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Dream Theater self titled album discussion - [SPOILER FREE DISCUSSION ONLY]

Started by bosk1, July 08, 2013, 12:08:34 PM

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Quote from: Kotowboy on August 28, 2013, 10:22:54 AM

• Yes - 13 is 8 + 5 - this can't have escaped their attention.

I'm pretty sure that Portnoy was the only one in the band to think that way.


Quote from: ? on August 28, 2013, 10:56:52 AM
That video is nice, James' comments made my day :lol

"What the fuck was I thinking?"

We all wish we knew, James. :lol It's funny. They look like they're having so much fun, which is awesome!


Quote from: chaotic_ripper on August 28, 2013, 11:36:08 AM
Quote from: Kotowboy on August 28, 2013, 10:22:54 AM

• Yes - 13 is 8 + 5 - this can't have escaped their attention.

I'm pretty sure that Portnoy was the only one in the band to think that way.

You sure? They released TEI on 8/5/13 (for us Americans) and I doubt Portnoy had any influence on that. I think that might be a thing with all of them now.


Pretty cool video. Seems like it confirms cyberdrummer's experience that the album was a mesh between Images, TOT, Octavarium and SDOIT.


Great video. I was  :rollin from about half way in until end. James'  :| was great. Would have liked to hear JM and MM's names at least mentioned, but whatever.

On a site note, JP is looking quite a bit slimmer these days. I for one, kind of like it, he seems a bit more personable now. Less bear-y.

The Stray Seed

Quote from: Ħ on August 28, 2013, 11:57:49 AM
Pretty cool video. Seems like it confirms cyberdrummer's experience that the album was a mesh between Images, TOT, Octavarium and SDOIT.
Or maybe just... something else?

Sorry but I just pictured someone trying to describe a giraffe to someone else who's never seen it before. "Well you know, it's got the body of a horse, no wait... camel... but way, waaaaaay taller! And then spots all over... like a friggin' leopard! And men it even has fu**ing horns!!"


Could someone make a transcription of the funny part where they were laughing and apparently JLB says "what was I thinking"? I can't watch it with sound because of the freakin background music! haha


Quote from: Kotowboy on August 28, 2013, 10:22:54 AM
Album 13 seems to me the perfect time to do a concept or double album.

• 30th anniversary - assuming the next album comes out in 2015.

• Yes - 13 is 8 + 5 - this can't have escaped their attention.

• Third album with Mangini.
First album was - we're still Dream Theater. Second album was - let's see what we can do. Third album should be the massive opus.

• James and John both seemed to hint that they would do one again soon.

And you forgot:


2+0+1+5 = 8
20-15 = 5



Quote from: TheAtliator on August 28, 2013, 12:32:39 PM
Could someone make a transcription of the funny part where they were laughing and apparently JLB says "what was I thinking"? I can't watch it with sound because of the freakin background music! haha

When writing melody, do you write specific to range?
JLB: A lot of that might stand true with when I'm doing my solo stuff. With Dream Theater it's a different approach - musically - because you have two very powerful musical forces, being (as composers) John and Jordan. There's a lot of stuff going on there. It's like what I was saying during this process... this isn't an easy answer because there's so many layers to it, right?

JP: Mmm hmm.

JLB: But, you know, I was saying... If you don't get your foot in there quickly enough, your voice in where you want to say "oh yeah, this is what I'm hearing", you're lost in the shuffle. I mean, there were many moments, I'd be like "HEY GUYS... HANG ON A SEC, GUYS GUYS" and they'd be like "BOLDODODLDODODLDLODODBUBUBUBU, THATWASAGOODONE, BRBRBRLRBRBRBDBDBDBDBD", and then I'd be like, "the fuck was I thinking about? Where was I going to go with this?" You know, they'd pull it back so you'd see me running out of the room and I'm like "BLEBLEBLEEBLOBLABLABLASUMUSMSANAAABLA", and I'd come back and they'd be going "uhh, yeah, you know that thing, we changed that, we're gonna go in this direction now." "Oh, that makes that irrelevant what I was thinking".

JP: That's so two hours ago, James.

*both laugh*

JLB: Totally! "James, we're not even going there anymore." "Uh. Okay." But as far as the melody structuring and how that all goes about, it's initially sitting down - in this instance it was Jordan, John and myself sitting down - and then John taking those melodies and going away, writing the lyrics. When he started to write the lyrics - because a lot of the way John works is he completely isolates himself in a room or somewhere within the studio that no one else is around, has his acoustic guitar, and he starts singing through his words, and so the melody's taking on another shape there.

So, my involvement at that point is to wait for that to be concluded, then come in. How does it feel to me? How is it going to be sung? Is it something that sings well or doesn't? So we keep working it, and then it works again for me when I get behind the microphone, it also takes on a whole new feel and there's certain alterations that are absolutely necessary. But, for the most part, if I come in and give these guys some ideas, or if I'm sitting there and I hear something (and get the opportunity to blurt it out before they move on), then that's it. That's basically my role. It really comes down to me as a singer, and how I can bring the best of what needs to be said vocally.


Quote from: JohnnyLayne on August 28, 2013, 12:51:01 PM
Quote from: Kotowboy on August 28, 2013, 10:22:54 AM
Album 13 seems to me the perfect time to do a concept or double album.

• 30th anniversary - assuming the next album comes out in 2015.

• Yes - 13 is 8 + 5 - this can't have escaped their attention.

• Third album with Mangini.
First album was - we're still Dream Theater. Second album was - let's see what we can do. Third album should be the massive opus.

• James and John both seemed to hint that they would do one again soon.

And you forgot:


2+0+1+5 = 8
20-15 = 5


It should be a concept album about Back To The Future 2.


