The Official Xbox One Thread (merged)

Started by Fiery Winds, May 20, 2013, 07:44:57 PM

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Fuck, I got that number wrong! :lol

Kinect has sold over 24 million, not 66.



The problem with the kinect coming part of the Xbox is that I just dont trust the device.  The thing is powerful enough to know a lot about you and send that off to microsoft.  It can also be used to restrict you.  Id be so much more comfortable buying a new xbox without it than buying it with it, even if it still costs 100 more than the PS4. 


Quote from: cramx3 on June 21, 2013, 03:50:08 PM
The problem with the kinect coming part of the Xbox is that I just dont trust the device.  The thing is powerful enough to know a lot about you and send that off to microsoft.  It can also be used to restrict you.  Id be so much more comfortable buying a new xbox without it than buying it with it, even if it still costs 100 more than the PS4.

Microsoft has stated that it is sensitive enough to detect your pulse. I don't know how it can do that without a thermal camera, and I don't think the microphone is that powerful.


Here's what I don't get.

Why couldn't Microsoft have kept all the digital fun stuff (sharing, trading games back, etc) with games that you download from XBL?


Quote from: Chino on June 21, 2013, 03:56:21 PM
Quote from: cramx3 on June 21, 2013, 03:50:08 PM
The problem with the kinect coming part of the Xbox is that I just dont trust the device.  The thing is powerful enough to know a lot about you and send that off to microsoft.  It can also be used to restrict you.  Id be so much more comfortable buying a new xbox without it than buying it with it, even if it still costs 100 more than the PS4.

Microsoft has stated that it is sensitive enough to detect your pulse. I don't know how it can do that without a thermal camera, and I don't think the microphone is that powerful.

And that scares the crap out of me having that thing in my living room.  The kinnect could be awesome (never used it) but I wont even think about buying it.  Im also not the kind of guy that is worried about my phone logs being tracked and my ezpass being documented and what not since I don't do things that I need to hide, but that thing watching my in my living room sensing and sending who knows what.  :omg:


Quote from: antigoon on June 21, 2013, 04:01:56 PM
Here's what I don't get.

Why couldn't Microsoft have kept all the digital fun stuff (sharing, trading games back, etc) with games that you download from XBL?

This is where I am at too. They are blowing a great opportunity to have the best of both worlds here.


Quote from: cramx3 on June 21, 2013, 04:05:22 PM
Quote from: Chino on June 21, 2013, 03:56:21 PM
Quote from: cramx3 on June 21, 2013, 03:50:08 PM
The problem with the kinect coming part of the Xbox is that I just dont trust the device.  The thing is powerful enough to know a lot about you and send that off to microsoft.  It can also be used to restrict you.  Id be so much more comfortable buying a new xbox without it than buying it with it, even if it still costs 100 more than the PS4.

Microsoft has stated that it is sensitive enough to detect your pulse. I don't know how it can do that without a thermal camera, and I don't think the microphone is that powerful.

And that scares the crap out of me having that thing in my living room.  The kinnect could be awesome (never used it) but I wont even think about buying it.  Im also not the kind of guy that is worried about my phone logs being tracked and my ezpass being documented and what not since I don't do things that I need to hide, but that thing watching my in my living room sensing and sending who knows what.  :omg:

Easy, just tape it off and if it has a heat sensitive camera, place a lamp on top or in front of it. There you go.
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


I was under the impression that it would know if you were blocking it? IT KNOWS!  :eek


yeah and then what? It's not going to do anything about it, it's a fucking machine designed to play games for God's sake, not a piece of spyware.
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


I have a pretty good idea. How bout none of us buy the putrid thing and make M$ learn an actual lesson unlike every other shit company out there that gets by because American consumers are literally the most naive pieces of shit on the planet.

