Top 50 Most-Played Albums on my iPod

Started by The Letter M, December 27, 2012, 06:30:52 PM

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Ah, thanks! I hadn't see your edit, so I didn't know what that could be about  :)

King Postwhore

Though I have LLDOB I do not have the tribute.  As for the others.  All have massive amounts of spin on my I-Pod.
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


He said there would be 4 bands in the last update. 1 band is obviously Spock's beard with both X and Snow (as they haven't been mentioned yet I believe), so that makes room for three others.

I'm going with a Dream Theater album (Images & Words), a Yes album and one by Transatlantic. ? by Neal Morse has already been mentioned, so that one's out unfortunately.
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey

The Letter M

Quote from: Elite on January 01, 2013, 08:50:30 AM
He said there would be 4 bands in the last update. 1 band is obviously Spock's beard with both X and Snow (as they haven't been mentioned yet I believe), so that makes room for three others.

I'm going with a Dream Theater album (Images & Words), a Yes album and one by Transatlantic. ? by Neal Morse has already been mentioned, so that one's out unfortunately.

Bruce Wayne would be proud! Your deductive powers are strong, however, those guessing Images And Words are WRONG! Sorry to disappoint, but when I was looking at my iPod, both IAW and Systematic Chaos only had 67 plays, falling just outside the Top 50 on this list. Remember, I fell in love with DT early on, back in 2004, and I didn't have an iPod until 3-4 years later, so I had already played IAW to death and back, so unfortunately, it does not appear on this list. However, I really DO love that album, and I'm sure one day it'll catch up.

And for those who have been paying REAL close attention, I said earlier in the thread:

Quote27. Drama by Yes (96 Plays) - My most played Yes album, and definitely in my Top 5.

So no more Yes albums from me, unfortunately. Although I really do enjoy Close To The Edge AND Relayer a LOT, they both do not appear on this list. Again, they were one of the first prog bands I feel in love with so their plays existed prior to my owning an iPod.

BTW, the next update will be not long from now! Be ready and thanks to everyone who has been reading and following this! It's been fun! :tup


The Letter M

Going to split the Top 5 into 3 posts today...

5. X by Spock's Beard (232 Plays) - The Beard's last album is certainly their best since Neal left, and some might say, even better than some of the stuff they wrote WITH Neal! Of the album's 8 tracks, 3 reach over the 10 minute mark, while three more are over 7.5 minutes long! In fact, the shortest piece, "Kamikaze", is an insane instrumental! The four year wait after the self-titled album was well worth it because the boys delivered. Everything about this album is fantastic - the music, the lyrics, the playing, the production (Dave's bass is the best I've ever heard it on here). This album was literally a 10/10 for me, ironically being their 10th album. And while I can praise this album to the moon and back, it still isn't my favorite, nor my most-played SB album, but it certainly is worthy of a Top 5 spot, and definitely, for now, my 2nd favorite SB album. It's so good that I've read so many Neal-Era fans who disliked most of the Nick-Era SB to come around and love THIS album. It's quite a shame that Nick had to go, but he's doing what he needs to do, and I appreciate that. Meanwhile I'm hopeful for Brief Nocturnes And Dreamless Sleep, especially since Nick only wrote one of the songs on X, the rest were done by the rest of the band, so if the writing continues in that direction, I'll be pleasantly surprise! It also helps that Al wrote some stuff with Neal! :tup

4. Picture by Kino (236 Plays) - And here's one out of left field: a band that ended up being a one-album side-project, rather than the other way around, this supergroup of sorts put out one hell of a debut album, and it's a shame they didn't make more! Every member comes from a well-established prog band (Pete Trewavas of Marillion, John Mitchell of Arena, John beck of It Bites, and Chris Maitland formerly of Porcupine Tree), and their playing shows it! However, if you're expecting anything along the lines of Transatlantic, you'd be wrong. It's more AOR/Asia-like than anything, but it's STRONG song-writing backs by intelligent lyrics and amazing musicianship. It's a modern-day Asia without sounding dated in the 80's (like the original Asia still sounds). 10 songs along an hour of music, the opening track is the longest, and if you can get through that, you'd love the whole album. This was an album that I fell in love with instantly, and I can always put it on and it'll cheer me up, there is no wrong time to play it! Nothing about this album is bad, other than the fact that it's the ONLY ONE. I've wished for YEARS that Pete, John B, John M, and Chris would get back together to record another album, but it seems they all have been too busy to do so. Such a shame, but at least we'll always have Picture (and the subsequent Demos+Live album Cutting Room Floor).




