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Lolzeez's Top 50 Albums! v. THE NUMBER ONE + ending

Started by Lolzeez, December 06, 2012, 12:08:21 PM

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Just out of curiosity, what is your native language Lolzeez?

By the way, I'm following  :tup


Quote from: Rattlehead on December 09, 2012, 01:56:23 AM
Just out of curiosity, what is your native language Lolzeez?

By the way, I'm following  :tup
I'm from Turkey. So Turkish is my native language. Same city as Serox.



44)Marillion-Misplaced Childhood (1985)

This album along with Nurcery Cryme introduced me to what we call "progressive music". Both of them are very special albums for me. Today i'm gonna talk about this one. (Lolwut talk? Are you kidding me? This is just text Lolzeez...) This album is actually my favorite album by this band. Yes. Kind of a stupid choice when the two previous albums are much better. And i agree with that. Fugazi and Script are both better than this album. It's just that this album holds a special place in my heart. Like most people my first song by this band was the single "Kayleigh". I love that song. But for me,the best part of the album starts out after Lavender. Bitter Suite. Love that song. From the intro to the end where it leads to Heart Of Lothian. Which is another one of the best songs on the album. But Blind Curve is my favorite song by Marillion. Can't beat that. The lyrics,that intro. Seriously. Impossible not to go crazy to how good this damn song is! Anyways just buy a vinyl copy and enjoy.

Favorite songs: Kayleigh,Bitter Suite,Heart Of Lothian,Blind Curve

43)Demon Fuzz-Afreaka (1970)

I'd say go buy a vinyl of this album but then the vinyl is like worth 350 dollars. This album is rare as hell. So yeah... This album is like a Jazz Rock/Jazz Fusion type of album. It's one of those. You might not like it when you listen to it first but sometime the album catches up to you. Around 4:06 of the first song called Past,Present And Future i got hooked. Mercy is also a really cool song. The song has like a Blood Sweat & Tears feel to it. But much better than anything by that band. And I've been a fan of BST for a while now. The next songs are very good too. Hymn To Mother Earth is a fantastic song. Highly recommended. Just look it up...

Favorite Songs: Past,Present And Future,Mercy,Hymn To Mother Earth

42)Pink Floyd-The Wall (1979)

The epic,the monster. Anyone that hasn't listened to this album is MISSING OUT on not only some good music,but also an outstanding storyline. Couple years back,i used to be obsessed with this album. Even recording a music video for Hey You for school. (I can't seem to find it :/ ) Seriously,this album is a masterpiece. Especially live. This album is pretty much a beast live. In fact i'd go as far as saying that it's not too enjoyable anymore after having seen Roger Waters live back in 2005. Still, i'm gonna see him next year (2013) August 3rd. Can't wait. In conclusion,this album should be listened by anyone. And one last thing,the second vinyl is MUCH better.

Favorite Songs: Mother,Hey You,Comfortably Numb,Run Like Hell,The Trial



One great, one overrated (but still good) and one album unknown to me. :tup

Which makes this update the one where I know the most stuff. :lol


Listening to Demon Fuzz album for the first time.  Like it, but too much to digest on a first listen; does seem like a grower.


Quote from: Scorpion on December 09, 2012, 09:26:45 AM
One great, one overrated (but still good) and one album unknown to me. :tup

Which makes this update the one where I know the most stuff. :lol
You should fix that.


Misplaced Childhood is great but not one of my favorite Marillion albums. I'm more of a Hogarth fan. Haven't heard the second album but it sounds cool so I'll look into it. As for The Wall, it used to be one of my favorite albums when I first started getting into Floyd and prog in general. I still like it but I prefer WYWH, Animals, and DSOTM.



Not familiar with the jazzy one, but the other two are top notch.  My favorite Floyd album, and MC is excellent.
Quote from: Jamesman42 on Today at 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on Today at 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


Quote from: jingle.boy on December 09, 2012, 12:28:25 PM
Not familiar with the jazzy one, but the other two are top notch. My favorite Floyd album, and MC is excellent.