Dark Castle

But I reeeeeeaaaaly want Titanfall and aside from the dmr and used game policy(which Sony has patents for as well)which was dropped, it's not a bad system by any means


Quote from: Elite on June 21, 2013, 04:40:46 PM
yeah and then what? It's not going to do anything about it, it's a fucking machine designed to play games for God's sake, not a piece of spyware.

How do you know?  And no, its not a machine designed to play games... Its a machine designed to be a media center hub including playing games.... and spying  :lol


Quote from: tjanuranus on June 21, 2013, 04:20:18 PM
Quote from: antigoon on June 21, 2013, 04:01:56 PM
Here's what I don't get.

Why couldn't Microsoft have kept all the digital fun stuff (sharing, trading games back, etc) with games that you download from XBL?

This is where I am at too. They are blowing a great opportunity to have the best of both worlds here.
It almost seems like they did it out of spite :lol

Fiery Winds

Quote from: Dark Castle on June 21, 2013, 04:45:19 PM
But I reeeeeeaaaaly want Titanfall and aside from the dmr and used game policy(which Sony has patents for as well)which was dropped, it's not a bad system by any means

Titan Fall will also be on PC, and it was hinted at (confirmed?) that it's a timed exclusive on Xbox One, and will eventually come to the PS4.  I wouldn't be surprised.

Dark Castle

yeah, I heard about the Timed exclusive thing. Honestly, that game will decide which system I get. Unfortunately I don't have the desire for PC as I prefer console gaming anyhow :P

I think it's very possible Titanfall is just a timed exclusive considering "exclusive" games originally just for Microsoft (Bioshock, Mass Effect) find a way of reaching out. It also doesn't hurt that TF is under EA, who generally go all out with releases.
Anywho, if it ends up coming to PS4 I'll definitely get the PS4, I just hope they announce that sorta thing well before the consoles come out as I intend to get one on Day One.


I'm curious, after reading everything and heard the outcry from the Internet you would think MS have ruined console gaming forever. But if you really look at it, there are only two main issues as far as I can see.

1) The console has to connect once every 24 hours
2) You can't easily lend a disc to a friend

Is there anything else?

If you look at point one, how many people is it honestly going to affect on here? I mean really, the scenarios some people have come up with are so far fetched. I can't remember the last time I didn't have a Internet connection at home apart from when moving house, and in that case playing a game is the last thing on my mind.

If your net connection really does go down for over 24 hours then I'm sure you can easily tether your smartphone to the console to quickly to the authentication. I mean really, the people moaning about it on here, using their Internet connections I'm sure it will only affect 0.01% of people.

As for the second point, yeah it's a pain but the whole sharing your games library remotely sounds so much better. No more having to worry about who has what game and in what condition it will come back in. Instead just add your friend to your "family list" and they can pick any game you own and you can play it too at the same time it seems.

Have I honestly missed some massive point that has caused the Internet to have a collective moan at MS? Or is it a case of people moaning for the sake of having a moan?

Wholesale Purses


* High cost - £425
* Lack of AAA launch titles
* Big franchises lost exclusivity or went multi-plat
* The boomerang controller
* Widely criticised for using rendered videos instead of real gameplay and engines; most infamous of these was the Killzone 2 trailer
* Mixed feedback to system SKU, particularly lack of RAM and the specialised nature of the Cell processor

* Used games controversy
* Internet check-in to play games
* High cost - £419
* Compulsory Kinect camera with rumoured intrusive features
* Massively negative feedback from gamers in comparison to the PS4 reveal

I'd say X1's PR disaster has been worse than Sony's, who despite screwing up royally, still managed to get gamers excited with the potential power of the console and the built-in Blu-Ray drive. The X1 doesn't seem to have that advantage over the PS4.

Wholesale Purses


I'm kinda confused here. Do you mean to compare PS3's reveal back in 2006 with X1's reveal a few months ago?

Anyways, if so. Xbox One wins in the disaster area. They completely went in the opposite direction that most people were expecting. PS3 actually turned out to not be so bad. But, then again. Same might happen with X1.