No, only Snow is left, mister. Oh, and X is indeed fantastic.
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey

The Letter M

Quote from: Lolzeez on January 01, 2013, 12:16:08 PM
Top 3 are all SB albums right?  :lol

Someone hasn't been paying attention  :rollin ;)

Quote from: Elite on January 01, 2013, 12:18:09 PM
No, only Snow is left, mister. Oh, and X is indeed fantastic.

And you're correct! On both accounts! :tup



I have all the albums from the last two updates besides Kino (if you count the original Genesis). Kino does sound interesting though.


Quote from: Elite on January 01, 2013, 12:18:09 PM
No, only Snow is left, mister. Oh, and X is indeed fantastic.
Snow  :omg: I can never sit through that from start to finish. Gets boring for me. FLAME WALL.

The Letter M

Quote from: Unlegit on January 01, 2013, 12:20:31 PM
I have all the albums from the last two updates besides Kino (if you count the original Genesis). Kino does sound interesting though.

Go check them out, key tracks for me would be "Losers' Day Parade", "People" and "Holding On".

Quote from: Lolzeez on January 01, 2013, 12:20:45 PM
Quote from: Elite on January 01, 2013, 12:18:09 PM
No, only Snow is left, mister. Oh, and X is indeed fantastic.
Snow  :omg: I can never sit through that from start to finish. Gets boring for me. FLAME WALL.

Is it because of it's length, or you just don't like the songs?


King Postwhore

I love X and Kino.  Kino is a must buy.
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


I love X. Its a top 5, maybe SB album for me. Do you listen to it with Their Names Escape Me? I always do, even though that song drags a bit (still a cool concept though).

The Letter M

Quote from: ColdFireYYZ on January 01, 2013, 02:38:59 PM
I love X. Its a top 5, maybe SB album for me. Do you listen to it with Their Names Escape Me? I always do, even though that song drags a bit (still a cool concept though).

Of course! I do say "8 tracks" in my write-up! I even went so far as to rip the regular edition, which had some slightly longer tracks, and combine it with the limited edition "Their Names Escape Me", for an album that's full and complete (and just over 80 minutes, actually). I really enjoy that song, and the clever way the names were arranged and used! Very poetic and musical!

The next two are coming shortly...


The Letter M

3. Marbles by Marillion (246 Plays) - This is the pinnacle of Marillion albums, their magnum opus, the epitome of their sound! I am, of course, referring to the 2 CD version of the album, which includes ALL of the songs, most notably "Ocean Cloud", one of my favorite Marillion tracks EVER. This whole album, while not a direct concept, is held together by it's four title tracks that describe a boy's playing with marbles and their metaphorical meanings to life. Throughout the rest of the album, we're treated with vignettes, little song stories, and they're all paced so evenly well so as to feel like a concept album. There's highs, lows, quite a few different tempos and styles, but all still definably Marillion. Of course, the standout tracks are "Invisible Man", "Neverland" and the aforementioned "Ocean Cloud", but the shorter tracks are also spectacular, particularly "Fantastic Place", "The Only Unforgivable Thing" and "You're Gone". I mean, I love and enjoy every track on here, but those are highlights. At least I know I am not alone in ranking this so high, or at very least having listened to it so much. After a 2-3 year struggle with trying to like Marillion (from 2005-2006/7), it was THIS album that broke the barrier for me, and I realized my life had been missing Marillion. With this album, it truly was a better way of life!

