Opinions that are held by the majority you don't agree with.. .

Started by Kotowboy, March 30, 2014, 07:38:41 PM

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Such as " Life Of Brian is the best Monty Python film ". When I think that Holy Grail is vastly superior.

" Load & Reload are shit " - when they both have great songs and a small amount of weaker songs. I wouldn't class anything on either album as "shit".

" Matrix 3 is the worst Matrix movie ". I watched all 3 movies back to back recently and still believe that Reloaded adds virtually nothing to

the overall story.

Care to contribute ?


"Metallica > Megadeth" I like Megadeth a hell of a lot more than Metallica...

"Reign In Blood is the best slayer album" I'm a fan of Slayer, but I've never been crazy about Reign In Blood and it wouldn't even make my top 5 for Slayer albums.

"Danzig (singer) > Graves; the Misfits > Danzig (Band)"  I actually prefer Michale Graves to Glenn Danzig when it comes to the Misfits... but oddly enough, I like the band Danzig more than the Misfits as a whole, regardless of the singer.

Tom Bombadil

I hate the band Queen and think Freddie Mercury has an annoying as hell voice.


El Barto

Quote from: Kotowboy on March 30, 2014, 08:14:33 PM
Quote from: Tom Bombadil on March 30, 2014, 08:06:40 PM
I hate the band Queen and think Freddie Mercury has an annoying as hell voice.

Wow !
I hated Queen for the longest time, and still can't stand their studio material. It's only the early live stuff that's good (but it's ungodly good).

Images and Words is DT's worst album. I listen to FiI and WDaDU more than I listen to I&W.


I think Nirvana and and Radiohead are pretty overrated. Not bad, just overrated.

Tom Bombadil

The King in Crimson

"2001 is Kubrick's best movie and a cinematic masterpiece." 2001: A Space Odyssey is boring as all fuck.  I find it to be a snooze-fest interspersed with some moments of absolute brilliance.  Kubrick directs the hell out of it, but all the slow-motion scenes of monkeys beating rocks or spaceships spinning to classical music is the cinematic equivalent to jerking off on the Mona Lisa.

"House is a great show!" Ugh. House is a really terrible show. If it didn't have Hugh Laurie it would be rightfully derided as the awful medical drama that it is. Many people seem to love it for some reason and my opinion is usually met with a 'Really?!'

"Half-Life 2 is better than Half-Life." I loves me some HL2, but, aside from the physics engine, it's not nearly as groundbreaking or interesting as HL was and that's even including the nauseating Xen levels.

"Quantum of Solace is a terrible Bond movie." No. Quantum of Solace is a different Bond movie. It's not as great as Casino Royale but I maintain that it's still a pretty good movie. The action scenes are a little... overdone and the villain is a bit lacking but it's still a good movie. Certainly not the worst Bond film.


Quote from: Kotowboy on March 30, 2014, 07:38:41 PM
Such as " Life Of Brian is the best Monty Python film ". When I think that Holy Grail is vastly superior.

Is that an England thing?  I'm pretty sure most Americans prefer Holy Grail as well, because I would be surprised if I heard someone say Life of Brian was their best.



"The Shining is the scariest/best horror movie ever."

I covered this in the movie thread a little while ago, but I personally think The Shining is pretty pathetic. 

"Leo DiCaprio is an excellent actor."

Don't get me wrong, I like Leo.  But the internet's recent obsession with him having never won an Academy Award is a little baffling to me.  He's consistently a very good actor, but I've never really been blown away by any of his performances, and I'm not sure I would give him any Oscars if it was up to me.

"The Star Wars prequels suck."

I think they're great movies.  They have their weaknesses, certainly, but on the whole, I enjoy them all. 

"The Twilight series are some of the (best/worst) books ever."

In my experience, Twilight is extremely polarizing; it seems like everyone either loves it or hates it, with very little middle ground.  Personally, I don't understand the hype, but I don't understand the hate, either.  Granted, I've only read the first book, and I haven't seen any of the movies, so maybe I'm not the best judge.  But I enjoyed the book I did read.  It wasn't amazing, but it wasn't awful, either. 

"Dan Brown is a terrible writer."

