
Track-by-track video for Fall Into the Light:

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Enigma Machine

Started by KevShmev, September 26, 2013, 11:37:56 AM

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Because all of the new songs should probably have their own thread, here is one for Enigma Machine. 

This song didn't do a lot for me at first, but it is slowly growing on me.  It's still near the bottom in regards to favorites from the new record, but I am starting to like it more. 

Also, there is NO "The" in Enigma Machine, so some need to go out of that nasty habit of adding one. :biggrin: :lol


Quote from: KevShmev on September 26, 2013, 11:37:56 AM
Because all of the new songs should probably have their own thread, here is one for Enigma Machine. 

This song didn't do a lot for me at first, but it is slowly growing on me.  It's still near the bottom in regards to favorites from the new record, but I am starting to like it more. 

Also, there is NO "The" in Enigma Machine, so some need to go out of that nasty habit of adding one. :biggrin: :lol

Thank you! I'm pretty sure I've seen it abbreviated as TEM before, which certainly confused me.

As far as the song goes, here's hoping it grows on me. Every other song on the album has at least one "wow!" moment for me, but I am still trying to find one of those with Enigma Machine.

Also, is anyone else disappointed with the length of the bass solo? When I heard that there was a bass solo in EM, I was pretty excited as I'm sure many others were. When I finally heard the bass solo in EM, I couldn't help but think "that was it?".


I quite like this one. Many here seems to not like it but I do. Nice and catchy riffs, great performances from the band, and a fine driving rhythm. I would rank it in the middle of all their instrumentals.


In my mind its by far the biggest disappointment on the new record and the worst instrumental the guys have ever released. Despite repeated listens, there is NOTHING that grabs me about it all. I can't find any sense of purpose, direction or groove in it and there are just no memorable parts either. And yes! as for the 3 second Bass solo...........................................
Totally forgettable song, will definitely be the "going to the bar" interlude at the concerts.


This song is awesome, I hate how it seems to be regarded as one of the worst on the new record.

Best part of the song is easily the doom riff at the beginning and especially at the end. So fucking evil.


It's like the new Ytse Jam.  Which has always been my favorite instrumental.  It's just a very classic structure, not crazy like DOE or going on and on like SOC.  just a cool riff that will make your head bob and some cool solos with a short B section. I love it!


Enigma Machine is the only song that hasn't "clicked" for me yet. It has some very cool elements, but I'm not feeling it as a whole right now. Instrumentals tend to take much longer to grow on me though, so I don't doubt Enigma Machine will do the same.

The Letter M

Quote from: JoeG on September 26, 2013, 12:13:48 PM
Enigma Machine is the only song that hasn't "clicked" for me yet. It has some very cool elements, but I'm not feeling it as a whole right now. Instrumentals tend to take much longer to grow on me though, so I don't doubt Enigma Machine will do the same.

About the same for me, and the fact that there hasn't been a proper album-instrumental in 10 years and 5 albums... I think I'm a bit "Oh..." about it, kind of "Meh..." at first. I LIKE it, but I'm not going GAGA over it. It's good, definitely, but it'll take awhile to click.



I love this track.  As soon as I heard it, I knew it would be a bit controversial.  It's got a bit of an atonal edge to it that makes it less accessible.

The riffs in this song, it.  :tup


I dig it, and MM's mini solo was a nice surprise too.


Mangini drives the song with massive power. I was hit by that energy the first time I listened to it. Really love Jordan's Hammond organ patch, thus 2:03 is a big highlight. 1:40 sounds like some of my favorite epic NES soundtracks. JM's bass fills are great, especially because of his sound and Mike's drum solo is up there with Virgil Donati's Clonus fill, as one of my favorite short drum solos. Claiming it to be worse than Raw Dog is one of the most horrendous opinions I've ever read on DTF.


Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


I do like it. It has an incredible unison.

But my thought when listening is that this will be heralded while Raw Dog gets trashed. I'm thinking, what's the difference? I know there is a difference, but really, what's THE difference?
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


Quote from: Sycsa on September 26, 2013, 12:56:07 PM
Mangini drives the song with massive power.

James drives a forklift.




Quote from: TAC on September 26, 2013, 04:09:39 PM
I do like it. It has an incredible unison.

But my thought when listening is that this will be heralded while Raw Dog gets trashed. I'm thinking, what's the difference? I know there is a difference, but really, what's THE difference?

I think a better question would be "what do they have in common?"  Raw Dog is pretty repetitive and uninspired, while Enigma Machine is much more interesting and focused. 