2. The Whirlwind by Transatlantic (Main album, 401 Plays; Bonus Disc Tracks 1-4, 276 Plays) - It's hard to believe this album is already over 3 years old, but reaching over 400 plays, the main album is a masterpiece for me. When it was announced that Transatlantic were recording a new album, I had doubts they could surpass my previous favorite and masterpiece-of-all-time, Bridge Across Forever, but about 8 months after the announcement and at the time of release, "The Whirlwind" proved me wrong. Every single moment of this album was pure magic, and it was then that I knew these four guys could do no wrong. Each of the song's twelve movements is a song in itself, but the whole is definitely and undoubtedly greater than the sum of its parts. This was an epic concept, driven by emotionally touching melodies, powerful rhythms (especially Pete's bass, and to which I use this album as a benchmark for great bass sound and production), and great lyrics (yes, even the final movement). This was, and always will be, a top 5 album for me, and definitely a desert island disc.

But even more so if you include the 2nd disc! Now, I say above that I count only Tracks 1-4 because I don't really listen to the cover songs too often, as good as they are, but whenever I listen to "The Whirlwind" now, I tack on "Spinning", "Lenny Johnson", "For Such A Time", and "Lending A Hand" as they ARE Transatlantic originals, and while many fans don't find the quality of much of these tracks to be as great as the main album, I think they're just as special. It also amazes me that they had the time to flesh out and record four more original tunes, and have that much material left over! Each track is unique and while they're showing their influences (Yes, The Beatles), the sound is still Transatlantic, and I hope they play one or more of these in their coming years!

Well, that does it for this batch, and only one album remains, and those who have been paying attention should be able to figure it out!? I'll update tonight with my write-up about it! :tup



Quote from: The Letter M on January 01, 2013, 02:42:31 PM
Quote from: ColdFireYYZ on January 01, 2013, 02:38:59 PM
I love X. Its a top 5, maybe SB album for me. Do you listen to it with Their Names Escape Me? I always do, even though that song drags a bit (still a cool concept though).

Of course! I do say "8 tracks" in my write-up! I even went so far as to rip the regular edition, which had some slightly longer tracks, and combine it with the limited edition "Their Names Escape Me", for an album that's full and complete (and just over 80 minutes, actually). I really enjoy that song, and the clever way the names were arranged and used! Very poetic and musical!

The next two are coming shortly...

Didn't catch the part where you said 8 tracks.  :facepalm:

Do you mean that the regular edition's has slightly longer songs than the pre-order edition? I downloaded it from Amazon a few months after the regular release, and then downloaded Their Names Escape Me from iTunes. All together, my version is just under 80 minutes.


Marbles is one of my favorite albums. When I first got it, I didn't know that there was a double disc version. I liked the single album but I was blown away after hearing the complete album in all its glory. Ocean Cloud is probably my favorite Marillion song of all time. Last June, when they came to NYC for two days, I had to decide which day to buy a ticket for. I came very close to choosing the second day, but for some reason I changed my mind at the last minute and went with the first. Sure enough, they played Ocean Cloud that night! It was probably my favorite concert moment so far.

The Whirlwind is my favorite of the 3 Transatlantic albums. And, I'm sure Snow will be number 1.


The Whirlwind is awesome. I guess I'll try that Marillion album again, even though I already did give it a fair chance, as well as others. Snow probably is gonna be the #1 pick.

The Letter M

Quote from: ColdFireYYZ on January 01, 2013, 03:27:32 PM
Quote from: The Letter M on January 01, 2013, 02:42:31 PM
Quote from: ColdFireYYZ on January 01, 2013, 02:38:59 PM
I love X. Its a top 5, maybe SB album for me. Do you listen to it with Their Names Escape Me? I always do, even though that song drags a bit (still a cool concept though).

Of course! I do say "8 tracks" in my write-up! I even went so far as to rip the regular edition, which had some slightly longer tracks, and combine it with the limited edition "Their Names Escape Me", for an album that's full and complete (and just over 80 minutes, actually). I really enjoy that song, and the clever way the names were arranged and used! Very poetic and musical!