I love Dan Brown.  Sure, his books aren't literary masterpieces, but they always entertain the hell out of me. 

"The Catcher in the Rye is amazing."

The Catcher in the Rye is honestly one of the least enjoyable books I've ever read.  Finishing it was a supreme chore for me; I don't like leaving a book unfinished once I've started it, but I really had to force myself to keep going with this one. 

"Nirvana sucks."  (This isn't really a majority opinion overall, but on a lot of websites [including this one] it's common enough that it feels like a consensus.)

I count Nirvana among my all-time favorite bands.

"Nickelback sucks."

I like Nickelback.  I do understand some of the criticisms they get, but I feel like the whole thing is massively overblown.  I don't love them, but I think they've got some pretty good songs.

"Metallica's last really good album was ... And Justice For All."

I personally like all of Metallica's albums.  Granted, St. Anger is my least favorite, but even that has some awesome songs on it.  Meanwhile, Load is one of my favorite Metallica albums, and the Black Album is fantastic, too. 

"Bacon is wonderful/amazing/the best thing in the history of things/etc."

Bacon's pretty good, but I really wouldn't care if I never got to eat it again.

"Internet Explorer sucks."

I use it without any problems.  *shrug*

El Barto

Quote from: Dr. DTVT on March 30, 2014, 08:51:18 PM
Quote from: Kotowboy on March 30, 2014, 07:38:41 PM
Such as " Life Of Brian is the best Monty Python film ". When I think that Holy Grail is vastly superior.

Is that an England thing?  I'm pretty sure most Americans prefer Holy Grail as well, because I would be surprised if I heard someone say Life of Brian was their best.
I've always thought TLoB was their best work. I'd rank Holy Grail 3rd, in fact. Fantastic film, but a little too silly for my taste.

Shadow Ninja 2.0


With regards to Twilight, I too think it is merely average. What I imagine bothers most people about it is that such mediocrity is adored.


Quote from: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on March 30, 2014, 09:36:06 PM

With regards to Twilight, I too think it is merely average. What I imagine bothers most people about it is that such mediocrity is adored.

I do understand that.  And for what it's worth, the Twilight phenomenon got on my nerves in ways, too - for a while there, the teen section of every bookstore was dominated by vampire stories, and it seemed like pop culture in general was drowning in vampires.  That trend pretty much started with Twilight, and it was extremely annoying. 

So when people say that they're sick of Twilight, I get it.  What I don't get is when people act like Twilight is an insult to fiction and Stephenie Meyer should be crucified for being so terribly awful at writing. 


"Creed Sucks" - I'm saying this with my love of Mark Tremonti removed....I always like Creed, and I always felt that this opinion, and knowing everyone is entitled, was a fad that was berthed from a few negative comments such as "Pearl James wannabes" or "Jesus posers", and it became cool to make fun of them. I have always rolled my eyes at this because most of the time people who have said this never gave me a legitimate reason. Those who gave a detailed reason, like "their music is too power balladery and overwrought for my taste", it didn't bother me too much. I also always wondered, this is a rock band who sold 60 million record worldwide and people claimed they hated them and never buy their music: In the words of Jim Gaffigan "I'm not a calculus teacher, but I think everyone is lying!" This band wrote beautiful passages that I enjoyed, and some of the most beautiful pieces of music Mark Tremonti ever wrote were Creed songs, like "Wash Away Those Years", "Faceless Man", and "Who's Got My Back?" I also feel like Scott Stapp was an underrated lyricist. I also hated how people labeled them a Christian rock act when the lyrics said otherwise.

Harry Potter movies - Those movies have incredible art direction and music....and that's basically all that I can say about them. I find no merit sans maybe Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire. These movies contained some of the most bi-polar storytelling and story flow I have witnessed in any blockbuster franchise. It was like the writers were like "We want to write about Harry confronting fear and finding inner strength...but the fans love these other scenes so lets just throw them in there to appease the fans." It always bothered me when I get invested into the story then suddenly I get transitioned into moments that has nothing to do with the plot and it throws me off. Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson bothered me on screen to no end. I always looked forward to Rupert Grint appearances because out of the three kids, he knew how to create a character, and not just saying lines without conviction or overreacting (Emma...tone it down, girl). The Harry Potter movies is the most overrated movie franchise as far as I'm concerned. And the bad part is I wanted to love these movies because the look of the films are just so damn good


Quote from: The King in Crimson on March 30, 2014, 08:46:15 PM
"Half-Life 2 is better than Half-Life." I loves me some HL2, but, aside from the physics engine, it's not nearly as groundbreaking or interesting as HL was and that's even including the nauseating Xen levels.
I guess a large chunk may feel that but I don't think the majority favors HL2. Dosen't really matter though, I hear you and agree fully. I still dig HL2 with it's episodes though.

