuts, we nail the song, and we're freakin' heros.  I was cool with all of it except for the piano solo, but what the heck.

So I jammed bit in C, went through a few changes, worked around to a G, then started "Come Sail Away".  They thought it was pretty cool.  So it's gonna be our second song.  We open with "Born to be Wild", then completely kill the momentum by having Bob do a piano solo, leading into a tune that's six minutes long already, then Anne introduces the band.  That's our opening one-two punch.  I guess it could work, but I pushed for saving it for later in the show.  They said we only have two sets right now.  It'll be one of the ones we play again later.  Whoa.  Roll with the changes.


Quotewhoa. Roll with the changes.

Will you do Roll with the Changes? That one is fun to play.


I imagine it would be.  I've always liked the piano in that song.  But no, we don't. :(