Why, hello MS stealth marketer!!! 


I think the things you mentioned were enough.   I don't think ANYONE likes being (for lack of a better word) "dictated" on how the product they purchased is used....or when it is used for that matter.   


Quote from: mariyajohnson on June 24, 2013, 11:15:37 PMBut if you really look at it, there are only two main issues as far as I can see.

1) The console has to connect once every 24 hours
2) You can't easily lend a disc to a friend

Well, just off the top of my head:

3) Only actually functions in 21 countries
4) Restricted used games access
5) No Indie self publishing
6) Kinect is always on (which is probably irrelevant, but pretty fucking creepy)

I mean, none of these things are major game changers (unless you live in the majority of the world where it doesn't work), but the entire business model that surrounds it is just repulsive at every turn. And this is coming from someone who hasn't owned a console since the original xbox.

Fiery Winds

First off, welcome to the forums!  :D

Second, these policies you're talking about have since been rescinded, save for what Sigz just mentioned.  We can probably keep all discussion in the main thread we already have.  Here's from Microsoft's reversal on.


>Registers to a music forum
>First two posts are for starting new threads with potential M$ damage control bias

Seems legit :tup


Quote from: jammindude on June 24, 2013, 11:30:06 PM
I'm not, they've got a link to buy wholesale purses in their signature. Blatant marketing! That said, I don't particularly mind. I wanted to rant anyway - if there's a very (very!) small chance it might end up in some MS feedback database somewhere, all the better.

The first thing that's wrong with the Xbox One is the cold, clammy hand of Microsoft on your shoulder every time you try to do anything. That it won't let you share games, that it won't let you play games without checking in with Microsoft first - it's not something you can buy, it's just something that the customers are allowed to pay Microsoft to use for as long as Microsoft is okay with that. And you're at Microsoft's whim - what happens if there's a power outage? It's happened, Playstation servers were offline for a whole month. If I'm buying something, I'm buying something that works in my own house, not something that has to periodically contact the mothership, or something that has to check in with its masters before allowing me access to its features. If I bought the console, I'm it's master. Microsoft seem zealous, and clingy, and they don't care how many of their customers they piss off - and, hopefully, that will bite them in the rear.

Additionally, Microsoft's addition not to address gamers has alienated me. It's got some pretty cool functions, but they're not functions that benefit a games console. They do give me confidence that the Xbox One will find a home, and it will become a popular gadget as the perfect media centre. That market isn't gamers, though, and when I'm looking at a games console, Xbox One is not going to be a device I think of.

Finally, the decision to change the functions at the last minute. I'm aware that many of my complaints in the first point are sold, but it doesn't look like a corporation that's decided to give the consumers what they want - it looks like they looked at the Playstation 4, looked at their PR, panicked, scribbled a new console down on the back of a cigarette paper. It doesn't matter that it's the exact console I wanted - that niche has already been filled, while Xbox were sleeping, by the PS4. Xbox One looks muddled, hasty - frankly, it's an utter mess.

A few weeks ago I was definitely going to buy the new Xbox console, and had paid no heed at all to the PS4. I had, I thought, complete brand loyalty. Turns out, nope!


There isn't much wrong with the console now at this DRM bullshit has been addressed. However, I do have a problem with the company that thought it could openly fuck all of its customers in the ass.


This doesn't require a separate thread so I've merged it into the Xbox One thread. Mariyajohnson, I'll give the benefit of the doubt and assume you're not here to spam, but given you've signed up to post about this stuff, I'm deleting the marketing stuff from your sig.

Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on May 10, 2023, 05:59:19 PMAriich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
Quote from: TAC on December 21, 2023, 06:05:15 AMI be am boner inducing.


Before they walked back the 24-hour check-in, everyone who defended it seemed to make the same mistake. Every time it came up, their attitude seemed to be "It doesn't effect me personally, so why are you all complaining?". Go figure, but not everyone lives in the exact same set of circumstances.