Quote from: Ad134 on August 28, 2013, 01:03:39 PM
Quote from: TheAtliator on August 28, 2013, 12:32:39 PM
Could someone make a transcription of the funny part where they were laughing and apparently JLB says "what was I thinking"? I can't watch it with sound because of the freakin background music! haha

*Ad134's awesome transcription*

OMG thank you!!!! If there's any DT favor I can do for you, let me know!


Quote from: Ad134 on August 28, 2013, 01:03:39 PM
I mean, there were many moments, I'd be like "HEY GUYS... HANG ON A SEC, GUYS GUYS" and they'd be like "BOLDODODLDODODLDLODODBUBUBUBU, THATWASAGOODONE, BRBRBRLRBRBRBDBDBDBDBD", and then I'd be like, "the fuck was I thinking about? Where was I going to go with this?" You know, they'd pull it back so you'd see me running out of the room and I'm like "BLEBLEBLEEBLOBLABLABLASUMUSMSANAAABLA",

:lol  Haven't seen the vid yet, but I can totally imagine what that sounds like!


I imagine it must get quite annoying / daunting listening to 4 world class virtuoso musicians jamming / trying to write a song :lol

Guys i........Hey I.......Can I........I've.....I just.........GUYS !!!............I got an IDEA!!!!

*all stop* Hey James - what's up ?

James :........i'm going to Starbucks.  :sadpanda:



That part with the JLB air guitar should be a GIF. :lol

Terrific short interview though. It gave some solid insight into how the lyrics and the vocals come along.


I'm surprised by how short False Awakening Suite is, considering it's a 3-movement song. Each movement would be under a minute long.


Has anyone seen this album cover yet? Roadrunner used it in their last video with John and James' Interview, and now Amazon is using it. I wish the logo was on the top, rather than the bottom though...


Little known fact: for Falling Into Infinity, the original album title was intended to be Stream of Consciousness, but when that was scrapped (even though favored by both MP and JP - other members, unite!), one of the ideas kicked around was. . . Dream Theater.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Quote from: hefdaddy42 on August 28, 2013, 06:05:39 PM
Little known fact: for Falling Into Infinity, the original album title was intended to be Stream of Consciousness, but when that was scrapped (even though favored by both MP and JP - other members, unite!), one of the ideas kicked around was. . . Dream Theater.

Reminds me of the "in a stream of consciousness" part of Lines In The Sand, always thought that was peculiar. I didn't know that little fact, makes sense now.


I remember reading somewhere that MP didn't like the idea of a selftitled album.

Also, glad they didn't go with Stream Of Consciousness. That title doesn't really fit the music.


Personally, I was hoping they'd leave the title off the cover. Shame.

Quote from: Mosh on August 28, 2013, 07:16:26 PM
Also, glad they didn't go with Stream Of Consciousness. That title doesn't really fit the music.

Well, yeah, not after the label made them restructure all the songs. That's like, the opposite of the sheer concept of Stream of Consciousness.

Though to be honest, I didn't think the title fit the ToT instrumental very well either.


Quote from: jyoung320 on August 28, 2013, 04:14:08 PM
Has anyone seen this album cover yet? Roadrunner used it in their last video with John and James' Interview, and now Amazon is using it. I wish the logo was on the top, rather than the bottom though...

Surprised about this actually. Every interview has said it's just the logo, no band name or anything. Did they cave?



I thought having the band name on there was just for promo stuff, although I'd prefer it with an album title anyway. I've never liked albums without words on them. I want images AND words.


That symbol...still looks...wrong. My wish didn't come true. I guess they're never gonna fix it. Am i the only one perturbed by this? Does no one really care? Why is this not talked about more? Why is no one asking the band members about this in any of the interviews? Please, can anyone with a hotline to the DT camp find out? anything. I need at least a reason why.


It's just a little different.  Like Van Halen changed their logo with 5150.  It's their symbol, they can do what they want with it.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


I wouldn't mind it if the logo was sharper, but it looks like a complete afterthought to me. The cover looks much better with no text. Maybe if it had been chrome like the Majesty symbol I would've liked it.


In the interview that goo-goo just posted he mentions only the logo too...

Quote from: Lucidity on August 28, 2013, 08:01:52 PM
I wouldn't mind it if the logo was sharper, but it looks like a complete afterthought to me. The cover looks much better with no text. Maybe if it had been chrome like the Majesty symbol I would've liked it.

I don't mind it. I like blue  :tup


I find it interesting that Queensryche slightly redesigned their logo in their self-titled as well.


The logo doesn't really bother me because it still looks like what it originally was so you can still tell its the Majesty symbol. Symbols(especially for bands)change sometimes just like the music of the band changes.


First when I saw the new cover, I was like "It needs the logo!!!",  but not anymore :3 
It's maybe the best cover by DT IMO. Simple and recognizable!


Quote from: adastra on August 28, 2013, 11:36:59 PM
First when I saw the new cover, I was like "It needs the logo!!!",  but not anymore :3 
It's maybe the best cover by DT IMO. Simple and recognizable!

I agree. I originally thought it looked strange without the logo. Now that I've seen it with the logo, I want it gone. It's more aesthetically pleasing to me with just the Majesty symbol. Come to think of it, I imagine everything has already gone to printing and is about to be shipped out to retail distributors. :caffeine:


I understand the logo in the center and all,but what has the earth got to do with it?What does it represent more specifically?
Oh,and what is all this thing about 5,8,13,fiveeightforum etc.Can someone elaborate on that?I may be missing something.Thank you.



I think the band logo may be just a sticker or on the plastic or something... maybe a slipcase. I don't know if it'll be on the printed version.