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The Extreme Metal Thread

Started by MrBoom_shack-a-lack, July 02, 2013, 08:28:52 AM

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I'm seeing Carcass tonight in Sydney, should be great.


^^Awesome man!

This might be the most unexpected thing i've seen in a while:



Got the new one from Equilibrium, these guys are always pretty consistent, but this one is massively Epic and stretches out a bit, with some different styles.

Also the new one from Boknagar/Cronian vocalist Vintersorg, perhaps his best for a while

Dark Castle

A World Lit Only by Fire comes out October 7 on Avalanche Recordings.

New Dark Ages
Shut Me Down
Life Giver Life Taker
Curse Us All
Towers of Emptiness
Forgive Our Fathers


I've had a hard time getting into Godflesh so not really excited for it.

Dark Castle

Quote from: Obfuscation on August 05, 2014, 12:50:06 PM
I've had a hard time getting into Godflesh so not really excited for it.
Duly noted you not being excited for a band who you don't even like.


Would you class SlipKnot as extreme metal or would you say they're more of the commercial "acceptable" side of extreme metal ?

Dark Castle

They may be more "commercial" aka popular, but I'd honestly say yeah, I mean, what else can you call Iowa?
And the new song sounds vicious too. I think we'll get something a bit on the heavier side compared to All Hope is Gone which I still like a bunch.


For me it's Slipknot = Iowa < Volume 3 < All Hope Is Gone.


Quote from: Kotowboy on August 05, 2014, 01:02:55 PM
For me it's Slipknot = Iowa < Volume 3 < All Hope Is Gone.

I second this although there have been times where All Hope Is Gone was > than Volume 3.


Slipknot extreme metal? Dear god no. I mean no offense to the band or if you like them, but if you classify Slipknot as "extreme", you might as well start throwing in bands like Deftones, System of a Down and Disturbed as well. Even the heavier Slipknot albums/songs are still pretty melodic despite being heavy.

Dark Castle

You can't be melodic and extreme?
You're going to have a hard time telling me Iowa is not extreme in any way. There's blast beats galore on the album and razor sharp riffage.
No arguing from me on their most recent output though.


Iowa is their most extreme but even that album is kinda eh. I mean I used to think bands like Slipknot and Deftones were as heavy as it got, but after I discovered genres like Death Metal and Black Metal (among many others), I just think Slipknot pales in comparison. But I mean, it's a matter of where you draw the line yourself so, 100% subjective.


In terms of their music they're not extreme per se but they have alot of other things that make them pretty extreme especially in their early days. I remember watching Disasterpieces for the first time and when Corey demanded everyone to sit the fuck down and Sid started beating someone in the audience I firmly planted my ass down, it just felt safe.  :lol That whole concert reeks intensity. Now days people know what to do when Corey talks and it's part of their show but back then it was a diffrent thing atleast that's what i've heard from friends that saw them back then. People just got uncomfortable taking commands from someone screaming at them.


New Eluveitie is not too bad, haven't listened to them for quite a while, so a pleasant surprise.


Dark Castle

So, can we touch base on Black Crown Initiate?
They're a progressive death metal band who happen to also be from Reading, PA, just like Rivers of Nihil, and mix that Opeth-esque style with 8 string guitars to an amazing effect. They have an EP out right now, which you can check out here:
and have a new album coming out on the 30th this month, which you can stream their single "Great Mistake" right here:

Absolutely incredible band, and if you dig what you hear from them, please support them!
Album preorders:

Sorry if I seem like I'm just advertising for them, but this album is one of my most anticipated albums this year, I'd been jamming Song Of the Crippled Bull EP for awhile already, but I saw them live back in April or May, one of the two on the Metal Alliance Tour and while they only played through their EP, they played phenomenally, probably only behind Behemoth in performance that night, and that's saying a lot because Goatwhore were on that tour and they're never less than stellar live.


Hell yeah, Black Crown Initiate. Their EP is such a tease and feels way to short because that's how good it is and leaves you wanting more. The single released sounds really good and just how I want this band to make an album that feels like a continuation of their first EP and not just changing up their sound already. I hope they have a great and long career ahead of them.

Dark Castle

Quote from: Obfuscation on September 05, 2014, 10:16:47 AM
Hell yeah, Black Crown Initiate. Their EP is such a tease and feels way to short because that's how good it is and leaves you wanting more. The single released sounds really good and just how I want this band to make an album that feels like a continuation of their first EP and not just changing up their sound already. I hope they have a great and long career ahead of them.
Agreed on the EP being such a tease  :lol
From the review I read on HeavyBlogisHeavy, it seems like you won't have to worry, and "Great Mistake" is so fucking good  :metal
I hope these guys and Rivers of Nihil go on a bigger tour together than the regional one they're going on soon, I would love to see them together.


Just listened to their EP on a whim. Jesus christ.

Dark Castle

New Exodus song. I know I'm probably a minority that thought Rob Dukes was the best vocalist Exodus ever had but seriously, Fuck. Zetro. His voice is so terrible, nasally, and fucking annoying. Ruined what could have been a decent song.


Sounds like Fabulous Disaster. This pleases me. Kirk's solo sucked about as much ass as I expected and it's almost like Gary or Lee or whoever played the second solo deliberately tried to suck even harder to make Kirk's sound better. I'm hoping the rest of the soloing on this album lives up to the Exodus pedigree.

Dark Castle

To me it sounded more like Tempo Of the Damned pt.2


Quote from: Dark Castle on September 09, 2014, 08:36:13 AM
To me it sounded more like Tempo Of the Damned pt.2
Vocally it reminded me of Fabulous Disaster. Zetro wasn't doing any of his death growls and the only major screams were during the last lines of the chorus. Considering how much I love his vox on Tempo, I'd be more than happy with a redux of that.

Dark Castle

Didn't realize Zetro does death growls, sounds more like a pissy cat to me  :lol


Quote from: Dark Castle on September 09, 2014, 08:43:45 AM
Didn't realize Zetro does death growls, sounds more like a pissy cat to me  :lol
Well, death growls might be a bit of a stretch. My point is Tempo was a lot more vocally varied than the earlier Zetro albums. I definitely want more of that.


I like the song. And I think Zetro is their best vocalist. Tempo of the damned have much better vocals but this is ok, reminds me to Fabulous disaster, too.


Dark Castle

Nick Holmes from Paradise Lost is Bloodbath's new vocalist!

EDIT: Also, here's another slab of radularness from Black Crown Initiates upcoming album. Track is called "Withering Waves"!


I'm a fan of Paradise Lost but I'm not really familiar with his harsh vocals. Hope they're good.


Love Bloodbath but not really familiar with Nick Holmes. I know PL but never really listen to them that much, I will look forward to this collab though.



Nice review! Sounds promising, will definitly get this album.