While I'm glad they removed the check-in, it's still a bit offputting that they even tried it in the first place. Either they don't care about a large portion of their own consumers (many 360 owners never went online), or they're hilariously out of touch.

There's still the problem of the included Kinect. At best, it's something I have no interest in which is jacking up the price by $100. Voice commands seem inefficient and pointless to me; it's a novelty that will wear off pretty quickly. The Wii and the first Kinect have shown that, no matter how well these things sell, most developers really aren't going to bother thinking outside the box for interesting ways to use them. I also just don't like having an HD camera and microphone constantly on in my living room, or having to worry about that if I go over to a friend's house where they have one.

I don't like the heavy focus on being a 'media hub'. I can already watch TV without the Xbox One, and if I don't have cable, it doesn't seem like it will help replace it. I already have a ton of different ways to watch movies, tv, and access the internet. This really doesn't feel like it's providing anything new. I'll wait and see, but it just doesn't seem like there's actually much substance to the whole 'media hub' thing.

All I wanted was a more powerful Xbox, and they somehow fucked that up.


Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on May 10, 2023, 05:59:19 PMAriich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
Quote from: TAC on December 21, 2023, 06:05:15 AMI be am boner inducing.


I thought Steam was the end of ownership.


Well, pretty much every game on Steam you can also buy on disc, where you own it. With Steam it's different yeah, but then the prices (apart from new games) make up for that in general.

Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on May 10, 2023, 05:59:19 PMAriich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
Quote from: TAC on December 21, 2023, 06:05:15 AMI be am boner inducing.


Yep - key point is that Steam is optional. The consumers can choose how they want to any giveh game - Steam exclusives do exist, but the vast majority of games, Steam is just one of a few options. Consumer can almost always weigh up the pros and cons of the prices and the types of ownership. Major console, far more limiting.


Ah, but that's the problem with the strip. It isn't about ownership, it's about pricing, exclusivity, etc. on something that lacks ownership :) Gamers are ok with no ownership, it's even widely loved as far as I can tell.


Quote from: yorost on June 27, 2013, 03:44:46 PM
Gamers are ok with no ownership, it's even widely loved as far as I can tell.
Which is why the Xbox One's 24-hour check-in policy was so well received.


Don't follow. Steam is widely loved, but it does what it does at least partly based on no ownership. Gamers are ok with it if implemented in a way they see beneficial to them. The strip chastises Microsoft on 'no ownership' as some evil bid for power when it is the other things that are the issue.


Quote from: yorost on June 27, 2013, 05:06:16 PM
Don't follow. Steam is widely loved, but it does what it does at least partly based on no ownership. Gamers are ok with it if implemented in a way they see beneficial to them. The strip chastises Microsoft on 'no ownership' as some evil bid for power when it is the other things that are the issue.
I think there are a few reason Steam and the original Xbox One system were seen so differently.

Steam is just one option on an open platform (PC). If you don't want to go with Steam, you have other options.

Steam has fewer restrictions than the Xbone was going to. It has an offline mode, and steam accounts are more versatile.

Frequent Steam sales. Games on steam go on sale pretty regularly, often at significant discounts. Prices on Xbox 'Games On Demand' haven't shown a similar trend up to this point. There's also, again, the fact that if you don't like the price steam is charging for something, you can shop around. This would have been all but non-existent with the Xbox One's original setup.

Steam's restrictions are mainly to combat the rampant piracy that exists on the PC platform. The Xbox One's system was to prevent used games, which are a legal and heavily entrenched part of the console ecosystem.

Also, the most backlash came from the restrictions Microsoft tried to place on physical copies of games. People were far less concerned about restrictions on digital purchases (though the 24 hour check-in period was definitely way too short).

As well, PC software had basically become 'one use' or had been limited to a few licences before Steam came along. Steam came to exist within a system, whereas the Xbox One was trying to drastically change a system where up to this point, a physical copy of a game has been playable on any compatible console.