Quote from: Lolzeez on December 09, 2012, 12:38:50 PM
Quote from: jingle.boy on December 09, 2012, 12:28:25 PM
Not familiar with the jazzy one, but the other two are top notch. My favorite Floyd album, and MC is excellent.

The Wall is my favorite Pink Floyd album.
Misplaced Childhood is excellent.
Quote from: Jamesman42 on Today at 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on Today at 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!

Cedar redaC

I only have the Marillion album, so I'll have to check out the other two sometime.


Misplaced childhood is amazing. It also holds the "introducing to prog" space in my heart and I will always love it. Agree about everything you said about blind curve as well. Such a great song.



Quote from: SomeoneLikeHim on December 09, 2012, 02:02:29 PM
Misplaced childhood is amazing. It also holds the "introducing to prog" space in my heart and I will always love it. Agree about everything you said about blind curve as well. Such a great song.
Yeah. That and Nurcery Cryme which is alright. (  ;) )

pain of occupation

I've listened to the wall a shit ton, but have yet to experience  it live or even watch the video version (save for a few minutes).

Interesting list.  Shall follow.


Well i cant update today. Sorry. Tomorrow i'll give you four albums as an apology..


4 albums! GO GO GO!

41)Rush-Hemispheres (1978)

Awesome album. Cygnus X-1 Book 2 is a legendary song and the best on the album. But i really dig Circumstances. I just love the chorus. The drumming is awesome and every track is a masterpiece on his own. I guess writing favorite songs would be worthless since there are only 4 songs and i already told you that Cygnus X-1 Book 2 is my fav. Apart from that,i really like the album cover... Yeah not a ton to say about this album.. Just go and listen!

Ps:Short and bad writeup. I know.

40)Camel-Mirage (1974)

This damn album kicks ass more than any other Camel album. I just love this album. The album opener,Freefall is one of my favorite album openers ever. Such melodic and exciting. I also love the next song, Supertwister. All i can say is "Dat flute". The third song is a little epic song called Nimrodel/The Procession/The White Rider. I love that damn song. My fav on the album. Yes i like it more than Lady Fantasy. Funny cause those are my top 2 Camel songs. Earthrise,the song in between these epics is quite good as well. Love the guitar in that one and how it mixes with the keyboards. Well i like every song on the album so yeah... But my favorite song is Nimrodel/The Procession/The White Rider. Make sure to hunt down a vinyl copy! Like i did. Bought it from the hippie i bought the DT promo picture disc. He's got some cool stuff.

Favorite song:Nimrodel/The Procession/The White Rider

39)Genesis-Foxtrot (1972) <3

My favorite band is,if you didnt know,Genesis. I really love this album but i find it overrated. Just because it has Supper's Ready (Third fav Genesis song) doesn't mean that it should be up there with errrr... I shouldn't give names... Still i love this album. Classics like Watcher Of The Skies and Can Utility are almost as good as Supper's Ready. Love both those songs. Supper's Ready itself is one of the best prog rock epics that I have heard of. I love that song. Almost perfection. Oh and the solo sections are just as amazing as the previous album. Great album,highly recommended.

Favorite Songs:Supper's Ready,Can Utility,Watcher Of The Skies

38)Yes-Relayer (1974)

This album right here is better than Close To The Edge. In my assholeish opinion. I really like the songs on here. This was my first Yes album. So it has a special place in my heart. Aka fanboyism. The Gates Of Delirium is perfect. Simply put. My second favorite Yes song. God,i love everything. From the keyboards to the bass to the guitar to the damn drumming to the ahhh the song is perfect! Sound Chaser is also another one of my favorites. Very fun to listen to. To Be Over is a great addition to the album cause if the album had another epic song it'd be too tiring to listen to. Good choice by the band. Still it manages to be mind blowingly good. -SPOILER- There is another Yes album coming up...

Favorite song:The Gates Of Delirium


Oh and btw try to guess albums that will show up later on the list. And please no obvious albums like Scenes,Images & Words,Dark Side Of The Moon,Nurcery Cryme,The Divine Wings Of Tragedy,In The Court Of The Crimson King,Wish You Were here and... well i just spoiled some albums now didn't i? Nah. They wouldn't even be a surprise when they showed up anyways.