Quote from: Jaffa on March 30, 2014, 09:21:50 PM

"Nickelback sucks."

I like Nickelback.  I do understand some of the criticisms they get, but I feel like the whole thing is massively overblown.  I don't love them, but I think they've got some pretty good songs.
:tup I'm not a big follower but they do actually write good riffs and songs. The drum intro to Follow you home is sweet.


Quote from: kotowboy" Matrix 3 is the worst Matrix movie ". I watched all 3 movies back to back recently and still believe that Reloaded adds virtually nothing to

the overall story.
Agree. Aside from the Architect, and some other stuff, the rest is fighting sequence after fighting sequence, which gets annoying. Still the third is nowhere near the first one.

Quote"House is a great show!" Ugh. House is a really terrible show. If it didn't have Hugh Laurie it would be rightfully derided as the awful medical drama that it is. Many people seem to love it for some reason and my opinion is usually met with a 'Really?!'
House was a really enjoyable show for three seasons, and then it spiralled down quickly and crashed, so I agree on everything post 3rd, but before it was the only medical drama show I could watch.

The Shining as a movie isn't great, but the book scared the crap out of me back in the day. Reading it alone in a hotel room at 13 years old clearly helped though. :lol

The Star Wars prequels, the first one is ok, the second is good and the third is very good. Could've been done better but still very enjoyable movies.

I hate Twilight so I can't agree on that. :lol

Dan Brown wrote one book, Angels & Demons which not great but very enjoyable but the DaVinci Code is basically the same argument, something I found incredibly lame.


Agree on Harry Potter movies. The books are ok, but most of the movies were very poor on the argument and acting. Never could understand the choice of what scenes include and what not.

My turn now!

"Bond movies are great" I never could understood the hype for James Bond. Nor can I understand how that guy can be considered a spy, all he is missing is having a Facebook account where he can put on his wall what he's doing. As silly action movies they are ok though.


Quote from: Dr. DTVT on March 30, 2014, 08:51:18 PM
Quote from: Kotowboy on March 30, 2014, 07:38:41 PM
Such as " Life Of Brian is the best Monty Python film ". When I think that Holy Grail is vastly superior.

Is that an England thing?  I'm pretty sure most Americans prefer Holy Grail as well, because I would be surprised if I heard someone say Life of Brian was their best.
I prefer Life of Brian by quite a bit personally, but I do notice Holy Grail is a lot more popular in North America.


Quote from: Tom Bombadil on March 30, 2014, 08:06:40 PM
I hate the band Queen and think Freddie Mercury has an annoying as hell voice.

My word!!

Generally I don't have a problem with opinion that goes against the grain of public consensus. You like what you like.

What really fries my bacon though is when public consensus (i.e. the vast majority or people) hold opinions that fly in the face of empirical evidence. That's bad enough, but when you point out that their opinion is factually wrong and unfounded, somehow it's the wrong thing to do.


Quote"Bacon is wonderful/amazing/the best thing in the history of things/etc."

Bacon's pretty good, but I really wouldn't care if I never got to eat it again.

:clap: I don't get the hype for it either.



-Bacon is good, but it's not the greatest thing ever.

-Dogs are more annoying than anything.  Many bark too much, they smell (almost everyone I know who owns a dog, their house always smells like dog), and too many of them are unnecessarily aggressive.

-Peanut butter tastes disgusting and looks like someone took a shit in a jar.

-Porcupine Tree's The Incident is better than Fear of a Blank Planet.


Quote from: KevShmev on March 31, 2014, 06:19:25 AM
-Bacon is good, but it's not the greatest thing ever.
I don't think the majority of people do think that way anyway.


