Going out on a date with a complete stranger.

Started by Chino, August 15, 2013, 05:51:42 AM

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Quote from: lonestar on August 16, 2013, 12:07:42 PM
C'mon man, need something to give my sad ass life a smidgen of excitement...

That'll be an order of hell no.

Quote from: TioJorge on August 16, 2013, 12:08:05 PM
Cup size, please sir?

A side of ask your mama.

Quote from: Zydar on August 16, 2013, 12:08:34 PM
Shoe size?

And one large cup of negro please.

(I just watched Barber Shop)


Quote from: Chino on August 16, 2013, 12:10:30 PM
Quote from: TioJorge on August 16, 2013, 12:08:05 PM
Cup size, please sir?

A side of ask your mama.

That's pretty rude, since I'm sure that, like TioJorge, we're ALL wondering whether she ordered a tall, grande, or venti.

Dark Castle

Quote from: bosk1 on August 16, 2013, 12:13:01 PM
Quote from: Chino on August 16, 2013, 12:10:30 PM
Quote from: TioJorge on August 16, 2013, 12:08:05 PM
Cup size, please sir?

A side of ask your mama.

That's pretty rude, since I'm sure that, like TioJorge, we're ALL wondering whether she ordered a tall, grande, or venti.
dear mother of god this thread


This is true, but in all actuality, I wanted to know her jock cup size. I like a man with a woman with a bulge.

Big Hath

I'll settle for her hat size.  On your next date, ask to measure her head with a measuring tape you happen to have in your pocket.  I guarantee it won't be weird or awkward.


:lol at this thread. DTFers will never be free. No relationships cause they'll discover your posts about them. No public office because you know someone's going to discover your sick obsession with a mediocre prog metal band. Basically DTFers are going to be doomed to perish together. :metal


On a serious note though: one should not be ashamed of ones online activity, I know I'm not, nothing to hide.


Mentlegen, please.  We've already established that AndyDT hacked into Chino's account.  As such, we must deduce that there's only one size he inquired about last night....


P.S.  And I don't mean 'cock'
Quote from: TAC on July 31, 2021, 06:55:07 PMIf I can do it, it's idiot proof.
Quote from: Stadler on January 03, 2024, 09:00:00 AMThat's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
Quote from: hefdaddy42 on November 04, 2021, 05:14:36 AMI fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".


I don't see what the big deal is.  I was just curious as to what kind of picks she uses, and made a typo.


Quote from: jsem on August 16, 2013, 01:41:19 PM
On a serious note though: one should not be ashamed of ones online activity, I know I'm not, nothing to hide.

I'm not. I posted about it here because I talk with you guys sometimes more often than my in-life friends. I feel more comfortable posting it here than discussing it with some of my friends.


That's great then, but make sure it's stalk-proof. By that I mean, don't post anything here that you wouldn't want her seeing. Asking advice and telling people what you have already told does in no way make things weird though, it'd be strange if you didn't ask/tell anyone about this.


This thread is so epic  :rollin And Chino, good luck man  :lol  :tup

King Postwhore

bosk1, you can look at my hard drive any time. :eyebrows:   Beside, I have speedo pictures for you waiting on hard drive :H.  H is for horny.

Chino.  I would love for her to see this thread in the future. :lol
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


Quote from: kingshmegland on August 16, 2013, 03:26:10 PM
bosk1, you can look at my hard drive any time. :eyebrows:   Beside, I have speedo pictures for you waiting on hard drive :H.  H is for horny.

In your case, I always thought H was for Hops.

Quote from: kingshmegland on August 16, 2013, 03:26:10 PM
Chino.  I would love for her to see this thread in the future. :lol

In that case....

Quote from: TAC on July 31, 2021, 06:55:07 PMIf I can do it, it's idiot proof.
Quote from: Stadler on January 03, 2024, 09:00:00 AMThat's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
Quote from: hefdaddy42 on November 04, 2021, 05:14:36 AMI fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".

King Postwhore


Hops hake me horny Chad. :lol  The wife has two different strands growing in a garden.  That's how you do it Chino.  You get her to love what you love.  Prog rock and beer and westerns and Sci-Fi. 

Pm me for tips.  1 dollar per pm. :biggrin:
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


I love all of you. King, that goes without saying. Jingle, you made me choke on my beer at the bar. Thanks for the unwanted attention. But hey, it's the thought and resulting laugh that counts  :lol :lol


Since it's a love fest, do you remember this?

Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.