The next two are coming shortly...

Didn't catch the part where you said 8 tracks.  :facepalm:

Do you mean that the regular edition's has slightly longer songs than the pre-order edition? I downloaded it from Amazon a few months after the regular release, and then downloaded Their Names Escape Me from iTunes. All together, my version is just under 80 minutes.

lol It's quite alright. My write-ups are pretty lengthy so I can forgive you skipping a few words here and there. Here's what my track list looks like:
Total - 80:13
1. The Edge Of The In-Between - 10:32
2. Kamikaze - 4:14
3. The Emperor's Clothes - 6:02
4. From The Darkness - 17:10
5. The Quiet House - 9:15
6. Their Names Escape Me - 8:52
7. The Man Behind The Curtain - 7:46
8. Jaws Of Heaven - 16:22

All the tracks but "Their Names Escape Me" come from the regular release edition, which only features those seven tracks. They're all slightly longer, notably the ending to "From The Darkness".



Quote from: The Letter M on January 01, 2013, 03:50:03 PM
Quote from: ColdFireYYZ on January 01, 2013, 03:27:32 PM
Quote from: The Letter M on January 01, 2013, 02:42:31 PM
Quote from: ColdFireYYZ on January 01, 2013, 02:38:59 PM
I love X. Its a top 5, maybe SB album for me. Do you listen to it with Their Names Escape Me? I always do, even though that song drags a bit (still a cool concept though).

Of course! I do say "8 tracks" in my write-up! I even went so far as to rip the regular edition, which had some slightly longer tracks, and combine it with the limited edition "Their Names Escape Me", for an album that's full and complete (and just over 80 minutes, actually). I really enjoy that song, and the clever way the names were arranged and used! Very poetic and musical!

The next two are coming shortly...

Didn't catch the part where you said 8 tracks.  :facepalm:

Do you mean that the regular edition's has slightly longer songs than the pre-order edition? I downloaded it from Amazon a few months after the regular release, and then downloaded Their Names Escape Me from iTunes. All together, my version is just under 80 minutes.

lol It's quite alright. My write-ups are pretty lengthy so I can forgive you skipping a few words here and there. Here's what my track list looks like:
Total - 80:13
1. The Edge Of The In-Between - 10:32
2. Kamikaze - 4:14
3. The Emperor's Clothes - 6:02
4. From The Darkness - 17:10
5. The Quiet House - 9:15
6. Their Names Escape Me - 8:52
7. The Man Behind The Curtain - 7:46
8. Jaws Of Heaven - 16:22

All the tracks but "Their Names Escape Me" come from the regular release edition, which only features those seven tracks. They're all slightly longer, notably the ending to "From The Darkness".

That's odd. All of your tracks are a few seconds longer than mine, except for From The Darkness which is exactly the same length as your version. Looks like I have the regular edition but most of the songs have a few seconds chopped off by Amazon MP3. As long as I'm not missing anything then I'm happy! Thanks for posting that.


Why do you have The Emperor's Clothes and Kamikaze swapped?
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey

The Letter M

No problem, the case of all the songs except "From The Darkness", it's just a couple seconds of fade-out that were chopped off, I'm sure. Nothing too huge! It's weird, though, that I cannot go back to hearing the shorter version of "From The Darkness", but I can see why they had to cut it short to fit "Their Names Escape Me" on a CD. It's a bit of a lengthy fade-out, but it's perfect for the song!

Quote from: Elite on January 01, 2013, 04:02:43 PM
Why do you have The Emperor's Clothes and Kamikaze swapped?

On the regular release of the album, the two songs were swapped, and upon hearing "Kamikaze" second, I liked it a lot more in that spot. And putting "The Emperor's Clothes" between it and "From The Darkness" provides a good cool-down between them. Also, I like the idea of putting an instrumental track 2nd on the album, just like on Spock's Beard with the 1-2 punch of "On A Perfect Day" and "Skeletons At The Feast".