Enigma Machine is less dragged-out and has more "fuck yeah" moments.


Quote from: theseoafs on September 26, 2013, 06:35:53 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 26, 2013, 04:09:39 PM
I do like it. It has an incredible unison.

But my thought when listening is that this will be heralded while Raw Dog gets trashed. I'm thinking, what's the difference? I know there is a difference, but really, what's THE difference?

I think a better question would be "what do they have in common?"  Raw Dog is pretty repetitive and uninspired, while Enigma Machine is much more interesting and focused. 

They're both largely just riffs and solos, although EM's riffing has a lot more melody to it. To me there's not a huge amount of difference, although EM does it a bit better. I think they're both among DT's weakest instrumentals though.

But that said, I still enjoy EM from start to finish, but it's not even the best instrumental on the album.


I love this song. I would put it as probably my third favorite DT instrumental.


I feel disappointed with it so far but it needs more listens.  I do agree that it does feel kind of aimless.  One thing I appreciate about a good instrumental is that it feels like a story is being told without words.  Like you are on a journey.  It takes you to different places.  I am getting none of that so far from EM.


I'm not really liking this song.  Maybe it is too "metallish" for me.. And the soft section is kinda out of place and  bland.


One of the cool parts of the song is the part after the doom riff in the beginning just before the theme. It reminds me from listen nr. 1 of a....yes....machine winding and unwinding


Amazing instrumental. Blows most of their other ones out of the water, IMO. It's got everything, great metal riffs, great progressive bits, lots of kick ass changes, everything a DT instrumental should have. If people asked me, "Show me how this band's music is particularly unique" this would easily be one of the examples I'd show them.


When I first heard it, I got to think of a Thin Lizzy instrumental called "Mama don't like it" (an instrumental demo version of "Someday's she's going to hit back"). I think it's the bridge section in EM that reminds me of it. Not that the riff appears in that song, but there is something in the melodies that sound similar. Might be worth checking out.

With that said, I think it's great. I found it a lot more playful than some of it's predecessors, which I find refreshing. The evil Inspector Gadget theme makes me smile every time :)


Quote from: Öxölklöfför on September 26, 2013, 11:22:06 PM
When I first heard it, I got to think of a Thin Lizzy instrumental called "Mama don't like it" (an instrumental demo version of "Someday's she's going to hit back"). I think it's the bridge section in EM that reminds me of it. Not that the riff appears in that song, but there is something in the melodies that sound similar. Might be worth checking out.

With that said, I think it's great. I found it a lot more playful than some of it's predecessors, which I find refreshing. The evil Inspector Gadget theme makes me smile every time :)

It can go along with the Inspector Gadget riff at the start of Strange Deja Vu. :hat
It definitely has a sense of fun that I felt was lacking from ADTOE, so I'm glad that's back.

Aquila Chrysaetos

It's ok, but in comparison with for example Erotomania the emphasis is way too much on technicality instead of melody.
Erotomania is a wonderfully melodic song whereas EM is somewhat of a shredfest to me.


Dat riff! I'm starting to really like EM.



Seriously though...

This track is a major grower. At first I was a little weirded out by the main riff. Felt a little too whimsical. My first thought was the Pink Panther meets Inspector Gadget. That was a bit distracting for the first few listens, but now I hear so much kick ass wankery in that song that I'm just :omg :metal

I actually went back and watched the 3rd studio video (with the scatman vocal part).... hard to believe that turned into one of the coolest little drum solos on the album. :tup


My least favorite of the album; but it is much better now than it used to be 2 weeks ago. IMO it lacks good emotional moment(s) ala SOC outro or Hell's Kitchen or Overture 1928 and such moments usually serve to fill the gaps left by the absence of vocals, and in that song the only emotional moment is the TCOT reference which is in fact not touching me. 


I pretty much agree with Moor above me, but I would add that the initial and final riff is huge as hell  :metal


Quote from: rumborak on September 26, 2013, 05:07:55 PM
JP is in overdrive.

Apart from when he is in the clean channel .


ThIs Song absolutely Kills It! The Petrucci Solo Halfway Through Is Insane, And That Heavy Shit At The End Is  :xbones >:( :tup :metal


This was actually one of the first songs to really click with me from the album, its just so energetic and fun that I couldn't help but smile while I was listening to it the first time because I could tell the guys were just enjoying the hell out of it


Probably the worst "song" on the album, along with the Rush rip-off.