What a list, those are four essential prog rock albums. I kinda got tired of Foxtrot, but the other three are also favorites of mine. Especially Mirage, top 50 album for me as well.  :smiley:


Hemispheres  :metal!

I really love Circumstances, my favourite on album after The Trees. Great that they brought it back to live set after almost a 30 year break to Snakes & Arrows Tour.


Quote from: Ruba on December 11, 2012, 11:00:04 AM
Hemispheres  :metal!

I really love Circumstances, my favourite on album after The Trees. Great that they brought it back to live set after almost a 30 year break to Snakes & Arrows Tour.
Plus ça change! Plus c'est la meme chose!  :metal

Pols Voice

Wow, nice. Four great albums.

Nimrodel/The Procession/The White Rider is a fantastic song. Should be considered a prog classic. I also prefer Relayer to Close to the Edge.


Not a fan of Hemispheres, mainly because of the title track that doesn't live up to it's predecessor. And imo the lyrics are terrible. I'll take Book I every time. The rest of the album is good though.
I love Misplaced Childhood and all the Fish albums.
Camel- prefer Nude but Mirage is good.
Not much of a PF fan.
Not much of a Genesis fan.
Yes I like though, and this is one of their best.



Nice pick with the Marillion.  Never could get into the Hogarth stuff.  Fish was unique.  And yes, Misplaced Childhood holds a special place in my heart as well.  I can't even listen to just one song, either.  If I hear it, I have to listen to the whole thing.  The second half (there are no "sides" anymore with the departure of vinyl) is better in my opinion.  The liner notes in the remastered version gives a great insight into how Fish wrote the album (hint: lots of inner turmoil and LOTS of drugs).


The Lamb's probably somewhere in there. Other than that, no idea.

You know, except for your #1.  ;)


Nice call, Scorp.  In fact, the title track just came up on my iPod!!  I always have it on when I'm in the office at my desk, on a little speaker mount.

Would anyone classify Peter Gabriel as "prog"?  If so, would that include all his albums?  Because "Passion" is definitely in my Top 10 albums of all time.



Quote from: Scorpion on December 11, 2012, 01:56:52 PM
The Lamb's probably somewhere in there. Other than that, no idea.

You know, except for your #1.  ;)


THE WALL. Otherwise known as the greatest album of all. Nice!


37)Dream Theater-A Dramatic Turn Of Events (2011)

Hey Lolzeez where the fuck is DT? Well here you go. ADTOE. One of the best albums i've heard in ages. This is just great. You know what this is so i won't write a proper write up (like my other write ups are proper..) and plus i'm tired. I'm a slacker indeed.

Favorite Songs:Outcry,Bridges In The Sky,Breaking All Illusions

36)Brand X-Unorthodox Behaviour (1976)

It hasn't even been 6 months since i discovered Brand X. I learned about them through Phil Collins and loved them for the great guitar work from John Goodsall,the nice bass from Percy Jones and the underrated keyboard player Robin Lumley. I love this band. The drumming is fantastic from Phil Collins and Born Ugly is some of the grooviest shit around. Some people might like the following two albums but i just like their debut more. It's probably the song "Born Ugly".

Favorite song:Born Ugly

35)Pink Floyd-Animals (1977)

Man,this album right here. It kicks major ass. With 3 mighty epics,this album is pretty much Pink Floyd's final really "prog" album. Songs like Dogs,Sheep and Pigs (Three Different Ones) kick ass. Oh wait. Those are all the damn songs! (Pigs on the wing isn't a song more like an intro and outro) But my favorite has to be Pigs (Three Different Ones),That damn intro always gives me goosebumps. The vocal delivery is also awesome. There is also like an instrumental section that kicks ass all the way through. I also love Dogs. It's a great epic with amazing guitar work. Probably one of my favorites of all time.

Favorite Song:Pigs (Three Different Ones)