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bosk1's BOTTOM 50 DT songs v. well this is different

Started by bosk1, March 01, 2013, 02:22:06 PM

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I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before but instrumentals are most of my favorite songs with DT so I would not have put them in a list like this.  DoE has got to be a top 10, I just love it.  It never gets old.  I especially like watching the video of MP trying to count along with it.


Quote from: Another_Won on March 18, 2013, 01:04:06 PM
I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before but instrumentals are most of my favorite songs with DT so I would not have put them in a list like this.  DoE has got to be a top 10, I just love it.  It never gets old.  I especially like watching the video of MP trying to count along with it.

See, for me, music being a mathematical exercise like that seems boring to me.  Music is all about melody and feeling, not being able to play something super technical.  DT is often able to blend the two together extremely well, but in the case of The Dance of Eternity, it seems more like a mathematical exercise than a moving piece of music.


Quote from: KevShmev on March 18, 2013, 01:07:30 PM
Quote from: Another_Won on March 18, 2013, 01:04:06 PM
I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before but instrumentals are most of my favorite songs with DT so I would not have put them in a list like this.  DoE has got to be a top 10, I just love it.  It never gets old.  I especially like watching the video of MP trying to count along with it.

See, for me, music being a mathematical exercise like that seems boring to me.  Music is all about melody and feeling, not being able to play something super technical.  DT is often able to blend the two together extremely well, but in the case of The Dance of Eternity, it seems more like a mathematical exercise than a moving piece of music.

Sure, I get that some people feel that way.  I have definitely heard some bands that sound very mathematical and I'll get bored too.

But I find that DT is able to pull it off.  It does move me.  I find tension growing in myself at certain parts only to then feel relief as then transition into other parts.  To me it feels like a journey.

I think I've said too much . . . .



Well,It's your opinion after all...

your opinion...



Quote from: Another_Won on March 18, 2013, 06:50:11 PM
Quote from: KevShmev on March 18, 2013, 01:07:30 PM
Quote from: Another_Won on March 18, 2013, 01:04:06 PM
I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before but instrumentals are most of my favorite songs with DT so I would not have put them in a list like this.  DoE has got to be a top 10, I just love it.  It never gets old.  I especially like watching the video of MP trying to count along with it.

See, for me, music being a mathematical exercise like that seems boring to me.  Music is all about melody and feeling, not being able to play something super technical.  DT is often able to blend the two together extremely well, but in the case of The Dance of Eternity, it seems more like a mathematical exercise than a moving piece of music.

Sure, I get that some people feel that way.  I have definitely heard some bands that sound very mathematical and I'll get bored too.

But I find that DT is able to pull it off.  It does move me.  I find tension growing in myself at certain parts only to then feel relief as then transition into other parts.  To me it feels like a journey.

I think I've said too much . . . .
Agreed. A song doesn't always have to have "feelings" or something as abstract as that for me to find it good. Sometimes, I like to analyze a piece of music purely from a technical point of view. Maybe comes from being a musician myself, but that's an aspect of DT's music I've always found interesting, as well as the actual songs themselves. If that makes any sense.


The Dance of Eternity was awesome at first, but the coolness factor wore off very quickly. If I was forced to pick one song from the DT catalogue that could be said to sound like it's been written just for the sake of showing off their chops, then it would be TDOE. It's not a bad song and the wankiness/musical dong action/whateveryouwanttocallit can be justified because of the context: SFAM was their first release with Jordan and the followup to an album that had been a disappointment to a lot of prog metal fans, and TDOE is like DT saying: "Hey, we're still prog - look what we are capable of!" I don't mind the song when listening to SFAM in full, but on its own it's not a particularly interesting piece of music, even though I'm a musician myself.





You kinky bastards...

Tbh I agree with Milena.  :lol



30.  One Last Time - Ah, the big reveal on Scenes From a Memory.  This is where the story finally comes together.  For that reason alone, this is a very cool song within the context of the album.  As a standalone song, however, despite some cool parts, it doesn't really move me much, and I don't get anything from this song that DT doesn't do much better in plenty of other pieces of music. 