Quote from: snapple on March 31, 2014, 05:44:33 AM
Cats are dumb, worthless animals.

You mis-spelled "dogs" and forgot : stupid, lazy and needy.


Quote from: KevShmev on March 31, 2014, 06:19:25 AM
-Bacon is good, but it's not the greatest thing ever √ :)

-Dogs are more annoying than anything.  Many bark too much, they smell (almost everyone I know who owns a dog, their house always smells like dog), and too many of them are unnecessarily aggressive. √√ :)

-Porcupine Tree's The Incident is better than Fear of a Blank Planet. Now Wait a minute man ! 😂😂


Quote from: jsem on March 31, 2014, 06:37:37 AM
Quote from: KevShmev on March 31, 2014, 06:19:25 AM
-Bacon is good, but it's not the greatest thing ever.
I don't think the majority of people do think that way anyway.

I just came in to post about the bacon thing myself, yeah. It's pretty tasty, sure, but only in small amounts.

My other non-majority opinion: While I can see Jimi Hendrix' role in music history, I actually don't think his guitar playing was all that great. And his singing was Bob Dylan level.


Quote from: Kotowboy on March 31, 2014, 06:54:00 AM
Quote from: snapple on March 31, 2014, 05:44:33 AM
Cats are dumb, worthless animals.

You mis-spelled "dogs" and forgot : stupid, lazy and needy.

I actually train my dogs. My dog does a full perimeter check every morning when she wakes up and every night before she goes to bed. She sits on command, drops whatever is in her mouth on command, is submissive on command and all sorts of other commands. If she hears a door open late at night (we live in a house that was changed to apartments) when she knows that everyone is home, she wakes me up  and goes to stand in front of our door and growls. She also cuddles, is very good with kids, and also is currently being trained to be a therapy dog. Oh, she's only 1 year old as well.

So yes, very stupid, lazy and needy.


To touch on the dog thing again, many dog owners would protest about their houses smelling like dog, but I would submit that it is like cigarette smokers: they are used to the smell that they don't even notice it anymore. 


Quote from: KevShmev on March 31, 2014, 07:15:21 AM
To touch on the dog thing again, many dog owners would protest about their houses smelling like dog, but I would submit that it is like cigarette smokers: they are used to the smell that they don't even notice it anymore.

I'm aware of the dog smell. It can come out, though. We use that carpet powder stuff every time we vacuum to hopefully negate that.


I don't think it is even a matter of it just being in the carpet; it's the natural smell of a dog.  I have a relative who has all hardwood floors in his house and it always smells like dog.


Quote from: KevShmev on March 31, 2014, 07:17:51 AM
I don't think it is even a matter of it just being in the carpet; it's the natural smell of a dog.  I have a relative who has all hardwood floors in his house and it always smells like dog.

I guess it's okay to just not-like the smell of a dog. Maybe you have a very mild allergy.


That Avatar is just "Ferngully in Space" or "Dances With Wolves with Blue People".

Fuck off.


Quote from: Chino on March 31, 2014, 07:19:42 AM
That Avatar is just "Ferngully in Space" or "Dances With Wolves with Blue People".

Fuck off.

But it is :)


Quote from: snapple on March 31, 2014, 07:18:43 AM
Quote from: KevShmev on March 31, 2014, 07:17:51 AM
I don't think it is even a matter of it just being in the carpet; it's the natural smell of a dog.  I have a relative who has all hardwood floors in his house and it always smells like dog.

I guess it's okay to just not-like the smell of a dog. Maybe you have a very mild allergy.


Where did I say have allergy problems with dogs? 


Quote from: KevShmev on March 31, 2014, 07:21:50 AM
Quote from: snapple on March 31, 2014, 07:18:43 AM
Quote from: KevShmev on March 31, 2014, 07:17:51 AM
I don't think it is even a matter of it just being in the carpet; it's the natural smell of a dog.  I have a relative who has all hardwood floors in his house and it always smells like dog.

I guess it's okay to just not-like the smell of a dog. Maybe you have a very mild allergy.


Where did I say have allergy problems with dogs?

You didn't. I inferred. I've met people who get bothered by dog smells a lot, and it turns out they have allergies. No reason to get upset.