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2014-04-18 - Fox Performing Arts Center - Riverside, CA

Started by rush-signals, December 19, 2013, 03:57:44 PM

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I cannot believe DT is playing my hometown here in Riverside. I live 5 minutes away, guess I have no excuse to miss them this time around.


I'm torn between here, LA or SFO.   I heard this venue is pretty nice


Go all three! I'm going to two. I saw the Dennis DeYoung band here and it sounded great. I could hear every instrument very well. Never been to the Orpheum though so idk. But when you go to two shows, even if you get the same setlist (which is unlikely) you can still get something different out of both, which is why I couldn't resist.


Yeah, I agree.   It may come to that.   What are your two shows



I'm going to both Riverside and L.A..  I live a couple hours away from each so I'll make a weekend of it.

How big is this place in Riverside ?

Back to back "Evenings With"  :o


Quote from: BelichickFan on December 19, 2013, 04:51:14 PM
I'm going to both Riverside and L.A..  I live a couple hours away from each so I'll make a weekend of it.

How big is this place in Riverside ?

Back to back "Evenings With"  :o

this gives you the idea I always like finding pics of the venue before I go so I know where my seats are.


Funny that Live Nation/Ticketmaster will not be selling tickets for this until 1/3/14.  Got my Gold VIP tix yesterday, although the seats are not that good.  Row N!!  These VIP tickets are selling like hotcakes.

Lark the Starless

I'm debating whether or not to go to this show.

It's roughly 50ish miles away. My girlfriend may work that day, too...

If I see that there's a chance of going, I'll try buying tickets (hopefully there are still some available as the date approaches).

I did buy tickets for the LA show on the 19th, though.
At the least, I am grateful that I'll be seeing my first "Evening With DT" show   ;D


Quote from: Lark the Starless on December 27, 2013, 09:05:14 PM
I'm debating whether or not to go to this show.

It's roughly 50ish miles away. My girlfriend may work that day, too...

If I see that there's a chance of going, I'll try buying tickets (hopefully there are still some available as the date approaches).

I did buy tickets for the LA show on the 19th, though.
At the least, I am grateful that I'll be seeing my first "Evening With DT" show   ;D

What part of southern ca are you coming from?

Lark the Starless

Quote from: JayOctavarium on December 28, 2013, 10:55:57 AM
Quote from: Lark the Starless on December 27, 2013, 09:05:14 PM
I'm debating whether or not to go to this show.

It's roughly 50ish miles away. My girlfriend may work that day, too...

If I see that there's a chance of going, I'll try buying tickets (hopefully there are still some available as the date approaches).

I did buy tickets for the LA show on the 19th, though.
At the least, I am grateful that I'll be seeing my first "Evening With DT" show   ;D

What part of southern ca are you coming from?

From Downey, CA.


huh. Riverside is a decent chunk of distance than.

Lol about the same distance as I'll be travelling for the LA show...


I'm flying in from Florida to see my first ever DT show AND it's "Evening With.." AND I'm meeting them. Plus it'll be my first time in California ever.

It's safe to say April can NOT get here fast enough.


is there another reason you are coming out to CA (not that seeing DT isn't worth it)?

I am local and would be happy to show you around if you need it while here


Upgraded to third row (right orch).   Tried to get a front row VIP, but I just wasn't fast enough.  Plucked from under me as I selected them.  Site suddenly turned off the interactive map, and then it was just a guessing game.  Grabbed Row B, which I think is front row on orch right, but then my phone crashed!!

Anyway, quite satisfied with my purchase.  Very reasonably priced. 


Just came across the VIP seat I almost had on Stub Hub.  $275!! It was available when I selected it at 12:00pm, and then it immediately vanished when I tried to checkout.  I was delayed by the studpid sentence the purchaser has to retype to hold the ticket.  I typed the wrong sentence in the block.  So close.  Darn scalpers.


Quote from: yeshaberto on December 31, 2013, 10:30:58 AM
is there another reason you are coming out to CA (not that seeing DT isn't worth it)?

I am local and would be happy to show you around if you need it while here
My godfather's going to be with us who lives a few minutes from Riverside but I appreciate the offer!

I'm trying to get them to go to Disneyland the next day (major Universal/Disney fan here) cuz we fly back to Florida midnight Saturday but they say it's not fair since my mom and sister won't be with us -.- We're going in June so isn't too big a deal lol

Is this a good venue to whoever's been here before? I'm row H seats 20/22 which is i believe Stage Left on the floor level.


I just got my tickets. orchestra row Y, aisle seats JP's side. Anyone know about Fox and cameras? Or how people get decent photos with their cell phone. I have a Samsung G3.

Lark the Starless

I have been trying to convince my girlfriend to attend this show. She's becoming more open to the idea, fortunately  :biggrin:
It all depends on how strenuous her school semester is this time around.

There's still some pretty good seats left and I wouldn't mind making the somewhat long drive. Fingers crossed.


Have physical tickets arrived for anyone yet ?  I know they could arrive as late as early April but for other shows they're arriving already, I think it's arena dependent.


