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Seriously Cool Pictures

Started by Orbert, January 31, 2014, 11:51:55 AM

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I worked for the airline industry for 10 years, and airplanes still hold a certain fascination for me.  This is the Airbus A380-800, the largest commercial airliner in the world.  Seating capacity varies depending upon configuration (all economy, three cabin, etc.) but with a full-length upper deck, all configurations seat well over 500 passengers.  It is said to be eerily quiet on board, due to both superior sound insulation and the fact that when you're upstairs, you're so far away from the engines.

How big is it?  This is an Airbus A380 on a taxiway which crosses over the German Autobahn.  Compare the size of the engines with, for example, one of the tanker trucks in the foreground.  They're bigger.  Now consider that this guy has four of them.

(Click on pictures for larger views)



Jesus eff that's awesome!!

Thanks to my dad's highly extensive air time, he's accumulated some pretty awesome miles for some really great flights on some superb airliners, but that thing is seriously tits. SRSLY. TTZ.


I actually saw one on Frankfurt airport when my plane was taxing out on the runway. I didin't think much about it until I started to compare it with the other planes and saw how freakin huge it was. I started looking in the brochure over all the Lufthansa jets and saw that they had a couple of A380s so I realized it actually was an A380-800 I was looking at. Never thought I would see one in real life.


That plane looks amazing. Shame I can't really afford to travel like that. :sadpanda:

Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on May 10, 2023, 05:59:19 PMAriich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
Quote from: TAC on December 21, 2023, 06:05:15 AMI be am boner inducing.


Quote from: ariich on March 29, 2014, 01:35:32 PM
That plane looks amazing. Shame I can't really afford to travel like that. :sadpanda:
You can end up on one on certain routes with a regular coach ticket.

My parents' house is below the approach for JFK airport, and they pass ~1000 feet overhead regularly.  Quite a sight in the air.


Space Shuttle/International Space Station transiting the sun


^^The seize of the sun is such an abstract thing to comprehend and the sun is not even the seize of a grit compared to the measurements found in the universe.

Er Wang Dong cave in China:


Man, that's freaky cool.  I giant hole in the Earth that you can go into and walk around in.  You could probably yell and get some awesome echoes, too.  What can I say?  That's one of the things that comes to mind when I see caves.  :P


A guy walking along the edge of a cliff.

Ha ha, fooled you!  Look again.  It's actually a guy walking along the edge of a pool of very clear, very still water.  The "shadow" is actually his reflection.

By the way, screech owls have awesome camouflage.

Pictures stolen from this place


Supercell in Wyoming

Apparently they had one hell of a storm the other day.  Some people took pictures.  Click to embiggen.



What I like about these shots is that they're way out in the open plains, where there's nothing but open plains.  The scale of the storm itself is hard to grasp, because it's several miles away and there's nothing to compare it to.  In that second shot, there's a small clump of trees, but if you zoom in, you see that they're way in the foreground.  Still it throws the scale off.


Another "Nature is awesome, especially when you can view it from far away and see a lot more" picture.


City of Peace - diamond "capital" of Russia, located in Yakutia (Sakha) Yakutsk.  Click pictures to biggify.

From 1957 to 2001 the deposit produced diamonds which were valued at U.S. $17 billion, from about 350 million m3 of rock removed.
Over the years the quarry has expanded so that the dump trucks now travel 8 km along the spiral road from the bottom to the surface.

The website is in Russian, but there's ton of pictures, not only the area, but the mining and diamond processing operations.


Awesome photos!

Damn that's a big hole! Those over top pictures can never justify the seize of that hole though, you kind of get a sense when you see the last picture.


Deep-sea divers found this ancient structure, with weird growths on it, and...

Oh okay, fine, it's not that at all.  This is a high-resolution photograph of a snowflake, magnified 50,000 times.

It just blows me away that there are these tiny, tiny structures, perfectly formed, and on them, what looks like little bits of dirt and dust.  So obviously that stuff is even tinier.  Click on it.  Be amazed at the detail.  I dare you.



Wow that's amazing. It looks so constructed with that shape and form. Very cool stuff.


So it's been kinda stormy lately.  Click pictures to biggify.

From here


Orbert, you are owning this thread.


Took that picture the other day when I was in Maine. I love how you can see the indentation of the water under each leg.


Quote from: Orbert on July 07, 2014, 10:47:38 AM
So it's been kinda stormy lately.  Click pictures to biggify.

Love this one!


Quote from: rumborak on July 07, 2014, 11:42:13 AM

Took that picture the other day when I was in Maine. I love how you can see the indentation of the water under each leg.

Surface tension is so cool.  Insects have it figured out.


Quote from: Orbert on July 07, 2014, 10:47:38 AM
So it's been kinda stormy lately.  Click pictures to biggify.

From here

HOLY SHIT that is awesome.





When I see those pics - all I think is - rather you than me bub ! :lol


Frank Sinatra stepping out of his helicopter, drink in hand, looking seriously cool.

I'm quite sure that I will never be this cool.


Seriously. That's almost not fair.