King Postwhore

Marbles and The Whirlwind get major play from me.  Neverland is a top 10 song for me.
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.

The Letter M

1. Snow by Spock's Beard (407 Plays) - My love for this album is no secret, as I'm sure i've talked about it plenty of times on these forums, and it remains my favorite SB album, as well as Top 5 album of all time. Not only is it a sprawling double album, but it's also a concept album, and a narrative one at that! Along the lines of The Who's Tommy and Genesis' The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway (another favorite of mine), this 104 minute monster of an album covers all sorts of ground, from hard rock, prog, jazz, soft ballads, touching piano melodies, acoustic folk, anthemic stadium rock, heavy metal, and all sorts of other sounds, styles, and genres in between! This is the ultimate Spock's Beard album for me, my favorite from the band, and arguably, also my favorite thing Neal Morse has ever done, past or present!

I'm not sure I could say enough about this album, or all of it's tracks, but I can say that it has gotten me through plenty of tough times, has lifted me out of dark and dull moments, and has helped me get over plenty of hardships and heartaches in the past 7 years that I've had it. A lot of fans think Disc 2 lacks a bit of flair that Disc 1 has, but I think a lot of fans who listen to double albums say that about ANY double album (The Lamb, The Wall, various TFK albums, etc. etc.). I think it's that people who don't have the patience to absorb a whole double album get tired by the 2nd disc, whether it's by impatience or ignorance or ADHD, there's a reward for those who can sit through the whole thing, and find great joy in every minute and moment. Snow was one of the first few double albums I had gotten in to, and while it's a bit long, it doesn't detract from the whole experience. Like I said with "The Whirlwind", the whole is absolutely greater than the sum of its parts, but on this album, some of the parts sound amazing, like "Wind At My Back" (both versions), "Open Wide The Flood Gates", "Love Beyond Words", "Carie", and "I Will Go" to name a few. But really, this album can only truly be appreciated as a whole, and for me, it will remain one of my favorite and most-played albums of all time.



Cool top 50 list, I wish I had stats like this on my album listens. Doubt it would be anywhere near as much as 400+ an any of them though.

On another note, I've never listened to Spock's Beard, don't know why. I should probably remedy that.


Quote from: kingshmegland on January 01, 2013, 12:59:39 PM
I love X and Kino.  Kino is a must buy.

Mental note, must check out.

Snow ... I agree it's their best, and my favorite as well.
Quote from: Jamesman42 on Today at 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on Today at 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


I loved Snow when I first started listening to Spock's Beard. I kind of got sick of it over time but just yesterday I listened to it for the first time in a while and really enjoyed it.

The Letter M

Quote from: Orthogonal on January 01, 2013, 05:49:19 PM
Cool top 50 list, I wish I had stats like this on my album listens. Doubt it would be anywhere near as much as 400+ an any of them though.

On another note, I've never listened to Spock's Beard, don't know why. I should probably remedy that.

Thanks! Glad you followed along! And yes, you should definitely give some Spock's Beard a listen!!!

Quote from: jingle.boy on January 01, 2013, 06:53:06 PM
Quote from: kingshmegland on January 01, 2013, 12:59:39 PM
I love X and Kino.  Kino is a must buy.

Mental note, must check out.

Snow ... I agree it's their best, and my favorite as well.

Yes, do check out Kino. And I will add that Chris Maitland's drumming is fantastic on this album. In some songs, he lets loose in a way that he didn't with Porcupine Tree! Also, Pete's bass playing is great!

Quote from: Unlegit on January 01, 2013, 06:54:50 PM
Snow is great!
Quote from: ColdFireYYZ on January 01, 2013, 07:21:26 PM
I loved Snow when I first started listening to Spock's Beard. I kind of got sick of it over time but just yesterday I listened to it for the first time in a while and really enjoyed it.

Glad to hear there are more Snow-lovers on this board!!! I hope you guys stick around for when I get to my 2nd Annual Spock's Beard Survivor later this year (after I finish my Neal Morse Survivor).