Yes, I got the ticket I purchased on Live Nation last week.  Still waiting for the ticket from Crowd Surge to arrive.


Quote from: RaiseTheKnife on January 24, 2014, 08:48:13 PM
Yes, I got the ticket I purchased on Live Nation last week.  Still waiting for the ticket from Crowd Surge to arrive.
Thanks - mine were from Crowd Surge (via DT website) so it sounds like they're not out yet so I didn't lose them.  That's what I hoped to hear.


Bought the tickets on the DT website a couple days after they came out and they arrived last week. 16 DAYS GUYS.


Any chance of a parking lot party or a fan get-together? A friend of mine and I are staying at a nearby hotel and walking to the show.


Yeah, I'm staying a hotel within walking distance too.  The hotel looks spectacular, so should be a good start to a fun weekend.


Anyone else not receive they're VIP info yet? They said they sent it out a few days ago and I emailed them about it and don't have it yet...


We're staying at the Marriott Courtyard in downtown Riverside. We're up for any kind of meet up before or after the show!


First off I've been a fan since IAW's came out, but I've only seen them once in 2002 because of circumstances beyond my control and their work in the 2000's just didn't make me want to go so much. I missed the last tour because of work and vowed not to miss this one. So this will be kind of review of the venue, highlights of the show and some observations since the setlist has been the same all tour. Lots of photos, not all that great taken with my smartphone.

First off the Fox Theater is a really cool, old theater originally built in 1929 and renovated between 2007-2010. It boasts many bars, way to expensive drinks and parking attached to the venue. Before being let into the theater the staff told us photos are ok, but no video per the bands request. The first part of the show the staff was like Gestapo running up and down the aisles yelling at people, I got talked to twice before I snapped and showed her I was taking photos, she them apologized. This luckily only last maybe 2/3 of the first set. On to the show.

First off I thought the crowd was going to be small, but by the time the band started I would say it was sold out. Next, the sound was really good, I was 10' from the soundboard. I could hear all the instruments and the bass rumbled the floor, loved it. The loudness was perfect, JP's guitar had a great sound!. The video and light show were amazing IMO, such a perfect match. I've seen 100's of concerts and I just loved the light show, everything reminded me of seeing Rush, not a bad thing.

The crowd was really into the show from the start until the end, I only noticed some people go get drinks when Along For The Ride started, which amazed me, but not a lot of people. I was really watching the bands interaction and enjoyment level. At first I wasn't sure, but then they really seemed to be enjoying themselves, the show and the crowd. James seemed to ramble quite a bit between songs, more than usual IMO. They just seemed into it and made some fun of Riverside, James had me laughing!

I have to say I wasn't sure about the setlist, especially the 3rd set/encores. I guess I've been burned out on SFAM for a while now and Space Dye Vest I thought would be a snore. And set 2 had me a bit concerned, all these turned out to be wrong. The first set went as expected, awesome and I loved Trial of Tears, hell all of the songs  The video between the 1st and 2nd sets was amazing, so Rush like, but yet different. All the ways they poked fun of themselves, it's a classic. It had me laughing for 9 minutes.

When they started the second set I couldn't remember the song names or order at first, but The Mirror and Lie just kicked some ass. After those two James made a comment like "I think I'm getting a contact high up here". People were seriously smoking some pot by now and a big cloud of smoke hung in the venue. Then James made a comment about the first two songs along the line of "If those two songs don't get the blood pumping through your veins you're already dead!" LOL Then they played Scarred and Space Dye Vest, I have always loved Scarred, but SDV live blew me away, the videos on YouTube don't do it justice! Illumination Theory sure didn't seem 22 minutes long, it just flowed and seemed over before it started compared to TOT and Scarred that actually seemed their length.

The first two sets are done and now time for SFAM encores, 4 songs. James comes out and talked about some special things going on, I can't remember, I think I had a contact high at this point, ok I did! LOL The third thing he mentioned was it was MM's birthday, I thought that was so cool. JP, JM and JR played Happy B-Day and the crew brought a cake out, cool!

Now the part I was dreading and I was ready to leave, but I have to say those four songs and probably my favorite of the album and just blew me away, they sounded so good we stayed until the last drop. I had forgotten all the songs because I hadn't looked at a setlist in a few months, thankfully.

Overall I think the show was flawless, tight, sounded great, the band was really into it and I think they'll be back to Riverside again. I give it a 9 out of 10, only because of the douche bag that was across the aisle from me that was so high he kept screaming, running in the aisles, had to high five everyone that walked by him. He looked like a zoned out zombie, dude you're tool! I took a friend with me who had never seen DT but loves their music and he was blown away, we'll be back.

PS: I love Mangini in the band!!!



Absolutely phenomenal concert. My first DT show and I was absolutely astounded as to how amazing they are live. The sound was great, besides the keyboard being a bit loud in places, the setlist was excellent for the most part and they were all in top form. The interaction they were having was amazing and they all seemed really happy and truly enjoying themselves. James did some talking before OtBoA and LSOAD and he seemed way more comfortable as a showman than he used to I think. Also, James was ON. FIRE. Holy shit he sounds absolutely incredible right now. The SFAM encore had the whole crowd singing and jumping like crazy. It was such a perfect night. I also met them before the show and I caught one of JP's picks!!! My first DT concert and absolutely the best concert I've ever seen. Really hope they come to Florida soon so I can see them again without having to travel across the country!



Thoughts on Riverside:

•   My 38th show – 3rd row, right side of orchestra. 

•   DT's first time playing in Riverside, and they rocked with enthusiasm and vigor.  Such a great experience.  Not only was my hotel a block away from the venue, it had to be one of the most visually interesting and historic places I've ever stayed. It was a former missionary, with turrets, clock towers, and many stylish nooks and crannies.  I hope the band got to stay at this place too, they would have enjoyed it, seeing as they experience very little of the places they travel.

•   Riverside sounded much better than the Boston show.  I suppose that the Boston Opera House's amazing acoustics are designed for projection of the performers, thus (perhaps) making JP's guitars much too loud for that venue.  In Riverside, the band sounded much more crisp and even.

•   There was a setlist alteration, albeit a very minor one.  Jordan and JP played a duet of "happy birthday" in celebration of Mangini's birthday, with James leading the crowd in song.  The cake looked damn good too.  (Hope they don't get sacked with paying royalties for use of the happy birthday song, lol!)

•   The security were ALL OVER folks taking pictures and videos during first two songs.  Crawling through rows in front of people to stop fans from taping.  Finally, someone in charge must have given the clear, because the security guard walks up to us with a message on his phone:  "OK TO VIDEO" And video they did.

•   Venue didn't have ear protection.  OH NO!!  Girls in the box office gave me sneering looks for asking.  I asked a nice usher lady, but she confirmed she didn't have any either. I finally took a long shot and asked the t-shirt vendor.  He searched his personal bag and found some, and he sold some to me for $2.  $2 for my hearing, yep that's still a bargain.

•   I was in third row, but it felt like 1st row, thanks for the parents who brought their kids and sat down the entire show in the first and second rows!

•   JP took full use of stage extension on my side and I hope to have some rawking pictures up here soon.


Quote from: RaiseTheKnife on April 21, 2014, 02:21:30 AM

Thoughts on Riverside:

•   My 38th show – 3rd row, right side of orchestra. 

•   DT's first time playing in Riverside, and they rocked with enthusiasm and vigor.  Such a great experience.  Not only was my hotel a block away from the venue, it had to be one of the most visually interesting and historic places I've ever stayed. It was a former missionary, with turrets, clock towers, and many stylish nooks and crannies.  I hope the band got to stay at this place too, they would have enjoyed it, seeing as they experience very little of the places they travel.

•   Riverside sounded much better than the Boston show.  I suppose that the Boston Opera House's amazing acoustics are designed for projection of the performers, thus (perhaps) making JP's guitars much too loud for that venue.  In Riverside, the band sounded much more crisp and even.

•   There was a setlist alteration, albeit a very minor one.  Jordan and JP played a duet of "happy birthday" in celebration of Mangini's birthday, with James leading the crowd in song.  The cake looked damn good too.  (Hope they don't get sacked with paying royalties for use of the happy birthday song, lol!)

•   The security were ALL OVER folks taking pictures and videos during first two songs.  Crawling through rows in front of people to stop fans from taping.  Finally, someone in charge must have given the clear, because the security guard walks up to us with a message on his phone:  "OK TO VIDEO" And video they did.

•   Venue didn't have ear protection.  OH NO!!  Girls in the box office gave me sneering looks for asking.  I asked a nice usher lady, but she confirmed she didn't have any either. I finally took a long shot and asked the t-shirt vendor.  He searched his personal bag and found some, and he sold some to me for $2.  $2 for my hearing, yep that's still a bargain.

•   I was in third row, but it felt like 1st row, thanks for the parents who brought their kids and sat down the entire show in the first and second rows!

•   JP took full use of stage extension on my side and I hope to have some rawking pictures up here soon.
During the ending of FF when JP was on the extension of the stage on that side a small crowd was gathering at his feet. I was 7 rows back (Which was still REALLY close. I couldn't believe it) so I went up to join and ended up standing on the stairs of the stage about 5 feet from Petrucci  :hefdaddy

Also, the highlights of the show were absolutely Breaking All Illusions, Lie, Space Dye Vest, Illumination Theory, and Finally Free. BAI was incredible live. Lie fucking SLAYED. SDVest translated very well live and the mood and lighting was glorious. IT was a lot more powerful live than I had anticipated. It didn't seem very energetic from videos I was seeing honestly. And FF (the whole SFAM suite really) was the perfect end to that concert. Got the crowd really moving and FF was just the cherry on top. Took the show out amazingly. Nothing will beat this concert, and I've seen "The Wall" live with Roger Waters twice.


If anyone that went to Riverside I've made a 2 dvd set of the show. Not all the songs in Riverside were recorded so I added the missing ones from either LA or SF. I edited all the files so the sound level is consistent from the different sources. If interested just contact me.


I obviously wasn't there, but I would still enjoy watching it!