I made it a few years ago when you typed the sentence in the caption.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


My first wife was a blind date, well, half blind, she saw me but I didn't see her.  I've missed out on the whole online dating thing, seeing I've been pretty much attached since the advent of the internet.  It does sound like fun though!  I'd be all over it Chino!  Worse case is the date sux and you don't have a repeat.  Life's too short  :hat





Quote from: gmillerdrake on August 29, 2013, 10:40:09 AM
Quote from: Nick on August 29, 2013, 10:34:27 AM
Have you made contact with the pooper yet?

I thought that's what I asked?  :lol

I didn't want Chino to analyze your statement and miss the obvious.



Quote from: CrimsonSunrise on August 17, 2013, 12:38:16 PM
My first wife was a blind date, well, half blind, she saw me but I didn't see her.  I've missed out on the whole online dating thing, seeing I've been pretty much attached since the advent of the internet.  It does sound like fun though!  I'd be all over it Chino!  Worse case is the date sux and you don't have a repeat.  Life's too short  :hat

My first wife was half blind too.  Shame, really.  One day she wandered out into a busy street...

Yeah...so...how's it going, Chino?


Either it's going well, or Chino might be half blind at this point.


Update because Nick demanded it. I have stopped talking to this lady. Pretty shitty how it went down actually. We were literally mid conversation last Thursday and then she just stopped texting. I sent another text a few hours later, and again nothing. Thirty hours had then gone by and I decided to send another one. I think it said something like "So I guess we're done talking now :/ Well, whatever the reason, no hard feelings. I enjoyed meeting you. Have fun catching up on Breaking Bad and good luck this semester". ... To that, still no response.

At this point I am completely baffled, and pretty irritated. I tried to shake it off and made it about four days before it really got under my skin. I like to know if I've fucked up. That way I can correct my actions in the future. Two nights ago, I finally sent something along the lines of "Hey. I told myself I wasn't going to send a follow up text, but I need to. Can you please give a reason why you just randomly stopped texting. You can even lie to me, I won't know the difference. I try to be a decent person, respectful, level-headed and not an asshole, so it worries me when someone I am texting on a daily basis for weeks just suddenly disappears without any indication as to why". The rest of the conversation went as follows...

Girl :  "Hey. I started talking to you literally like a day after I started pursuing a guy at work. I don't like saying goodbye or confrontation, so I just stopped texting"

Me : "So is this the official goodbye then?"

Girl : "Yeah. But it was really great meeting you and talking to you these last couple weeks"

Me : *Deletes conversation*


Yikes, that's rough. The really odd thing isn't that she stopped texting, but mainly that is was actually mid-conversation. Better luck on the next one.


Quote from: Chino on August 29, 2013, 11:28:58 AM
Update because Nick demanded it. I have stopped talking to this lady. Pretty shitty how it went down actually. We were literally mid conversation last Thursday and then she just stopped texting. I sent another text a few hours later, and again nothing. Thirty hours had then gone by and I decided to send another one. I think it said something like "So I guess we're done talking now :/ Well, whatever the reason, no hard feelings. I enjoyed meeting you. Have fun catching up on Breaking Bad and good luck this semester". ... To that, still no response.

At this point I am completely baffled, and pretty irritated. I tried to shake it off and made it about four days before it really got under my skin. I like to know if I've fucked up. That way I can correct my actions in the future. Two nights ago, I finally sent something along the lines of "Hey. I told myself I wasn't going to send a follow up text, but I need to. Can you please give a reason why you just randomly stopped texting. You can even lie to me, I won't know the difference. I try to be a decent person, respectful, level-headed and not an asshole, so it worries me when someone I am texting on a daily basis for weeks just suddenly disappears without any indication as to why". The rest of the conversation went as follows...

Girl :  "Hey. I started talking to you literally like a day after I started pursuing a guy at work. I don't like saying goodbye or confrontation, so I just stopped texting"

Me : "So is this the official goodbye then?"

Girl : "Yeah. But it was really great meeting you and talking to you these last couple weeks"

Me : *Deletes conversation*

Wow. I'm bummed for you. I'll say this not trying to be all 'cool' or whatever......but I am so glad to be married and not have to go through that type of thing any longer. It's tough. I really don't think I could do the dating/girlfriend thing again.

I'm wishing you a quick turn around and success finding that 'special someone'. Until then.....Nick will comfort you.


That sucks.  It's a small saving grace now, but be glad that she showed how inconsiderate she is now rather than later when you were in much deeper. 


But...you still didn't answer Nick's question.

Sir GuitarCozmo

If he made contact with the pooper, it's because she shat in his cereal.


Sorry that didn't work out well for you. I'm curious to know what the conversation was about when she decided to cut it off.


Quote from: senecadawg2 on August 29, 2013, 12:24:35 PM
Sorry that didn't work out well for you. I'm curious to know what the conversation was about when she decided to cut it off.

That cool website I spend a lot of time checking   ::)