31.  Afterlife - We have now officially reached the point in our countdown where my reaction to the songs is best summed up as indifference.  I don't hate Afterlife by any stretch.  But I do not ever see myself saying, "Man, I really want to hear Afterlife.  Let me go listen to WDADU so I can hear it."  It's a song that is just there to me.  I don't skip it, but it doesn't really do anything for me either.

32.  Take The Time - A really cool bass line and a few creative lyrical lines make this otherwise forgettable song passable.  This song doesn't outright fail in any respect.  But there are just so many better songs in the DT catalog.  And for that matter, there are a few songs on Images & Words alone that are so vastly superior that Take The Time pales in comparison.  It has some nice moments, but is very all-over-the-place in terms of sound.  Kevin Moore also sounds like he is trying too hard to be a second guitar player on this song.  This is one of the few songs on Images where I do not like his playing (most of that criticism is reserved for Awake).


Take The Time this low? Oh bosky, you're breaking my heart!   :(

Also we're not a match.








Quote from: BlobVanDam on March 19, 2013, 07:40:16 AM
Quote from: bosk1 on March 19, 2013, 07:38:48 AM
This is where it starts to get fun.  :biggrin:

Oh just let me warm up my fist. :getoffmylawn:

Hey, don't worry.  I do have some Awake songs coming up.


Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Man, I love Take The Time. It's an absolutely cheesefest, it's funky, positive and it has one of Kevin's best keyboard solos. That song just wins on every level.

That said, I totally understand why you're not that much into it.


Quote from: PixelDream on March 19, 2013, 08:39:44 AM
Man, I love Take The Time. It's an absolutely cheesefest, it's funky, positive and it has one of Kevin's best keyboard solos. That song just wins on every level.

That said, I totally understand why you're not that much into it.


I find Take the Time to be one of their weakest tracks, so thumbs up. :tup

But Blind Faith is top 5 best for me, so thumbs down. :tdwn

Cedar redaC

Take the Time is my number one.

Afterlife killed on Score.

One Last Time is good, but it simply doesn't stand alone as it's own song.


33.  Lifting Shadows Off A Dream - Yes, it's moody.  Yes, it's atmospheric.  Yes, it's unique.  Unfortunately, none of those things are enough to make me care about the song.  It's not a bad song.  But even after all these years, I just don't find it particularly memorable and I tend to zone out when I listen to Awake and it comes on.  And we have now officially reached the point in this list where Awake starts to take a beating.

34.  Surrounded - I love the piano intro.  And I love James' delivery on a couple of the vocal lines (you all know the ones).  But aside from that, it doesn't really work for me as a song.  Overall, I feel about the same about this one as I do about Lifting Shadows.

35.  Through Her Eyes - Very nice piano work by Jordan.  This is a very nice transition within the context of SFAM.  As a standalone song, I would never seek this one out.


I'm ok with this. I quite like Surrounded and THE, but not enough to rage or anything.


I would tend to agree with your choice for #33.  It's a nice song but kinda bland.  This is as far as I'll let you go with Awake.  I liked it a lot when it cam out and still do.  I probably won't agree with seeing any more Awake songs on your list, but I'm definitely curious to hear why.


Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Oh man the TTT placement. This is getting good. Good 50 list format. They were getting a bit stale.



Quote from: Another_Won on March 02, 2013, 06:50:25 AM
Good idea.  Within the DT community I have found that generally people fall into two different camps.  One that tends to like the more prog and a bit more mellow and the other that tends toward the metal, hard-edged side.  These are vary general descriptions, obviously there are degrees within each camp. 

I say all this because I think that Bosk falls into the same camp as me.  I think this thread will tell me if I'm wrong.

So, just courious.  How is your theory playing out so far?


Oh, and I just listend to Take The Time again to refresh my mind on that song and see if I was in error.  I now feel I can competently address the question:
Quote from: DebraKadabra on March 20, 2013, 11:13:15 AM
Quote from: hefdaddy42 on March 19, 2013, 08:21:28 AM
TTT?  Really?

Answer:  Yes.  Really.  Come at me.  :bringiton: